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LINGHON BSCE 3B September 2022

(GE703 – ETHICS)

1. Discuss the foundation of ethics as a critical discipline.

- Ethics is the examination of morally righteous conduct. These are then utilized as
moral behaviors that are based on standards and serve as useful guidance. So, one
could argue that ethics serves as a foundation for moral behavior's implementation in
daily life.

Moral behavior may need to be updated or modified in various ways. The fact that
there is no clear consensus on the subject of ethics, let alone how it should be applied
to moral behavior, in today's multicultural cultures is the main justification for changing
moral behavior. In order to make sense in these novel settings, we must regularly
consider which behaviors would be preferable.

Since morality and law are not the same thing, ethical standards are nevertheless
necessary even in countries where laws are upheld by civil authorities. We might not
be "moral" in the way that society defines the term even though we strictly ad here to
the law. Even our deepest intentions and purposes, together with deeds we commit
that do not directly damage others, are moral.

2. What is the importance of the assumption that man is free in studying ethics?

- It is crucial that individuals are given the opportunity to study ethics since doing so
can aid them in discovering the significance and goal of their existence. Man has the
chance to engage in self-understanding through freedom in studying ethics. They now
have the ability to assess their decisions in terms of what was right and what was

One can better grasp who they are, what is best for them, and how to get there by
studying ethics. It assists one in critically examining one's own life and assessing
decisions, choices, and behaviour’s. No matter the circumstances, a man creates and
upholds his own personal moral code. You're nothing more than an animal, an object,
or a cuck without your own moral code. Herd morality is the exact reverse of ethics.
You're meant to know what's good and wrong based on an antiquated set of la ws that
the government passed thousands of years ago, or perhaps even just yesterday.

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