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. How did working online affect our life?

With the outbreak of covid-19, countries, firms,

schools, and almost every institution have turned to work online, to preserve people’s safety
during the pandemic. Even though covid-19 is the primary cause for us working online, it is not
the only cause. In the era of technology, and development some available jobs don’t require
your attendance, such as software engineering. Working remotely has changed our lives utterly,
due to the many effects it has, including, impacts on physical, psychological and mental health,
and people’s relationships in general.

To begin with, online working has influenced our physical health substantially. When was the
last time you went to the doctor for a checkup, you went to the gym, or played the sport you
like? Now with online working, you have more free time to take care of your own health, which
should not be ignored. Unfortunately, some people tend to ignore it, although they have the
enough time to give it the attention it needs. Besides, working from home will make you get
used to some poor health habits; for instance, the kitchen is literally in front of you, you can eat
whenever, whatever you want, and no way this could be healthy.
We definitely cannot overlook the psychological effects of this phenomenon on us. Now while
you are by yourself at home no crowd, no distractions- technically there are many distractions,
but you have complete control over them- consequently, you will have lower stress levels,
which means your productivity will increase. Furthermore, you are free. You have the freedom
to choose when to eat, when to drink, when to work, and when to sleep. Imagine having this
significant amount of freedom, with having the ability to sleep as much as you want, personally,
my motivation would be hitting the roof. On the other side, having this amount of freedom
could result In bad outcomes. Some people may not have the ability to control themselves. In
other words, the freedom they have would cause them to lose focus- to any of the distractions
they are surrounded with. Let’s not forget that relationships could be also affected by working
On top of that, relationships were not immune to the effects of this phenomenon.
Communication challenges between coworkers may appear sometimes, especially, in jobs were
communication is a must. Colleagues and teams being soiled from each other, could affect their
mental status, and generate a feeling of loneliness in some of them. On

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