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Permission to answer the discussion in session 6

1. What does “Laissez-Faire” mean?

2. How is “Laissez-Faire” still relevant today? What are the weaknesses of “Laissez-Faire”?

3. Do you think government’s supervision in economic activities should be significant?


1. Laissez-faire is an economic theory from the 18th century that opposed any government intervention
in business affairs. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism. Laissez Faire is a
doctrine that developed in the 18th century against any government interference in business affairs.
Everyone who adheres to Laissez Faire believes that the smaller the role of the government, the wider
the business prospects in the country. John Stuart Mill argues that Laissez Faire is better not only
because it increases wealth, but increases individual freedom to build a business in a country without
government intervention.

2. According to Adam Smith, Laissez Faire economics in the concept of the "invisible hand". A market
that is free from government intervention will provide maximum good for all. This concept gained
momentum in the 19th century. Industrial growth in England and America at the end of the 19th century
took place in a Laissez Faire capitalist environment. However, the Laissez Faire period ended at the
beginning of the 20th century. This was marked by the emergence of a number of government
regulations related to business, such as anti-competition regulations. So the concept of Laissez Faire is
irrelevant for now.

• Laissez Faire has weaknesses, including :

a. Increasing income inequality, this happens because of absolute autonomy which creates a
situation of chaos for both producers and consumers. Situations like this ultimately lead to
inequality of income and wealth.
b. Ignoring public interest, Laissez Faire economy fails to represent the interests of all sections of
society. This system only serves the owners of capital.

3. Yes of course. The government has four roles in economic activity, including :

• Government as producer

• Government as consumer

• Government as regulator

• Government as distributor
The government as a regulator of economic activity has an important role in supervising the economic
activities of a country. To carry out this role, the government makes rules through regulations and
legislation. Such as the law on employment and regional autonomy.

reference material from: -BMP ADBI4201

That's all from me thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
1. What does “Laissez-Faire” mean?

Laissez Faire is one of the keys to the theory of free market capitalism. Laissez Faire is a doctrine that
developed in the 18th century against any government interference in business affairs. Everyone who
adheres to Laissez Faire believes that the smaller the role of the government, the wider the business
prospects in the country. John Stuart Mill argues that Laissez Faire is better not only because it increases
wealth, but increases individual freedom to build a business in a country without government

Laissez Faire adalah salah satu kunci teori kapitalisme pasar bebas. Laissez Faire adalah doktrin yang
berkembang pada abad ke-18 menentang campur tangan pemerintah dalam urusan bisnis. Setiap orang
yang menganut Laissez Faire percaya bahwa semakin kecil peran pemerintah, semakin luas prospek
bisnis di negara tersebut. John Stuart Mill berpendapat bahwa Laissez Faire lebih baik bukan hanya
karena meningkatkan kekayaan, tetapi meningkatkan kebebasan individu untuk membangun bisnis di
suatu negara tanpa campur tangan pemerintah.

2. How is “Laissez-Faire” still relevant today? What are the weaknesses of “Laissez-Faire”?

• According to Adam Smith, Laissez Faire economics in the concept of the "invisible hand". A market that
is free from government intervention will provide maximum good for all. This concept gained
momentum in the 19th century. Industrial growth in England and America at the end of the 19th century
took place in a Laissez Faire capitalist environment. However, the Laissez Faire period ended at the
beginning of the 20th century. This was marked by the emergence of a number of government
regulations related to business, such as anti-competition regulations. So the concept of Laissez Faire is
irrelevant for now.

• Laissez Faire has weaknesses, including :

1) Increasing income inequality, this happens because of absolute autonomy which creates a situation of
chaos for both producers and consumers. Situations like this ultimately lead to inequality of income and

2) Ignoring public interest, Laissez Faire economy fails to represent the interests of all sections of
society. This system only serves the owners of capital.
3. Do you think government’s supervision in economic activities should be significant?

Yes of course. The government has four roles in economic activity, including :

• Government as producer

• Government as consumer

• Government as regulator

• Government as distributor

The government as a regulator of economic activity has an important role in supervising the economic
activities of a country. To carry out this role, the government makes rules through regulations and
legislation. Such as the law on employment and regional autonomy.

1. Abstrak Karya Ilmiah “ Tingginya Tingkat Konsumsi Energi Listrik”

Saat ini, tingkat konsumsi energi listrik terlampau tinggi. Meningkat sebesar 70 % antara tahun 2000
sampai 2030, sehingga menyebabkan berkurangnya ketersediaan energi bagi kehidupan. Kondisi ini
mendorong perlunya alat sebagai penyimpan energi yang besar. Alat penyimpan energi yang biasa
digunakan adalah kapasitor. Daun Tanaman Nangka mengandung selulosa yang tersusun oleh senyawa
karbon. Adapun karbon aktif adalah jenis bahan yang secara luas telah digunakan sebagai bahan
elektroda untuk superkapasitor.

Tujuan dari karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui potensi sampah daun tanaman nangka
(arthocarpus heterophyllus) sebagai superkapasitor,. (2) Untuk mengetahui efektivitas sampah daun
tanaman nangka (arthocarpus heterophyllus) sebagai superkapasitor. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode eksperimen. Design eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4
perlakuan. Indikator penelitian ini adalah aspek Lampu LED Menyala dan aspek Tegangan Listrik (Volt),
Tahapan penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Isolasi Karbon dari Sampah Daun Tanaman Nangka (arthocarpus
heterophyllus) (2) Aktivasi Karbon Sampah Daun Tanaman Nangka (arthocarpus heterophyllus) Menjadi
Karbon Aktif (3) Tahap Pengujian karbon aktif sebagai material Superkapasitor.

Disimpulkan sampah daun nangka (artocarpus heterophyllus) dapat dijadikan sebagai material
superkapasitor menggunakan aktivator HCl pada P2, sebagai perlakuan terbaik dengan nilai tegangan
rata – rata 3,45 volt, nilai tengah 3.4 volt, dan lampu LED menyala.

Kata Kunci: Superkapasitor, Sampah Daun Tanaman Nangka (arthocarpus heterophyllus), Karbon


- Kalimat yang bergaris bawah adalah bagian abstrak yang baik atau tepat

- Kalimat yang bercetak tebal adalah bagian abstrak yang kurang tepat atau lemah

2. Penilaian terhadap kelemahan dan kelebihan abstrak tersebut

a. Bagian abstrak yang bergaris bawah dirasa sudah cukup baik karena pemilihan dalam runtutan
kalimat sudah tepat dan jelas, sehingga para pembaca dapat memahami kalimat tersebut dengan bak.

b. Bagian abstrak yang bercetak tebal memiliki kelemahan dan kekurangan karena dalam kalimat
tersebut tidak dijelaskan secara rinci apa yang dimaksud dengan “superkapasitor” sehingga para
pembaca sedikit mengalami kesulitan dalam menafsirkan kalimat tersebut. Dalam abstrak tersebut
seharusnya disertai arti dari superkapasitor yaitu kapasitor yang memiliki nilai kapasitas jauh melebihi
kapasitor lain (dalam batas tegangan yang lebih rendah).

3. Penilaian : secara keseluruhan abstrak tersebut sudah cukup baik, hanya saja kurang dalam
mengartikan maksud dari kalimat yang kurang familiar bagi para pembaca. Dan masih terdapat
beberapa kesalahan dalam tanda baca.

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