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“A study of the relevance of data

mining in the field of human resource

at Beacon Hr Point”

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History data mining in the field of human resource

Data mining refers to analyzing huge amounts of

information and data to create a new piece of
information. Data mining can be a fundamental
procedure in the Human Resources department to
overcome quickly developing challenges.
 Human resource is a department that manages manpower, labor, and
quality of a person, personnel, and people. The person who is in the
human resource department conducted recruitment, selection
(interviews, receiving applications, screening of applications,
employment test, checking references, physical examination, etc.),
training, and many more.
 Data and information have a crucial role in human activities. As a
newborn baby takes its first step exactly the same data mining is the
first step of human resources. Data mining is a finding process by
analyzing a large volume of data from various sources and then
summarizing it into useful information. Data mining applications have
enriched the various fields of human life including business, education,
medical records, scientific projects, etc. Hence, this paper discusses
the various improvements in the field of data mining from the past to
the present and to forecasts future trends.
 Gbefah et al. (2022) the investigation showed that data mining has an effect on dependent
measures. The study came to the conclusion that data mining has a positive, significant
effect on the growth of industrial enterprises in Rivers State, Nigeria.
 Anand et al. (2020) the goal of the study is an intuitive and effective way to forecast and
assess the state of many atmospheric factors globally. Over the initial collective data that are
in their raw format, the approach does the extrication transformation load. In order to create
a dashboard with various information displays on it, the transformed information sets are
imported into the database. The developed degradation forecasting and evaluation can be
utilized to assess the atmospheric attribute situations in various nations throughout the
 MURENZI et al. (2020) in this study, we will build binary classifiers based on machine and
deep learning models on actual data to estimate the probability of loan default. By
evaluating the performance of the classifiers on different sets of data, the key features from
these models are chosen and used in the modeling process to assess the stability of the
classifiers. Following data analysis and data visualization, we utilized a variety of models,
such as decision trees, random forests, and logistic regression, to truly compare the
performance of the best predictors in this situation.
 Saura, Sanchez, Griloet al (2019) the major goal of this study is to pinpoint
the essential parts of User Generated Content (UGC) on the social media
platform Twitter for the development of successful businesses as well as to
identify components for long-term startups and business models. The findings
of this study can be used by academics and professionals alike to develop and
implement effective startup business models.
 Dam, Dinh, Menvielleet al(2019) With the help of big data mining, this study
intends to speed the digital transition by using marketing intelligence.
Marketing-specific implementations of relevant data mining techniques have
been found. The report's conclusion offers a classification of each element of
marketing intelligence using pertinent mining models and methods.
 Data mining has a bright future in the HRM
industry. The usage of data mining techniques
helps with management and policy formation in a
good way. Combining data mining techniques with
some optimization techniques to increase
classification and prediction accuracy is a current
research focus.

1. To study the recruitment process of beacon hr point.
2. To analyze the manpower requirements by top
companies using data mining
3. To develop skills related to data mining.
 Research design:
A descriptive research design is being followed to conduct this
 Anand, J. V. (2020). A methodology of atmospheric deterioration forecasting and
evaluation through data mining and business intelligence. Journal of Ubiquitous
Computing and Communication Technologies (UCCT), 2(02), 79-87.
 Dam, N. A. K., Le Dinh, T., & Menvielle, W. (2019). Marketing Intelligence from
Data Mining Perspective. International Journal of Innovation, Management and
Technology, 10(5), 184-190.
COMPANIES IN RIVERS STATE. BW Academic Journal, 6-6.
 Murenzi, J. (2020). Predictive model for loan using data mining techniques case
study: business development fund (Doctoral dissertation, University of Rwanda).
 Saura, J. R., Palos-Sanchez, P., & Grilo, A. (2019). Detecting indicators for startup
business success: Sentiment analysis using text data mining. Sustainability, 11(3),

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