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Spirited Away 神隱少女

演員:千尋 主角爸 主角媽

主角媽:千尋千尋 馬上就到了
Chihiro Chihiro, it's coming soon
主角媽:果然是鄉下  買個東西都要到旁邊的鎮上
Sure enough, it's the countryside. To buy anything, you have to go to the town next to it.
主角爸:只能當他是大城市 將就著住了
I can only live when he is a big city.


主角爸:咦 走錯路了嗎 真奇怪

Hey, did you go the wrong way? It's weird
主角媽:是不是那邊     角落藍色的那個
Is that the blue one in the corner over there?
that one

主角:千尋 主角爸 主角媽


千尋:這裡好恐怖 我們回去啦爸爸
It's scary here. Let's go back, Dad.
主角爸:怎麼 千尋 你怕了?
Why, Chihiro, are you afraid?
千尋:不要 我哪裡都不要去
no i'm not going anywhere
主角爸:過來吧 沒事的
come over, it's alright
Then you wait for us in the car
千尋: {看了旁邊的雕像    覺得很可怕}
{When I saw the statue next to me, it was scary}
wait for me

主角:千尋 主角爸 主角媽


{Go through buildings to a small town}

主角爸:有沒有聞到什麼  有股很香的味道
[尋著味道 找到店家]
Did you smell anything? It smelled very fragrant.
[Looking for the taste to find the store]
it's here
[The protagonist's mother and Chihiro also follow]
主角爸:請問有人在嗎 x2
Excuse me, is anyone there x2
主角媽:別叫了 等會有人來了再付錢就好了
Stop calling, just pay when someone comes.
主角媽:真好吃 千尋 真得很好吃呢
It's delicious, Chihiro, it's really delicious
千尋:我不要吃 回去吧 會被老闆罵的
I don't want to eat, go back, I will be scolded by the boss
主角爸:沒關係 有爸爸在呢
It's alright. Dad's here.
主角媽:千尋來吃吧 連骨頭都很酥脆呢
Chihiro, come and eat, even the bones are crispy
千尋: [搖頭]
[shakes head]

主角:千尋 主角爸 主角媽 白龍

{千尋走出店家 看到一個澡堂 [油屋] 走過去看}

{Chihiro walks out of the store and sees a bathhouse [Youya] and walks over to see it}
{meet the white dragon}
白龍: [看到千尋] 你不可以過來這裡  快回去 很快就入夜了 天黑之前要馬上回去
[Seeing Chihiro] You can't come here, go back quickly, it will be night soon, go back immediately
before it gets dark
白龍: [看到澡堂的燈亮了] 燈都亮了 要趕快
[Seeing the lights in the bathroom are on] The lights are all on, hurry up
{Chihiro returns to the store just now}
千尋:爸爸 ! 爸爸 !
Daddy ! Daddy !

[Found that both parents have turned into pigs]

千尋: [表情很害怕 直接離開店家 一直跑 發現一開始過來的地方 身體也逐漸的變透明]
[The expression is very frightened, I left the store and kept running, and I found the place where I
came from at the beginning, and my body gradually became transparent]
[千尋蹲在角落  白龍走過來]
[Chihiro crouches in the corner and Bailong walks over]
白龍:不用怕 我是來幫你的
Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you
千尋:不要 x3
don't x3
白龍:張開嘴 吃下這個 不吃這個世界的東西的話你會消失的
Open your mouth and eat this, if you don't eat this world, you will disappear
千尋:不要  [發現自己的手穿過白龍的臉]
Don't [find his hand across the white dragon's face]
白龍:不要緊 吃這個不會變成豬的
It doesn't matter, you won't turn into a pig if you eat this
主角:千尋 白龍 青蛙

白龍:過橋的時候 千萬別吸氣 要是吸氣的話就會被店裡的人發現

When crossing the bridge, don't breathe in. If you breathe in, you will be caught by the shopkeepers.
[When going to cross the bridge]
白龍:深吸一口氣  忍住
take a deep breath hold back
[towards the end]
青蛙:白先生 您到哪裡去了
Mr. Bai, where have you been?
[inadvertently inhales]
青蛙:咦 有人類嗎
Huh, are there any humans?
[cast on frog]
run fast
[behind the bathhouse]
bad was found
千尋:對不起 我吸氣了
sorry i breathed
白龍:沒關係  我來告訴你 要怎麼離開 你聽好
騷動平息之後 妳就從後面的樓梯走到盡頭 那裏有一扇鍋爐房的門 裡面有一個鍋爐爺爺 你要請求他讓
你在這工作 在這裡沒有工作的人會被湯婆婆變成動物
It's alright, I'll tell you how to leave, listen up
After the commotion has subsided, you go down the stairs at the back to the end. There is a door to
the boiler room. Inside is a boiler grandpa. You have to ask him to let you work here. People who
don't work here will be turned into animals by Granny Yu.
Who is Granny Tang
白龍:他是掌管這裡的魔女 它會引誘你 讓你說出想回家之類的話 你只要回答他 不管多苦多累都要工作
He's the witch in charge of this place. She'll lure you into saying that you want to go home. Just
answer him and work no matter how hard or how hard it is.

主角:千尋 鍋爐爺爺 小玲

Excuse me... are you a boiler grandpa?
[Chihiro walks towards Fang Xian of Grandpa Boiler after speaking]
千尋:是白先生叫我來的 請讓我在這工作
Mr. Bai called me here, please let me work here
鍋爐爺爺 :[看了千尋一眼]  我是鍋爐爺爺 是負責燒鍋爐的爺爺  
[Looking at Chihiro] I'm the grandfather of the boiler, the grandfather in charge of burning the boiler
please let me work here
鍋爐爺爺 :我已經夠人手了 這裡幫我做事的黑炭多得是 這裡沒有你的工作 你去別的地方找吧
I've got enough people. There's so much charcoal here to help me. You don't have a job here. Look
小玲:開飯了 怎麼又吵架了 
[看到千尋]  有人類在阿 ! 很危險的 !
:It's dinner, why did we quarrel again?
[See Chihiro] There are humans here! Very dangerous!
鍋爐爺爺 : 這是我孫女  他想在這裡工作 但我這裡人手已經夠了 你帶她去湯婆婆那裡吧 接下來就看他的
This is my granddaughter. He wants to work here, but I have enough people here. You can take her
to Mrs. Yu. Then we will see his fate.
鍋爐爺爺 :[對千尋說] 反正想工作都要跟湯婆婆簽約 你去碰碰運氣吧
[Talking to Chihiro] Anyway, if you want to work, you have to sign with Granny Yu, go try your luck
小玲:孩子 跟我來吧
come with me child

主角:千尋 湯婆婆


湯婆婆:別說傻話了 這麼瘦弱能幹什麼 這裡不是人類該來的地方 你能來到這裡也很了不起 一定有好心

人給你指示 告訴我那個人是誰 

please let me work here
湯婆婆:你還敢說這種話 !

I want to work here
湯婆婆:為什麼非要僱用你不可 你是個沒有工作適合的蠢丫頭
why do you have to hire you
I want to work here
please let me work here
湯婆婆:知道了 你安靜一點好嗎
Got it, can you be quiet?
湯婆婆:這是合約書 我讓你在這工作 不過你說辛苦想走 我就把你變成小豬
This is the contract, I let you work here, but if you say you want to leave, I will turn you into a pig
{Chihiro signs the contract}
湯婆婆:你叫千尋是吧 從今天起你的名字叫小千 知道嗎 小千
你叫千尋是吧 從今天起你的名字叫小千 知道嗎 小千

主角:千尋 小玲 湯婆婆 無臉男 腐爛神〈河神〉

[Grandma Yu says to Chihiro]
湯婆婆:聽好了 這是你第一份工作 你招呼客人在大浴池洗澡
Listen up, this is your first job, and you greet your guests to take a bath in the big bath.
[God of decay enters the bathhouse]
湯婆婆:感謝你的大駕光臨    啊 是錢  小千快收下
Thank you for your visit. Ah, it's money, take it quickly
湯婆婆:你在做什麼 快點招呼
what are you doing say hi
please... come in
[God of Rot soaks into the bathtub]
湯婆婆:[看著千尋]   哈哈哈 好髒  那孩子會怎麼做勒
[Looking at Chihiro] Hahaha, so dirty, what would that kid do?
湯婆婆:喔 他要加水阿
oh he wants to add water
小玲:小千 小千 我拜託鍋爐爺爺給我們最好的藥浴 
Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian, I ask Grandpa Boiler to give us the best medicine bath
千尋:謝謝    那個這裡好像著一根刺
Thanks, that looks like a thorn here
小玲:刺 ?
thorn ?
Too deep to pull out
湯婆婆:刺 她說刺 
stab she said stab
[jumps down from above]
湯婆婆:小玲 小千  這位客人不是腐爛神
Xiaoling, Xiaoqian, this guest is not the god of decay
[Granny Yu conjures up a rope]
湯婆婆:不要磨磨蹭蹭的 女人也要貢獻力量
Don't dawdle, women should also contribute
tied up
湯婆婆:湯屋所有人  齊聚一條心
Everyone in the soup house gathers together
[something pulled out]
[River God gives Chihiro a pill]
湯婆婆:小千 你擋住客人了 從那邊下來
Xiaoqian, you are blocking the guests. Get down there.
湯婆婆:把大們打開 客人要回去了
Open everyone up, the guests are going back
[The river god flies out]
湯婆婆:小千你幹得好 這下賺了一筆  大家要像小千學習
Xiaoqian, you did a good job, you made a fortune now, everyone should learn like Xiaoqian
主角:千尋 湯婆婆 錢婆婆

湯婆婆:在我過去之前 不要做多餘的事  你們去把白龍處理掉 那孩子已經不能用了

Don't do any unnecessary things until I get there
[Suddenly a note makes a human voice]
錢婆婆:我是湯婆婆的姊姊 託你的福 我才能來這
來 把那隻龍交來  [對著千尋說]
I'm Granny Yu's sister. Thanks to you, I can come here.
Come, hand over that dragon [to Chihiro]
千尋:你要把白龍怎麼樣 他受傷了
What are you going to do to Bai Long? He's injured.
錢婆婆:他是我妹妹手下的小偷龍 在我那偷了很重要的印章  為了得到我妹的魔法 去做我妹的弟子 印章
上我下了保護詛咒 的人都會死

He is my sister's thief dragon. He stole a very important seal from me. In order to get my sister's
magic, I will be my sister's disciple. I put a curse on the seal and everyone will die.
千尋:白龍 !
White Dragon !
[Accidentally falls through a hole in the back]

主角:千尋 白龍 鍋爐爺爺

What happened
千尋:白龍 !
White Dragon !
鍋爐爺爺:這樣下去可不行  他身體有東西再吸取他的生命
It can't go on like this. He has something in his body to absorb his life.
千尋:白龍 這是河神送我的丸子 吃了也許有用
Bailong This is the ball that the river god gave me, it might be useful to eat it
[白龍吃了下去 變回人]
[The white dragon eats it and turns back into a human]
千尋:爺爺 白龍沒有呼吸了 
Grandpa, the white dragon is not breathing
Magic damage can't be ignored
千尋:我要把這個[印章]還給前婆婆 並向他道歉 請告訴我錢婆婆在哪
I want to return this [seal] to my ex mother-in-law and apologize to him please tell me where mother-
in-law Qian is
That witch is scary
[goes to the cabinet to look for tickets]
鍋爐爺爺:[給千尋] 記好 坐到沼底站下車
[For Chihiro] Remember, get off at Marshdi Station
Chihiro: Good
主角:千尋 白龍 無臉男 錢婆婆

come in
千尋:錢婆婆 這是白龍偷的東西 我拿來還給您 我代替白龍向你道歉
Granny Qian, this is what Bai Long stole. I'll bring it back to you. I apologize to you on behalf of Bai
錢婆婆:奇怪 守護的符咒怎麼消失了
Strange, how did the guardian spell disappear?
千尋: 對不起 上面那個蟲子被我不小心踩死了
錢婆婆:那條蟲子是我妹為了控制白龍 喂到她肚子裡的
I'm sorry, the bug above was accidentally trampled to death by me
Granny Qian: That worm was fed by my sister to control Bailong.
[wind blows in]
錢婆婆:有客人來了 去看看是誰
There's a guest here, let's see who it is
千尋:白龍 !
White Dragon !
錢婆婆:白龍 你以前做的事 我就不追究了
Bai Long, I won't hold you accountable for what you did in the past.
[when going back]
千尋:白龍 我聽我媽媽說 我還小的時候調進河裡 那條河的名字叫琥珀川 你真正的名字就是琥珀川
Bailong I heard from my mother that I was transferred to the river when I was a child. The name of
the river is Amber River. Your real name is Amber River.
[白龍身上的鱗片都掉了 變回人]
[The scales on the white dragon have fallen off and become human]
白龍:千尋 謝謝你 我真正的名字是賑早見琥珀主
Thank you, Chihiro, my real name is Amber Lord Zhan Zao Jian
great name

主角:千尋 白龍 湯婆婆

湯婆婆:你要從幾隻豬裡找出自己的父母 你只有
一次機會 猜對我就放你們自由
You have to find your parents out of a few pigs. You only have
One chance, guess right, and I'll set you free
千尋:婆婆 不行 這裡沒有我的爸媽
Mother-in-law, no, my parents are not here
湯婆婆:沒有 ! 這就是你最後的答案嗎
No! Is this your final answer?
澡堂的所有人:恭喜你 答對了
Congratulations, you got it

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