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Dajuya, Anadie I.

BSEd Senior

Why is there a need to develop an instructional material when there are ready-made
Instructional materials are essential to the teaching and learning process since it
provides the core information that students need to experience, learn and apply
throughout the course/subject. Although there are ready-made ones, it is still a must to
develop instructional material since every year, a new generation of topics, information,
and matters are needed to be learned by the students. Developing instructional material
will depend on how new information aligns with students' comprehension levels in each
course. The ready-made instructional materials can still be helpful as another reference
or source for the newly developed materials. It is also needed to develop new ones
since the teacher's pedagogy will depend on how students would be able to understand
the lesson and based on the relevant topics that must be included or set an example for
the topic and lessons.


From the inputs, take down 5 essential words which struck you the most and explain
how these words can guide you in designing and developing an instructional material
for language learning.
In designing and developing instructional materials, it is better to know to
whom and why they will make one. Instructional materials are made to serve
their purpose and become effective; thus, it is a must that the teacher or
materials’ developer knows who the audiences and the purpose of those specific
materials are.
Knowing your audiences will eventually lead you to their needs. As a
teacher, you should know their needs because you cannot give what they
already have; for instance, you cannot teach what they already know. It means
that you should look for what is lacking from them. The newly developed
materials should include responses to students’ needs which means looking for
the learning objectives.
One of the crucial concerns in developing instructional materials is the
student's learning experiences. What do they get from the materials used in
class? What learning or takeaways could they apply in real-life situations?
Therefore, designing instructional materials also consider looking at the
environment and surroundings because this is where students could understand
the topic by integrating it into the real-life experiences that might result in direct
experiences that need to present and involved.
In designing instructional materials, it includes creating activities and
programs that are relevant to the topic itself. Formulating programs for language
learning is neither a game nor a book, but something students can relate to
according to its timeliness. It must have interconnected with how students will
understand the lesson very well through connecting it to the other disciplines and
examples because sometimes, some teachers tend to create programs and
activities that are not related to what supposed to be the topic is.
Learning outcomes
When you have learning objectives, there will be learning outcomes. It is
also essential to be aware of the expected outcomes from students and teachers.
You should be able to reach the goal at the end of the course outline because
this is where you will find out if there is something you imparted or if students
learned something from you.
Use these key words in crafting your own recommendations/considerations on the
development of instructional materials for language learning.
Know your learners’ background and schema
Focus on the learning objectives
Adapt direct experiences
Apply interdisciplinary approach
Reach the learning goals/learning outcomes

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