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NIM. 1130017090


Nursing Study Program

Diajeng Setiyo Pratiwi1, Uliyatul Laili2, Penguji 3, Penguji4
S1 Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
Lecture Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya,

Menarche is the first bleeding from the uterus that occurs in a woman. Lack of
knowledge about menarche will feel afraid, anxious, shocked, irritable, worried about
himself and think that something bad will happen during menarche. Efforts made to reduce
anxiety include assistance from parents. The purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between parental assistance and the level of anxiety of female adolescents in
facing menarche in seventh grade students at SMPN 40 Surabaya.
The design in this study was cross sectional. The population in this study were 75
students of class VII SMPN 40 Surabaya. The sampling technique used was proportional
stratified random sampling. The independent variable in this study is the role of parental
assistance, while the dependent variable is the anxiety level of young women in facing
menarche. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The data were analyzed
using the Rank Spearmen statistical test with a significance level of a = 0.05.
The results showed that of the 63 respondents, there were 37 students who had a level
of anxiety in the category of no anxiety (58.7%), and (68.2%) students received good
parental assistance, namely as many as 30 students. The Spearman rank test obtained p
value = 0.002 with a significance level of a = 0.05, which means that there is a relationship
between parental assistance and the anxiety level of young women in facing menarche
The conclusion from this research is that there is a relationship between parental
assistance and anxiety levels towards young women in facing menarche at SMPN 40

Keywords: Parental assistance, young women, Menarche

Menarche is the first bleeding from the uterus that occurs in a woman. Lack of
knowledge about menarche will feel afraid, anxious, shocked, irritable, worried about himself
and think that something bad will happen during menarche. Efforts made to reduce anxiety
include assistance from parents. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
between parental assistance and the level of anxiety of female adolescents in facing menarche
in seventh grade students at SMPN 40 Surabaya.
The design in this study was cross sectional. The population in this study were 75
students of class VII SMPN 40 Surabaya. The sampling technique used was proportional
stratified random sampling. The independent variable in this study is the role of parental
assistance, while the dependent variable is the anxiety level of young women in facing
menarche. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using
the Rank Spearmen statistical test with a significance level of a = 0.05.
The results showed that of the 63 respondents, there were 37 students who had a level
of anxiety in the category of no anxiety (58.7%), and (68.2%) students received good parental
assistance, as many as 30 students. The Spearman rank test obtained p value = 0.002 with a
significance level of a = 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between parental
assistance and the anxiety level of young women in facing menarche.
The conclusion from this research is that there is a relationship between parental
assistance and anxiety levels towards young women in facing menarche at SMPN 40

Keywords: Parental assistance, young women, Menarche

According to the Global Report of the previously received health education
World Health Organization (WHO), regarding reproduction, especially
children are considered adolescents when regarding menarche. In fact, there are still
they reach the age of 10-19 years. many young women who lack knowledge
Adolescence is often called adolescence, of menarche, so they feel afraid and
derived from the Latin adolescere which anxious in dealing with menarche.
means "to grow to reach maturity". (Susanti,
Children are considered adults when they Demographic data shows that
are able to reproduce and one of them is adolescents are the largest population of
marked by the first menstruation the earth's population. Global Report
(menarche). (Ali & Asrori, 2012). World Health Organization (WHO) in one
Menarche is the first bleeding from fifth of the world's population are
the uterus that occurs in a woman. adolescents aged 10-19 years, about 900
Menarche consists of shedding of the walls million are in developing countries
of the endometrium as a result of hormonal (Puspita, 2015).
changes. The occurrence of menarche is a The results of the 2014 RISKESDAS
relatively complex process between (Basic Health Research) show that based
genetic factors and external factors. on reports of respondents who have
Menarche age varies for each individual experienced menstruation, the average age
and also the area of residence (Ratna, of menarche in Indonesia is 13 years
2016). Children who do not prepare for (20%) with an earlier incidence at the age
menarche respond to menarche with of less than 9 years. Nationally, the
shock, surprise, fear, and irritability. average age of menarche 13-14 years
Young women who face menarche should occurs in 37.5% of Indonesian children
not be anxious and afraid if they have and there are also those who are just 8
years old who have started their menstrual physically, mentally and psychosocial.
cycle but this number is very small. In East This situation can cause the child not ready
Java, there are 38.9% children who have to accept the arrival of the first
menarche, including 36.5% at the age of menstruation. The further impact of
13-14 years, 2.3% at the age of 9-10 years, unpreparedness to face menarche in young
0.1% at the age of 6-8 years. In Surabaya, women can cause anxiety, will result in
0.1% of young women experience pathological symptoms such as fear,
menarche earlier or menarche here at the anxiety, inner conflicts and other disorders
age of 6-8 years and around 26.3% in the form of dizziness, nausea,
experience menarche at the age of dimenorrhea and irregular menstruation.
approximately 14 years, the remaining Physical problems that may arise from the
73.6% experience menarche over 14 years lack of knowledge are lack of personal
(Puspita, 2015). hygiene so that it can be at risk of urinary
Based on a preliminary study tract infections (UTIs), cervical cancer and
conducted on November 10, 2020 at so on. This of course needs serious
SMPN 40 Surabaya towards 5 attention by providing accurate
respondents, 3 respondents experienced information (Sari, 2019)
anxiety, confusion, tension, fear of leaving Family assistance, especially parents,
the house and fear of other people given to adolescents will reduce this
knowing, shocked, nervous, and insecure anxiety. This is because parents are the
when experiencing Menarche. 2 closest people to adolescents so that
respondents said that beforehand they communication on sensitive matters will
knew what Menarche was from their be more open and adolescents will have a
parents that menstruation is the discharge picture of menarche. Parents play an active
of dirty blood from the vagina. role in knowing the condition of young
The lack of knowledge about women, both physically and
reproduction, especially menstruation in psychologically because of the
young women, is caused by several interdependence of one family member
factors, including the absence of with other family members (eternal Te la,
information. Therefore it needs 2015).
understanding, guidance, assistance from Countermeasures that can be given to
parents and support from the surrounding young women to minimize anxiety in
environment so that adolescents can grow dealing with menarche by providing health
and develop into healthy adults both education about menarche either in the
community or at school. The nurse is a variable in this study is the level of anxiety
health worker who is obliged to provide of young women in facing menarche.
reproductive health information at a The population in this study was 75
growing age. In addition, parental female students who had menarche. The
assistance is needed to provide correct sample size in this study was 63 female
health education about reproductive health, students who had menarche.The sample
especially when children are about to consists of an affordable part of the
experience menarche. Bleeding or population that can be used as research
menstruation events without good subjects through sampling. In this study
information can cause various acidic the sampling technique used probability
psychological changes. Therefore, the role sampling. The method of taking
of parental assistance is needed in proportional stratified random sampling is
providing information about menarche. So when a population consists of units that
that the child will not experience have different or heterogeneous
surprising events in connection with him. characteristics and the population is
Based on the phenomena described in stratified (Notoatmodjo, 2012). After
the background accompanied by related determining the strata randomly or
data, the researchers are interested in randomly. Furthermore, the identity (name
further researching the relationship of the student) is written on a piece of
between the role of parental assistance paper, placed in a box, stirred and taken
and the level of youthfulness in facing randomly by 63 respondents after all of
menarche in seventh grade students of them have been collected (Nursalam,
SMPN 40 Surabaya. 2013). Identities (names of students) that
METHODS have been selected are recorded again to
This type of research is analytic with a be used as samples in the study.
cross sectional approach. This type of After the data was processed, the next
research seeks to aim at analyzing the step was the data analyzed, the analysis
relationship between parental assistance used was the Spearmen Rank statistical
and the level of anxiety in young women. test using the SPSS version 25.0 for
This type of research emphasizes the time windows program with a significant level
of measurement or observation only once, of α = 0.05. If the statistical test results
in the same period (Nursalam, 2013). The show p <α 0.05, the hypothesis is
independent variable in this study is the rejected, which means that there is a
role of parental assistance. The dependent
relationship between the independent and Specific data explain the research
dependent variables. results of the independent variable, the
dependent variable, and the cross
tabulation between the dependent variable
and the dependent variable between
RESULT parental assistance and the level of anxiety
1. General data of young women in dealing with
This general data shows the results of menarche.
the frequency distribution of respondents a. Parental assistance
studied in grade VII students at SMPN 40 From the results of data collection, it
Surabaya based on age. is found that the frequency distribution of
a. Characteristics of respondents based respondents based on parental assistance at
on age. SMPN 40 Surabaya, February 2021 is as
The results of the research on grade follows.
VII students at SMPN 40 Surabaya based Table 5.2 Frequency distribution of
respondents based on parental
on age can be seen in table 5.1 below.
assistance at SMPN 40
Table 5.1 Frequency Distribution of Surabaya, February 2021.
Respondents by Age of Class No. Accompanimen Frequency Percentage
t (%)
VII Students of SMPN 40, 1. Less 19 30.2%
Surabaya, February 2021. 2. Good 44 69.8%
No. age Frequency Percentage amount 63 100.0
(%) Source: Primary data for February 2021
1. 12 19 30.2%
2. 13 39 61.9% Based on the description of table 5.3
3. 14 5 7.9%
amount 63 100.0 above, it shows that of the 63 respondents,
Source: Primary data for February 2021
most respondents (69.8%) received good
Based on the description of table 5.1
parental assistance, namely as many as 44
above, it shows that 63 respondents were
children. According to Boeree (2010)
found, most of the respondents (61.9%)
parental assistance is closely related to
had 13 years of age, namely 39 children.
adolescent perceptions of menarche, good
In accordance with the opinion that more
parental assistance in providing an
children aged 13 years have experienced
understanding of menstruation and its
menarche. Puspita (2015) states that the
problems tends to give young girls a good
average age of menarche is 13 years,
perception of menarche compared to poor
Menarche usually occurs at 12-13 years of
parental assistance.
age in the range of 11-16 years.
b. Anxiety Level
2. Special Data
From the results of data collection, it is Worry Less Good amount
found that the frequency distribution of
N % N % N %
respondents based on the level of anxiety
of young women at SMPN 40 Surabaya, No 7 36.8% 3 68.2% 37 58.7
February 2021 is as follows. 1. Anxiety %
Table 5.3: Frequency distribution of
2 Mild 2 10.5% 8 18.2% 10 15.9
respondents based on the level anxiety %
of anxiety of young girls at
SMPN 40 Surabaya, February 3 Moderate 2 10.5% 3 6.8% 5 7.9%
2021. Anxiety
No. Anxiety Level Frequency Percentage
(%) 4 Severe 7 36.8% 3 6.8% 10 15.9
1. No worries 37 58.7% Anxiety %
2. Mild anxiety 10 15.9%
3. Moderate 5 7.9% Very 1 53.3% 0 0.0% 1 1.6%
anxiety Severe
4. Severe anxiety 10 15.9% 5 Anxiety
5. Great anxiety 1 1.6%
amount 63 100.0
Source: Primary data for February 2021 amount 1 100% 4 100% 63 100%
Based on the description of table 5.3
above, it shows that of the 63 Source: Primary data for February 2021
respondents, it was found that half of the Based on the description of table
respondents (58.7) stated that they had no 5.5 above, it shows that of the 63
anxiety, namely as many as 37 children. respondents there were 37 students who
According to (Irianto, 2014), adolescents had an anxiety level in the category of no
who get correct information about anxiety (58.7%), and (68.2%) students
menstruation will be able to accept received good parental assistance, namely
menarche and be able to accept any 30 students.
changes experienced with a positive DISCUSSION
attitude. On the other hand, adolescents 1. Identification of Parental Assistance
who are not equipped with knowledge The results of the research on parental
about menstruation will feel anxious assistance to SMPN 40 Surabaya students
about the changes experienced and tend to in table 5.3 show that of the 63
be negative. respondents, it was found that most of the
c. Parent Assistance Relationship with respondents had good mentoring, this is
Anxiety Levels indicated by a percentage of (69.8%),
Table 5.4 Cross tabulation between namely 44 children, respondents with
Anxiety Levels and Parental
Assistance in seventh grade assistance less parents, namely as many as
girls at SMPN 40 Surabaya, 19 children (30.2%).
February 2021.
Level Parental Assistance
In accordance with the opinion according to respondents, their parents
(eternal Te la, 2015) parents are the closest said that it is important to maintain genital
people to adolescents so that hygiene when menstruating. Based on the
communication on sensitive matters will results of interviews with seventh grade
be more open and adolescents will have a female respondents at SMPN 40 Surabaya,
picture of menarche. Parents play an active the responses of respondents about
role in knowing the condition of young parental assistance in early menstruation,
women, both physically and namely parents, especially mothers
psychologically because they are accompanying early menstruation,
interdependent from one family member to providing an explanation of early
another. Parental assistance is important in menstruation, explaining how to use
the process of child growth and sanitary napkins, and directing which ones
development, especially during early can be done and what not to do when
adolescence. Through their parents, having menstruation.
adolescents get to know various sexual 2. Identify the level of anxiety
processes that occur in their bodies The results of the study regarding
(Dariyo, 2010). the level of anxiety in young women at
From the results of a research study SMPN 40 Surabaya which are shown in
from Abadi (2015) on 875 female students table 5.4 show that of the 63
subject to parental assistance in grades IV respondents, it was found that half of
and V SD. The results of the n Chi Square the respondents (58.7%) stated that
test on parental assistance show that ρ- there was no anxiety, namely as many
value = 0.007 <(α = 0.05), which means as 37 children, (15.9%) stated mild
that there is a significant relationship anxiety. namely 10 children, (7.9%)
between parental assistance and the expressed moderate anxiety, namely 5
anxiety level of young women in dealing children, (15.9%) expressed severe
with menarche. anxiety as many as 10 children, and
From the results of the questionnaire (1.6%) expressed severe anxiety,
most of the respondents answered that the namely as many as 1 child.
most received parental assistance was The results of general data in the
assistance when parents explained that questionnaire contained in table 5.1
when we were menstruating, our above show that of the 63 respondents,
underwear had to be washed and clean of it was found that most of the
blood, with a percentage (63.0%). because respondents (61.9%) were 13 years old,
namely 39 children. According to Vino, were that young women felt a little
(2016) the age of menarche that is too shocked because it was their first time
fast in some young women can cause experiencing menstruation, felt
mental anxiety or can cause excessive uncomfortable doing activities, felt
anxiety. anxious when the arrival of early
According to Hawari, (2013) the menstruation, felt afraid if the initial
main factors that influence anxiety are menstruation causes pain and pain in
family support factors: parental the back and stomach.
assistance, namely informative, 3. Analysis of the relationship between
emotional, assessment and instrumental parental assistance and anxiety levels of
support. young women in dealing with menarche
From the results of a research study Based on the cross distribution table
by Ulfah and Suryani (2011) at SMP in the description of table 5.5 above, it
Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta with the shows that of the 63 respondents there
results of ρ-value 0.011 <(α = 0.05), it were 37 students who had a level of
means that there is a relationship anxiety in the category of no anxiety
between family support and the anxiety (58.7%), and (68.2%) students received
level of young girls in dealing with good parental assistance, namely as many
menarche. as 30 students. The result of the Spearman
From the results of the rank test shows the value of p = 0.002,
questionnaire most of the respondents then p <0.05 means that there is a
answered that the level of anxiety that relationship between parental assistance
most often occurred when facing and the anxiety level of young women in
menarche was that young women felt facing menarche.
afraid if the initial menstruation caused The test results obtained the value of r
pain and pain in the back and abdomen, (correlation coefficient) obtained value -
with a percentage (86.0%). Because 0.376. This shows that the strength of the
according to respondents, pain and relationship between the two variables is
aches in the back and abdomen are at 37.6% (moderate correlation) while the
risk of disease. Based on the results of negative value (-) indicates the direction of
interviews with seventh grade female the inverse relationship (the better parental
respondents at SMPN 40 Surabaya, the assistance, the less anxiety is present, on
responses of respondents about the the contrary if the less parental assistance,
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