Chapter 1 - Abm

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Background of the Study

 As our country adapts to the challenges of the new normal, one of the current crises is

to reinforce the gap in terms of quality education and the students' academic performance. In

almost two years of lockdown and isolation, everyone must and should adjust. With the current

statistics and situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Philippines, classes have resumed and,

in most cases, are back to normal. The real challenge would be - how the students are coping

and adjusting to the new normal in terms of academics.

Stress and motivation are two of the many factors that affect academic

achievement. It is crucial for senior high school students as they approach college since

higher academic achievement results in better career options. For Asian and Filipino

students' unconscious views on motivation, stress, and learning in the classroom, the

context of current theories on motivation and stress may be different from these.

Anything that presents a difficulty or a threat to a person's wellbeing is stressful.

It can be felt anywhere whether at home or even in a classroom. Academic pressure and

the need to succeed are the main stressors that students experience, which has a

negative impact on their health (Noson & Shastri, 2016). According to Kötter et al.

(2017), stress has a negative impact on academic performance and may even result in a

vicious cycle where stress increases and performance declines. Thus, motivation is the

willingness of a person to do specific tasks. The study by Brusma in 2004 (as cited by

Kori et al., 2016) stated that higher motivation results in higher academic performance.

A survey by Ranasinghe et al. (2017) on academic stress and emotional intelligence on

academic performance revealed that stress negatively correlates with emotional

intelligence and academic performance. However, other studies claim that stress has no
significant relationship with academic performance. A survey by Bello & Gumarao

(2016) concluded that stress is not correlated with academic performance.

Furthermore, Fereidooni-Moghadam et al. (2017) found that students'

achievement motivation is significantly correlated with academic performance. Also,

Bolkan, Goodboy & Kelsey (2015) examined the effect of instructor clarity on learning

with student motivation and academic performance. The study's findings revealed a

positive correlation between instructor clarity, student motivation, and academic


The significance of study is a significant endeavor in determining the factors

affecting the academic performance and level of motivation of ABM students of

Zambales National High School. In addition, this study is beneficial not just for the

student but also for the teachers in adapting to situations related to students' needs to

improve further one's academic performance aligned with their capacity. By

understanding the importance of these factors, we can conclude an intervention or

program that could assess how the school could alleviate stress, stimulate motivation,

and improve the student's academic performance. 

This chapter presents various related literature and studies of other researchers,

which provides insights and meaningful background information for the discussion and

analysis of the survey.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


1. Profile Variables 1. Respondents’ Profiles
 Age
 Track 2. Administering
 Section
 Learning Factors Affecting the
Modality 3. Organization and
2. Factors Academic Performance
 Reading Decoding of
 Writing and Level of Motivation
 Arithmetic Respondents’
3. Factors of ABM Students in
 Personal responses.
Zambales National High
 Family
4. Statistical Analysis
 School School
 Peer and Interpretation of
 Gender
4. Profile data
 Academic
 Academic

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input

consists of the following: Age, Sex, Section and Learning Modality. Input also includes

the level of assessments in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic of the respondents, factors

that could influence the academic performance, and their demographic profile in terms

of academic stress and academic motivation.

On the other hand, the process includes the data collection, administering

questionnaire, organization and decoding of respondents' data, and the statistical

analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. The output of the study is the result of
all the statistical analysis and interpretation of data which is the assessed level of the

academic performance of grade 12 students in the 3Rs in self – learning modules.

The researchers want to find the factors affecting the academic performance and

level of motivation among the ABM Students in Zambales National High School.

This research study also identifies the need to further Career Guidance Program

or propose an intervention or program that could assess how the school could alleviate

stress, stimulate motivation, and improve the students' academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

By offering an integrated and scientific framework to explain students' learning

outcomes, such as academic achievement and course satisfaction, Doménech-"The

Betoret's Educational Situation Quality Model" (MOCSE, acronym in Spanish), which

we present here, aims to address the aforementioned shortcomings. Any level of

educator is urged to apply the MOCSE model when a student's low accomplishment in

a particular subject area is identified in order to increase student engagement and

academic performance. Two of the most crucial markers of a successful T-L process

are learning outcomes, particularly student achievement and course satisfaction.

"Student satisfaction is a necessary condition for successful learning as well as an

outcome of the learning process" (Sinclaire, 2014, p. 2). Learning outcomes and course

satisfaction should therefore be taken into account and assessed at this stage.

The study is based on Herbert J. Walberg's idea of educational production. The

effects on learning that have an impact on a student's academic achievement are the

subject of Walberg's hypothesis. Walberg employed a range of techniques to pinpoint the

elements that influence a student's academic performance in this investigation of

academic attainment. He categorized 11 influential areas of variables in his hypothesis,

and 8 of them were influenced by social and emotional factors. Ability, motivation, and

age are the first three variables, and they indicate the student's attributes. The final four

factors (classroom climate, home environment, peer group, and exposure to media)

describe elements of the psychological environment. The fourth and fifth variables reflect

instruction (amount and quality). He stated that these variables had specific impacts that,

if improperly managed, could affect children' academic achievement. Giving a certain

variable importance can have a significant impact on a student's academic achievement.

Working memory abilities are favorably correlated with academic success,

according to Owens, Stevenson, Norgate, and Handwin's (2008) notion of processing

efficiency. High levels of trait anxiety, on the other hand, are associated with academic

underperformance. Using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, trait anxiety

was measured. Cognitive Abilities Tests, which were given in schools to measure

reasoning and attainment, were used to evaluate academic performance. The findings

revealed that for three of the six academic performance measures, the relationship

between trait anxiety and academic performance was strongly mediated by verbal

working memory (math, quantitative and non-verbal reasoning). Working memory for

spatial locations did not significantly influence the link between trait anxiety and

academic success. The average correlation between trait anxiety and academic

performance was 51% for verbal working memory and only 9% for spatial working

memory. The results show that PET is a good foundation for determining how

children's anxiety affects their academic performance.

Statement of the problem

This study is conducted with the aim to know the factors affecting students’

academic performance and level of motivation of Accountancy, Business, Management

(ABM) Students. Furthermore, it aims to answer the specific questions:

1. What is the profile of the student-respondents in terms of their:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Section;

1.4 Learning Modality?

2. What is the level of assessments of self – learning modules on the academic

performance among grade 12 students in terms of:

2.1 Reading;

2.2 Writing; and

2.3 Arithmetic?

3. What are the factors that affect student’s academic performance and level of


3.1 Personal Factor

3.2 Family Factor

3.3 School Factors

3.4 Peer Factor

3.5 Gender Factor

4. What is the profile of students-respondents in terms of:

4.1 academic stress; and

4.2 academic motivation?

5. Is there a significant relationship between academic performance and level of


6. Is there a significant difference on the factors affecting student’s academic

performance and level of motivation when group according to profile variables?

7. What is the proposed intervention towards enhancing student’s academic

performance and level of motivation?

Null Hypothesis

The respondents’ demographic profile has no significant difference nor

relationship with the respondents’ academic performance and level of motivation.

Scopes and Delimitations

This study is limited to Accountancy, Business, Management students who were

officially enrolled in Zambales National High School for the school year 2022-2023.

The data collection involved (120) students from different sections of Accountancy,

Business, Management (ABM) Program who will represent as population. There are

currently 6 sections belonging in the program including Grade 11 and 12 students.

Therefore, 20 respondents will be obtained from each class.

It's important to note that the respondents were picked based on the researchers'

variables, which included the respondents' learning modality, age, and gender. This was

done to obtain the necessary information and data for the study, as well as to eliminate
biases. Each strand had its own set of responses. The respondents were primarily based

on their strands and do not rely on each respondents’ section.

Once their responses are already collected, the researchers tallied, interpreted

and analyzed the results. The results are analyzed to know the factors affecting the

academic performance and level of motivation among Accountancy, Business,

Management students in 3Rs.

Significance of the Study

This study will impart research-based information concerning the factors

affecting the academic performance and level of motivation among Accountancy,

Business, Management students of Zambales National High School. Specifically, this

study will benefit the following individuals:

Students. This research will be the voice the student who is experiencing

challenges in improving performance. The results of this study will propose an

intervention that will certainly help students to further their academic performance and

level of motivation. Their reaction will be a significant factor in developing a new

educational strategy to increase the quality of education.

School Officials. This can be an eye-opening perspective for educators and

administrators, to adjust and adapt to the factors affecting the performance of students.

As they note the students' responses, this can serve as a guide for developing a new and

better strategy to teach students effectively.

Guardian. This can support guardians in considering and settling on the best

coping mechanisms and techniques to help their children adapt to challenges they are

facing. Also to set realistic expectations aligned with their children’s perceptions.
Future Researches. This research can be a guide to future researchers in

gathering information. This can help to improve their skills, strategy, and knowledge in

expanding research.


I. Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C., & Jose, J. (2015). Factors Affecting the Academic

Performance of the Student Nurses of BSU. International Journal of Nursing

Science, 5(2), 60–65.

II. Betoret, F., Artiga, A., & Rosello, L. (2019, July 18). The Educational Situation

Quality Model: A New Tool to Explain and Improve Academic Achievement and

Course Satisfaction. The Frontiers.

III. Nisperos, A. (2020, May 19). How Can Education Continue in the New

Normal? Age of Awareness.


IV. Tus, J. (2020). Academic Stress, Academic Motivation, and Its Relationship on

the Academic Performance of the Senior High School Students. Asian Journal

of Multidisciplinary Studies, 8(11).



V. Walberg’s Theory Of Educational Productivity | (2013).


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