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Queen‟s college

Department:- MBA
Course name: - strategic management
Name :- Tsega Belay :- 0552
Section:- G

Submission date:-30/10/22
1. What are the process of strategy implementation.

The primary features of strategy implementation are as follows:

Integrated Process

Strategy implementation is a holistic and integrated process. It implies that different

activities that constitute strategy implementation are interdependent. For instance, an
organization's promotional strategy's activities are interrelated and have to be executed in
accordance with each other.

Action Oriented

A strategy should be actionable. It can be made actionable via various management

processes, including planning and organizing. The management is not just responsible for
formulating a plan but also for converting the plan into action.

Varied Skills

It suggests that strategy implementation concerns wide-ranging skills. Vast knowledge,

abilities, positive attitude, and organizational skills are required to implement a strategy.
Proficiency in these skills helps in allocating resources, crafting policies, and devising structures.

Wide Involvement

Strategy implementation demands the participation of all the components of a system. It

includes the top, middle, and lower level management. The top management has to maintain
transparency and clarity while communicating the strategy to be implemented. The middle
management must further regulate the norms and ensure no miscommunication happens.

Wide Scope

It covers a range of administrative and managerial activities. For instance, to implement

a marketing strategy, you must prepare a marketing budget, conduct market research, develop a
promotional plan, conduct test marketing, launch the product, and collect customers' feedback.
Process of Strategic Implementation

When approaching a goal or a project, the process of strategic implementation governs how
you‟ll put your plan into action. Its purpose is to help determine how you‟ll source your
resources, what policies or programs you‟ll put into place, and who will help you execute the
strategy. The implementation process should follow an environmental scan and SWOT
analysis to identify any potential risks inherent to the strategy.Without strategy formulation and
implementation, it can be challenging to achieve goals.

2. Consider your company and write some offensive and defensive strategies employe by
your company.

What type of marketing is to be adopted by marketing for its shining success depends on its
unique business situation it is passing through or the situation pattern it has designed? It is but
natural that as the firm‟s situational design differs and matching strategy requirements warrant
different stands to be taken.

1. Offensive marketing strategy:

„Offensive‟ or “confrontation” strategy is a stand that speaks of aggression or confrontation.
It is generally followed by such marketing units which are aspiring to be leaders in the sphere. At
present, such a firm might be enjoying second or third or even fourth position in terms of
performance. However, its immediate aims are to move to the position one right on top. To do so
it is to play the role of a challenger and its target of attack is the present number one position

Such an aspiring challenger gets aggressive to expand its market share by fully and skilfully
blending the marketing mix in attacking its prey. This calls for generous sacrifice in many
angles; it resorts to daring price cuts, supplying of superior quality products, enlarging the
product varieties, providing superior and faster consumer and dealer services, motivating the
channels of distribution, venturing in to aggressive or a acrimonious advertising and sales

2. Defensive marketing strategy:

The success of a company lies not only in attaining leadership position, but in maintaining it over
a pretty longer period. Therefore, a defensive marketing strategy is employed by the leader in the
line to guard against the attacks by the strong challengers just next to its envious first rank. These
challengers might be known or some which suddenly strike and attempt to uproot dislodge the
leader from its top-most position.

Here, the basic problem of a defender is how best it can defend its prime position against the
No wise leader will take it for granted that none shall come in its way and its first rank or the top
position is sure and safe. If this is the line of thinking, the doom is sure sooner or later. The most
precious stand will be to be agile, alert against the unexpected, sudden, surprising and shocking
attacks by challengers. Good many examples can be quoted of such star wars in the world of
competitive business. In the area of moulded luggage, VIP had to defend against Aristocrat and

3. What are the similarity and distinction between between objective and goal.

Similarity and distinction between an objective and a goal includes that, they are usually set with
a time frame that a company or an individual is suppose to achieve the target within the deadline.
Both give motivation and encourage the company, business or individual to work hard at
meeting the target.

Top 10 Similarity and distinction between an objective and a goal

1. Goals are defined as the target or purpose that a person imagines or plans to
accomplish or to reach or to achieve in future. While objectives are the actions to be
taken or plans for a shorter period in order to achieve the said goal.
2. A goal cannot be measured because it is for a long period while an objective can be
measured based on results for the specific period. For example an individual will set a
goal to obtain a degree at the University but in order to do so he or she will need to set
and objective to study every night for the assessments given in order to achieve that
3. The other distinction between a goal and an objective is that, a goal is more abstract
than action oriented. It is a plan that is thought of but in order to achieve it actions
need to be put in place which are the objectives. For example a company can set a
goal to be the main supplier of drinks in a country. Certain measures will be out in
place such as increasing the number of working hours and the number of workers
which is an objective.
4. Every individual decides what they want to become in the future and strives to
achieve it. The goal is that point which a person envisions himself or herself, after a
particular period of time. To achieve these goals, people usually put a timeline by
setting objectives, so that they can reach their goal in the desired time. However, goals
are long term.
5. Goals are broad or wide in nature, while objectives are narrow. Goals are valuable for
setting a general direction or vision, while objectives simply help in getting things
done for that particular goal. A lot of sitting and planning adequately is needed when
setting a goal while an objective can be thought of in a short time.
6. The aim or target which one wants to achieve within a limited period is known as the
objective. They are the milestones that help you to reach your goal. That is why they
are also termed as subgoals. It is a stepping stone to reach a particular point. This is
done in order to achieve the goal.
7. Objectives are easily measured when the target is achieved. For example, A company
wants to increase its sales by 50% in the upcoming six months and then when it hits
the target it can be measured through the sales figure. On the other hand a goal cannot
be measured because it can only be seen at the end of the plan.
8. Objectives are narrow in scope, Specific steps, Associated with a schedule and time
frame, The means to the end result, Easy to measure, Short term or medium term.
While goals create a vision with a wide range, objectives focus on the individual,
achievable outcomes.
9. Objectives are the concrete deliverables that make the goal come to life. Progress
towards them helps measure advancement to reaching the larger end goal.
10. In conclusion, in as much as there is a minimal similarity between the a goal and an
objective. The difference between the two should be understood so as to not
interchange the terms or use them wrongly. That way it becomes clear on how to use
them in the long run.

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