Bac 31 - Pointers

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BAC 31

1. It is an organization’s ability to retain its employees.

2. Reasons as of why employees leave?
3. Any instance in which an employee actively chooses to leave.
4. Can be defined as incitement or inducement to fulfill an action
5. Objectives of employee retention.
6. A process, in which the resources are motivated and encouraged to stay in
an organization for a longer period of time
7. When an employer chooses to terminate an employee or remove them
permanently from the group in question
8. Reasons as of why employees get fired?
9. What are the direct cost of a company?
10. Goals of compensation.
11. Sets up specific pay levels for particular jobs
12. Looks at the pay throughout the industry for a certain job title
13. Gives maximum flexibility for managers to pay what they think someone
should earn.
14. People will evaluate their own satisfaction with their compensation by
comparing it to others’ compensation.
15. People will put in only as much work as they expect to receive in rewards.
16.  If high performance is followed by a reward, high performance is likely to
happen in the future.
17. Allows the insured to see any doctor and submit reimbursement after a
18. Restricts employees to certain doctors and facilities and may require a
copayment and/or deductibles.
19. Similar to the hmo but allows for more flexibility in which providers the
employee can see.
20. A benefit in which employees receive a percentage of profit the
organization earns. 
21.  Plans in which employees can purchase stock or are granted stock and
become an owner in the organization.
22. Can come in the form of holidays, vacation time, and sick leave.
23. Where your employees are well informed and all the functions run
smoothly in the organization.
24. Why is it important to improve employee communication?
25. Tips to improve employee communication?
26. Has been a top-down process where management creates policies,
procedures, etc. And they are circulated amongst the employees.
27. Instant messaging for their daily communications and messaging is the
speed of communication and the ability to communicate with everyone in the
organization at the same time.
28. Very powerful tool of communication and enables your employees to stay
in touch with whatever that is happening within the organization even if they
work far from you.
29. How to achieve an effective workplace communication? What are the
strtegies for effective workplace communication?
1. Employee retention
2. Job is not what the employee expected to be, job and responsibilities
mismatch, no growth opportunities, lack of appreciation, lack of trust and
support in coworkers, seniors and management, stress from overwork and
work life imbalance, compensation, new job offers
3. Voluntary turnover
4. Motivation
5. To attract, hire, and retain the right resources.
6. Employee retention
7. Involuntary turnover
8. Poor performance, toxic behavior
9. Every task associated with attraction, recruitment, selection, and
onboarding costs such as screening, interviewing, and training.
10. Attract and retain people
11. Pay grade system
12. Going rate system
13. Management fit
14. Equity theory
15. Expectancy theory
16. Reinforcement theory
17. Fee-based plan
18. Hmo plan
19. Ppo plan
20. Profit sharing
21. Stock ownership plans
22. Paid time off
23. Effective communication
24. To avoid misunderstanding in the workplace which may lead to worst
case scenarious such as employees leaving the company. For the success of
the company because employees play a big role in ones business and also to
know them well enough about their perceptions.
25. Communicate with clarity. Set the tone. Know your employees. Use
multiple channels. Measure the effectiveness
26. Traditional methods
27. Email
28. Cell phones and social media
29. Give your undivided attention and maintain eye contact.
Take time to listen. Be mindful of how you’re communicating where body
language and tonality contribute heavily. Follow up in writing. Inform and
inspire where your communication efforts inspire your team as much as they
educate them.

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