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In partial fulfillment of project for the award of
the degree of “B.TECH IN COMPUTER

ovely professional university ,phagwara
I have taken efforts in this project.
However, it would not have been
possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals. I
would like to extend my sincere
gratitude to all of them. I would also
like to thank the authorities for
providing us with an opportunity to
work on this subject and also for
providing us with sufficient time to
complete the project.

I am grateful to the founder and

other volunteers of the Organization
‘MAGIC BUS’ for giving us a chance
to provide our services for this noble

I would also thank my parents who

became the pillars of my strength,
and all my friends without whom
this project would have not been
2:-cause of problem &
3:-objective of the project
4:-action to achieve
5:-innovativeness and
Literacy in its broadest sense describes
"particular ways of thinking about and
doing reading and writing" with the
purpose of understanding or expressing
thoughts or ideas in written form in some
specific context of use.
In other words, humans in literate societies
have sets of practices for producing and
consuming writing, and they also have
beliefs about these practices.Reading, in
this view, is always reading something for
some purpose; writing is always writing
something for someone for some particular
# Digital literacy….
Digital literacy is the ability
to navigate our digital world
using reading, writing,
technical skills, and critical
thinking. It's using technology
—like a smartphone, PC, e-
reader, and more—to find,
evaluate, and communicate
You'll also need practical
skills in using technology to
access, manage, manipulate
and create information in an
ethical and sustainable way.
It's a continual learning
process because of constant
new apps and updates, but
your future self will thank you
if you keep your digital life in
Digital literacy is really
important now, while
you're a university
student. It'll also be
really important in the
future when you enter
the professional world.
Support Educational Progress
One of the first reasons
digital literacy is important is
because of the increased use
of technology in education.
The use of technology as a
learning tool has grown in the
past 15 years, with
technology platforms such as
computers, tablets and the
internet becoming
increasingly prominent in K-
12 schools and universities.
Increase Online Safety…..
Online risks are complex and
ever-changing, with nefarious
individuals or groups
continually discovering and
creating new ways to take
advantage of others. While
digital literacy cannot
prevent students from facing
safety challenges online, it
can empower them with
important knowledge, tools,
processes and resources to
help protect their safety and
privacy as much as possible.
#some facts on literacy..
#The 2003 National Assessment
of Adult Literacy (USA) included
"quantitative literacy"
(numeracy) in its treatment of
literacy. It defined literacy as
"the ability to use printed and
written information to function in
society, to achieve one's goals,
and to develop one's knowledge
and potential". It included three
types of adult literacy: prose
(e.g., a newspaper article),
documents (e.g., a bus schedule),
and quantitative literacy (e.g.,
using arithmetic operations in a
product advertisement).
#In 2015, the United Nations
Statistics Division defined the
youth literacy rate as "the
percentage of the population
aged 15–24 years who can both
read and write with
understanding a short simple
statement on everyday life".
#In 2016, the European Literacy
Policy Network defined literacy
as "the ability to read and
write ... in all media (print or
electronic), including digital
#In 2018, UNESCO includes
"printed and written materials"
and "varying contexts" in its
definition of literacy; e.g. "the
ability to identify, understand,
interpret, create, communicate
and compute, using printed and
written materials associated with
varying contexts".

Literacy Rate of India 2022- To

know development in a society,
Literacy is another proper indicator
of economic development. For
purpose of census, a person in age
limit of seven and above, who can
both write and read with
understanding in any of the
language is considered as a literate
in India. Literacy plays a major role
in the economic development of a
nation. Although India has raised its
current literacy rate of 74.04%
(2021) from 12% at the time of
Independence in 1947, its still lag
behind the world average literacy
rate of 84%. Compared with other
nations, Republic of India has the
largest population
2:-cause of problem and

1:-Parents with little schooling;
2:-Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation
as to the importance of reading;
3:-Doing badly at or dropping out of school—
many have not completed high school;
4:-Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
5:-Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia


Less-educated parents: Wherever parents are not so

educated, this also leads to a lack of knowledge of the
importance of education in life. This results in them not
educating their children as well.
Lack of Infrastructure: The educational infrastructure
is still not developed in the way it should have been after
so many years of Independence. Due to this, there are still
a lot of people in our country who are not able to access
some education. The government must reach out to the
most vulnerable sections of society.

Population: The rapid increase in population is also a huge

factor that also plays a role in the increasing rate of Illiteracy in
our country. The resources are fewer and the users consuming
them are in great numbers. The poor people think that if they will
have more children then they can send their children to work and
that way they will earn more wages and so instead of educating
them they force them to work.
Corruption: Red-tapism and corruption have played a
huge role in leading us to this condition. The funds that are
provided for the betterment of education are often misled or
misused and are used for filling the pockets of their own

Brain Drain: The educated youth in India often

take a decision to leave India and settle abroad or find a
job in pursuit of a better lifestyle there also because they
do not get a favourable job in India as the competition to
get even basic decent job is very ruthless here. They feel
their talent will be utilized better in foreign socio-
economic climates and they will get better opportunities
there than in India thus they move abroad leading to a
brain drain situation in our country as the great minds are
leaving India.
Backward thinking: Gender biases are
still a very serious issue that exists in our society. They
believe that the education of girls is not so important
as they will not serve them after getting married and
so they only send their boys to school and provide
them education instead of girls further leading to an
imbalance in the education ratio between girls and

Finally, for a country to develop and prosper it is really

important that its people are educated well enough to
contribute to the welfare of the society. The
introductions of policies alone will not work but what
is important is their execution and effectiveness.
There is a lack of awareness among the people of India
and it needs to be addressed. It is high time that our
education is given importance more than anything
else and reaches the remote areas as well as the big
cities equally and adequately. It is a shame that after
so many years of independence India is still way
behind in providing education to its countrymen.
#identification of problem….

According to the 2022 Census, any

person aged seven and above and has
the ability to read and write is
considered literate. The average literacy
rate in India stands at 74.04%. While
Kerala has the highest literacy rate in
India at 93.91%, Bihar has the least
literacy rate in India of 63.82%.

3:-objective of the project….

Works with children and young people, living in poverty, in India, taking them from a
childhood full of challenges to a life with meaningful livelihoods. We equip children and
young people in the age group of 12 to 18 with the skills and knowledge they need to
grow up and move out of poverty..
They complete their secondary education and go on to become
first-generation salary earners having secure careers in the
organised sector. Our youth-centered Livelihoods Programme
connects the aspirations and potential of young people to
available market opportunities. And build their employability
skills and map job potential based on individual strengths and

Points to focus on : -

Life Skills Education:-

Has teamwork, problem solving, managing self, learning to learn and
communications for children and young people to become more
resilient and show higher self-efficacy in the face of destabilisers like
child marriage.
Livelihood Connect:-
Involves sector-specific training in Retail, IT, BFSI, e-commerce;
placement and post-placement support to help young people to
not just get jobs but stay with their jobs.

Employability Skills Education

Includes financial literacy, digital literacy, spoken English and
career awareness that will help young people to get a job of
their choice.
4:-action to achieve objective:-
#childhood to livelihood programme:-

We works with children and young people, living in

poverty, in India, taking them from a childhood full of
challenges to a life with meaningful livelihoods. We equip
children and young people in the age group of 12 to 18
with the skills and knowledge they need to grow up and
move out of poverty.Through medium of games and
counselling we help them……
#adolescent education programme….

India accounts for the largest number of children living below
the poverty line. And this causes ripple effects.

40% children drop out by class 8.

30% girls are forced into marriage even before they turn 18.

5% of the country's workforce has undergone formal training.

 We teach children life skills in the way

they understand through our award-
winning activity based curriculum. These
sessions encourage children to complete
secondary education.
The life skill education helps them
overcome every hurdle that comes in the
#youth skilling programme…

Youth Skilling programme is meant for young people in the

age group of 18 and 25 years, who have completed 10th or
12th standard and whose family income doesn’t exceed
Rs. 120,000 per annum. Participants in this programme are
not in education, employment or training. The programme
duration is for two months at the end of which we
connects 5:-innovativeness
the trained young &uniqueness of opportunities.
people with job

Working on “CHILD LITERACY” under this organization enabled

me to contribute for the betterment of the children from the
When I started this journey, I had a notion that I
shall be required to teach students or help them in
skill building, but now I realize that I was that
student who got the maximum benefit and learning
through this program.

This project also helped me build good connections

with people who are pure at heart and ready to
devote their time and resources for bringing a
change in the society and impacting the lives of the
“The mind is not a vessel to be
filled, but a fire to be kindled….”

Academic Literacy is not only an idea it is a series of social

studies teaching and learning activities for our
classrooms, assignments, and evaluations. These are
school district mandated planning procedures, the
mandated observation and evaluation of teachers,
required teacher professional development, and the
general philosophies that guide education in the fifty
states and 12,000 public school districts.
I am glad that I got the opportunity of contributing my bit
towards this nobal cause.
The people associated with the ngo”MAGIC BUS” are
really helpful and motivated towards their aim and
They have been doing an amazing work for the
development of the society and helping under privileged
child group to become privileged one and lead their life
with respect.
I also learn how to value resources and opportunity that
every individual gets.

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