Cs Ee Ex It Mi BT 401 Mathematics 3 Dec 2020

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 4

Roll No ..................................

B.Tech., IV Semester
Examination, December 2020
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Mathematics - III
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
{H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| H$mo hb H$s{OE&
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
g^r àíZm| Ho$ g_mZ A§H$ h¢&
iii) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version
question should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xho AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§JO
o« r ^mfm
Ho$ àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&

1. a) Find the real root of the equation e 2 x − e x − 2 = 0 using

Newton-Raphson method. 7
ݶyQ>Z amâgZ {d{Y go g‘rH$aU Ho$ dmñV{dH$ ‘yb nVm bJmB©¶o&
b) From data given in following table find the function f ( x )
using finite differences method: 7
gmaUr ‘| {X¶o J¶o Am§H$‹S>m| go, n[a{‘V AÝVa {d{Y¶m| H$m Cn¶moJ
H$aVo hþ¶o ’$bZ f ( x ) H$mo kmV H$[a¶o&
x: 0 1 2 3 4
f ( x) : 3 6 11 18 27


2. a) Using 7
i) Simpson 1 Rule
ii) Simpson 3 Rule find following definite integral:
i) {gångZ 1 3 {Z¶‘
ii) {gångZ 3 8 {Z¶‘ H$m Cn¶moJ H$a {ZåZm§{H$V {ZpíMV g‘mH$b
H$mo kmV H$[a¶o&
∫ 1 + x4
b) Using Gauss elimination solve following simultaneous
equation. 7
Jm°g {dbmonZ H$m Cn¶moJ H$aVo hþE {ZåZm§{H$V ¶wJnV g‘rH$aUm| H$mo
hb H$[a¶o&
2 x − 6 y + 8 z = 24
5 x + 4 y − 3z = 2
3x + y + 2 z =16

3. a) Using Taylor’s series, find the solution of the differential

equation xy′ = x − y, y ( 2 ) = 2 at x = 2.1 , correct to five
decimal places. 7
o a grarO {d{Y go AdH$b g‘rH$aU xy′ = x − y, y ( 2 ) = 2 H$mo
x = 2.1 Ho$ {bE Xe‘bd Ho$ nm±M A§H$mo VH$ H$s ewÕVm VH$ hb
b) Find the solution of y′ = x 2 − y , y ( 0 ) = 1 at x = 0.1, 0.2
using Runge Kutta method of 4th order. 7
ê§$J-Hw$Q>m {d{Y (Mm¡Wr H$moQ>r H$s) H$m Cn¶moJ H$a
y′ = x 2 − y , y ( 0 ) = 1 H$mo x = 0.1, 0.2 na hb H$[a¶o&
4. a) Determine the inverse Laplace transform of: 7
{ZåZm§{H$V H$m à{Vbmo‘ bmßbmg ê$nmÝVa kmV H$[a¶o&
( )
ln ⎡ s 2 / s 2 + 4 ⎤
⎣ ⎦

BT-401(CS/EE/EX/IT/MI)-CBGS Contd...


b) Write the Fourier Series representation of the periodic

function f ( t ) if in one period 7
f ( t ) = t −π < t < π
AmdV© ’$bZ f ( t ) = t , −π < t < π H$mo ’y$[a¶a loUr Ho$ ê$n ‘|
{Zê${nV H$[a¶o&
5. a) What is Normal distribution? Explain its properties. 7
àgm‘mݶ ~§Q>Z ³¶m h¡? BgHo$ JwUm| H$mo ~VmB©¶o&
b) If X is a Poisson Variate such that
P ( X = 2 ) = 9 P ( X = 4 ) + 90 P ( X = 6 ) Find 7
i) λ the mean of X
ii) β , the coefficient of skewness
¶{X X EH$ nmoBgZ Ma Bg Vah h¡ {H$
P ( X = 2 ) = 9 P ( X = 4 ) + 90 P ( X = 6 ) Vmo kmV H$[a¶o
i) λ ,X H$m ‘mܶ
ii) β ,X H$m {df‘Vm JwUH$

6. a) Derive the relationships Δ = δ 2 2 + δ 1 + δ 2 4 and

∇ = − δ 2 2 +δ 1+ δ 2 4 7

gå~§Ymo Δ = δ 2 2 + δ 1 + δ 2 4 Ed§
∇ = − δ 2 2 +δ 1+ δ 2 4 H$mo CËnm{XV H$[a¶o&
b) Find the first, second and third derivative of f ( x ) at
x =1.5 from following tabulated data: 7
gmaUr ‘| {X¶o J¶o Am§H$S>m| go f ( x ) H$m x =1.5 na àW‘, {ÛVr¶
Ed§ V¥Vr¶ AdH$bZ kmV H$[a¶o&
x : 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
f ( x): 3.375 7.000 13.625 24.000 38.875 59.000



7. a) If X and Y are two independent binomial variate with

parameter n1 = 6, p = 1 2 and n2 = 4, p = 1 2 respectively
evaluate 7
i) P ( X + Y = r )
ii) P ( X + Y ≥ 3)
¶{X X Am¡a Y Xmo ñdVÝÌ ~m¶Zmo{‘¶b Ma h¡ {OZHo$ n¡am‘rQ>a
H«$‘e… n1 = 6, p = 1 2 Ed§ n2 = 4, p = 1 2 h¢& JUZm H$[a¶o&
i) P( X +Y = r)
ii) P ( X + Y ≥ 3)
b) Find the Laplace transform of following function. 7
{ZåZ ’$bZ H$m bmßbmg ê$nmÝVa kmV H$[a¶o&
⎧ 0, 0 < t < 1

f ( t ) = ⎨t 2 , 1 < t < 2
⎪ 0, 2>t

8. a) Prove : 7
{gÕ H$[a¶o&
u1 x u2 x 2 u3 x 3 ⎡ x2 x3 ⎤
u0 + + + = e x ..... ⎢u0 + xΔu0 + Δ 2u 0 + Δ 3u0 + − − − ⎥
1 2 3 ⎣ 2 3 ⎦
b) Given 7
sin 45 = 0.7071 sin 50 = 0.7660
sin 55 = 0.8192 sin 60 = 0.8660
Find sin 52 , by using Newton’s Interpolation.
sin 45 = 0.7071 sin 50 = 0.7660
sin 55 = 0.8192 sin 60 = 0.8660
Vmo ݶyQ>Z A§Vd}eZ go sin 52 kmV H$[a¶o&


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