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Final Examination

Name: Mary Rose C. Dumaguio Date: ___________________

Year & Section: BEED3C Score: __________________

A. Course Code and Title: EED 20: Teaching in Multi-Grade Classes

B. Instructions:


Direction: Answer the questions critically and proficiently, at a minimum of 300-350 words. The answers
must be based on what you have learned from the Learning Module. Please read and be guided by the

In 300-350 words, write your ideas on the following line: “If kids can’t learn the way we teach…   then
we must teach the way they learn”.

Teaching appropriately to students is a crucial methods and strategy to a teacher. Each one of us has a
differences on how we learn the particular aspects of learning. There are some instances that the
student learning depends on how the teacher deliver the knowledge to be impart to their students.
Perhaps, teachers must consider the instances that they have a student who's not literally understand
the lesson on how the way he/she discuss. As a matter of fact, me also had a method on how I learn
the lesson even the teacher discuss it in entire class I can't actually imagine myself that I learn from
the discussion. The level of learning in every students is hard to determine by one teacher, you had to
go some research on how you impart those knowledge to your students that everyone of them can
learn by your discussion. Teacher struggle a lot but most especially the student on how they learn
from the discussion. However, their is lots of strategies and method that can learn and by the use of
that different teaching strategies and methods students will definitely learn on it. Although, it become
hard to every teacher who's particularly notice that their student didn't learn from their discussion,
but as usual it is part of being a teacher on how to know the strategic method that the students can
learn. Somehow, different instances that can be consider to become a best teacher that each of their
student can learn and on how they impart the knowledge that they want their students to be learn by
it. Considering the fact that the way the teachers must know each one of their student on how they've
learn. Searching for the best strategy to teach student is a crucial but beneficial to every students and
also a compliment to the teachers that their students learn from their discussion.
B.2.Get a copy of the Curriculum Guide (K to 12 Curriculum) of Grades I-III. Study particular subject
competencies of the three grade levels, then classify or group them using the five schemes. Complete
the following table. You will be graded by the given rubric below.

For scheme A

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

I. Objectives

A. Understand what is the use of am, is, and are in a sentence;

B. Explain the characteristics of am, is, are, and;

C. Showed cooperation through participating the activities and value the

importance of the uses am, is, and are

A. Topic : Using am, is, and are

B. References : Kto12 Curriculum Guide, English Expressways Reading and

Language Textbook,pages198-201

C. Instructional Materials : Laptop, Pictures, Strips of papers

D. Learning Competency : Using am, is, and are in a sentence

E. Value Focus : Helping one another

II. Content and Materials

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

III. Activities ( Developmental lesson)

A. Preliminary Activities:

1. Prayer

- Let us all stand for a prayer.

Who wants to lead the prayer? Okay Zane, kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings

- Good morning, Class

3. Review

(1.1) Who among you here can still remember our previous topic last

(1.2) (1.2) Yes,_____?

(1.3) (1.3) How can you define action words?

(1.4) (1.4) Yes, ____

4. Motivation

The teacher will conduct a group activity

•The students will be divided in to four groups.

•Each group will be given strips of papers.

•The students will be asked to arrange the words to make a sentence

B. Presentation

Class, I’m going to present a video on how to use is, am, and are.

C. Generalization

What is the importance or significance of knowing the information that we

tackled right now?

Is the topic helpful to you as a learner?

Is their any questions regarding with our discussion?

For scheme B
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Objectives: show the Objectives: show the Objectives: show and

uses am, is, are importance of am, is, apply the am, is, are

Individual work Developmental Developmental

Activities Activities

With the Teacher doing Seatwork Seatwork

all assessments and
Application, Evaluation Application,
and Assignment Evaluation and

Individual work Corrective Instruction Corrective Instruction

With teacher Enrichment Activities Enrichment Activities

corrective instruction

For scheme C

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

B. Presentation Grade 2 and 3 listen ( Listen )

Grade 1 materials is Grade 3 material is
presented first ( Listen ) Grade 2 materials is presented next
presented next
C. Generalization
- What is the
- How to use importance of - How to apply
am, is, are am, is, are in a
am, is, are

IV. Evaluation IV. Evaluation IV. Evaluation

Formative V. V.
With teacher With teacher With teacher
corrective corrective corrective
instructions instructions instructions

V. Assignment Assignment Assignment

For scheme D

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Draw anything that the Describe what the Sight an sample based
learners wants picture all about on the picture

With teacher Work with peer Seatwork

Developmental Providing example Providing example


Seatwork With peer Reinforcement

Application and

Assessment with the With teacher With teacher

teacher corrective developmental
instruction Application and
Evaluation Seatwork

Enrichment Activities With corrective Peer tutoring


For scheme E

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Identify what the picture is Describe what is in the Use and apply what is
picture in the picture in a
With teacher Seatwork

Review The phrases serves a Essay test

review for the next
Motivation group


Guided by the teacher in Motivation With teacher

understanding the
instruction, checking and Presentation Motivation and
scoring Generalization

Working with peers Guided Seatwork

IV. Evaluation

Enrichment activities with Corrective Instruction Independent

teacher Corrective
Colossians 3:23

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

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