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John 4:24 clarifies, “They that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth,”

undoubtedly; this is a principle that revivalists seek to project during worship.

“One of the hurdles to be overcome in interpreting diasporan traditions to outsiders is
the deep-seated, popular image of them as a ‘voodoo’ malign ‘black magic’. Hundreds
of books and scores of films have portrayed the spirituality of millions of people of
African descent as crazed, depraved, or demonic manipulations of gullible and irrational
people.” - Joseph Murphy.

But, how do revivalists project the concept of God in worship?

It does not confirm the infodemic perspective highlighting the religion as a demonic
cult; however, it clarifies that there is no separation between the spiritual realm and

Along with the interior of the worship building, one might find The Table, merely
as family members would gather around the dining table to feast and communicate,
so it is that revivalists use this medium.

The assumption is that the table illuminates the communication between the living
and the spirits.

The Table is an arrangement of different items such as liquor, cooked and baked
foods, and other objects. However, one common element is lighted candles.
Furthermore, Contact with the spirit world is believed to be a source of both power
and danger, and this is reflected in the symbolic colors of red and white, with white
symbolizing the sacred spirit world and red standing for the power and the danger
involved in spirit contact. Red cloth banners, which stand for the blood of Jesus,
are designed to “cut and clear destruction” or eradicate Obeah and evil spirits, and
Revival dress and turbans are often red or white.
Does the concept of God solely govern Revivalism? Revivalism solicits the doctrine of
Christianity and the African tenet of authorization.
The sect of Zion revivalists (60 Zion) incorporates Christian teachings, while
Pocomania (61 Revivals) canvasses the authority of science.
Zion, in biblical terms, means raised, and as such prehistorical events aided in the
birth and growth of Revivalism. During the arrival of the missionaries, many slaves
and indentured workers were forced to convert due to social pressures, however, the
Baptist appeared to be the most successful in converting slaves. In the case of
revivalists, many still adhered to their Obeah-Myal tradition. The revival that sprung
from Ireland sounded its influential beat on the Caribbean basin.
Zion Revivalists are one-half of the revivalism band, the other being Pocomania.
Though these bands are derived from the same principle, they are subjected to a
Preultimately, these differences are controversial when because 60s Zion is more
Christian based and grappling with the possession of the Holy Spirit, but 61 Revivals
deal with earthbound spirits and the devil. Minister Marcellus voiced in a sermon on
his engagement with Pocomania and testified against the use of spiritual possession
in transcendental meditation, quoting "People are trying to find peace without the
Prince of Peace". Allegedly, Pocomanians practice witchcraft, this myth causes
controversy between 61 revivals, Zion revivalism, and the Christian diaspora. Yet,
the distinction between worship is not often publicized and is only esoteric to
Revivalist followers. The negative classification is thrown at religion as a whole.
Apart from the religious segregation in revivalism, a more diverse impact is seen
socially; in this case, Revivalists hide their association with the religion. The
supporters of revivalism are often the marginalized and oppressed in society. Many
Jamaicans often view revivalism in negative terms.
He based Revivalism on Christian teachings, almost mimicking the practices;
however, beneath the fundamentals aligning with the African principles remained.
Minister Marcellus did a documentary, The Journey: Pocomania, which alludes to this.
He explained his experience as being one of a cultic nature, and his testimony along
with others have transcended with rhythms of controversy. The supporters of Revivalism
are often oppressed and are sometimes hide their true colors for the sake of societal
pressures. The earlier mention of controversy is not merely a societal issue, but it also
stems from The Zion Revivalist. This is due to the different practices established in each
group. Revivalism is a practice that is screened in Africa.

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