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(AC-S08) Week 08 - Task: Assignment - My

favorite horror film



Good morning, teacher, this time we present the weekly activity
My best birthday present
Hello my Name Is Luis
Hi my name is Diego
Hello, my name is Lucero, we will present the dialogue.
Luis: Hello guys, how are you?
Diego: Hi Luis. I'm happy.
Lucero: Hello. I am fine and you Luis?
Luis: I am great. Friends, what are you doing?
Diego: We are talking about our best birthday presents.
Lucero: Yes, Luis, could you tell us what was your best birthday present?
Luis: Of course, Lucero, my best birthday present was a technological device.
Diego: Great! My best present was also a technological device.
Lucero: And mine was also a technological device.
Luis: Diego, what is the name of the technological device?
Diego: Was a Samsung cell pone
Lucero: How does it differ from other cell phones?
Diego: My cell phone is big and takes professional photos but can't have too many
applications. And you Luis, what is the name of the technological device?
Luis: It was a big black tablet but cheap and can't take professional pictures like your
cell phone. I love my tablet because I can listen to music and the battery lasts a long
Diego: Why is it important to you?
Luis: It is important to me because my parents went out of their way to buy it.
Diego: And you Lucero, what is the name of the technological device?
Lucero: My best present was a black smartwatch
Luis: My best present was a black smartwatch.
Lucero: My smart watch is small, black in color but very expensive. I like it a lot
because I can listen to music and receive calls.
Luis: What can’t you do with your device?
Lucero: My smartwatch can't go in the water for very long and it doesn't have a long
battery life like your tablet.
Diego: well friends, I have to go, it was a pleasure to see you again and to get to know
you a little more every week.
Lucero: thanks take care friends
Luis: take care, until next time

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