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United Church of Christ in the Philippines

Southeast Mindanao Jurisdictional Area

Agusan District Conference
Algon Road, Alviola Village, Butuan City
The Liturgical Flow of the 52nd ADC ANNUAL ASSEMBLY
Quadrennial Theme: “Rebuilding and Restoring with Hope: Heralding the Full Life”
UCCP Butuan City

Proposed Schedule

Time/Day Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

(Thursday ) (Friday ) (Saturday)
5:00am – 6:00am Personal Preparation Personal Preparation
6:00am – 7:30 am Breakfast c/o Local church Breakfast c/o Local church
7:30am – 12:00 nn Learning New songs Learning New songs
– Start Plenary Session
Unfinished Business
*Prayer / Roll Call
*Declaration of Quorum CLOSING WORSHIP
*Presentation and approval of Speaker: Bp. Hamuel G. Tequis
*Reading of the previous * Licensing Rites ( CL )
* Business Arising from the prev.
* Installation of CM, DCM and ADC
minutes Council officers & Members
ARRIVAL/ REGISTRATION AND * New business * Celebration of the Eucharist : Rev.
ACCOMODATION *Review Committee report L. Tubo & Rev. S. Serate
*CM/ Staff Consolidated
Choir: UCWO
*Treasurer’s Report Offertory:
*Committee on Ministry reports *Reading of the Church Workers
Exam, MFC, Settlement, Plantilla
* Presentation/ Discussion of CRO
*Presentation and approval
of the proposed budget for
E.Y. 2022 – 2023
*Presentation and Approval
of Conference Program in
*Resolution of thanks
*Other Matters
12:00nn – 1:00pm Lunch and Rest Lunch and Rest
1:00pm – 2:00pm PREPARATION Learning New Song HOMEWARD BOUND
Snacks c/o CPA’s
Election of Conference council
officers /members Day 1 - CPA 1,2,5
Election of CM & DCM Day 2 - CPA 3-4
Day 3 - CPA 6 & 7
Officer of the Day
2:00pm – 4:00pm Motorcade Resume Plenary Session
Day 1- CL Ser John Serate
Day 2- CL Lorenzo Tubo
Day 3- CL Vergilio Mondia
CPA Coordinators
CPA 1 : Rev. J. Tubo
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Opening Salvo Election of UCCP G.A Delegates CPA 2 : Rev. Mario B. Morgado
CPA 3 : Rev. S. Fuertes
CPA 4 : CL L. Tubo
CPA 5 : Rev. W. Maglasang
CPA 6 : Rev. M. Calawigan
CPA 7 : CL Vicky C. Galera
6:00pm – 7:00pm Supper c/o Host Church Supper c/o Host Church
7:00pm – 9:00pm Opening Worship NOTE: To all CPA Coordinators – Please
- Liturgy : Worship Committee ORDINATION RITES facilitate Church Contribution for the
- Speaker : Bp. M. Villasanta Speaker : Rev. David B. Ungab snacks within your CPA and hand it
- Choir: UCCP Butuan over to the Conference Bookkeeper.
- Offertory Song : Note : All ordained ministers should Thank you.
- Presentation of Candidates for wear robe and red stole
Conference Council officers
and members by the NOMELEC

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