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‘The air that keeps us alive is making us sick’, warn UN experts on Clean Air Day.

It poses a
practical sadness that air pollution is now becoming an alarming issue all over the world. In
HCM city, it is one of the greatest challenges faced by us today. Consequently, we need to
find a solution as soon as possible.
Atmosphere infection is an environmental issue that result from wide range of human
activities and not only causes profound effects on human beings but other creatures on the
earth. Air pollution comes from numerous factors, one considerable of which is the human-
made source. Vehicle emissions, fuel oil, natural gas to heat homes and fumes from chemical
production are the primary sources of human-made air pollution. This deterioration has now
become a major health hazard for all countries. People exposed to air population can come
down with illnesses such as heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as
emphysema. Seriously, they can even lead to a person's death. Accoding to WHO statistics,
nearly 2.5 million people die worldwide each year from the effects of inhaling dirty air. Like
people, animals, plants and entire ecosystems can suffer effects from air pollution. Air
pollutants create acid rain, which causes water quality, crops and other plants to decay. In
addition, animals exposed to air pollution can suffer from birth defects, diseases, and lower
reproductive rates.
So, air pollution is an urgent issue that every human being must deal with. Planing a plethora
of trees so that they can absorb harmful substances and give off oxygen with is good for
people’s health. Furthermore, use eco-friendly transportable is also an optional solution to
reduce pollution emission and decrease the cost of users. With companies or factories must
have reasonable alternatives prior to releasing into the nature.

the rapid population growth,especially at urban.

tackle air pollution
In this way, governments have a special role. The most important step is to
increase people s knowledge and culture. They must pass laws to decrease
greenhouse gases by using airfilters in factories and developing public
transportation. We should usebicycles instead of cars whenever possible.
Arboriculture is another important thing that helps to protect air, soil and
water. All members of society are responsible for their environment. The
role of governments and people in protecting the environment
complements each other.
‘The air that keeps us alive is making us sick’, warn UN experts on Clean
Air Day. It poses a practical sadness that air pollution is now becoming a warning problem
all over the world. In hcm city, it is one of the greatest changllenges faced by
us today that we need to find a solution as soon as posible.
Air popullation is once of the biggest enviromental threats to human health
Noise pollution
Noise pollution is also a significant problem that many countries, especially urban areas, are
experiencing today.First of all, there are a huge variety of factors that can be considered
regarding crash deterioration. The most important reason is traffic. Today, everyone wants to
have their own vehicles, so there are an enormous number of vehicles on the streets, which
means they might create sound problems, as some cars may be out of date. For example,
people who are under the poverty lin cannot afford new cars, so they prefer to buy outdated
cars which can be within their budget. Hence, these vehicles emit air as well as cry
deterioration because of their bad conditions. However, different problems can be noticed
during roar infection. Firstly, students can not focus on their studies while noise around them.
They feel distracted and depressed when they get fewer scores in their studies. Secondly, with
the increase of sound in the environment, the amount of stress level in the lifestyle can rise,
which may have some negative impact on people's health.

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