Atonal Theory Terminology

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Atonal Theory Terminology

Term Definition
The distance between two pitches, measured by the number of
semitones between them. Ordered pitch intervals are determined
by subtracting the pitch number (use MIDI note numbers (C4 =
Ordered Pitch
60) or choose your own value for C4) of the first pitch from the
pitch number of the second pitch. This produces both positive
and negative numbers, indicating ascending and descending
intervals, respectively.
The absolute value of the ordered pitch interval, used to
Unordered Pitch
determine absolute size of an interval without regard to the order
in which the pitches are presented.
The operation of dividing a number by 12 and taking the
remainder as the result. For example, 23 mod 12 = 11. (23 ÷ 12
= 1 with a remainder of 11.) In this way, any number can be
reduced to between 0 and 11. The mod-12 group is a
mathematical group where a mod-12 operation is imposed on
the result of every arithmetic operation (it may also be necessary
to add 12 to negative numbers until the number is positive
between 0 and 11). This group is useful as an abstraction of the
properties of pitches in 12-tone equal temperament with the
assumption of octave equivalence. Addition and subtraction
mod 12 are equivalent to transposition; subtraction from 12 is
equivalent to inversion; multiplication mod 12 of the ordered
pitch class interval by consecutive mod 12 group members gives
interval series (circle of fifths, circle of fourths, augmented triad,
diminished seventh chord, wholetone scale, chromatic scale,
etc.) Mod-12 complements are the result of subtraction from
twelve, such that complement-related pairs are 0/0, 1/11, 2/10,
3/9, 4/8, 5/7, and 6/6.
The distance between two pitch classes, expressed as an integer
from 0 to 11. To determine an ordered pc interval, subtract the
pc number of the first pc from the number of the second pc, then
Ordered PC add 12 (to eliminate negative numbers) and reduce the
Interval number mod-12 (divide by 12 and take the remainder as the
result). It is easiest to envision ordered pc intervals as the
distance from one pc to the next around a clock face (with 0 at
the top, rather than 12) always measured clockwise.
The absolute value of the shortest distance between two pitch
classes on the clock face. To obtain the IC of an ordered pc
interval, take any ordered pc interval larger than 6 and reduce it
Unordered PC to its mod-12 complement by subtracting it from 12. The
Interval (Interval concept of interval class assumes interval complement
Class) equivalence. For example, a perfect fourth is equivalent in sound
to its inversion, a perfect fifth. Thus, all sixths can be seen as
inverted thirds, and all sevenths can be seen as inverted seconds.
The expression "IC3", then, subsumes all types of minor third,
Atonal Theory Terminology

including ascending and descending minor thirds, major sixths,

minor tenths, etc.
A list of the successive ordered pc intervals between the pcs of a
given ordered pc set. The INT1 for set B,D,E,A,G#,F is
[325E9(6)]. Technically, the "wrapping around" interval
between the last pc and the first is not part of the INT1, but its
inclusion can often be useful (the INT1 can be used to determine
normal order and prime form).
An array of six integers representing the ic (interval class)
content of a chord, where the first digit indicates the number
instances of IC1 in the set, the second, IC2, third, IC3, fourth,
IC4, fifth, IC5, and sixth, IC6. For example, <001110> is the ic
IC Vector (or vector for a major triad, showing that it contains zero IC1
Interval Vector) (semitones), zero IC2 (wholetones), one IC3 (minor 3rd), one
IC4 (major 3rd), one IC5 (perfect 4th), and zero IC6 (tritones).
Identity of interval vectors (when two sets have the same IC
vector) is the determinant Forte used for his equivalence
relations between pc sets (transposition, inversion, Z-relation).
The relationship between two pc sets such that one set contains
Literal all of the pitch classes that are not contained in the other. Such
Complement complement-related sets always form aggregates when
The relationship between two pc sets such that one set, when
transposed and/or inverted, contains all of the pitch classes that
Abstract are not contained in the other. With the exception of 6-note sets
Complement (see Z-Relation), any complement-related sets (literal or
abstract) will have the same ordinal numbers on the Forte list,
and their cardinalities will be mod-12 complements.
A pair of pc sets that have the same ic vector (interval
vector) but are not reducible to the same prime form. In the case
Z-Relation of 6-note sets (hexachords), any Z-related sets are also abstract
complements. All 6-note sets that do not have a Z-related set are
self-complementary (see Hexachordal Combinatoriality).
Use of a 12-tone row where the first hexachord is self-
complementary. (see Z-Relation) Because the first hexachord is
the literal complement of one of its own transpositions or
inversions, the prime form of the row can be combined with at
least one other row form to create two aggregates. For a more
complete description and an example, see Advanced
Techniques: Combinatoriality
A relationship between two sets where all of the pcs in the
'subset', when it is transposed and/or inverted, can be found in
Subset (or
the 'superset'. A literal subset relation requires no transposition
Inclusion Relation)
or inversion. Any set is its own literal subset, but this is
considered a trivial subset relation.
A relationship between two sets where some or all of the pcs in
the 'superset' make up the entire 'subset', when the subset is
Atonal Theory Terminology

transposed and/or inverted. A literal superset relation requires no

transposition or inversion.
Any temporal and/or pitch structure that displays some kind of
symmetrical structuring (inversional, retrograde, retrograde-
inversional (rotational), etc.). In pc sets, a collection that is
symmetrical has at least one 'axis' of symmetry, and both the set
and its inversion reduce to the same normal order (when
transposed to zero). (Any set and its inversion reduce to the
same prime form, but only a symmetrical set and its inversion
reduce to the same normal form.)
Any collection of all 12 pitch classes, especially one that has a
Aggregate different ordering from the main tone-row used in a composition
(or any of its permutations).
The number of distinct pcs in a set (discounting
repetitions). This number is used as the index (or first number)
Cardinality in the Forte set-class numbering system. Thus, the set
G,B,C#,F,G has 4 distinct pcs (cardinality 4), and has Forte
number 4-25 (0268).
1. The second number in the Forte number of a set class,
indicating its position in the list.
Ordinality 2. The order number (beginning with 0), or position, of a pitch
in an ordered set or tone row. Thus the ordinality of G in the
ordered set C#,F,G,A# is 2.

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