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Name: Federic Dave F.

Frugalidad BAT-2A July 31, 2022

Print and answer this survey . Make a summary of your result . After which, upload it in
this classroom. Be honest in answering the checklist.

Based on the assessment the multiple intelligence checklists I excel the most in the area
of intrapersonal and bodily-kinaesthetic. I considered these two personalities as being
authentic to my own personality since I enjoyed having adventures in life and making lots of
new friends. I additionally enjoy learning new things that I really don't know so that I can
expand my knowledge and abilities. I've been able to recognize my weaknesses as a student
and the settings in which I study most since of my intrapersonal intelligence. First, I need to
understand myself in order to be the best student I can be. The realization of various
intelligences has changed how I see myself. It has helped me in a number of ways, including by
enabling me to see my weaknesses and assets. The ability to manipulate items and apply a
variety of physical skills is another aspect of bodily kinesthetic intelligence. I can create a plan in
my head using this intelligence, which I can attribute to my experience in sports and survival.
While in the intelligent check list there are two intelligence that may I lacking of and it has a 4
points or percent only the linguistic and the spatial.

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