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[COMPANY NAME]  [Company address]

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BPP School of Business and Technology

Table of Contents
Table of Figures................................................................................................................................3
Outline of the Report.......................................................................................................................4
BIJ and its Project Planning..............................................................................................................4
Gantt Chart for BIJ...........................................................................................................................5
Data Analytics Framework...............................................................................................................6
Data Analytical Framework..............................................................................................................7
Collecting Data............................................................................................................................7
Data Filtration.............................................................................................................................7
Data Integration..........................................................................................................................7
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................8
Data Visualization.......................................................................................................................8
Sales Performance and its Key Performance Indicators..................................................................8
Data quality issues and remedies....................................................................................................9
Remedies for the Discrepancies....................................................................................................10
Conclusion of the Report and Recommendations.........................................................................14

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Project Plan Timeframe.....................................................................................................5
Figure 2 BIJ Gantt Visual..................................................................................................................6
Figure 3 Framework of Data Analytics.............................................................................................7
Figure 4Lifecycle of Analytical Framework......................................................................................8
Figure 5 Negative errors..................................................................................................................9
Figure 6 Errors in analysis..............................................................................................................10
Figure 7 Functions of Find and Replace.........................................................................................11
Figure 8 Sales and Performances...................................................................................................11
Figure 9Comparison.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 10Analysis of Sales..............................................................................................................12

Report on Data-Driven decisions and analysis

Outline of the Report

Data-driven is considered an approach to play a strategic role in decision-making and for
investment analysis of an association. To aid its clients and audience beneficially, a data-driven
decision strategy is adopted by a corporation for investigative and forming its company data.
This report would generate an analysis of the successful outcomes of an organization such as
Bangles International Jewelry. The marketing campaign was held in the United Kingdom by
using the approaches of data-driven analytics and the framework (Elgendy, Elragal and
Päivärinta, 2021). The firm BIJ made its way for the investment policies for the marketing
campaign and its advertisement strategy to attain the failures plus success key factors of the
campaign in the United Kingdom. The corporation managed its ways to get a perception about
whether the advertisement strategies were a hit or fail. The campaign marketing was organized
under the approaches of the analytical framework. The data-driven report would be generated
to get to know about the effectiveness of the sales compared to other area domains by
following analytical framework strategies. The other domains of Bangles International Jewelry
are in Japan and the United States. A perspective on the real-time impact of organic sales and
paid marketing campaigns would be analyzed to get a comparison between different markets.
For acquiring the comparison and other detailed analysis, A Gannt chart in this report would be
generated for the sales performances through its visualization. Any of the issues and mishaps
during the data collection from the marketing campaign analysis would also be highlighted. The
solution for mentioned issues and discrepancies will also be provided in this report. Remedies
and solutions for discrepancies would be highlighted to resolve real-time errors and for the
damage that could be done with these. Several strategies have been used for data cleansing
that affects the administration in helping and resolving the issues(Kaleka and Morgan, 2017). In
this data-driven report, commentary analysis and its performance stats would be examined for
the idea of the contrast in sales revenues and profit, and sales volume of the items. This
comparison would be generated among all the other country marketing domains. The
references for the identified problems would be concentrated on the marketing campaign of
Bangles International Jewelry. These findings are provided to acquire the profit from the sales
and the relative benefit of the other market domains.

BIJ and its Project Planning

Techniques of the project plan in this report would be considered for analyzing the Bangles
International Jewelry Company. Such strategies are chosen by a firm to enhance the plans
whether to organize or for executing the procedures (Levin, 2019). These techniques are
acquired for effective profit margins and productivity in the processes. With this strategy of
project planning, the tasks are assigned accordingly e.g., the prior tasks are decided to be

executed according to the role and plan of the individuals of the BIJ. It enables the employees
to communicate and coordinate effectively for better quality planning and efficient task

Figure 1 Project Plan Timeframe

From the project plan timeframe provided by the company Bangles International, it can be
analyzed that there is a starting and ending timeframe for every task provided in a framework.
Every task is processed according to its allotted timeframe and is executed every day. This
allotment of tasks enhances the efficiency of data analysis in so many ways, increments in
speed, and productivity. The firm named Bangles International Jewelry has its task allocated,
and it is based on different stages. The stages in tasks could be provided as an analysis of data,
metrics of success, collection of the data, exploring data, sourcing of the data, exploration,
quality checking, data visuals, comparison, filtering data, and data documentation. The tables
provided depicts the timeframe of the tasks in the project planning for the firm Bangles
International Jewelry. The tasks are allotted in such a way that it is executed rendering their

Gantt Chart for BIJ

A Gantt chart for Bangles International Jewelry depicts information and analysis of the details
regarding the provided timeframe of project planning (Lee and Shvetsova, 2019). The chart
provides the visuals of the originated allotted tasks and the timespan needed for the
completion of the required and mentioned tasks. This part of the data-driven description would
show the visualization of the tasks allotted in the form of a Gantt chart for Bangles International

Jewelry Firm. For the Gannt chart of the Bangles International Jewelry, several allotted tasks
from the project plan are pictured below and that includes data analysis of BIJ, project analysis,
surveys, data filtration, quality of data, data documentation, and assessment of the BIJ sales
and revenues. The Gantt enhances the deep data analysis that is to be implemented,
practically. This deep data analysis is carried out through project planning approaches.

Figure 2 BIJ Gantt Visual

Data Analytics Framework

This framework is designed for the managing of data analytics and its decisions which is
considered a concrete scheme for it in an effective way. The data analytics framework consists
of various steps and designed data teams. Every step and team have its own set of procedures
for execution and tools involved in the framework (Zhou and Troyanskaya, 2022). This report
consists of the various stages of the data analytics framework acquired to conduct the analysis
of Bangles International Jewelry. For deep processes of data mining, the framework of data
analytics is applied by data analysts of BIJ. The data analytics framework includes several steps
and procedures which include data cleansing, data evaluation, and integration, data analysis,
visualization of data, etc.

Figure 3 Framework of Data Analytics

Data Analytical Framework

Collecting Data
The first step is the collection of data for the data analytical framework. The extracted raw data
has been collected via marketing campaign of Bangles International Jewelry. For deep
processes of data mining, the framework of data analytics is applied by data analysts of BIJ for
avoiding errors and issues. This deep analysis ensures to extract the data of advanced quality.
The collection of data has been done through the examination of a database of the firm. The
data has been extracted from the organized categories from the database and it includes city
sales, sales by area domains, and regions respectively. It is not necessary for the data to have
quality or authenticity.

Data Filtration
This step acquires the extracted data collected from the database to be filtered and cleaned in
an analytical framework. The data that has originated from the BIJ’s database is filtered and
cleaned by the latest approaches of MS Excel. Looking through the firm’s database shows
several errors and discrepancies in some of the categories. There were errors in the category of
the origin of country and sales. The error is it contains negative numbers that could affect the
analysis and chances to retain its higher quality. For mitigation of the issues, the latest
techniques of Microsoft Excel were adopted.

Data Integration
For avoiding confusion and misunderstandings the data extracted and filtered is aligned and
converted into several steps. The data after filtering is yet again integrated even after the
removal of the discrepancies which helps to carry out the next step of the analysis in a better

way. For instance, filtering and integrating the data extracted from the company with
respective domains according to the sales of the United Kingdom.

Data Analysis
Data evaluation and its interpretation plays a vital role the data analysis and its framework. For
this purpose, the data analysts decide to opt for the strategies of AI approaches and techniques
of machine learning. The database of BIJ was chosen for the analysis of the data. The prediction
in sales and its performances were being compared among domains of other countries, like the
UK marketing campaign then Japan and the United States.

Data Visualization
This stage depicts practical visualization in the analytical framework. This is done by the use of
obtained statistics from the deep analysis. The depiction of this analysis can be in shape of
histograms or can be visualized in the form of graphs for better perspective.

Figure 4Lifecycle of Analytical Framework

Sales Performance and its Key Performance Indicators

The part of KPI’s performs a major act for the evaluation of BIJ’S sales and its performances
while the marketing campaign was hitting in the area of UK. The key performance indicators are
discussed and for Bangles International Jewelry firm it is considered as the engagement of
company employees and customers. Coordination among the company employees and
satisfying the needs of targeted audience are considered as the key performance indicators for
the marketing campaign of the United Kingdom. Talking about the success of the firm BIJ is for

the long-term basis, it is required to have quality decision-making procedures. The need to
engage and coordinate the employees helps to gain this perspective of achieving success.
Customer satisfaction on the other hand acts in a strategic area for the quality of key
performance indicators. Improving the client’s satisfaction needs and services for customer
support marketing campaign should be on prior target for the sales and success of the United
Kingdom. Motivating and encouraging company workers and employees helps to gain their
unique perspectives and ideas (Velimirović, Velimirović and Stanković, 2011). They tend to
perform their duties that can be acquired for the accomplishment of targeted profit in quality
infrastructure. The techniques of data analytics can be opted for predicting the quality patterns
and trends.

Data quality issues and remedies

Various issues were encountered and highlighted while performing the analysis of the collected
data through the database of BIJ. The remedies for the issues would be elaborated on in the
report for better analysis. Such errors and discrepancies can have a huge impact on the whole
data extracted in many ways. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a quality approach for the
removal of these errors by acquiring some advanced techniques. The major and initial issues
during the integration were errors in the category of the origin of country and sales and volume
(Mansouri et al., 2021. The error is it contains negative numbers that could affect the analysis
and chances to retain its higher quality. For mitigation of the issues, the latest techniques of
Microsoft Excel were adopted. If the numbers in negative marks in category sales are visible, it
will have a negative and bad impact on the firm’s sales profit and yearly revenues.
The data analysis is required to have appropriate results and for this reason, the picture below
depicts the issues found in the data analysis of Bangles International Jewelry.

Figure 5 Negative errors


The other error rise during the analysis was a misunderstanding of mixing of different domains
of markets for the corporation of Bangles international jewelry. The word of UK was being
replaced by the USA in different options for avoiding this confusing stance. This thing affects the
company in sales perspectives for acquiring the appropriate result. Another error was
highlighted and it’s that USAA was mentioned instead of USA. This impacts the area of origin
and sales performance.

Figure 6 Errors in analysis

Remedies for the Discrepancies

Various issues were encountered and highlighted while performing the analysis of the collected
data through the database of BIJ. The remedies for the issues would be elaborated on in the
report for better analysis. Such errors and discrepancies can have a huge impact on the whole
data extracted in many ways. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a quality approach for the
removal of these errors by acquiring some advanced techniques.
The appearance of negative digits for sales and volume was evaluated and resolved by the
approaches of data cleaning and filtration of the analytical framework. The find and replace
function considered as an advanced technique of MS Excel was opted for this error. The
negative data was highlighted via select function of MS Excel and later it was filtered. It was all
done by the find and replace function for all of the negative integers in the extracted data. The
other error rise during the analysis was a misunderstanding of mixing of different domains of
markets for the corporation of Bangles international jewelry. The word of UK was being
replaced by the USA in different options for avoiding this confusing stance. This thing affects the
company in sales perspectives for acquiring the appropriate result. Another error was
highlighted and it’s that USAA was mentioned instead of USA. This impacts the area of origin
and sales performance. Improving such issues can aid in the sales performances in all markets.

Figure 7 Functions of Find and Replace

Data Analysis of BIJ and its Commentary

Table A
The table has presented the sum of sales and performances of Bangles International
correspondingly for the past three years. It for the different domains of the markets and that is
US, Japan, and UK.

Figure 8 Sales and Performances


Table B
The table below shows the recording of sales as the highest sales for the Bangles International
Jewelry for the UK region in the year 2020.

Figure 9Comparison

Table C
The table below represents the sales and amounts of sales done individually for the categories
and products of all the market domains of Japan, the United States, and the UK.

Figure 10Analysis of Sales

Comparison- Chart A
The comparisons of sales of bangles company are shown under. The United States and Japan
has the lead highest sales.

Sales Value by Countries










Japan United Kingdom United States

Comparisons of category performances- Chart B

The sales comparisons among various categories are graphed below. It shows that it had
different sales and desires accordingly.

Sales Value



Sum of Sales Value
6000000 Sum of Year












Ankle Bracelets Head bands Necklaces Rings


Marketing campaign and its impact- Chart C

The marketing campaign for the UK regions and its positive impact on the market have
extracted a huge constructive image in all the markets too.

Conclusion of the Report and Recommendations

After the analysis of the company, it could be concluded that by opting the strategies of data
analytics can impact a lot and improve, and can be beneficial for building positive image of the
firm. The step of evaluating the data for marketing campaign was achieved for Bangles
International Jewelry ltd. The company made investments for their campaign to be a hit and
impacted their audience for achieving big outcomes for success. The revenues were boosted
and the yearly sales of BIJ only because of quality analysis done by the techniques of data
analytics and its analytical framework (Popenoe et al., 2021). The campaign enhanced in
incrementing the sales of all products like rings, hairbands, bracelets, and necklaces for the UK
region and made a huge success.

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