2018 SOF Calendar of Topics

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Calendar of Weekly Lesson Topics on the

UCCP Statement of Faith

In one God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, who provides order, purpose, meaning and fulfillment to all creation.
That in Jesus Christ, who has born of Mary, God become human and is Sovereign Lord of life and history.
That in the Holy Spirit, God is present in the world, empowering and guiding believers to understand and live out their faith in Jesus Christ.

Persons are created in the image of God and destined to live in community with God, with other persons and with all creation.
That by disobedience, they have become sinful, but, by grace through faith, they are redeemed in Jesus Christ.
That being entrusted with God’s creation, they are called to participate in the establishment of a just and compassionate social order.

That the Church is the one Body of Christ, the whole community of persons reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and entrusted with God’s

That the Holy Bible is a faithful and inspired witness of God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ and in history to illumine, guide, correct and edify
believers in their faith and witness.

That God is at work to make each person a new being in Christ and the whole world God’s Kingdom in which love, justice and peace prevail.
The Kingdom of God is present where faith in Jesus Christ is shared, where healing is given to the sick, where food is given to the hungry, where
light is given to the blind, and where liberty is given to the captive and oppressed.

That the resurrection of Jesus Christ has overcome the power of death, gives assurance of life after death, and we look forward to His coming
again in all fullness and glory to make all creation new and to gather all the faithful under God’s Kingdom. Amen.

Revised on 3 September 1992 by the UCCP Faith and Order Committee

Approved by the 2006 UCCP General Assembly
In one God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, who provides order, purpose, meaning and fulfillment to all creation.

Trinity Sunday
First Sunday after Pentecost
May 27, 2018
General Concept: We believe in one God who is the source of all life, always hears and responds to cries for redemption, and is always
with us; we respond by giving of our whole self to our One God.

Specific Concepts
• There is one God. • There is one God. • There is one God • We believe in one • We believe in one
• God gives life. • God is the source of who is the source of God, the Creator, God, the Creator,
• God helps at all life. all life. Redeemer and Redeemer and
times. • God helps at all • God hears us when Sustainer. Sustainer.
• We give thanks to times. we ask for help. • God is the source of • God is the source of
God for our life. • We give thanks to • God is always with all life, hears and all life, hears and
God for our life. us. responds when we responds to cries for
cry for help, and is redemption, and is
always with us. always with us.
• We give our life to • We respond by
our One God. giving of our whole
self to our One God.
Learning Objectives
• Tell that there is one • Accept that God is • Share their • State that there is • Analyze how God
God. one. understanding one God, the responds to the
• Affirm that God • Thank God for being about our One God, Creator, Redeemer people’s cry for
gives life. the source of life. the source of all life. and Sustainer. redemption from
• Mention ways of • Express their • Relate how they • Declare that our domination and
how God helps us. thoughts on how experience God’s God hears and slavery.
• Say a prayer of God helps people. help. responds to cries for • Express their
thanks to God. • Write their personal redemption and is perception of our
confession of faith always with us. One God as Creator,
in our One God. • Express ways by Redeemer and
which one gives of Sustainer.
oneself to God. • Make a
commitment to
respond and to
actively participate
in the ministries God
calls us to be part of.
Biblical References
• Exodus 3:1-14; • Exodus 3:1-14; • Exodus 3: 13-14; • Exodus 3:7; Isaiah • Exodus 3: 1-14;
Deuteronomy 6:4; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 6:3, 8; John 6:1-8; John 3:1-17 Isaiah 6:1-8; John
John 3:16 John 3:16 3:13-17 3:1-17

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17

Biblical Background

As a Church, we believe in a God who creates life, redeems life and sustains life. “The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.” Deuteronomy 6:4,
opens the Shema, the prayer that urges the people to ‘hear or listen’ to God’s commandments and emphasizes that people are to worship
and love only God—the one God who helped them out of Egypt and who made a covenant with them. Obeying God’s statutes and
ordinances and living a life of faithfulness and thanksgiving is the expected response from the people.

In Exodus 3:1-14, we read that God, through Moses, assured the Hebrews that God heard them, when they cried for help. God is a God who
helps. God has seen the affliction of the people and resolved to rescue them. God instructed Moses to lead them out of Egypt and bring
them into a land where they can live freely and abundantly. This story pictures God as the One who helps and will never turn away when
the people cry and ask for help. Truly, God desires liberty for God’s chosen people.

Isaiah 6:1-8 depicts the prophet’s vision of God in the Holy Temple. He is a witness to the heavenly council’s request to represent them and
bring their message to the people. Isaiah properly responds, “Here am I; send me!” This text vividly describes the glory and power of God.

John 3:1-17 opens with an affirmation that indeed Jesus comes from God. The text talks about a discussion on the Kingdom of God. In an
enigmatic manner, Jesus explains that being in the Kingdom of God means participating in the work of God through Jesus Christ and
accepting God’s grace. The text ends with the declaration that God sent God’s Son in order that the world will be saved and receive eternal
Second Sunday after Pentecost
June 3, 2018
General Concept: God created the whole universe and instituted systems to benefit human beings and the rest of creation.

Specific Concepts
• God made the • God made the • God created the • God created the • God created the
world. universe. whole universe. whole universe and whole universe
• God made me and • God made human • God created human it was good. and it was good.
you. beings. beings. • God gave laws to • God instituted
• God made rules that • God gave rules that • God gave benefit human laws to benefit
help us to be good. help us to be good. commandments to beings and the rest human beings and
benefit human of creation. the rest of
beings and the rest creation.
of creation.
Learning Objectives
• Name the things • Identify the things • Discuss how God • Describe God as • Indicate how they
that God created. God has created. created the whole our Creator. think God’s
• Accept and follow • Explain what universe as • Elaborate the creation is good.
rules in order to be commandments narrated in the details of how God • Express their
good. and rules are for. text. created the reflection on the
• Express thanks for • Express thanks and • Write down the universe as importance of
God’s creation. praise to God, our God-given narrated in the God’s instituted
Creator. commandments text. laws in bringing
mentioned in the • Explain the about order in the
text. benefits of God’s whole of God’s
• Generate ideas on laws to human creation.
how they can beings and the rest • List down ways of
follow the of creation. declaring to others
commandments. • Demonstrate ways the goodness of
• Express thanks and of protecting God’s God’s creation and
praise to God, our creation. the necessity of
Creator. • Resolve to be upholding the
involved in goodness and
environmental integrity of God’s
advocacies creation.
promoting the
welfare and
protection of all
God’s creation.
Biblical References
• Genesis 1:1-27; • Genesis 1:1-27; • Genesis 1:1-27; • Genesis 1:1-27; • Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 5:12- Deuteronomy 5:12- Deuteronomy 5:12- Deuteronomy 5:12- 5:12-15; Psalm
15 15 15; Psalm 139:1-10 15; Psalm 139:1-10 139:1-10

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20); Psalm 81:1-10; 2 Corinthians 4:5-12; Mark 2:23-3:6

Biblical Background

Genesis means “beginning”. In the beginning, God. God spoke and thus created. God is the Creator of all that is. Genesis 1:1-27 shows that
creation is a process of order and putting in place systems that humanity must follow in order that they may benefit and so that creation can
thrive. God made light: the sun and all the stars and the moon. God created the waters, land and sky, all kinds of plants, all kinds of animals,
including the fishes and birds. God made human beings in God’s image, both male and female.

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 is an exhortation to observe the Sabbath and allow time for rest. Just as God rested, so everyone must rest, especially
those who labor hard. Sabbath also represents a day of liberation from oppressive structures, which the Hebrews experienced in their
journey from being slaves with no rest in Egypt until they entered the Promised Land of rest and bounty. This day is set aside as holy, being
offered back to God, and is instituted so that all of us may participate in God’s gift of rest. God created us and gave laws to govern us. God
the Creator sets the laws and commissioned humankind to live by them.

Psalm 139:1-10 opens one of the most beautiful, and one of the most difficult, psalms in the Hebrew Bible. It talks about how God
completely and intimately knows the psalmist from the very beginning of life and in all aspects of life. The psalmist cannot hide from God,
the psalmist can only seek peace with God. Many are prone to think that we can only encounter God in church and in other so called “holy
places.” This passage debunks this erroneous concept. God is Creator and is everywhere, even in the farthest reaches of the created order.
Third Sunday after Pentecost
June 10, 2018
General Concept: God redeems and saves; we are called to participate in God’s work of redemption and salvation.

Specific Concepts
• God is my friend. • God is our friend. • God is our friend. • God is our • God is our constant
• God helps. • God comforts and • God, through our companion. companion.
• I help. helps us when we family and friends, • God redeems and • God redeems and
• We help each other. are in trouble. comforts us when saves. saves.
• God wants us to we have problems. • God wants us to • God wants us to
help those who are • God wants us to help those who are participate in God’s
in trouble. help those who in need. work of redemption
have problems. and salvation.
Learning Objectives
• Tell how God helps • Affirm that God is • Share their • Know and • Ruminate/reflect on
and is a friend. their friend. understanding of understand why why God makes
• Point out similarities • Identify situations our One God, our God redeems and God’s presence felt
between God’s help in the Bible where Redeemer saves us. in all of life’s
and our family’s people needed • Relate how they • Become aware that situations.
help. God’s help have experienced God is our • Recognize ways by
• Demonstrate ways • Tell of ways they God’s help when companion in which God
of helping others. can help those who they asked for it saving the needy. strengthens persons
• Express thanks to are in trouble. • Write their personal • Make resolutions especially in times
God for helping us. confession of faith on how to help of despair and
in God our those who are in degradation.
Redeemer need. • Unite in the biblical
understanding of
• Profess approaches
by which every
person can be a
part of God’s
redemptive act.
Biblical References
• Exodus 3:7-8; 6:5-7 • Exodus 3:7-8; 6:5-7; • Exodus 3:7-8; 6:5-7; • Psalm 138; Luke • Psalm 138; Luke
Psalm 138; Luke Psalm 138; Luke 1:68 1:68
1:68 1:68

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 130; Psalm 138; 1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15); Genesis 3:8-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35

Biblical Background

Exodus 3:7-8 and 6:5-7 narrates how God saw the sufferings of the Israelites and heard them when they cried for help. God could not endure
listening to the cries of a long-enslaved and oppressed people and resolved to rescue them. These texts are part of the dialogue between
God and Moses. God has called Moses to perform the task of liberating the people from their Egyptian taskmasters and to bring them into
the land promised by God: a fertile land full of God’s blessings, a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses, at first, was hesitant seeing the
task ahead. But with God’s assurance of divine help, Moses accepted the task to participate in God’s work of redemption and salvation.

Psalm 138 is a song of praise and thanksgiving for God’s deliverance, continued goodness, steadfast love and abiding solidarity. This chapter
might have been written after the Babylonian exile when the people were allowed to return to their homeland. Once again, God has heard
the cries of the people and redeemed them.

Luke 1:68 forms part of Zechariah’s song of praise. God has redeemed God’s people in the past, and there is no stopping God’s liberating
acts still to be manifested in the future. It is an affirmation of God’s continuing salvific act experienced by the Israelites long before and
which God’s people in this time of the Pax Romana will experience as well. Israel’s life has not been easy being dominated by other nations
and them being caught in the tug-of-war between these nations whose interest is to control the world. God is therefore proclaimed by the
Lukan author to be a faithful and ever-present help in the life of the people.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
June 17, 2018
General Concept: God alone gives and sustains life; we are called to be instruments of God's sustaining grace so that all may experience
abundant life.

Specific Concepts
• God takes care of • God takes care of • God continues to • God sustains life • God intends
me. us. provide for our • God wants us to be abundant life for all
• I help take care of • We take care of needs responsible in our • We are called to be
others. each other. • We take care of life instruments of
• Others are helped each other’s needs God’s sustaining
when I take care of grace
Learning Objectives
• Mention ways of • Identify ways their • Identify their needs • Affirm that God is • Discuss the Biblical
how God takes care parents and other for which God has our Sustainer. principle of
of them. people care for given provisions. • Discuss how God abundant life as
• Show ways of caring them • Write a short story sustains life. intended by God.
others. • Express thanks to showing God’s • Explain why God • Figure out how
• Express thanks to God for taking care provisions in their calls us to be abundant life could
God for taking care of us. life. channels of God’s be achieved amid
of them. • Relate ways by • Illustrate, through sustaining grace. scarcity or
• Express joy in caring which they can pictures, how they • State how God deprivation.
for others. show care for can take care of wants us to be • Register their
others. each other’s needs. responsible in our unwavering
lives. commitment to be
agents of God’s
sustaining grace.
Biblical References
• I Kings 17:7-16; • Ezekiel 17:22-24; • Ezekiel 17:22-24; • Psalm 92: 1-4; 12- • Psalm 92: 12-15;
Psalm 23:1 Mark 4:26-34; II Psalm 92: 1-4; 12- 15; 2 Corinthians Ezekiel 17:22-24
Corinthians 12:7-9 15; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
12: 7-9

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Samuel 15:34 - 16:13; Psalm 20; Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15; Ezekiel 17:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17; Mark 4:26-34

Biblical Background

I Kings 17:7-16 tells the story of Elijah, the widow of Zarephath and her son in a time of drought and famine. The story exemplifies God’s
sustaining grace even in times of calamity and want. The widow was about to prepare her and her son’s last meal as food supplies were
finally running out. A thirsty and hungry Elijah arrives and requests for water and food. Both requests are granted by the widow, despite
knowing that what she was about to offer were the last of her provisions for food. Trusting God and the words of assurance of the prophet,
she shares of the last that she had. Indeed, those who trust in God and does God’s work can be found recipients of God’s continuing

Psalm 92: 1-4 and 12-15 celebrates God’s steadfast love and faithfulness and those who practice righteousness. The righteous will continue
to be on the receiving end of the blessings from God, the Sustainer, for as long as they live. The psalm reminds us of our moral duty to care
of one another, just as God continues to take care of us.

Ezekiel 17:22-24 tells about God’s sustaining grace and faithfulness to God’s people despite all odds. The text gives us a picture of a plant
planted by God that flourishes and grows strong and mighty and is able to in turn provide shelter, nourishment and sustenance to others.
Ezekiel is believed to have lived during the Babylonian exile, the most tragic period of his people’s life. His main task was to keep hope alive
among his people. Exile is not the end of all things; it is not the last word for God keeps on speaking.

Mark 4:26-34 tells about the kin-dom of God which like seed when scattered on the ground will grow no matter what circumstances there
would be. The seed will sprout, grow, bear fruit and again provide shelter and food for others. The message of God’s Kin-dom is that when
people continue to do good, they will flourish and thrive in the care and sustaining grace of God and nothing will be able to stop it.

2 Corinthians 5:6-10 tells us that we must always be confident in the Lord. The verses tell about a lesson that Paul learned about the grace
of God that continuously sustained him. All he needed to do was to be dependent on that grace.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
June 24, 2018
General Concept: God has ordered creation so that each created entity is set in its place and obeys God: the stars in the heavens, the
seas within its bounds, the clouds in the sky, human beings living in unity.

Specific Concepts
• God made the • God made the • God created the • God created the • God is a God of
world beautiful. world beautiful and world beautiful and heavens and the order
• God places good good earth • Each created entity
everything in order. • God places • God places • God places is set in its place
everything in order. everything in order. everything in and obeys God.
perfect order.
Learning Objectives
• Describe the world • Know the right • Recognize that God • Describe how God • Analyze the root
that God made order of how God created the world created the world causes of
• Match the things created according beautiful and good • Affirm that God disorderliness in the
that God created to Genesis 1 • Analyze why God’s places everything in world
with their habitat • Describe their creation is beautiful perfect order • Elucidate some of
• Express thanks to immediate and good • Express one’s role in the ways by which
God for the surrounding • Explain what makes preserving the unity God brings
beautiful creation • Explain what makes God’s creation of all creation orderliness in
God’s creation beautiful and good situations of chaos
beautiful and good • Enumerate
approaches of
safeguarding the
order of God’s
Biblical References
• Genesis 1 • Genesis 1:1 – 2:3; • Job 38:1-11; Psalm • Psalm 133; Mark • Psalm 133; Mark
Psalm 107:29; Psalm 107:29 4:35-41 4:35-41
List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Samuel 17: (1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49; Psalm 9:9-20; Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32; Psalm 133; Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark

Biblical Background

Genesis 1:1 – 2:3, the first chapter of the whole Bible, talks about the whole of God’s creation and how God put everything in order. In the
beginning there was chaos, but when God spoke, God created and everything was in order. Creation, in its chronological and picturesque
order, declares the beauty of all things and affirms life.

Job 38:1-11 records the dialogue between God and Job. This dialogue happened because of Job’s murmuring and complaint. God wants Job
to realize that he has no reason to complain about life and his situation for God is in control, just as the natural world is under God’s power.
God started questioning Job with a poetic description of God’s work in creating the world; something that God did long ago before Job or
any other human being was born. Surely, Job should put his trust in God. The Creator of the universe cares for the whole universe; God
cares for him too.

Psalm 107:29 states how God stills the storm and calms the waves. The sea was a symbol of chaos, dangerous force and hostility in Biblical
times. Rendering God as having control over the sea shows that indeed God is all-powerful and to whom all creation must give obeisance.

Psalm 133 sings about the beauty of living in peace and harmony. Oil denotes peace, health and joy. Dew symbolizes blessings. Hermon is a
very high mountain that reaches to the sky and is perpetually snow-capped, providing water to all the communities surrounding it. Indeed,
all these signify creation that is in the right order.

Mark 4:35-41 is an affirmation that God through Jesus Christ is in control of all creation. Again, in Jewish mentality, the sea is a daily
reminder of chaos. It is seen as a force of evil. This evil force can only be challenged and dispelled by the power of God. In commanding the
stormy sea to be quiet and still, Jesus affirms his divine power over the forces of evil.
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
July 1, 2018

General Concept: Responsible stewardship and equitable distribution of the world’s resources is God’s purpose for creation.

Specific Concepts
• I take care of my • God wants us to • God wants us to • God wants us to be • God wants us to be
things. take care of our take care of our responsible responsible
• I share what I have. surroundings. environment. stewards of God’s stewards of God’s
• God wants us to • God wants us to creation. creation.
share what we share fairly. • Equitable • Equitable
have. distribution is distribution is
sharing according to sharing according to
each one’s needs. each one’s needs.
• God intends for the • God intends for the
world’s resources to world’s resources to
be distributed be distributed
equitably. equitably.
Learning Objectives
• Mention ways of • Understand the • Record verses in the • Explain the meaning • Analyze the existing
caring for things result of taking Bible regarding care of responsible circumstances of
• Have started to more than what we for the environment stewardship and God’s creation and
practice the habit of need • Write and design equitable sharing state the factors
caring for things • Express gratitude to slogans calling for • List down ways of affecting these
God for letting environmental how to be • Affirm that God
human beings use protection and care responsible steward intends for the
creation • Cite ways on how of God's creation world’s resources to
they can practice • Share ways of how be distributed
fair share in to respond to the equitably
everything they do needs of other • Determine basic
people and vital programs
or ministries of the
church and
community that
support the crusade
towards equitable
distribution of the
world’s resources
Biblical References
• Acts 2:43-47 • Exodus 16:1-21; 2 • Exodus 16:12-22; 2 • Exodus 16:1-21; 2 • 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Corinthians 8:7-15 Corinthians 8:10-15 Corinthians 8:7-15

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

Biblical Background
Exodus 16:1-22. The word “manna” literally means “what is it?” This reflects the first reaction of the Israelites when they first collected the
food. They are to gather them every day except on the Sabbath. For 40 years, they have to rely on this food supplied from heaven. This also
clearly demonstrates the enforced dependence of the people on God in order to survive. The provision of manna made it impossible for
greed: it cannot be hoarded and was distributed with precise equity. Although some gathered much and some little, those who gathered
much did not have an excess while, those who gathered less did not lack. The quail migrates across the Sinai Peninsula. They fly in great
flocks between Europe and Arabia. Due to their long flight, the quail being so exhausted will roost to the ground or in low bushes at night.
This makes it easier to capture them. Along with the manna, the quail was made available for the Israelites during their sojourn in the
wilderness. God has provided and so now humanity must take on its duty of responsible stewardship and equitable distribution.

Acts 2:43-47 gives a profile of the early believers. They easily grew in number which led to the astounding spread of the early church. They
held their possessions in common, they ate and prayed together, they took care of each other, they lived in harmony as a community, and
were truly in solidarity one with each other. They exemplified God’s call for humanity to be responsible stewards and to share equitably of
God-given resources.

2 Corinthians 8:7-15 is part of a letter of appeal for funds Paul wrote to the Corinthian church. The collection was for the poor, starving and
persecuted community in Jerusalem. The believers there were persecuted by the Roman Empire and the Jewish authorities that they had to
go underground. Many of them had been killed. Paul urged the Corinthians to reach out to those in need and to practice their Christian
obligation and privilege of sharing. Paul also put forth the concept of “fair balance” (verses 13-15). The Corinthian church was rich and had
the capacity to help while the Jerusalem church was needy and suffering. This call of Paul advocates true partnership, equality and
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
July 8, 2018

General Concept: Each created being has integrity and worth; our role is to do good and to uphold the worth and integrity of creation.

Specific Concepts
• I am special. • We are all special. • Each created being • Each created being • Each created being
• I belong. • We belong to each is special. has integrity and has integrity and
• I do good. other. • All created beings worth. worth.
• I help take care of • We do good. are interrelated. • All created beings • All created beings
plants and animals. • We help protect the • Each one of us must are interconnected are interconnected
environment. do good. and interrelated. and interrelated.
• We help protect • Our role is to do • Our role is to do
and respect the good. good.
environment. • We uphold the • We uphold the
worth and integrity worth and integrity
of creation. of creation.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that each • Distinguish what • State, in own words, • Affirm the greatness • Identify and assert
one is a special child makes them special how God created of God as the role of persons
of God • See how we are all each being special manifested in in upholding the
• Realize that we connected to each • Analyze how all creation integrity of God’s
belong to one other created beings are • Discuss that all creation
another • Show their concern interrelated created beings are • Affirm the necessity
• Mention acts of for the protection • Plan on how they interconnected and of celebrating each
goodness of environment can do good and interrelated person’s uniqueness
• Have demonstrated • Express protect the whole • Demonstrate and potential for a
acts of goodness to thanksgiving to God of creation actions that show more harmonious
others for being made caring for all relationship and
special creation journey towards a
• Make a transformed
commitment community
towards upholding • Declare
the worth and commitment to
integrity of creation take part in church
• and community
ministries in
upholding the
worth and integrity
of God’s creation
Biblical References
• 1 Samuel 16:1-13; • Ephesians 2:10a; 2 • Ezekiel 2:1-2; 2 • Ezekiel 2:1-5; • Ezekiel 2:1-5
Psalm 139:14 Corinthians 12:9-10 Corinthians 12:9; Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 2:10

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; Psalm 123; Ezekiel 2:1-5; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

Biblical Background

1 Samuel 16:1-13 tells about the anointing of David by the prophet Samuel as king over Israel. God chose Samuel. The people were not
consulted this time; unlike with Saul who was the people’s choice. Indeed, David had inherent gifts and was worthy to become king. He was
sensitive and wise; he was a brave warrior; and he had faith in God. Just like every created being, he has intrinsic integrity and worth; and
he exemplified good leadership and mostly upheld what was right during his reign.

Ezekiel 2:1-5 begins the story of the prophet’s call and commissioning. God empowers Ezekiel to be God’s voice. He is sent to the people of
Israel, who in this passage is described as rebellious, impudent and stubborn. These descriptions remind us of the frailty of humanity.
Despite this, God continues to call them and invites them to participate in the work of God of and upholding God’s order. The people can
respond and change the course of their lives. Even if they are defiant, they are not without hope and God gives them a second chance at
obeying and following the purpose of God.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 contains an oracle or piece of truth that the grace of God is sufficient. Paul is empowered in that Christ’s power
indwelled in him. Despite his weaknesses, he was made strong. God also finds strength in each one of, and when there are points of
weakness, God will likewise give us strength to continue to do God’s will.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
July 15, 2018
General Concept: In God, all creation finds fulfillment, abundance and grace.

Specific Concepts
• God provides for • God provides for • We are happy when • God wants for all • God wants for all
our needs. our needs. we do good to creation to creation to
• I thank God for • We thank God for others. experience life in all experience life in all
what I have. what we have. • God intends for our its fullness. its fullness.
• I am happy when I • We are happy when basic needs to be • Fullness of life • Fullness of life
do good. we do good. met. means everyone’s means everyone’s
basic needs are basic needs are
met. met.
Learning Objectives
• Name some of the • Name some of the • Identify what their • Affirm God’s • Identify
things that God things that God basic needs are intention for manifestations in
provides provides • Cite Bible verses creation to have the Biblical text of
• Express • Express about God’s fulfillment, God’s desire for the
thankfulness to God thankfulness to God intention in meeting abundance and whole creation to
for all the things for all the things our basic needs grace experience life in all
provided by God provided by God • Define the meaning fullness
• Enumerate the • Enumerate the of fulfillment, • State that God
good things that good things that abundance and intends for each
they can do they can do grace person to
• Articulate their • Analyze whether experience the
feelings about the world’s present fullness of life
things and situation manifests • List down concrete
experiences around fulfillment, ways they can do to
them abundance and help others meet
grace their basic needs
• Enumerate
practices that can
contribute to
creation’s having
abundance and
Biblical References
• Psalm 24:1-6; • Psalm 24:1-6 • Psalm 24:1-6; • Psalm 24:1-6; • Psalm 24:1-6
Hebrews 13:16 Ephesians 1:3-14 Ephesians 1:3-14

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24:1-6; Psalm 85:8-13; Amos 7:7-15; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

Biblical Background
Psalm 24:1-6 reminds us who God is and whose we are. The psalm declares God as Creator who owns the world and everything that lives in
it. It also says that people can only find worth and fulfillment when they are faithful to God. Blessings would come to those who are with
pure heart and clean hands, meaning those who do the will of God.

Ephesians 1:3-14 is part of Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus. It tells us how God chose us, that Christ gave his life in order that we
may have life in abundance, and that the Holy Spirit is with us to guide, help and protect us. Being adopted to God’s family, no longer an
orphan, Paul wanted to tell the Christians in Ephesus that all have received these “spiritual gifts” when they believed in Jesus Christ. The
verses speak about the bestowing of God’s blessings. It is worthy to note that blessings from God are the result of our union with Christ
Jesus. It declares that God wants us to experience fulfillment, abundance and grace through the spiritual blessings from Christ.
That in Jesus Christ, who was born of Mary, God became human and is Sovereign Lord of life and history.

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 22, 2018

General Concept: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, obedient and faithful in doing God’s ministries of feeding, teaching,
healing and preaching.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus is the Son of • Jesus is the Son of • Jesus is the Son of • Jesus is the Christ, • Jesus is the Christ,
God. God. God. the Son of the Living the Son of the Living
• Jesus obeys God. • Jesus obeys God. • Jesus obeys God. God. God.
• Jesus is obedient • Jesus is both human
and faithful to the and divine.
will of God. • Jesus is obedient
and faithful to the
will of God.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Jesus is • Assert that Jesus is • Discuss Jesus’s • Identify Jesus as the • Expound on the
the Son of God the Son of God identity as the Son Christ, the Son of nature of Jesus as
• Describe how Jesus • Portray the works of of God, basing on the Living God the Christ and as
obeyed God Jesus the Bible • Describe Jesus’ the Son of God
• Affirm that Jesus • Examine Jesus life obedience and • Affirm that Jesus’s
was obedient to and find out how faithfulness to the compassion to the
God Jesus obeyed God will of God lowly is a
• Express thanks to • Write their personal • Recognize the manifestation of
Jesus who helped confession of faith manifestation of obedience and
people in their in Jesus Christ Jesus’ obedience to faithfulness to God
sufferings and God by doing the • Articulate
difficult conditions ministries of approaches by
feeding, healing, which persons can
preaching and emulate Jesus as an
teaching obedient child of
• Choose to offer God
time, talents and
work in promoting
the different
ministries of the
Biblical References
• Matthew 16:13-16; • Psalm 23; Matthew • Matthew 16:13-16; • Psalm 23; Mark • Psalm 23; Mark
Mark 6:30-56 16:13-16; Mark Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 6:30-34, 53-56; 8: 6:30-34, 53-56
6:30-56 27-30

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Psalm 23; Psalm 89:20-37; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
July 29, 2018

General Concept: Mary accepted the great honor to be the mother of the Son of God, despite her self-perception of her being of lowly
estate, proclaiming that indeed God is a God who lifts up the lowly and brings down the powerful, modelling what it means to be
a faithful disciple.

Specific Concepts
• Mary is the mother • Mary is the mother • Mary was honored • Mary was honored • Mary accepted the
of Jesus. of Jesus. to be the mother of to be the mother of great honor to be
• Mary was a loving • Mary was a loving Jesus. the Son of God. the mother of the
mother. mother. • Mary was obedient • Mary was an active Son of God.
• Mary obeyed God. • Mary was obedient to God’s will. participant in • Mary was an active
to God. • We should be like bringing about the participant in God’s
Mary and be will of God. liberating acts.
obedient to God’s
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Mary is • Name the mother of • Express what they • Explain how Mary • Recognize that God
the mother of Jesus Jesus know about Mary accepted her call to employs people in
• Mention ways how • Describe Mary as a • List down some be the mother of the work of
Mary showed her woman and a traits they know Jesus establishing God’s
love for Jesus mother about Mary • Discuss the Kingdom on earth
• Describe how Mary • Make comparisons • Discuss how Mary significance of • Affirm that
obeyed God between Mary the became obedient to Mary's acceptance lowliness does not
mother of Jesus and God’s will found in of her call as an hamper God’s call
their own mother the Gospel active participant in to be channels of
• Explain that being • • bringing about transformation
Jesus’ mother is God’s will • Express firm
Mary’s way of • Express how one obedience to God’s
obeying God may accept God’s call of societal
call to serve transformation
through dynamic
involvement in
church and
Biblical References
• Luke 1:26-38; 2:6-7 • Psalm 14:5b-7; Luke • Isaiah 7:14; Luke • Isaiah 7:14; Luke • Psalm 14; Luke
1:26-56 1:26-38, 45-55 1:26-56 1:26-46

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 11:1-15; 2 Kings 4:42-44; Psalm 14; Psalm 145:10-18; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 5, 2018
General Concept: God, in Jesus Christ, came to earth and lived among us to bring fullness of life for all.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus is like me. • Jesus is a human • God, in Jesus Christ, • God, in Jesus Christ, • The name Jesus
• Jesus lived on earth. being like us. came to earth. came to earth and means “God
• Jesus grows up like • Jesus lived on earth. • Jesus grew in lived among us. Redeems” and is a
me. • Jesus grows up like wisdom, in years • The name Jesus symbol of the
me. and in favor with means “God fulfillment of God’s
God and the redeems” and is a promise.
community. symbol of the • Jesus is the
fulfillment of God’s actualization of
promise. fullness of life.

Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Jesus • Jesus is a human • Discuss how Jesus • Affirm that God in • Clarify how God’s
was a human being. being like us. spent his life with Jesus Christ who redeeming act is
• Describe how Jesus • Jesus lived on earth. the people came to earth and readily seen in the
lived and grew as a • Jesus grows up like • List some Bible lived among us incarnation of God
person. me. verses that tell • Relate the name in Jesus Christ
about Jesus’ “Jesus” (which • Assert that to be
growing up in favor means “God human is to be
with God and the redeems”) to the humane as
community nature and purpose exhibited in the life
• Explain why God of Jesus life on and ministry of
chose to become earth Jesus
human and lived • Realize that Jesus • Determine means
among us became human as by which the church
the fulfillment of can help in the
God’s promise transformation of
• Choose to persons into
experience fullness becoming more
of life through Jesus humane
Biblical References
• Luke 2:41-52 • Ephesians 4:9-10; • Psalm 51:10-12; • John 6:24-35; 10:10- • Ephesians 4:9-10;
John 1:14; John John 6:29-35; Luke 11 John 1:14
10:10-11 2: 52

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 11:26 - 12:13a; Psalm 51:1-12; Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15; Psalm 78:23-29; Ephesians 4:9-10; John 6:24-35
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
August 12, 2018

General Concept: In Jesus, God made manifest God’s saving acts and offers eternal life. We therefore must believe and follow Christ and
be bearers of fullness of life for others.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus is good. • Jesus is our Lord. • Jesus is our Lord • Jesus is the ultimate • Jesus is the ultimate
• I will be good like • We will follow and Savior. manifestation of manifestation of
Jesus. Jesus. • We believe in and God’s sovereignty. God’s sovereignty.
follow Jesus. • Jesus is the • Jesus is the
sovereign Lord of sovereign Lord of
Life. Life.
• Like Jesus, we must
be bearers of
fullness of life for
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Jesus is • Talk about what • Illustrate through • Discuss that in • Declare that God’s
good Jesus did to help artwork the stories Jesus, God made sovereignty is made
• Imitate the good people about Jesus’ healing manifest God’s evident in the life of
deeds of Jesus • Tell ways on how and feeding saving acts and Jesus
• we can follow Jesus ministries offers eternal life • Indicate that Jesus’
• Thank God for • Discuss why Jesus • Realize that Jesus is Lordship over all of
sending Jesus to the Christ is Lord and the sovereign Lord life is manifested in
world to help Savior of Life of life his resurrection
people in need • Contrast the kind of • Express creatively • Enumerate some of
• life that God wants their belief and the ways by which
us to have with the obedience to Jesus we can be bearers
life majority of as the ultimate of the fullness of life
people are manifestation of
experiencing today God’s sovereignty
Biblical References
• John 11:38-44 • Psalm 34:1-8; • John 6: 30-40, 47-51 • Psalm 34:1-8; • Psalm 34:1-8; John
Ephesians 5:1-2a; Ephesians 5:2 6:35,38-40
John 6:1-14, 51

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33; Psalm 34:1-8; Psalm 130; 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35,38-40, 47-51
Thirteenth Sunday after
August 19, 2018
General Concept: God has always been with God’s people throughout history. We must be wise and discerning, always doing the will of
God, imbibing the life Jesus lived.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus is with me. • Jesus walks with us • Jesus is our • Jesus is our • God has always
• I will follow Jesus. every day. companion in our companion and been with us
• God wants us to be everyday life. guide in all of our throughout history.
obedient like Jesus. • We must be wise life. • We must be wise
and understand the • We must be wise and discerning of
will of God. and discerning of God’s will, imbibing
God’s will. the life Jesus lived.
• God is present in
the life and struggle
of the people.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Jesus is • Identify the times • Explore the life of • Affirm that God in • Convey how God
with them when they feel Solomon and list Jesus Christ is the solidly moves in
• Decide to follow Jesus is with them down some of his sovereign Lord of history to realize
Jesus • Express how they traits as a King history God’s plan of total
can follow Jesus in • Compare the • Share their salvation of the
their own ways leadership of experience of God whole of creation
• Thank God for being obedient and in Jesus being their • Ascertain God’s
in the people’s lives faithful leaders in companion and design for humanity
the Bible from those guide and the whole of
who are not • Identify concrete creation through
• Write a prayer examples of God’s following the life
asking God to lead work in their lives Jesus lived and the
our life as a nation, lessons He taught
discerning and • Proclaim that
following God’s will promoting the
agenda expressing
solidarity with the
struggles of the
people proves God’s
constant presence
in the world
Biblical References
• John 21:1-14 • Psalm 111; • 1 Kings 3: 5-14; Acts • Psalm 111; Psalm 111; Ephesians
Matthew 16:24-25; 17: 24-27; Ephesians 5:15-17; 5:15-17
John 6:57-58 Ephesians 5:15-17 John 6:57-58

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14; Psalm 111; Proverbs 9:1-6; Psalm 34:9-14 Ephesians 5:15-17; John 6:57-58
That in the Holy Spirit, God is present in the world, empowering and guiding believers to understand and live out their faith in Jesus

Mission Sunday
First Sunday in Kingdomtide
August 26, 2018
General Concept: The Holy Spirit is the moving and empowering presence of God.

Specific Concepts
• The Holy Spirit is • The Holy Spirit is • The Holy Spirit is • The Holy Spirit is • The Holy Spirit is
God’s Spirit. God’s Spirit in us. the presence of God the presence of God the presence of
in our lives. in the world. God.
• The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit
empowers people moves and
to do God’s mission. empowers God’s
people to do God’s
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that the • Affirm that The Holy • Recognize the • Recognize that the • Describe situations
Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit is God’s spirit significance of Holy Spirit is the that indicate the
sprit. • Express God’s presence in presence of God in presence of the
• Describe how the appreciation for our lives through the world Holy Spirit in
Holy Spirit can help sending the Holy the Holy Spirit • Cite examples of individuals,
us be good. Spirit to the • Identify the distinct how the Holy Spirit churches and
believing work of the Holy empowers the communities
community Spirit from those of people to do God’s • Pinpoint Christian
the Creator and mission characteristics that
Redeemer • Plan a mission demonstrate
• Discuss how the project to manifest empowerment to
Holy Spirit works God’s realize God’s
and empowers us empowerment mission
• Articulate
commitment to
participate in the
task of declaring
God’s comforting
and empowering
spirit to all and in all
Biblical References
• John 6:63; • John 6:63; 14:15-21; • Joshua 24:16-18; • Ephesians 6:10-20; • Ephesians 6:10-20;
Ephesians 6:18 15:26-27 Ephesians 6:10-18; John 6:62-63, 68-69 John 6:62-63
Acts 1:8

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Kings 8: (1, 6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43; Psalm 84; Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18; Psalm 34:15-22; Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:62-63, 68-
Christian Education
Second Sunday in Kingdomtide
September 2, 2018
General Concept: The Holy Spirit is manifested through God’s teachings, and through the Advocate, the spirit of truth.

Specific Concepts
• The Holy Spirit helps • The Holy Spirit is • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit
me to love God, felt when there is leads us to love, to moves us to live out empowers us to
family and friends. love and goodness. be peace-loving, love, joy, peace, manifest love, joy,
patient, kind and patience, kindness, peace, patience,
good. goodness, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, faithfulness,
humility and self- humility and self-
control control in our daily
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that the Holy • Express how God • Identify and explain • Affirm that God is • Bring to the
Spirit helps us to can be found and the manifestations present in the world foreground the
love God, our felt of God’s presence in through the Holy significance of the
family, and our • Articulate that the the lives of the Spirit various fruits of the
friends Holy Spirit is there learners through • Articulate that the Spirit in the task of
• Be thankful for the when we do good the work of the Holy Spirit is fulfilling the mission
leading and and in loving others Holy Spirit manifested in entrusted by God to
inspiration of the • Resolve to be more • Dramatize how to Christ’s teachings God’s people
Holy Spirit loving and good to live out and witness • Cite examples of • Discover and
• others Express how to their faith in God, how the fruits of acknowledge
God can be found demonstrating how the Holy Spirit are whatever fruit of
and felt the Holy Spirit lived out today the Spirit each
• Articulate that the works in our lives • Make a self- person has
Holy Spirit is there • Plan a project the assessment on how • Convey their
when we do good learners can offer or we live out the commitment to
and in loving others share to the church fruits of the Holy hone and share
• Resolve to be more or community as Spirit their spiritual gifts
loving and good to manifestations of for towards the
others the fruits of the realization of a
Spirit society where the
reign of God
marked by love,
justice and peace is
Biblical References
• John 19:26-27; • Deuteronomy 4:1-2, • Deuteronomy 4:1-2, • John 16:5-15; • Deuteronomy 4:1-2,
James 1:17-27 6-9; James 1:19-27 6; James 1:17-27; Galatians 5:22-23 6-9; James 1:17-27;
Galatians 5:22-26 Galatians 5:22-23

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9; Song of Solomon 2:8-13; Psalm 45:1-2, 6-9; Psalm 15; James 1:17-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Children’s Sunday
Third Sunday in Kingdomtide
September 9, 2018

General Concept: The Holy Spirit guides, empowers and enables believers to testify to the truth and to do what is good and upright.

Specific Concepts
• The Holy Spirit helps • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit
me to tell the truth. teaches us to tell guides us to testify enables us to empowers believers
the truth. to the truth and to witness to the truth to live out their
do what is good and and to do what is faith.
upright. good and upright.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that the Holy • Tell stories about • Discuss the concept • Acknowledge that • Discuss ways of how
Spirit helps us to tell the times they did of truth the Holy Spirit we may maximize
the truth not tell the truth • Practice doing good guides and the fruits of the
• Thank God for • Express how they and living an upright empowers believers spirit in the daily
helping us to tell felt when they did life with the • Articulate that the living out of our
the truth not tell the truth guidance of the Holy Spirit helps us faith
• Ask forgiveness Holy Spirit to testify and • Determine potential
from God and ask • Always value the witness to the truth challenges in the
help to tell the truth truth just as Jesus • Analyze how the current times that
always did Holy Spirit helps us may hamper the
to choose what is living out of our
good and upright faith and in
• Commit to testifying to the
participate in the truth
quest for social • Detail different
transformation approaches in
surmounting the
challenges and
encountered in the
living out of one’s
Biblical References
• Acts 7; John 16:13 • Proverbs 22: 17-23; • Psalm 125:4-5; • Proverbs 22:1-2, 8- • Proverbs 22:1-23;
James 3: 1-6 James 2: 14-17; 9, 22-23; Isaiah 35:4 Psalm 125; James
John 16:13a 2:1-10
List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; Psalm 125; Psalm 146; Isaiah 35:4; James 2:1-10; (11-13), 14-17; Mark 7:24-37
Youth Sunday
Fourth Sunday in Kingdomtide
September 16, 2018
General Concept: Believers must keep the Word of God by understanding and living out their faith in Jesus Christ, through the help of
the Holy Spirit.

Specific Concepts
• I love to listen to • We love to listen to • We learn lessons • The Holy Spirit • The Holy Spirit
stories about God. stories about God. from stories about enables us to inspires believers to
• I love to tell stories • We share stories God. understand and live obey God and
about God to my about God to each • We relate to the life out the Word of understand and live
friends. other. and witness of God. out their faith.
faithful servants of
Learning Objectives
• Appreciate stories • Tell their favorite • Relate stories from • Discuss their • Discuss how living
about God stories about God the Bible of understanding of out our faith in
• Be excited to tell • Devise ways to experiences of faith Jesus is akin to
others the stories share their favorite some faithful • Explain the keeping the Word
they hear about stories about God servants of God relationship of God
God • Thank God for • Choose a person in between faith and • Exemplify the
letting them know the Bible whose deeds means by which the
about God faith and life is • Express their Holy Spirit enthuses
worth following commitment to live us to proclaim our
• Write a letter of out their faith in faith in Jesus Christ
commitment to God their daily lives • Express
expressing their determination to be
desire to be a faithful to the will of
faithful and God through active
obedient servant of involvement in the
Jesus Christ work of proclaiming
God’s Kin-dom
Biblical References
• Acts 3 • Psalm 19:7-14; • Psalm 19:7-14; Luke • Psalm 19:7-14; • Psalm 19:7-14, Mark
James 2:14-17 19: 1-10 James 2:14-17 8:27-38

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 19:7-14; Proverbs 1:20-33; Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 116:1-9; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8:27-38
Persons are created in the image of God and destined to live in community with God, with other persons and with all creation.

Fellowship of the
Fifth Sunday in Kingdomtide
September 23, 2018
General Concept: God created persons in God’s image, with dignity and worth, with God’s spirit dwelling in all of us.

Specific Concepts
• God made you and • God made us in • God made us in • God created • God created
me in God’s God’s likeness. God’s image. persons in God’s persons in God’s
likeness. • God created • God created image. image.
• I am loving like God. children with God- persons with God- • God created • God created all
• I am important. given rights. given rights. persons with persons with
inherent rights to dignity, each
ensure that each contributing to the
person’s dignity and work of building
worth is upheld. God’s reign.
• God created all
persons with worth,
with each person’s
contribution being
• God created
persons with
inherent rights to
ensure that each
person’s dignity and
worth is upheld.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that God • Tell how human • Discover some traits • Discuss their • Relate how each
made them in God’s beings are created or values that understanding of one can be a true
likeness in the image of God manifest God’s the concept that image-bearer of
• Be good and loving • Know the rights of image in a person persons are created God
like God children • Identify ways of in God’s image • Enumerate how
• Feel that they are • Thank God for how the learners • Enumerate or they can uphold the
important and creating children in should respect each mention the image of God in
special children of God’s likeness one’s God-given inherent human each one
God • rights rights of each • Articulate
• • Point out reasons person steadfastness in
why people’s God- • List down ways on living out the true
given rights are, how we can uphold essence of being a
oftentimes, violated the rights, dignity person created in
• and worth of people God’s image.

Biblical References
• Genesis 1:27 • Genesis 1:27; Mark • Genesis 1:27; Psalm • Genesis 1:27; Psalm • Genesis 1:27; Mark
9:37 8: 4-9; Colossians 3: 8 9:37
12-17; Mark 9:37

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 1; Proverbs 31:10-31; James 4:5-8a; Mark 9:37
Sixth Sunday in Kingdomtide
September 30, 2018

General Concept: Persons are destined to live in community with God, co-creators with God in building a just, peaceful and
compassionate world, reflecting God’s light.

Specific Concepts
• I belong to a family. • We belong to a • We have a • We have a • We are destined to
• I belong to a church. family. relationship with relationship with live in community
• I help at home and • We belong to a God, manifested in God, manifested in with God.
in church. church. right relationships right relationships • We are co-creators
• We help at home within the family within the family with God in building
and in church. and the church. and the church. a just, peaceful, and
• We participate in • We are partners compassionate
the different with God in the world.
ministries and work for a just,
activities of the peaceful and
church. compassionate
Learning Objectives
• Describe their own • Share about one’s • Express their • Explain the concept • Provide a concrete
families family to the class understanding and of living in description of a
• Mention the tasks • Tell the reasons definition of a community with community that is
they do at home why they come to community God just, peaceful and
and in church church • Classify different • Enumerate church compassionate
• Thank God for their • Express ways they kinds of community and family activities • Determine
families and the can help in family according to its that manifest right measures that
church and church situation and relationships with would guarantee
composition others the building of a
• Name some • Affirm that we are community where
ministries and partners with God justice, peace and
activities of the in the work for a compassion is
church just, peaceful and experienced by all
• Share some ways on compassionate • Present ways of
how they can world carrying out existing
participate in these ministries of the
ministries church that would
foster the
establishing of a just
and compassionate
social order
Biblical References
• Luke 2, Mark 9:50c • Micah 6:8; 1 Peter • Esther 7; Matthew • Micah 6:8; James 5: • Micah 6:8; John 1:1-
2:4-9; James 5: 13- 15: 21-28; James 5: 13-20 4; James 5: 13-20
20 13-20

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; Psalm 124; Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29; Psalm 19:7-14; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50
Seventh Sunday in Kingdomtide
October 7, 2018
General Concept: Human beings are not meant to live alone; they are meant to live in partnership with other human beings, mutually
supporting and helping each other, bringing each other into the fold of God’s Kin-dom.

Specific Concepts
• I belong to a • We belong to a • Human beings are • Human beings are • Human beings are
community. community. meant to live in meant to live in meant to live in
• I am a community • We are community community. partnership with partnership with
helper. helpers. • We help each other other human other human
• I help others • We help each other in our community. beings. beings.
experience God. experience God. • We help each other • We support and • We mutually
experience God. help each other in support and help
community. each other in
• We help each other community.
experience God’s • We help each other
Kin-dom. experience God’s

Learning Objectives
• Describe their • Tell that it is not • State the • Discuss why human • Cull out important
community good to be alone importance of living beings are meant to characteristics
• Mention ways of • Portray how the in community live in partnership Christians must
helping the early believers met • Describe how the with other human possess to be
community the needs of other early believers beings effective partners in
• Thank God for their believers manifested • Explain how we can the ministry of
community • Enumerate the community life support and help stewardship and in
ways they can show based on Jesus’ each other in working toward the
that other people teachings community fullness of life for all
are important to • Examine how the • List down ways of • Establish
them early believers lived how human beings approaches
a rightful life that can live together in necessary in
encouraged others partnership empowering each
to be a part of the • Express their other to build
community of God commitment to community
help each other • Envision possible
experience God’s and doable
Kin-dom partnerships
between and
among individuals
and organizations
that would promote
establishment of
Biblical References
• Mark 10:13-16 • Genesis 2:18-24; • Genesis 2:18-24; • Genesis 2:18-24; • Genesis 2:18-24; I
Acts 4:32-35; Acts 2: 42-47, 4:32- Psalm 8 John 3:23
Hebrews 2:11 35

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Genesis 2:18-24; Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 8; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10: 2-16
Eighth Sunday in Kingdomtide
October 14, 2018
General Concept: Human beings must live in community and harmony with all creation, working for and proclaiming the good news of
redemption to the whole of creation.

Specific Concepts
• I am part of God’s • We are part of • Human beings must • Human beings must • Human beings must
world. God’s world. live in community live in community live in community
• I help take care of • We help take care with all creation. with all creation. and harmony with
God’s world. of God’s world. • We have a • We have a all creation.
• I tell others to take • We tell others to responsibility to responsibility to • We have a
care of God’s world. take care of God’s take care of God’s participate in the responsibility to
world. creation. work of redeeming participate in the
• We teach others God’s creation. work of redeeming
that they have a • We teach others God’s creation.
responsibility to that they have a • We empower
take care of God’s responsibility to others to
world. take care of God’s participate in the
creation. work of redeeming
God’s creation.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that they are • Connect their selves • Recognize that • Explain why it is • Analyze the various
part of God’s world to other beings human beings must important that factors that have
• Describe the world created by God live in community human beings live contributed to the
that God made • Tell ways of how with all creation in community with current state of
• Mention ways to God’s world should • Name some creation God’s creation
take care of God’s be taken care of responsibilities they • Point out and • Reflect on the
creation • Invite others to take could extend to discuss that we different ways by
care of God’s world care for God’s have the which we can
creation responsibility and participate in the
• Prepare materials work of redeeming task of redeeming
that can be used to God’s creation God’s creation
teach others of • Express • Declare
their responsibility commitment to commitment to
to take care of teach others to participate in the
God’s world work and proclaim work of redeeming
the good news of God’s creation
redemption of all of
Biblical References
• Genesis 2:15-22; • Genesis 2:18-20a; • Genesis 1: 26-30; • Romans 8:19-23; • Psalm 104:1-23;
Psalm 22:10b Mark 16:15 Romans 8:19-23; Mark 16:15 Mark 10: 29-30;
Mark 10: 29-30 16:15

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22:1-15; Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Psalm 90:12-17; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31
That by disobedience, they have become sinful, but, by grace through faith, they are redeemed in Jesus Christ.

Ninth Sunday in Kingdomtide

October 21, 2018
General Concept: Disobeying God's will means following our own selfish will: refusing to live in community with God, with other persons
and with all creation. It means playing like God, making ourselves the center of everything, lording it over other people and the
rest of God's creation.

Specific Concepts
• I make mistakes. • We make mistakes. • We commit sin • Disobeying God’s • Disobeying God’s
• My mistakes make • Our mistakes make when we disobey will means following will means following
my family unhappy. our family and God. our selfish will. our selfish will
friends unhappy. • Disobedience is • Pursuing our selfish • Human beings are
• Our mistakes make following our selfish will destroys free to fulfill the
God unhappy. will. relationship with image of God in
God, with other themselves but this
persons and with same freedom can
the whole of also be used to
creation. oppose the will of
God for themselves,
for others and the
whole of creation.
• This abuse of
freedom is playing
like God.
Learning Objectives
• Tell how Adam and • Admit their • Define what sin is • Explain that • Point out ways by
Eve made a mistake mistakes • Recognize that we disobeying God’s which human
• Share to the class • Say sorry to family sin when we will means following beings become
the mistakes they and friends for the disobey God our own selfish will disobedient to
have made mistakes they have • Relate how • Point out and God’s plan and will
• Describe the made selfishness results discuss how for the whole
reactions of their • Ask forgiveness to disobedience relationships are creation
friends or parents from God for the destroyed when • Reflect on how
or teachers when mistakes made one pursues selfish sinfulness of people
they make mistakes desires affects the whole
• Express creation of God
commitment to • Enumerate
always follow the significant things
will of God and not they could do to
our own selfish remain obedient,
desires faithful and loyal to
• God
Biblical References
• Genesis 3:1-7; • Matthew 23:25-26; • Genesis 3:1-7; Mark • Job 38:1-7, 34-41; • Amos 5:11-15;
Psalm 91:14a Hebrews 5:8 10:35-45; Hebrews Hebrews 5:1-10 Hebrews 5:1-10
List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Job 38:1-7, 34-41; Psalm 91:9-16; Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 33-35; Isaiah 53:4-12; Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-45
Tenth Sunday in Kingdomtide
October 28, 2018
General Concept: Grace is a gift that we receive through faith; we respond with a life of thanksgiving.

Specific Concepts
• God is happy when I • God is happy when • God is merciful and • Grace is God’s gift • Grace is an
say “I’m sorry.” we say “I’m sorry.” forgiving when we to us. unmerited gift we
• I can forgive others. • We can forgive confess our sins. • Confession of sins is receive through
others. • We, too, can be an act of restoration faith.
merciful and of right • Confession of sins is
forgiving. relationships with an act of restoration
God and others. of right
• God’s grace is relationships with
shown in God’s God and others.
initiative of • God’s grace is
redeeming persons shown in God’s
through Jesus initiative of saving
Christ. persons through
• We respond Jesus Christ.
through offering our • Gratefulness to God
lives to God in is manifested
gratefulness. through concretely
participating in
God’s act of
reconciling the
whole creation.
Learning Objectives
• Say “I’m sorry” • Picture out an • Describe the • Give their own • Examine biblical
when they have experience wherein meaning of the definition of “grace” stories of how God
done wrong God’s love and words grace, mercy • Point out the bestows grace to
• Forgive others who mercy is present and forgiveness importance of errant but
have done wrong to • Say “I am sorry” to • Explore Bible verses confession of sins repentant persons
them God and to others that talk about • Narrate one’s faith • Explain that God’s
• Thank God for the grace, mercy and journey as a abiding grace is for
gift of love and forgiveness recipient of God’s all people of faith
mercy • Write a prayer of grace and is available at
repentance for all of • Offer their lives to all times
their acts of the service of God • Respond to God’s
disobedience as the appropriate grace by conveying
response to God’s gratitude through
grace actual involvement
in the works of
reconciling the
whole creation
Biblical References
• Luke 15:11-24; I • Job 42:10-17; • Mark 10:46-52; • Jeremiah 31:7-9; • Mark 10:46-52;
John 1:9a Ephesians 2:8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9 Ephesians 2:8-9

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Jeremiah 31:7-9; Psalm 34:1-8, (19-22); Psalm 126; Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52
Eleventh Sunday in Kingdomtide
November 4, 2018
General Concept: God’s redemption from everything sinful is experienced through Jesus Christ by grace through faith.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus loves and • Jesus loves and • We commit sin, but • Persons are • Persons are
cares for me. cares for us. God’s love shown vulnerable to sin on vulnerable to sin on
• Jesus keeps me • Jesus protects us through Jesus Christ their own and their own and
from harm and from from harm and from saved us. therefore require therefore require
doing wrong. doing wrong. God’s redemptive God’s redemptive
act through Jesus act through Jesus
Christ. Christ.
Learning Objectives
• Affirm that Jesus • Understand how • Discuss the meaning • Describe how • Determine what
loves and cares for Jesus saved us of redemption persons are societal conditions
them • Commit to do good • Identify the ways by vulnerable to sin cause persons to
• Thank Jesus for for others which a person • Explain how the plummet into sin
keeping them from • Thank Jesus for could experience redemptive power • Discuss the
harm and helping giving his life to redemption of God is different ways
them do good save the world • Thank Jesus for manifested in Jesus God’s redemption is
giving his life to Christ experienced
save the world • Express gratitude through Jesus Christ
and thanks to God • Practice being
for Jesus Christ who channels of God’s
redeemed us redeeming love
wherever they are
Biblical References
• Deuteronomy 6:1- • Hebrews 9:13-14; • Psalm 146; Hebrews • Psalm 146; • Psalm 146; Romans
9; Luke 1:1-10 Mark 12:28-34 9:11-14 Hebrews 9:11-14 3:24

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Ruth 1:1-18; Psalm 119:1-8; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34
That being entrusted with God’s creation, they are called to participate in the establishment of a just and compassionate social order.

Twelfth Sunday in Kingdomtide

November 11, 2018
General Concept: We are created to be faithful and responsible stewards of God’s creation, enabling us to respect and preserve its

Specific Concepts
• Nature is my friend. • Nature is our friend. • The earth is our • The earth is our • The earth is our
• I will take care of • We will take care of home. only home. only home.
nature. nature. • All creation sustains • The fruits of the • Persons are created
and gives us life. land sustain and to be faithful and
• God needs us to give us life. responsible
take care of • God mandates stewards of God’s
creation. people to take care creation.
of creation and • Creation’s integrity
uphold its integrity. ought to be
respected and
Learning Objectives
• Name the things • Explain why nature • Discuss what it • Explain that the • Determine
that God created is a friend means to be a earth is our only necessary
• Make a plan to take • Enumerate the responsible steward home and the fruits approaches that
care of God’s things God allows • Identify the of the land sustains could be used in the
creation for us to do with responsibilities of a and gives us life work of
nature faithful and • Give reasons why reconciliation and
• Commit to take care responsible steward God mandates us to restoration of God’s
of nature • Practice in their take care of creation
daily lives their creation and uphold • Plan how to
commitment to be its integrity exercise
faithful and • Resolve to responsibility as
responsible participate in caring stewards of God’s
stewards for the environment creation
• Make a unified and
unwavering stand
to promote the
integrity of God’s
Biblical References
• Genesis 1:27-30; • Genesis 1:28-30 • 1 Kings 17:8-16; • Genesis 1:28-30; • Genesis 1:28-30;
Psalm 146 Mark 12:41-44 Isaiah 65:17-25 Isaiah 65:17-25;
Mark 12:41-44;
Revelation 11:18

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17; Psalm 127; 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44
Reign of Christ
Thirteenth Sunday in Kingdomtide
November 18, 2018
General Concept: We are called to actively participate in establishing a just and compassionate social order, where the needs of
everyone, especially the least of the least, are met.

Specific Concepts
• I will be caring to • We will care for • Being kind and caring • God’s creation is • Persons must
everyone. everyone. is a sign of intended to provide enthusiastically
• I will share what I • We will share what faithfulness to God. abundant life for all. participate in the
have with other we have with our • We must treat • God’s creation will establishment of a
children. neighbors. everyone with benefit all humanity just and
kindness and love. when generosity and compassionate social
compassion is order.
observed by all. • No person will be in
want when
generosity and
compassion is
observed by all.
Learning Objectives
• Mention ways of • Identify the least of • Enumerate some • Assert that a just and • Assert that a just and
caring for others the least that needs duties and compassionate social compassionate social
• Share what they have our care responsibilities that order is where the order is where the
with those in need • Tell what they can God wants us to needs of everyone, needs of everyone,
• Feel happy and share with others in fulfill, as recorded in especially the least of especially the least of
thankful for being need the Biblical the least, are met the least, are met
able to share and • Affirm that God references • Advocate actions and • Advocate actions and
help others called us to help build • Recall some acts of undertakings that the undertakings that the
a better world for all kindness and care church need to do to church needs to do to
they have done to build a just and build a just and
others compassionate social compassionate social
• Identify the least of order, like education order, like education
the least that needs and mobilization and mobilization
our care • Rally the people of • Rally the people of
• Commit to continue God to be in God to be in
to do acts of kindness solidarity with the solidarity with the
and love least of the least in least of the least in
ensuring that basic ensuring that basic
needs are met needs are met
Biblical References
• Acts 4:32-37 • Psalm 82:1-4; • Psalm 16; Isaiah 58: • Isaiah 58: 6-9; Psalm • Isaiah 58: 6-9; Psalm
Matthew 25:34-39 6-9; Hebrews 10:24 132:13-18; Hebrews 132:13-18; Hebrews
10:24 10:24

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Samuel 1:4-20; Psalm 16; Daniel 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:11-14, (15-18), 19-25; Mark 13:1-8
That the Church is the one Body of Christ, the whole community of persons reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and entrusted with
God’s ministry.

Reign of Christ
Fourteenth Sunday in
November 25, 2018
Lesson 27: THE CHURCH

General Concept: The Church is the people of God, anticipating the fulfillment of God’s Reign.

Specific Concepts
• The church is people • The church is people • The church is people • The church is a • The church is a
who love God. who love God. who love God. gathered people of gathered people of
• I go to church with • We go to church with • We go to church with God responding to God responding to
my family. our family. our family and God’s goodness. God’s goodness.
• My family belongs to • We join in church friends. • We participate in the • We are called to build
the UCCP. activities. • We participate in ministries of the a harmonious
church activities. church in response to relationship with
• Within the church, God’s goodness and each other and the
we experience God’s love. whole of creation.
goodness and love for • The church is a • The church is a
all. manifestation of manifestation of
God’s reign. God’s reign.
Learning Objectives
• Tell that the church is • Describe that the • Discuss what church • Define what “church” • Describe the church
people called by God church is composed is is as people of God
• Recognize that the of people including • Express their feelings • Express support for • Mention ways to
church shows love for children about going to and the different foster harmonious
God and people • Name families they participating in ministries of the relationship with
• Express thanks that can see in the church church activities church each other
she/he belongs to the • Identify the church’s • Identify ways to • Mention ways by
UCCP activities throughout encourage others to which the church
the year participate in church becomes a
activities manifestation of
God’s reign
Biblical References
• 2 Samuel 23:5; • 2 Samuel 23:5; • 2 Samuel 23:5; 1 • 2 Samuel 23:5; Acts • 2 Samuel 23:5; Acts
Revelation 1:5b-6 Revelation 1:6; Mark Corinthians 12: 27-28 2:42-47; 4:32-35 2:42-47; 4:32-35

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 93; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37
First Sunday of Advent
December 2, 2018
General Concept: The Church belongs to God, redeemed by God through Christ, welcoming, affirming and accepting everyone.

Specific Concepts
• I am welcome in the • We are welcome in • We are welcome in • The church is the • The church is the
church. the church. the church. body of Christ. body of Christ.
• I welcome others. • We welcome others. • The church welcomes • The church is • The church is
• I am happy when • We are happy when and accepts composed of people composed of people
other children join other children join us everyone. coming from all walks from all walks of life.
me in praising God. in praising God. • We worship God of life. • The church manifests
together as one big • The church manifests God’s all-embracing
family. God’s inclusive nature in celebrating
nature in celebrating each person’s
each person’s uniqueness.
Learning Objectives
• Express the feelings • Cite examples of • Explain why the • Articulate their • Compare the church
of being a welcoming gestures church is called the understanding about to the human body
member/part of the in the church body of Christ the Church as the and how each part is
church • Show acts of • Name some body of Christ expected to function
• Mention names of welcome for others characteristics of the • Affirm that members • Describe church
friends in the church • Demonstrate church as the one of the body of Christ membership in terms
• Invite other children acceptance of others body of Christ come from different of capacity to
to come to church • Discuss how the walks of life contribute to the
churches today • Express one’s ministry of the
demonstrate unity as thankfulness for the church
the one body of inclusive nature of • Identify
Christ God manifested attitudes/behaviors
through the church that contribute to the
building up or
breakdown of the
body of Christ
Biblical References
• 1 Thessalonians 3:9- • Jeremiah 33:14-16; • Jeremiah 33:14-16; • Jeremiah 33:14-16; I • Jeremiah 33:14-16; I
13 Psalm 25:10; 1 Romans 12: 4-5 Corinthians 12:27 Corinthians 12:12-27
Thessalonians 3:9-12

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36
Second Sunday of
December 9, 2018

General Concept: The Church is a redeemed community of persons having God in their midst; each member possessing different gifts,
each equally important, everyone working together.

Specific Concepts
• I am part of the • We are part of the • We are all an • All members are • The Church is a
Church. Church. important part of the equally important in redeemed
• I am a gift from God. • God gives each of us Church. the Church. community of
• I can dance and sing talents. • We are unique • Each member is persons.
for God. • We use our talents persons with unique and possesses • Each member is
for God. different God-given different God-given unique and equally
gifts. gifts. important to the
• We work together • Having different gifts, community.
using our different we work together to • Each member is
gifts for God and the serve God and the endowed with
church. people. different gifts useful
for the work of the
• We work together to
serve God and the
Learning Objectives
• Tell the different • Show their God-given • Discuss about the • Reason out how • Explain how the
good qualities of the talent church as a members have equal church becomes the
church as a • Enumerate the good community of importance in the redeemed
community of faith traits of classmates persons church community of
• Recite the different • Recall God’s workings • Draw what kind of a • Identify the different persons
gifts given by God to in the midst of God’s community of faith skills and talents that • Make an inventory or
her/him people in Bible they envision their manifest the list of all talents and
• Show their talents stories they know church to be uniqueness of each skills that the
given by God • Suggest activities and member members have
ministries of the • Commit oneself in • Appropriate each
church that children working together to member’s talents or
can participate in serve God and people skills for the
using their God-given through the church fulfillment of the
gifts church’s ministries
Biblical References
• Philippians 1:3-6 • Luke 1:68; Philippians • Psalm 133:1-3; 1 • 1 Corinthians 12:27- • 1 Corinthians 12:27-
1:3-6; 1 Corinthians Corinthians 1:10-18; 31; Ephesians 1:7-8; 31; Ephesians 1:7-8;
12:4-6 Philippians 1:3-6 4:11-17; Philippians 4:11-17; Philippians
1:3-6 1:3-6

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6
Third Sunday of
December 16, 2018
General Concept: Being a reconciled community, the Church becomes an agent of reconciliation in the world.

Specific Concepts
• I am a friend. • We are all friends. • We are all friends. • The Church is a • The Church is a
• I make friends. • God forgives and • God forgives and community of people community bound
accepts us when we accepts us back when whose broken together with a
hurt God and others. we do wrong and relationship is healed common experience
• We forgive and hurt God and others. through Jesus Christ. of being reconciled to
accept those who • We forgive and • We are tasked to God, to fellow human
hurt us. accept each other work for the healing beings and creation
when we hurt and do of broken through Jesus Christ.
wrong against each relationships • As a community
other. between persons and reconciled to God,
God, and among we become agents of
fellow human beings. reconciliation in the
Learning Objectives
• Tell that all children • Explain what • Listen to a Bible story • Discuss that the • Share their stories of
are reconciled with friendship is all about about reconciliation church is a when and how they
God • Describe how it is to • Explain what community of people have wandered away
• Feel that all children be sorry when we reconciliation means whose broken from God
are loved by God hurt others and God • Start to practice acts relationships are • Mention experiences
through Christ • Cite an example of repentance and healed through Jesus of how people are
when they forgive reconciliation in their Christ being separated from
and accept others everyday lives • Formulate some each other
plans on how to work • Explain how Jesus
for healing reconciled humanity
relationships as a and the whole
response to the creation back to God
reconciling power of • Cite ways of
Jesus reconciling with
• Prepare creative others, and fostering
activities to and nurturing
demonstrate relationships
commitment to help
reconcile broken
Biblical References
• Zephaniah 3:14-17; II • Zephaniah 3:14-20; II • Genesis 37; 45:1-8; • Zephaniah 3:14-20; • Zephaniah 3:14-20;
Corinthians 5:18-20 Corinthians 5:18-20 Zephaniah 3:14-20; II II Corinthians 5:18- II Corinthians 5:18-
Corinthians 5:18-20 20 20

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 12:2-6; Zephaniah 3:14-20; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18
Fourth Sunday of
December 23, 2018
General Concept: The only ministry of the Church is the ministry of God, and this we must do faithfully and in unity.

Specific Concepts
• I am God’s little • We are God’s • We are all God’s • The Church does • The only ministry of
helper. helpers. helpers. God’s ministry. the Church is the
• I help in the church. • We all help in the • We help in the • We participate in the ministry of God.
Church. Church doing God’s ministries of the • We actively
work. Church. participate in the
• We unite ourselves ministries of the
with other members Church.
of the community to • We unite ourselves
faithfully do God’s with other members
work. of the community to
faithfully do God’s
Learning Objectives
• Identify what they • Name ways by which • State what ministry • Describe the ministry • Describe the ministry
can do to help God’s Jesus did His ministry means of God that the of Jesus as
church • Discuss that to help is • Name the different church does mentioned in the
• Offer their help to to follow Christ’s way ministries of Jesus • Participate in gospel references
the work of the of helping people Christ that was ministries that • Evaluate the present
church • Enumerate tasks in entrusted to the maximize their gifts ministry of the
the church they can church as young people church against the
do • Express commitment • Resolve to use the ministry of Christ
to help in doing ministries to equip • Affirm the ministry of
God’s work and the youth to do the God as the church’s
ministries work of God faithfully own ministry
and in unity
Biblical References
• Micah 5:2-5a, • Micah 5:4-5a; • 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; • Micah 5:4-5a; • Luke 4:18-22;
Hebrews 10:7a; Luke Hebrews 10:7a; Luke Luke 4:31 - 5:26; Hebrews 10:7a; Luke Matthew 4:23-25;
1:46b-55 1:46b-55 Hebrews 10:7a 1:46b-55 14:13-21; Ephesians
4:11; Hebrews 10:7

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Micah 5:2-5a; Psalm 80:1-7; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1: 39-45; 46b-55
That the Holy Bible is a faithful and inspired witness of God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ and in history to illumine, guide, correct and
edify believers in their faith and witness.

First Sunday after

Christmas Day
December 30, 2018
General Concept: The Holy Bible is a faithful and inspired witness to God's self-revelation in Jesus Christ.

Specific Concepts
• The Bible is my • The Bible is an • The Bible is an • The Bible is an • The Bible is an
favorite book. important book for important book for important book important book
• The Bible tells me us. all who believe in written by people written by people
about God. • The Bible is written God. inspired by the Holy inspired by the Holy
• The Bible tells me to tell us about God. • The Bible is written Spirit. Spirit.
about Jesus. • The Bible is written to tell and teach us • The Bible, though • The Bible, though
to tell us about the about God and God’s written by people written by people
life of Jesus. work. with limitations, tells with limitations,
• The Bible is written us of God’s self- faithfully tells us of
to tell and teach us revelation in Jesus God’s self-revelation
about the life and Christ. in Jesus Christ and in
work of Jesus. • The Bible affirms history.
God’s active • The Bible affirms
participation in the God’s active
life of the people. participation in the
life and struggle of
the people.
Learning Objectives
• Understand that God • Describe why the • Tell that the Holy • Explain the • Learn about John as
reveals Self to Bible is an important Bible tells about significance of the writer/author of the
children/people book God’s self-revelation Bible as a reliable Gospel of John and
through the Bible • Retell some of the in Jesus Christ record of the life and other books in the
• Appreciate the Bible stories that tell of • Discuss how the Holy ministry of Jesus Bible
as a book that tells God’s amazing works Bible can help • Tell facts about the • Learn about other
about God • Enumerate stories believers in their writing of the Bible Gospel
• Express thanks to about Jesus everyday life • Discuss how the Bible writers/authors
God for revealing Self • Recognize the narrates God’s active • Discuss some stories
through Christ importance of the participation in the about God revealing
Bible through life of the people Godself in history
constant reading and • Make a commitment through Jesus Christ
studying to regularly read the • Affirm that the Bible
Bible, strive to is a book that tells
understand God's the story of God and
Word and apply it in God’s participation in
their daily life the life and struggle
of the people
Biblical References
• Colossians 3:12-17; • Colossians 3:12-17; • Colossians 3:12-17; • Colossians 3:12-17; • Luke 2:41-52; John
Luke 2:41-52 Luke 2:41-52 Luke 2:41-52; John Luke 2:41-52 1:1-18
20: 30-31

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; Psalm 148; Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52
Epiphany of the Lord
January 6, 2019
General Concept: The Holy Bible is a faithful and inspired witness to God's self-revelation in history.

Specific Concepts
• The Bible is a story • The Bible is a story • The Bible tells us • The Bible records the • The Bible narrates
book. book. about God and the stories of God’s about the people of
• The Bible tells me • The Bible tells us people God loves and people with whom God with whom God
about God and God’s about God and the cares for. God made a chose to establish a
people. people God loves. • The Bible teaches us relationship. covenant
• The Bible tells me • The Bible tells me about God’s • The Bible teaches us relationship.
that God cares for that God cares for us. commands that of God’s ways and • The Bible teaches
me. people should follow commands; and the people of God’s ways
and obey. people’s response to and demands,
• The Bible tells us that God’s love and challenging them to
God still cares for all faithfulness. live a faithful,
of us today. • The Bible continues responsible life, and
to challenge us to in right relationship
reflect on God’s work with God.
and ways in the lives • The Bible continues
of the people in our to be a faithful
times. witness of God’s
intentions even in
our present times.
Learning Objectives
• Listen to a story from • Pinpoint in the Bible • Identify the people in • Declare that the Bible • Recall the story
the Bible about the the stories that tell of the Bible that God records the stories of about God choosing
visit of the Magi to God’s loving concern loves and cares for God’s people with and establishing a
Baby Jesus for God’s people • Recite and follow whom God made a covenant relationship
• Affirm the stories in • Identify concrete God’s commandment relationship with God’s people
the Bible that tell ways of sharing God’s that tell how we • Explain that the Bible • Discuss God’s ways
about God love with others must love teaches us of God’s and God’s demands
• Give thanks because • Show through role- • Value passages that ways and of God’s people
God cares for them play concrete ways tell about God’s care commandments and • Mention situations or
that God’s love is by showing care and the people’s experiences wherein
shared concern for others response to God God’s intentions, as
• Express through mentioned in the
creative work the Bible, are being
various ways by realized at present
which we can •
respond in our time
Biblical References
• Isaiah 60:1-6; • Isaiah 60:2b-5; Psalm • Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm • Isaiah 60:1-6; • Genesis 12:1-9;
Matthew 2:1-12 72:1-7; Ephesians 72:1-4; Matthew 22: Matthew 22: 34-40 Deuteronomy 6:1-7,
3:9-10 34-40 20-25; Psalm 72:1-4
List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
Baptism of the Lord
First Sunday after the Epiphany
January 13, 2019
General Concept: The Holy Bible illumines, guides, corrects and edifies believers in their faith and witness.

Specific Concepts
• The Bible guides me. • The Bible guides us to • The Bible corrects us • The Bible gives light The Bible is an
• I listen to Bible do good. if we are wrong. when we have instrument that
stories. • We all have to read • We need to read and questions about God illumines our
our Bible. study the Bible and God’s ways; understanding of
seriously to know guides us in our path God, guides us in our
more about God and towards a meaningful conduct and way of
our task. life; corrects us when life, corrects us when
we make mistakes we commit mistakes
and strengthens us in and edifies believers
our faith and task of in their faith and task
witnessing to others of witnessing to all
about God. people about God.
• We need to seriously • We need to seriously
read and study the read and study the
Bible and be renewed Bible and be renewed
in our awareness, our in our awareness, our
life and commitment life and commitment
to serve God and to serve God and
people. people.
Learning Objectives
• Express that the Bible • Express that the Bible • Choose some Bible • Describe how the • Explain how the Bible
teaches children good teaches children good verses that tell about Bible illumines us illumines us in our
values values correcting about God and God’s understanding and
• Share their stories of • Share their stories of wrongdoings ways how it guides us in
God’s guidance God’s guidance • Affirm that God • Explain how the Bible our way of conduct
• Develop a habit of corrects, disciplines guides us towards • Share stories about
reading the Bible and teaches us, but meaningful life when they have used
God is a God of • Demonstrate the Bible in correcting
forgiveness, practices showing and edifying
compassion and love seriousness in themselves and
• Develop the habit of reading the Bible others
seriously reading and • Express one’s • Commit to regularly
studying the Bible to appreciation of the read the Bible for
know more about role of the Bible in their self-edification
God our lives as we
• Practice repentance: commit ourselves to
doing right after serve God and people
Biblical References
• Luke 3:15-17, 21-22; • Psalm 29:4, 11; Acts • Isaiah 42:21 – 43:7; • Luke 3:22; 2 Timothy • Deuteronomy 6:1-9;
Psalm 119:105; 2 8:14; 2 Timothy 3:16 Jonah 3 – 4; 2 3:16 Psalm 119:105; 2
Timothy 3:16 Timothy 3:16 Timothy 3:16

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
That God is at work to make each person a new being in Christ and the whole world God’s Kingdom in which love, justice and peace

Second Sunday after the Epiphany

January 20, 2019
General Concept: God is a God who acts and takes the initiative to call people and establish a relationship with them; who continues to
create, redeem and sustain. God is a God who is at work.

Lectionary References: Isaiah 62:1-3; Psalm 36:6-10; I Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11
Other Appropriate References:

Specific Concepts
• My God is alive. • Our God is alive. • Our God is always at • God is a God who is • God is a God who
• My God works. • Our God works. work. God is a good involved in the life continues to be
• God is with me. • God is with us. companion and a and work of the involved in the life
friend. people. and struggles of the
• Our God is alive and • God continues to people.
continues to help, create, redeem and • The God that creates,
forgive and support sustain all human redeems and sustains
us at all times. beings and the rest continues to do the
• We continue to help, of creation. same activities in the
forgive, and support • We continue to get life of the people and
others who need us. involved in the work the world.
to effect change in • The work that we do
the life of the people to build a better
and the world home, a renewed
because God church and a
continues to work in transformed society
our time. is still found within
the creative,
redemptive and
sustaining activity of
Learning Objectives
• Tell that God always • Tell that God is • Describe a God who • Recall a story of • Review Bible stories
reaches out to always with them is always at work Jesus’ involvement in about how God is
children • Share their own • Listen to a Bible story the life of the people involved in the life
• Share ways in which experience of God that tells how God • Appreciate that God and struggles of the
they have felt God working in their lives continuously helps continues to create, people
work in their lives • Express how they too and supports people redeem and sustain • Compare God’s acts
• Express how they too can reach out to • Design a project that us of involvement in the
can reach out to other children shows God’s • Recognize the fact life and struggles of
other children continuing work to that we need to be the people during
help, forgive and involved in God’s Biblical times with
support believers continuing work of that of the present
changing lives of time
people and the world • Resolve to make
God’s involvement in
the life and struggles
of the people a
reality through the
programs of the
Biblical References
• John 2:1-11; I • Psalm 36:5-10; John • Psalm 36:5-10; 1 • Psalm 36:6-10; John • Isaiah 62: 1-12; John
Corinthians 12:4-11 2:1-11; I Corinthians Kings 18:22-39; I 2:1-11 2:1-11
12:1-11 Corinthians 12:1-11

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:6-10; I Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
January 27, 2019
General Concept: God empowers us to live out Christ’s way of life; we are new beings only in so far as we reflect in our life Christ's way
of life: ensuring that God’s rule of love, justice and peace becomes a reality.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus is in my heart. • Jesus is in our heart. • We believe in and • In Jesus Christ, we • In Christ, we become new
• I care because Jesus • We help and share accept Jesus in our become new beings only in so far as we
cares for me. because Jesus helps life. persons, renewed reflect in our life Christ's
• My world is God’s and cares for us. • We love and share and committed to way of life.
world. • Our world is God’s because Jesus loves live out Jesus’ way of • Christ’s way of life is a life
world. us and gave his life life. of love, compassion, and
for us. • Christ’s way of life is mercy for people especially
• We love each other, a life of love, the outcasts, sinners, the
treat each other compassion, and poor and oppressed.
fairly and work for mercy for people • Emulating Christ’s way of
peace because we especially the life ensures that God’s
are living in God’s outcasts, sinners, the Kingdom is experienced by
world. poor and oppressed. all.
• We are called to live
out Christ’s way of
life to ensure that
God’s Kingdom is
experienced by all.
Learning Objectives
• Tell how Jesus cares • Express how they • Identify the kind of • Describe how one • Discuss the kind of new life
for people who are in think Jesus is in them life that reflects can become new in that Jesus wants for His
need • Tell how they can Christ’s way Jesus Christ, living followers
• Express that they help and share the • Match pictures of out Jesus’ way of life • Emulate Christ’s way of life
care because Jesus way Jesus does people and their way • Choose to live and so that it becomes manifest
cares • Name acts of of life with some follow Christ’s way of during in our time
• Describe how they kindness they can do Bible verses life which is a way of • Realize that God’s Kin-dom
can care for people in for people in need • Write about living a love, compassion and can be experienced when
need life that show God’s mercy people follow the way of
love, justice and • List some ways of Christ
peace as guiding showing one’s duties
principles and responsibilities in
ensuring that God’s
Kin-dom is
experienced by all
especially the
outcasts, the poor
and oppressed
Biblical References
• Nehemiah 8:8-10; • Nehemiah 8:8-10; • Nehemiah 8:8-10; • Nehemiah 8:8-10; • Ephesians 4:17-32, 5:1-2;
Luke 4:14-21 Luke 4:14-21; 1 Luke 4:14-21; 1 Luke 4:14-21 Philippians 2:1-11
Corinthians 12:12- Corinthians 12:12-
31a 31a

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Psalm 19; Luke 4:14-21; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 3, 2019
General Concept: God’s Kingdom is present where love for God and love for one another is made manifest.

Specific Concepts
• There is love in God’s • There is love in God’s • There is love in God’s • The Kingdom of God • God’s Kingdom is
world. world. kingdom. is experienced when present where love
• I love God. • We love God. • We love God by love is felt and for God and love for
• I love my family and • We love each other. giving our praise and shared. one another is made
friends. thanksgiving, our • We love God with all manifest.
time and talents. our heart, mind and • We express our love
• We show our love for strength, and all our for God by
God by loving others. life. committing ourselves
• Our love for others is and the things that
expressed and we have for God’s
experienced when work.
we give ourselves in • Our love for our
service to the poor, fellow human beings
oppressed and the is expressed and
needy. experienced when
we give ourselves in
service to the poor,
oppressed and the
least and
marginalized in our
Learning Objectives
• Tell how God loves • Affirm that there is • Describe the kind of • Describe that love is • Describe the Kin-dom
children love in God’s world love God’s kin-dom felt and shared in the of God
• Show pictures of • Enumerate the ways proclaims Kin-dom of God • Mention or
those they love and they feel God’s love • Extend some help to • Affirm that we must enumerate concrete
who love them for them a nearby community love God with all our ways of expressing
• Thank God for the • State ways by which of children as a way heart, mind and our love for God
love present in the they can love one of showing God’s strength and all our • Design a program
world another love life that manifests
• • Prepare an activity • Realize that our love concrete expression
showing the learners for God is expressed of our love for others
talents or gifts to be and experienced • Realize that Kin-dom
offered on Sunday as when we give building is our
a way of giving praise ourselves in the ultimate goal as
and thanksgiving to service of the people Christians here on
God • List down ways on earth
how the church
becomes a loving

Biblical References
• Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 • Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 • Jeremiah 1:5; 1 • Deuteronomy 6:5; 1 • Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1
Corinthians 13:1-13 Corinthians 13:1-13; Corinthians 13:1-13; Corinthians 13:1-13 Corinthians 13:1-13
John 13:34-35 John 13:34-35

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30
Fifth Sunday after the
February 10, 2019
General Concept: God’s Kingdom is present where justice rules, especially for the marginalized and oppressed.

Specific Concepts
• God is fair. • God is fair to all of us. • God is fair to us, and • God wants us to be • God wants us to be
• God wants me to be • God teaches us to be especially to those fair in all that we say fair in all that we say
fair to others. fair to others. who are in need. and do. and do.
• God teaches us to be • God’s Kingdom is • God’s Kingdom is
fair to others. present where justice present where justice
• There is fairness in is experienced by all, is experienced by all,
God’s Kingdom. and most especially and most especially
by the marginalized by the marginalized
and oppressed. and oppressed.
• God empowers us to • God empowers us to
be partners in the be partners in the
work for a just, work for a just,
peaceful and peaceful and
compassionate order. compassionate order.
Learning Objectives
• Demonstrate through • Demonstrate through • Discuss the Biblical • Explain that God • Define what fairness
role-play what role-play what concept of justice wants us to be fair in and justice is from
fairness is all about fairness is all about and fairness all that we say and do the biblical point of
• Express that God is a • Share their feelings • Explain how and • Affirm that God’s view
fair God when they were when justice happens King-dom is present • Share experiences
• Practice fairness in treated unfairly • Value justice by where justice is when they have been
their everyday life • Express that God is a showing fairness to experienced by all fair/just or
fair God and wants us others • List ways by which unfair/unjust to
to be fair they can participate others, highlighting
• Practice fairness in in the church the effects of such
their everyday life ministries that actions
• Tell others to treat promote justice • Resolve to participate
their siblings, in the work for a just,
playmates, friends peaceful and
and schoolmates compassionate order
Biblical References
• Psalm 138: 5-6; • Psalm 138: 5-6; • Psalm 138: 5-6; • Psalm 138: 5-6; • Psalm 138: 5-6;
James 2: 1-4 Matthew 12:18-21; Deuteronomy 16: 18- Matthew 12:18-21 Matthew 12:18-21;
James 2: 1-4 20; James 2: 1-4 Luke 18:1-8

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13); Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
Sixth Sunday after the
February 17, 2019
General Concept: God’s Kingdom is present where all manifestations of peace is experienced.

Specific Concepts
• There is peace when I • There is peace when • There is peace when • There is peace when • There is peace when
am safe. all of us are safe. all of us are safe and all of us are safe, fullness of life is
• God wants me to be • God wants all of us to secure. secure and living a experienced.
safe. be safe. • God’s Kingdom is life of fullness. • The Kingdom of God
present when the • God’s Kingdom is is present where the
hungry are fed, when present when yoke of oppression is
those who are sick education for all is broken, where the
are healed, when all realized, farmers till people of God dwell
children can go to the land, when in their land and safe
school. workers receive just from persecution.
Learning Objectives
• Tell about peace in • Cull out some biblical • Discuss why peace is • Cite life conditions • Describe the biblical
God’s Kin-dom concepts of peace important in the Kin- wherein peace is concepts of peace
• Affirm that peace is • Tell about dom of God experienced and fullness of life
also about being manifestations of • Identify some • Give their own • Discuss the
secure and having peace in our time manifestations of definition of the relationship between
food • Show how to be a peace, as the Bible word “peace” the kin-dom of God
• Show and share the peacemaker reveals • Discuss and correlate and fullness of life
symbol of peace • Classify situations of “peace” and “God’s • Resolve to participate
peace and un-peace Kingdom” in the establishment
from different life of God’s Kin-dom
situations here on earth
Biblical References
• Psalm 1:1-3; Luke • Psalm 1:1-3; Luke • Psalm 1:1-3, 29:11; • Psalm 1:1-3, 29:11; • Psalm 1:1-3, 29:11;
6:17-23; Matthew 6:20-21; Matthew 5:9 Luke 6:20-21; Luke 6:20-21 Luke 6:20-21
5:9 Leviticus 26: 3-6

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26
The Kingdom of God is present where faith in Jesus Christ is shared, where healing is given to the sick, where food is given to the hungry,
where light is given to the blind, and where liberty is given to the captive and oppressed.

Seventh Sunday after

the Epiphany
February 24, 2019
General Concept: The Kingdom of God is present where faith in Jesus Christ is shared.

Specific Concepts
• I pray to God. • We pray to God. • We pray to God as an • We share and learn • We share and learn
expression of sharing from each other’s from each other’s
• I pray with my family. • We pray together as our faith. faith journey. faith journey.
a family. • We pray together as • We pray together as • We pray together as
• I go to Sunday a community. a community. a community.
School. • We go to Sunday • We regularly attend • We regularly attend • We regularly attend
School. and invite our friends and invite our friends and invite our friends
to attend Sunday to attend Sunday to attend Sunday
School, worship, and School, worship, and School, worship, and
mission activities of mission activities of mission activities of
the church. the church. the church.
• Our faith compels us • Our faith empowers
to proclaim God’s us to proclaim God’s
Kingdom of love, Kingdom of love,
justice and peace to justice and peace to
all people. all people.

Learning Objectives
• Tell who Jesus is for • Tell why it is • Discuss their • Share their own • Share and learn from
them important to trust in understanding of stories of faith each other’s faith
• Be happy about God what faith is • Express their concern journey
knowing about Jesus • Describe who Jesus is • Explain how some and care for each • Resolve to attend
• Promise to share for them Bible characters other in a prayer and participate in all
stories about Jesus to • Relate what they expressed their faith
• Invite other members
activities of the
others would share about in God church as an
of the community to
Jesus to others • Identify ways of join church activities
expression of their
expressing faith in faith in Jesus Christ
God • Realize that it is our
faith in Jesus that
empowers us to do
kin-dom building

Biblical References
• Psalm 37:3-5; John • Psalm 37:3-5; John 4: • Psalm 37:3-5; • Psalm 37:3-5; John 4: • Psalm 37:3-5; Acts
4: 4-42 4-42 Romans 10: 14-17; 4-42 10:24-48
Hebrews 11:1

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Genesis 45:3-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38
Last Sunday before Lent
March 3, 2019
General Concept: The Kingdom of God is present where those who are physically sick are given healing and wholeness; and where a
society that is sick is healed and transformed.

Specific Concepts
• God heals me. • God heals us. • God heals those who • God heals those who
• I help take care of • We help take care of are sick in mind and are sick in mind, body • God heals those who
the sick. the sick. body. and spirit. are sick in mind, body
• I am happy when the • We are happy when • We can help in the • God restores not only and spirit.
sick is healed. the sick is healed. healing of others. physical ailments, but • God empowers us to
• God wants everyone also ailments of be partners in the
to be healthy always. society. restoration of the
• God calls us to help • God’s Kingdom wholeness of life.
heal the sick people means the healing of • God empowers us to
and our sick world the whole person work for the radical
today. including his or her transformation of
environment. rotten structures of
• We are called to help society that breed all
build a Kingdom of forms of sickness.
healing where
people’s life and
dignity are made
Learning Objectives
• Tell their story of • Share about the time • State that healing is a • State that healing is a • Explain what holistic
when they were sick God healed them sign of the presence sign of the presence wellness/healing
• Show how to take from sickness of God’s kin-dom and of God’s kin-dom and means according to
care those who are • Enumerate ways by a gift from God a gift from God the biblical
sick which they can help • Discuss the • Identify issues that perspective
• Pray for God’s sick people implication of healing reflect the ailments • Discuss the effects of
healing • Express thanks to in the lives of people of society and the personal wellness
God for healing • Demonstrate some environment and sickness to both
ways on how Jesus • Articulate the church and society
and his disciples church’s • Resolve to participate
healed the sick understanding of in the work for the
healing restoration of
• Resolve to participate wellness/healing of
in the work for the society
wholeness and
healing of both
society and
Biblical References
• Acts 3:1-10 • Psalm 99:3; Luke • Matthew 4:23-25, • Isaiah 35: 1-7; Luke • Acts 3:1-10
9:37-43a 10:1; Mark 16:18 9:1-11; Acts 3:1-10

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)
First Sunday in Lent
March 10, 2019
General Concept: The Kingdom of God is present where food is given to the hungry and the world’s resources are equitably distributed.

Specific Concepts
• I thank God for the • We thank God for the • God created a world • God created a world • God created a world
food. food. where there is where there is where there is
• I share food with • We share food with enough food for all to enough food for all to enough food and
others. others. share. share. other resources to be
• God is happy when I • God wants us to • There are hungry • There are hungry distributed to all.
share food. share. people because there people because there • There are hungry
are those who do not are those who do not people because there
share. share. are greedy people.
• In God’s Kingdom, • The Kin-dom of God • The Kingdom of God
there is sharing. is about sharing. is about the
• God mandates us to equitable distribution
share God’s of the world’s
abundance and resources.
Learning Objectives
• Say a prayer of • Acknowledge God as • Acknowledge God as • Explain the meaning • Understand why
thanks for the food the source and the source and of “equitable there are a lot of
• Share food with the provider of our food provider of our food sharing” poor and hungry
hungry or those in • Share food with • Explain why we have • Demonstrate people in the world
need others to share food with equitable sharing in • As a church, suggest
• Express what they • Express what they the needy class solutions to the
feel when they feel when they • Express what they • Express appreciation government to stop
give/share food to give/share food to feel when they to God for creating a this unequal
others others give/share food to world where there is distribution of the
others enough food for all to nation’s resources
share • Affirm that each one
has to share God’s
blessings to others so
that no one will go
• As a church, create or
design a program on
food distribution for
the poor and the
Biblical References
• Deuteronomy 26:1- • Deuteronomy 26:9- • Deuteronomy 26:9- • Deuteronomy 26:9- • Deuteronomy 26:9-
11 11 11; John 6:5-15; 11; Luke 4:1-4; John 11; Luke 4:1-4; 9:10-
Isaiah 58:7 6:11 17; 16:19-31

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Romans 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13
Second Sunday in Lent
March 17, 2019

General Concept: The Kingdom of God is present where the physically blind is given sight and those who are blind to society’s realities
are enlightened.

Specific Concepts
• God made me eyes • Some people have • Blindness can be a • There are different • There are different
to see. eyes that can see, physical condition. kinds of physical kinds of physical
• I see the things some people are • Blindness can also be blindness; some blindness; some
happening around blind. refusing to see the kinds can be cured, kinds can be cured,
me. • There are kinds of things happening other kinds cannot. other kinds cannot.
• I ask about the things blindness that can be around us. • Blindness can also be • Blindness can also be
I see. cured. • Helping others see refusing to see the refusing to see the
• We can help those and understand harsh realities of harsh realities of
who cannot see things happening society. society.
appreciate the world around us is also a • Helping others see • Helping others see
around us. way of giving light to and understand the and understand the
the blind. harsh realities harsh realities
happening in our happening in our
society is also a way society is also a way
of giving light to the of giving light to the
blind. blind.
• Enlightening people
means leading them
to commit to the
work of establishing
the Kingdom of God.
• Learning Objectives
• Tell how it feels to be • Affirm that sin is not • Experience even • Differentiate • Discuss different
blind the cause of briefly how it is to be between physical aspects of blindness
• Thank God for the blindness blind blindness and and how each can be
eyes that can see • Understand that not • Name some reasons blindness to the cured
• Describe all they can all blindness can be why some people harsh realities of • Evaluate our Church’s
see around them cured refuse to see what is society vision and determine
• Suggest ways to help happening around • Feel what it is to live whether we see
the blind appreciate them without sight clearly the realities of
the world around us • Show ways how to • Give suggestions for life
help others to see how one can be of • Take initiatives in
and understand help to those who “giving light to the
things happening are blind to the blind”
around us realities of society •

• Biblical References
• Isaiah 35:5; Psalm • Isaiah 35:5; Psalm • Psalm 27:1; Mark 10: • Psalm 27:1; Mark 10: • Psalm 27:1; Mark 10:
27:1; Mark 10:46-52 27:1; John 9:1-25 46-52; Ephesians 4:18 46-52; Ephesians 4:18 46-52; John 8:12

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
Third Sunday in Lent
March 24, 2019
General Concept: The Kingdom of God is present where those unjustly prisoned are set free and the oppressed delivered from the
tyrants; this we proclaim as Christ’s disciples.

Specific Concepts
• I am free to be a child. • We are free to be • God wants all of us to • God intends for all • God intends for all
• I enjoy playing with my children. be free from abuse persons to be free persons to be free
friends. • We enjoy playing and violence. from all forms of from all forms of
• I want other children to be with our friends. • We enjoy being bondage and bondage and
free like me. • We want all children ourselves. oppression. oppression.
to be free. • God wants us to • We must take the • We must take the
participate in side of those unjustly side of those unjustly
decision-making accused and accused and
processes. imprisoned and work imprisoned and work
for their release. for their release.
• We must denounce
all forms tyranny and
announce the
breaking forth of the
Kingdom of God.
Learning Objectives
• Express their feelings when • Assert that children • Define what freedom • Give examples of • Discuss how
they are treated badly need to be free means oppressive situations oppression prevents
• Feel sorry for treating • Affirm that children • Identify some • Discuss what God’s people from
others badly need to play situations that God intention is for those experiencing the
• Thank God for listening to • Express their feelings wants us to be free who are oppressed good life intended by
their cry for help when they are from • Resolve to take the God
treated badly • List some situations side of the oppressed • As a church, take
• Ensure that they do that allows us to and participate in the actions to help
not treat others enjoy life call for release of release those
badly those unjustly unjustly accused and
• Acknowledge the imprisoned imprisoned
right of children to • • Make a stand to
enjoy their childhood denounce all forms
of tyranny through
non-violent actions
• Realize that helping
the poor and the
oppressed is an
expression of our
faith in Jesus Christ
and is part of our
responsibility as
Biblical References
• Exodus 3:7-10; Isaiah 55:7; • Exodus 3:7-10; Isaiah • Exodus 3:7-10; Isaiah • Exodus 3:7-10; Isaiah • Isaiah 55:1, 7; 61:1;
Luke 4:18 55:7; Luke 4:18 55:1, 7; Luke 4:18 55:1, 7; Luke 4:18-19 Luke 4:18-19

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 55:1-9; Psalm 63:1-8; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9
Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 31, 2019

General Concept: As a compassionate God, God provides for our basic needs of food, shelter and unconditional love.

Specific Concepts
• God gives us food and • God provides food • God provides for our • God provides for our • God provides for our
home. and shelter. needs through the needs through the needs through our
• God loves us. • God loves strivings of our strivings of our elders strivings.
• I am thankful to God. unconditionally. elders. and of our own. • God’s unconditional
• We are thankful to • God’s unconditional • God’s unconditional love is shared
God. love is shared love is shared through family,
through family, through family, friends and the
friends and the friends and the community.
community. community. • We share of God’s
• We are ever grateful • We share of God’s blessing with others.
to God. blessing with others. • We are ever grateful
• We are ever grateful to God.
to God.
Learning Objectives
• Tell how God provides for • Tell how God • Tell how God • Tell how God • Tell how God
them through their family provides for their provides for their provides for their provides for their
• Feel God’s love through needs through their needs through the needs needs
family family strivings of their • Feel God’s love • Feel God’s love
• Thank God for love and for • Feel God’s love elders through family, through family,
giving food and a home through family and • Feel God’s love friends and the friends and the
friends through family, community community
• Thank God for love friends and the • Thank God for • Thank God for
and for providing for community unconditional love unconditional love
their needs • Thank God for and for strength and for strength to
unconditional love secure provisions for
and for enabling their their love ones
elders to strive to
provide for their
Biblical References
• Joshua 5:11-12 • Joshua 5:11-12 • Joshua 5:11-12; Luke • Joshua 5:11-12; • Joshua 5:11-12;
15: 11-32 Psalm 32:7; Luke Psalm 32:7; Luke
15:11-32 15:11-32

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Fifth Sunday in Lent
April 7, 2019

General Concept: We are thankful for God’s compassionate deeds for God’s people.

Specific Concepts
• God does a lot for me. • God does good deeds • God does • God does • God does
• God protects me. for us. compassionate deeds compassionate deeds compassionate deeds
• God forgives me when I do • God protects us. for God’s people. for God’s people. for God’s people.
wrong. • God forgives us when • God forgives us for • God forgives us for • God offers
• I am happy and thankful. we do wrong. our sins. our sins. forgiveness for our
• We are happy and • God saves us. • God saves us. sins.
thankful. • We are repentant • We are repentant, • God saves us.
and thankful. thankful and hopeful. • We are repentant,
thankful and hopeful.
Learning Objectives
• Tell some of the things God • Tell some of the good • Tell some of the • Tell some of the • Tell some of the
has done for God’s people deeds God has done compassionate deeds compassionate deeds compassionate deeds
in the Bible for God’s people in God has done for God has done for God has done for
• Tell some of the things God the Bible God’s people God’s people God’s people
has done for her or him • Tell some of the • Repent of their sins • Repent of their sins • Repent of their sins
• Say sorry for the wrong things God has done • Express gratitude to • Express gratitude to • Express gratitude to
done for them God for salvation and God for salvation and God by participating
• Express thanks to God • Apologize for the for all the for all the wholeheartedly in
wrong done compassionate deeds compassionate deeds God’s mission
• Express thanks to God has done God has done
God for all the good
deeds God does
Biblical References
• Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126 • Isaiah 43:16-21; • Isaiah 43:16-21; • Isaiah 43:16-21; • Isaiah 43:16-21;
Psalm 126 Psalm 126 Psalm 126; John 12:1- Psalm 126; John 12:1-
8 8

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126; Philippians 3:4b-14; John 12:1-8
Liturgy of the Palms
April 14, 2019
Sixth Sunday in Lent
General Concept: God loves us and saves us and we see this in the life of Jesus.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus loves me. • Jesus loves me. • Jesus loves me. • Jesus loves all of us. • Jesus loves all of us.
• Jesus loves other • Jesus loves other • Jesus loves other • Jesus is our Savior. • God’s saving acts are
people too. people too. people too. manifested in the life
• Jesus is our Savior. • Jesus is our Savior. • Jesus is our Savior. of Jesus.
Learning Objectives
• Say that Jesus is • Say that Jesus is their • Say that Jesus is their • Affirm that Jesus is • Affirm that Jesus is
her/his Savior Savior Savior their Savior and their Savior and
• Tell why Jesus saves • Tell why Jesus saves • Tell why Jesus saved Companion Companion
the people including the people including the people including • Discuss the world’s • Discuss the world’s
children children children need for change and need for change and
salvation salvation
• Commit to be an agent • Commit to be an
of change agent of change
Biblical References
• Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; • Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; • Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; • Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; • Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29;
Luke 19:28-40 Luke 19:28-40 Luke 19:28-40 Luke 19:28-40 Luke 19:28-40

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Luke 19:28-40
That the resurrection of Jesus Christ has overcome the power of death, gives assurance of life after death, and we look forward to His
coming again in all fullness and glory to make all creation new and to gather all the faithful under God’s Kingdom. Amen.

Resurrection of the Lord

April 21, 2019
Easter Day
General Concept: The ruling authorities nailed Jesus on the cross, but God raised him from the dead to demonstrate the power of God
over the principalities and powers of the world.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus died. • Jesus died on the • Jesus died on the • The ruling authorities • The ruling authorities
• Jesus lives again. cross. cross because there had Jesus crucified. had Jesus crucified.
• Jesus lives again. were those who • Jesus lives again and • Jesus lives again and
• God is powerful. wanted him killed. has overcome the has overcome the
• Jesus lives again and power of death. power of death.
has overcome the • God raised him from • God raised him from
power of death. the dead to the dead to
• God is more powerful demonstrate the demonstrate the
than the powers of power of God over power of God over
the world. the principalities and the principalities and
powers of the world. powers of the world.
Learning Objectives
• Tell that Jesus died • Tell that even though • Recall the story of • Explain in their own • Discuss the reasons
and lives again Jesus was nailed to Jesus’ Resurrection words their why Jesus was
• Express thanks that the cross and died, • Explain the understanding of the crucified
Jesus is a living God He lives again importance of Jesus’ resurrection of Jesus • Explain God’s
• Express thanks that Resurrection to our • Articulate the purpose of bringing
Jesus is a living God faith as believers relevance of the Jesus back to life
• Explain God’s power • Illustrate through art resurrection of Jesus • Affirm that Jesus rose
over death through the resurrection story in the lives of the from the dead to
the Resurrection and how they would believers today demonstrate God’s
story value Jesus’ • Share the good news power over the
resurrection in their of the resurrection to principalities and
daily lives others powers of the world
• Believe that Jesus’
overcomes the
power of death
Biblical References
• John 20:1-18 • Psalm 118:1-2; John • Psalm 118:1-2, 14, • John 20:1-18; Acts • John 20:1-18; Acts
20:1-10 24; John 20:1-18 10:34-43; I 10:34-43
Corinthians 15:20-26

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; I Corinthians 15:20-26; John 20:1-18
Second Sunday of
April 28, 2019
General Concept: The resurrection of Jesus has overcome death and gives strength and courage to proclaim the gospel amidst

Specific Concepts
• Jesus loves me. • Jesus loves us. • Jesus was raised from • Jesus’ resurrection • Jesus’ resurrection
• Jesus’ love can help • Jesus’ love can help the dead. has overcome death. has overcome death.
me not be sad and us not be sad and • This knowledge gives • Our society has so • Our society is faced
afraid. afraid. us strength and many problems. with so many
• I can help others not • We can help others courage, especially in • The knowledge of adversities.
be sad and afraid. not be sad and afraid. times of trouble and Jesus’ resurrection • The knowledge of
sadness. helps us face Jesus’ resurrection
• We will help each society’s problems. helps us face
other in times of • Jesus’ resurrection society’s problems.
trouble and sadness. gives us strength and • Jesus’ resurrection
courage to help solve gives us strength and
society’s problems. courage to help solve
society’s problems
and in proclaiming
the gospel.
Learning Objectives
• Express that Jesus’ • Share experiences of • Share their saddest • Discuss how the • Explain how the
love can take away the times when they experience, resurrection can help resurrection of Christ
our fears and sadness felt the love of Jesus including, if any, believers today overcomes death
• Show how they can • Express that Jesus’ those related with • Explain what it • Identify the forces of
help others not be love can take away death means when we say death in society
sad and afraid their fears and • Recall how these “Jesus resurrection • Explain how the
• Be open about their sadness experiences were has overcome death” resurrection of Christ
feelings to the class • Tell how they can handled • Express gratitude to breaks the forces of
show love to others courageously God for giving death in the society
and help them not be • Express assurance believers strength •
sad and afraid that Christ’s and courage
• Sympathize with how Resurrection
others feel overcomes the
power of death and
gives us strength and
Biblical References
• John 20:19-31 • John 20:19-31 • John 20:19-31; Psalm • Acts 5:27-42; • Acts 2:22-33; 5:27-
118:14-17 Revelation 1:4-8 42; I Corinthians
15:20-25; Revelation

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 5:27-42; Psalm 118:14-29; Revelation 1:4-8; John 20:19-31
Third Sunday of Easter
May 5, 2019
General Concept: The resurrection of Jesus calls us to trust that God continues to journey with us in life, in death and beyond.

Lectionary References: Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19; Acts 9:1-6, (7-20)
Other Appropriate References:

Specific Concepts
• God is always with • God is always with • God is with us in life, • Jesus’ resurrection • Jesus’ resurrection
me. us. in death, and even gives us reason to gives us reason to
beyond. trust that God will trust that God will
always be with us always be with us
throughout life, in throughout life, in
death, and beyond. death, and beyond.
Learning Objectives
• Identify the ways • Identify situations • Discuss the • Describe what would • Share experiences of
they feel God’s when they feel God’s manifestations that life be like in that ‘life victory over forces of
presence presence God is with us in life after death’ death
• Thank God for being • Express thanks that and even in death • Tell the significance • Keep trusting God
with them always God is with them • Cull out verses of of believing in life throughout life
always by caring for God’s assurance of after death despite all odds and
others eternal life to • Express gratitude to uncertainties, and
believers God for the even in the face of
• Express thanks to assurance of life after death
God for giving death •
assurance of life after •
death and promise to
live life according to
God’s purpose
• Identify situations
when they feel God’s
• Express thanks that
God is with them
always by caring for
Biblical References
• John 21:1-19 • Psalm 30:4-5; John • Psalm 30; John 21:1- • Psalm 30; John 21:1- • Psalm 30; John 11:17-
21:1-19 19 19 27; 21:1-19; 2
Corinthians 5:1-10

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19; Acts 9:1-6, (7-20)
Fourth Sunday of Easter
May 12, 2019
General Concept: We await Jesus Christ’s return with anticipation and hope while continuing to serve Christ by serving others: feeding
the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, visiting the prisoners.

Specific Concepts
• I can help give food • We can help give • We serve Christ by • Jesus promised that • Jesus promised that
to the hungry and food to the hungry serving others. he will come again. he will come again.
drink to the thirsty. and drink to the • We can help give • While waiting for his • While anticipating his
• I make friends with thirsty. food to the hungry coming again, we coming again, we
those who do not • We make friends and drink to the continue to serve continue to serve
have friends. with those who do thirsty. him by serving him by serving
• I can give clothes to not have friends. • We make friends others. others.
those who have • We can give clothes with those who do • We will feed the • We will feed the
nothing and help to those who have not have friends. hungry, give drink to hungry, give drink to
care for the sick. nothing and help • We can give clothes the thirsty, welcome the thirsty, welcome
care for the sick. to those who have the stranger, clothe the stranger, clothe
nothing and help the naked, care for the naked, care for
care for the sick. the sick, visit the the sick, visit the
prisoners. prisoners, and do
other ministries to
prepare for Christ’s
coming again.
Learning Objectives
• Give food and other • Give food and other • Discuss Jesus Christ’s • Express their belief in • Explain the meaning
things to other things to others in coming again as a Christ’s coming again of the affirmation
children need hoped-for reality • Propose plans for that Christ will come
• Express joy in being • Befriend someone • Review some the programs for those in again
friends with other who does not have a biblical references need while waiting • Mention some
children lot of friends that suggest what for the coming of effects of this belief
• Say that God is happy • Express satisfaction believers should do Christ on the early
with those who do in being able to help while waiting for Christians as well on
good • Plan activities with Christ’s coming the Christians of
children like them to • Plan how to extend today
show that they care help and service to • Continue to be
for others those in need as they creative and
anticipate the coming productive according
of Jesus Christ to God’s plan and
purpose for their
lives until Jesus
comes again

Biblical References
• Revelation 7:15-17 • Psalm 23; Revelation • Psalm 23; Revelation • Psalm 23; Revelation • Acts 1:1-12, I
7:15-17 7:15-17; Matthew 25: 7:15-17; Matthew 25: Thessalonians 4:13-
31-46 31-46 18, 5:1-11; Revelation

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Psalm 23; Acts 9:36-43; John 10:22-30; Revelation 7:9-17
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 19, 2019
General Concept: All creation awaits the return of Jesus Christ in all fullness, the Alpha and the Omega, making a home with them, God’s

Specific Concepts
• I am a child of God. • We are all children of • Jesus is the beginning • Jesus Christ will come • All creation awaits
God. and the end. again, and we wait the return of Jesus
• All life begins and with hope. Christ in all fullness.
ends with God. • Jesus is the beginning • Jesus Christ is the
• We are all children of and the end, the Alpha and the
God. Alpha and the Omega.
Omega. • When Jesus Christ
• When Jesus Christ comes, he will make
comes, he will dwell a home with all of us,
with us, God’s God’s children.
Learning Objectives
• Say that she or he is a • Express what it • Discuss what is • Share their • Define the Biblical
child of God means to be children meant by “Jesus is experiences of concept of “fullness”
• Recognize that others of God who love one the beginning and patiently waiting and • Explain the meaning
are children of God another the end” and that “all the positive results and significance of
too • Recognize that life begins and ends these produced Jesus as the Alpha
• Give thanks to God everyone of us are with God” • Speak out about their and Omega
for calling us God’s children of God, no • Recognize that expectations of that • Describe the kind of
children exceptions everyone of us are time when Jesus home that Jesus will
• Give thanks to God children of God, no comes again make when he
for calling us God’s exceptions • Thank God for the returns
children • Write a statement coming of Jesus • Wait with joyful
about their belief expectancy for Jesus’
that all are children return
of God who love one •
Biblical References
• Psalm 148; • Psalm 148; • Psalm 148; • Psalm 148; • Psalm 148;
Revelation 21:5-7; Revelation 21:5-7; Revelation 21:5-7; Revelation 21:5-7; Revelation 21:5-7;
John 13:34 John 13:34-35 John 13:31-35 John 14:23-29 22:1-5

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:5-7; John 13:31-35
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 26, 2019
General Concept: God is glorified in Christ and Christ in God; God’s rule of peace will be welcomed by all peoples when Christ comes
again, making a home with them, God’s children.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus goes to heaven. • Jesus goes to heaven • Jesus ascends to • God is glorified in • God is glorified in
• Jesus will come to be to be with God. heaven to be Christ and Christ in Christ and Christ in
with us again. • Jesus will come to be glorified with God. God when Christ God when Christ
with us again. • Jesus will come to be ascended into ascended into
with us again. heaven. heaven.
• All people will • All people will
welcome Christ when welcome God’s rule
He comes again. when Christ comes
Learning Objectives
• Tell how God is • Explain why all • Express how we may • Explain in their own • Discuss how God’s
happy with the life people should be welcome Jesus when words what ‘glory’ or glory is manifested in
Jesus lived happy he comes again ‘being glorified” Christ
• Show how we can • Tell of ways that God • Paraphrase the word means • Discuss how we can
make God happy is seen in Jesus’ life “glorified” • Tell of ways they can partake in God’s
• Relate how God can • Tell of ways that God glorify God glory
be seen in our life is glorified in Jesus’ • Show how they will • Affirm and follow
life welcome Christ when God’s rule until Jesus’
• Relate how God can he comes return
be glorified in our life
Biblical References
• John 14:23-29 • Psalm 67; John 14:23- • Psalm 67; John 14:23- • Psalm 67; John 14:23- • Psalm 67; John 14:23-
29 29; Acts 16:15 29; Acts 1:1-11; 16:15 29; Ephesians 1:15-23

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29
Seventh Sunday of
June 2, 2019
General Concept: Christ will make all creation totally and completely new; we are called to participate in this task of making all things

Specific Concepts
• When Jesus comes • When Jesus comes • When Christ comes • When Christ comes • When Christ comes
back, the world will back, the world will back, all creation will back, he will make all back, he will make all
become better. become better. be totally new. creation totally and creation totally and
• Jesus wants me to • Jesus wants all of us • We are called to help completely new. completely new.
help make the world to help make the make all creation • We are called to help • We are called to
a better place. world a better place. new. make all creation participate in this
new. task of making all
creation new.
Learning Objectives
• Tell what they see • Enumerate the things • Enumerate the • Enumerate situations • Describe the new
around them people do that concepts within the that tell creation is creation that Christ
• Share their feelings destroys creation Biblical references groaning or suffering will bring on His
about it • Share their feelings that signify that • Cite ways how young return
• Describe what kind of about it everything will be people can • Decide to take part in
world they wish to • Illustrate what kind totally new participate in making the task of making all
live in of world they wish to • Compare and the whole creation creation new
live in contrast the old and new • Continue to hope for
• Participate in their the new creation • Express their the coming of a new
own way to make the • List down ways by commitment to help creation
world a better place which to help make in making the whole •
all creation new creation new

Biblical References
• Revelation 21:5b • Psalm 97:1-6; John • Psalm 97:1-6; • Psalm 97:1-6; • Psalm 97:1-6;
17: 26; Revelation Revelation 21:1-4; Revelation 21:4-5; Revelation 21; 22:1-6
21:5b John 17: 26 John 17: 26

List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17:20-26
Day of Pentecost
June 9, 2019

General Concept: All who believe will be gathered together and the Holy Spirit will abide with them in God’s Kin-dom of love, peace and
justice, as they do all that Jesus commanded them.

Specific Concepts
• Jesus gathers us all as • Jesus gathers us all as • All who believe will • All who believe will • All who believe will
one big, happy one big, happy be gathered as a be gathered together be gathered together
family. family. community. as a community. as a community.
• We will all follow • We will all follow • The Holy Spirit will be • The Holy Spirit will be • The Holy Spirit will be
what Jesus says. Jesus’ with us. with us in God’s with us in God’s
commandments. • We will all follow Kingdom of love, Kingdom of love,
Jesus’ peace and justice. peace and justice.
commandments. • We commit to follow • We commit to follow
Jesus. Jesus.
Learning Objectives
• Give thanks for being • Describe what it • Discuss how Jesus • Act out the passage • Describe the kind of
part of God’s big means to be one big, will gather all the in the Bible about life that we will live in
family happy family believers and faithful Jesus coming again God’s kin-dom
• Tell stories about • Express that they will together • Express commitment • Await with hope and
their families follow Jesus’ • Identify who the to follow Jesus gladness the
• Describe their church commandments faithful and the gathering of all
community • Thank God for being believers are who believers as one
part of their church Jesus Christ will community
community gather • Affirm their faith and
• Enumerate the ways belief in Christ
by which believers expressed in trustful
may show love for obedience to God
God •
Biblical References
• Acts 2:1-18 • John 14:15-16; Acts • John 14:15-16; Acts • John 14:12-17; Acts • Matthew 25:31-40;
2:1-18 2:1-18 2:1-18 John 14:15-17;
Revelation 22:12-17
List of Lectionary Readings for the Week: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17, 25-27

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