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Religious Studies God

Dignity of Human Person Omniscient
Do you think human person can lived on those - All-knowing, knowledgeable
circumstances? Omnipresent
- Always present
Man is the epitome and purpose of creation Omnipotent
We must be the one to protect, take care and - Powerful
propagate it.-Stewardship As every creature are created with their own purpose.
Steward’s of God’s Creation Human beings, as being created out of the love of God,
was created to love.
Church Teachings
Having the capacity to love, human beings are meant to
CCC 355 have a relationship with his/her neighbors and
“God created man in his own image, in the image of especially with God.
God he created him, male and female he created
them.” Man occupies a unique place in God’s creation As an Ignacian Marian, how will you promote the value
1. He is the “image of God” of life?
2. In his own nature he unites the spiritual and
material worlds How will you help other people who is ready to give up
3. He is created “male and female” on life?
Male and female merit the same dignity
You must realize that:
CCC 356 - Human person is the only creature in the Earth
Of all visible creatures only man is “able to know and that was gifted with human dignity with all the
love his creator”. He is “the only creature on earth that gifts that he/she receives from it.
God has willed for its own sake”, and he alone is called - Human person got his/her power or capabilities
to share, by knowledge and love, in God’s own life. It from God as an image of God
was for this end that he was created, and this is the - Man is created out of love and must show love
fundamental reason for dignity to God and his neighbor
- Human person is dual in nature; that is body
CCC 357 and soul
Being in the image of God, the human individual possess God’s revelation through Creation
the dignity of a person, who is not just something, but The creation story
someone. He is capable of self-knowledge, of self- Days of Creation in Genesis 1
possesssion, and for freely giving himself and entering Day 1
communion with other persons. And he is called by - Earth, space, time, light
grace to a covenant with his Creator, to offer him a Day 2
response of faith, and love that no other creature can - Atmosphere
give in his stead Day 3
- Dry land and plants
CCC 356-357 Day 4
What is to be an image of God? - Sun, moon, stars
- As stated in the Bible, we are created in his Day 5
image and likeness. -Imago Dei - Sea and flying creatures
Imago means image Day 6
Dei means of God - Land animals and man
Day 7
- He rested


The Sacred Teachings on the Six days of Creation and a 2. The creation “ex nihilo”, out of nothing
Rest Gen 1:
1. God begins to manifest as Three persons in One …. God looked at everything he made. And behold! It
God was very good…
Gen 1: - God created everything from nothing. This
- “Then God said, let us make man in our image destroys the principle “Ex nihilo, nihil fit, out of
after our likeness” nothing, nothing can be made.” Thus, only God
- The “us” and “our” speak of many persons can make this possible. God made them all
- It manifests plurality good, for nothing made by God is evil
- There is the mystery in God; He is one, yet - It is God’s capacity as a divine being to have
seems to be many created the world out of nothing. His divinity
speaks of unlimited powers way beyond the
“Then God said… capabilities of human beings. God is limitless
“Then God said… and boundless.
“Then God said… - We cannot create something just by do magic.
“Then God said… We are not God
“Then God said… - God does not do magic. He is simply powerful.
“Then God said…
“Then God said… 3. Humans are called to be stewards of the
created world
- Repeated in verses 3, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24, 28: “then - Not abortion
God said….
- There is a powerful creating Word of God; God 4. The dignity of human beings must be respected
creates through his word - The dignity of a human being does not rely on
what he or she has done nor achieved, but on
“The earth was formless and empty and darkness was his or her nature as a creation of God. As an
upon the abyss. And the spirit of God hovered over the image created in the likeness of God here on
waters” earth, we are to love, respect and accept each
one no matter what and who the other is
- The spirit represents the Holy Spirit of God 5. The seventh day must be observed
hovering over the waters Gen 2
- The waters speaks of chaos. The Holy Spirit, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had
represented by the spirit, gives order to the been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his
chaotic world work. Then, God blessed the seventh day and made it
In the creation narrative, there is the revelation of God
a. The one who creates, the Creator;
b. The powerful word by which everything is
c. The might spirit (wind) that gives order to chaos

Holy Trinity
Creator – God the Father
Word – God the Son
Spirit of God – Holy Spirit


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