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Assessment Data Analysis


Bangles International Jewelry Company


Table of Contents

Bangles International Jewelry Project Planning:.........................................................3

Gantt chart………………………………………………………………………………………4

Analytical Framework:....................................................................................................5

Key Performance Indicators (KIP’s) for BIJ Sales Performance:...............................7

Data quality issues and remedies ………………………………………………………….8

Quality of Data Problems:...............................................................................................8

Solutions for Improving Quality of Data:......................................................................9

Data Analysis & Commentary (BIJ):............................................................................11

Visualization & Commentary of BIJ Sales Performance:..........................................13




Data-driven decisions and analytics



Data-driven has become a strategic part of organizations when it comes to decision-

making and investment analysis. The following report would analyze the success of the
marketing campaign that was conducted in the UK’s market by bangles international
jewelry ltd with the help of data analytic techniques and frameworks. The BIJ has
initiated an investment for a marketing campaign in the United Kingdom and it wants to
know whether the advertising strategy was a success or failure. With the help of an
Analytical framework, the report would analyze its effectiveness in comparison to sales
in other markets like Japan and USA where BIJ also operates in the same domain. The
comparison with other markets would help in understanding the real-time impact of paid
marketing as compared to organic sales in the USA and Japan. The report would also
formulate a Gantt chart where the performance and sales of different products offered
by BIJ in these markets could be visualized in determining the effectiveness of the
campaign. The report has also highlighted various problems and issues in the data
extracted from the analysis (Abraham, 2020). Based on these errors and discrepancies,
recommendations and remedies to resolve these problems are also addressed in the
report. This would help the company in figuring out real-time problems and get an
accurate depiction of the ground reality of the marketing campaign as well as the data
itself. The report has also made use of the data cleaning approach which has enabled
the administration in resolving critical issues in the information extracted from data
analysis. Moreover, the commentary analysis is also performed in which sales revenue,
profitability, and volume of each product is compared with each other in three markets.
Based upon the findings, the report would provide recommendations that can help
Bangles international jewelry company to become more profitable and attain a
comparative advantage in markets like Japan and USA (Beridze and Janelidze, 2020).

Bangles international jewelry project planning

The project planning technique would be used in this report for data analysis of the
bangles international jewelry company. The project planning technique enables the
organizations to organize plans and procedures which help in increasing overall
efficiency and productivity. The project planning aids in assigning prior tasks and
responsibilities for each employee which helps the staff in better coordination and
communication with each other (Barkhi and Kao, 2010). In the project planning
framework, there is a starting time and ending time for a project in which tasks are
allocated for each day to increase the speed and effectiveness of data analysis. The
project planning of Bangles international would consist of several stages like data
collection, sourcing, filtration, exploration, an inspection of quality, comparison with
standards, documentation, visualization, and analysis. As could be seen in the figure
below how project planning is initiated or formulated for bangles international jewelry
company ltd.

ID Task Position Names of Tasks To be Start To be Finish Timeline

1 Scheduled Advanced Project of 14-Dec-20 16-Dec-20 27
2 Scheduled Projects Kickoff 16-Dec-20 dec18,20 5
3 Scheduled Variable of business 18-Dec-20 20-Dec-20 3
4 Scheduled Data sources Identified 20-Dec-20 21-Dec-20 4
5 Scheduled Documenting data 21-Dec-20 22-Dec-20 2
6 Scheduled Data exploration 23-Dec-20 24-Dec-20 1
7 Scheduled Checking quality of data 25-Dec-20 25-Dec-20 4
8 Scheduled Acquisition of data 27-Dec-20 27-Dec-20 3
9 Scheduled Metrics of success 29-Dec-20 30-Dec-20 5
10 Scheduled Charter document 30-Dec-20 31-Dec-20 2
11 Scheduled Data Analyze 31-Dec-20 2-Jan-21 3
12 Scheduled charts of data 1-Jan-21 5-Jan-21 4
13 Scheduled evaluation of analysis 3-Jan-21 8-Jan-21 1
14 Scheduled creation of repoert 5-Jan-21 10-Jan-21 2
15 Scheduled Projects handoff 7-Jan-21 12-Jan-21 3
16 Scheduled Completion of project 8-Jan-21 14-Jan-21 7

Figure 1 Bangles international Project Planning Timeline

Gantt chart

This task of the report would be focused on the visualization of the Gantt chart for the
Bangles international jewelry company ltd. Gantt chart provides details regarding how
project planning should be initiated and how long should it take to complete the tasks.
The graph below illustrates the different tasks such as data analytics, documentation of
data, quality inspection, project analysis, and evaluation of Bangles international jewelry
ltd. The Gantt chart is the practical implementation of the project planning technique to
carry out deep data analysis and perform tasks according to the plan and timeframe
(Izadikhah, 2014). The report has made use of the Gantt chart for project planning and
data analysis of the information extracted from data mining. These charts have been
formulated with the help of advanced tools in MS excel.

Figure: 2 Gantt chart


Analytical Framework
This part of the report would be focused on an analytical framework that would be
utilized for data analysis of bangles international jewelry ltd. The analytical framework
consists of several stages and data analysts frequently make use of this approach or
technique for profound data mining respectively. The analytical framework generally
consists of six steps. The first step is the collection of data in which historical data is
accumulated. The second step involves cleaning and filtration in which unnecessary
information or raw data is removed to acquire accurate results. After removing errors
and discrepancies from the raw data, it is again compiled and integrated to create more
sense (Kazmaier and van Vuuren, 2020). This step is known as integration. When data
is compiled and integrated into several stages then the last part is a deep analysis. In
this stage, data analysts make use of machine learning and artificial intelligence for data
evaluation and interpretation. This is then followed by practical visualization where data
extracted from the analysis is translated into histograms and graphs for better
understanding. The graph below shows how the Analytical framework could be used for
data analysis.

Figure 3 Bangles International Analytics Framework


Data collection
This is the first stage of the data analytical framework. In this stage, raw data from the
bangles international jewelry company is collected. To perform profound data analysis
data must be clear from errors and discrepancies and of higher quality for accurate
forecast and predictions (Kevin,2018). The data can be collected from the database of
bangles international for evaluation of marketing campaigns in the UK. The collected
data would contain information related to sales by country, region, and city respectively.
However, it doesn’t tell us the quality and authenticity of the information.


This is the second step in an analytical framework. In this stage, data extracted from the
bangles international database is filtered with the help of advanced excel techniques.
For example, it was found that data collected from BIJ’s database contains errors such
as country of origin and sales written in negative digits. This can significantly impact the
data quality therefore they were removed with the help of advanced features to avoid
discrepancies and fraud (Miyai, 2022).


In this stage, data is normally aligned and converted into steps to avoid confusion. It
also helps in better understanding and carrying out the next stage of analysis. For
example, the data collected from BIJ was filtered and then integrated with respective
domains such as correlating sales of the UK with each category sold by the company.


This stage makes use of advanced data analysis techniques like machine learning and
artificial intelligence. Here data extracted from BIJ’s database were analyzed to predict
the future forecast and compared with sales performance in other countries like USA
and Japan. This helps data analysts in understanding the real-time implication of
marketing campaigns in the UK concerning other markets where advertisement strategy
was not adopted.


This is usually the last stage in an analytical framework. At this level, the data analyzed
is drawn into visuals such as histograms, line charts, and bar graphs. This helps data
analysts in understanding how well the marketing campaign has performed concerning
other domains and categories (Miyai, 2022). For example, with the help of data
analysis, it was found that Bracelets performed considerably well as compared to rings
in the UK market despite spending millions on social media marketing and

Key Performance Indicators (KIPs) for BIJ Sales Performance

This part of the report would analyze the KPIs that plays important role in evaluating the
performance of the organization. In the case of BIJ, the Key performance indicators are
employee engagement and customer satisfaction in the contest marketing campaign
carried out in the UK region. Employee engagement is crucial for the decision-making
and long-term success of the organization. If employees are not motivated then no
marketing campaign would create any significant difference. Similarly, customer
satisfaction is another strategic KPI that needs to be addressed in data analysis. The
company needs to work on improving customer support for those varieties and items
that have failed to perform in the UK even with marketing campaigns. When employees
are motivated and have prior ideas regarding their roles and duties then they can
perform better which will ultimately help in increasing the sales and performance of
bangles international ltd (Mohammadpour, 2015). With the help of data analytics
techniques, one can better predict the underlying trends and patterns for sales in the UK
and across the globe and then emphasize those particular niches which can generate
higher returns or have the potential to generate one in the future. This is how bangles
international can optimize its core performance and market share.

Data qualities issues and remedies

This part of the report would analyze the data quality and issues that are impacting data
analysis of Bangles international ltd. When data analysis of bangles international was
performed, following issues were highlighted. The first issue that has been found during
our evaluation was the presence of negative values for sales and volume. In data
analysis, it is extremely important that information provided is accurate and relates to
that particular period (Piri, Givehchi and Keshavarz, 2016). When sales numbers and
volume units are in negative it will depict a false picture of company’s revenues and
profitability that would negatively impact the decision making and recommendations.
The following diagram portrays the problems and issues found in that data analysis of
the bangles internationals.

Figure 4 Problems in Data

Another problem that has been found in the data analysis is the mixing of markets for
bangles internationals. The UK market is replaced by USA markets in various instances
that are creating confusion and providing wrong results. This needs to be corrected with
the help of advanced techniques in Excel. Another problem that has been highlighted is
that USAA is written instead of the USA at some points which again impacts the area of
origin and its respective sales. The graph below illustrates these problems in detail.

Figure 5 Problems with Sales Volume and Values in Data

Remedies for errors and discrepancies

As we have seen there were multiple problems detected during data analysis of bangles
internationals. Here we would be discussing ways by which these problems were
resolved. Firstly, there was an issue with negative figures for sales and volume which
was impacting our analysis therefore it was resolved with the help of an analytical
framework and data cleansing technique. The excel function of finding and replacing
was utilized to resolve this error. The data was selected and filtered with the help of find
and replace and all the negative figures for sales and volume were removed. Similarly,
there was also a problem with a market of origin as the company operates in more than
one country (Savin, 2014). The USA was removed and replaced with the UK. This was
done manually one by one. Another error was related to USAA which was also replaced
with the help of finding and replacing the program in MS Excel. With the help of this
technique, all the major problems from data analysis were resolved. The refined data
would enable us to better understand a marketing campaign that was conducted in the
UK for bangles internationals and aid in concluding as well as comparisons for sales
performance in all markets. The figure below also illustrates how it was done practically
on MS Excel.

Figure 6 ‘USA’ market enter as US market


Data Analysis & Commentary (BIJ)

This part of the report would provide a descriptive analysis of tables on sales and
volume of bangles internationals.

Table A

The table below shows the corresponding sales of bangles international for the past
three years in the USA, Japan, and the UK. It could be seen that the marketing
campaign has a positive impact on sales and volume of bangles internationals in the UK
market. The highest sales were recorded in May and June of 2020 which reflects that
investing in an advertisement has been beneficial as compared to other markets where
no resources were allocated to drive sales.

Figure 7 Yearly Sales and Volume for Bangles internationals


Table B

The table below illustrates the corresponding sales of each category in different markets
for bangles internationals. The highest sales were recorded for the UK market in 2020
and products like bracelets and hair bands generated the maximum amount of revenue.
In the case of the Japanese market, again hair bands generated the highest sales
especially in the fiscal year 2018 and 2019 respectively. In the case of the USA, the
necklace took the throne as its sales were highest in the fiscal year of 2020.

Figure 8 Sales comparisons of categories

Table C

The table below shows the total sales of each category and product in all major markets
of the USA, JAPAN, and the UK respectively. It could be concluded that the marketing
campaign has proved to be productive and beneficial for the revenues of bangles
international (Shanmugam, 2017). A significant increase could be seen in revenues and
volume for bangles internationals in the UK region where the marketing campaign was
initiated. The sales observed are quite higher than that of the USA and Japan
combined. This further clears the point that marketing has worked positively.

Figure 9 Sales Analysis of all Markets

Visualization & Commentary of BIJ Sales Performance

This part of the report would analyze the charts and histograms to derive conclusive

Chart A

The chart below illustrates the underlying trends in sales and volumes for three different
markets spread over three years. As it could be seen that sales in 2020 has grown
tremendously for all the markets. A large-scale turnover could be seen in the UK market
especially in 2020 when it has surpassed other markets like USA and Japan. The sales
in the UK were higher in all categories as compared to the USA.

Figure 10 overtime Sales Value Trends in all Markets


Chart B

Chart B or histogram depicts the underlying performance and sales of each category in
three markets. The highest sale was recorded for hairbands in Japan which were even
higher than the markets of the USA and UK respectively. Similarly, in the USA, the
highest sales were recorded for Bracelets followed by hairbands and necklaces
respectively. In the case of the UK, the winner was again a bracelet followed by an
ankle bracelet and hairbands. It could be noted that other accessories performed poorly
in all three major markets (Smith, 2017). Even marketing campaigns failed in this regard
to uplift sales.

Figure 11 Comparisons of Category Sales


Chart C

Chart C has visualized the impact of marketing campaigns in the UK in comparison to

other regions. This can be concluded that the marketing campaign has resulted in a
huge turnover in the fiscal year of 2020 when it was launched. The sales are
comparatively better than USA and Japan from previous years of 2019 and 2018.

Figure 12 Impact of Marketing campaign



The data analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of a marketing campaign for
bangles internationals in the UK market. It could be concluded that the marketing
campaign has been a huge success in uplifting sales of all categories like hairbands,
rings, bracelets, and necklaces in the UK region. The report has made use of an
analytical framework in this regard and found that markets where marketing campaign
was not initiated such as Japan and USA have suffered losses and UK has performed
exceptionally well.


Here are some of the recommendations that Bangles international should apply to boost
revenues and profitability. Firstly the company should focus on social and influencer
marketing in markets like USA and Japan where sales have tumbled in 2020. Secondly,
investing more in innovation and creativity would derive a comparative advantage over
adversaries like LV and Cartier (Zhdanov, Bhattacharjee and Bragin, 2021). Another
thing that company should adopt is to collaborate with celebrities and influencers on
social platforms like TikTok and Instagram which would help in boosting sales of other
ornaments offered by bangles internationals.


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