U4 Diana Pinillo Artiulo

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News article

Presentado por:

Diana Gisela Pinillos Estupiñan

Ingles IV

Lic. Andrea Figueroa

Corporación Universitaria Del Caribe – CECAR

Facultad De Humanidades y Educación

4 de Noviembre del 2022

News article

Task 1: Find a news article of your interest, read and understand it thoroughly. Then, write a
150 – word text using reported speech and correct grammar tenses. Finally, attach it.

Task 2: Record a 1-minute video of yourself presenting the news about the article you found.
You must use reported speech and take into account the different tenses seen in this
unit. Remember that you cannot read during the video. You will be evaluated in the aspects of:
grammar, pronunciation, naturalness with phrases, posture, gestures, volume, correct use of
vocabulary and expressions.
Task 1:

1. Repairing the huge cracks on the Dagua - Loboguerrero road will take between 6
and 8 months: Invías

The National Institute of Roads announced that the recovery of the fracture at kilometer 59 of the
Dagua-Loboguerrero road will take between six and eight months.

The detachment of the bench in this road corridor on October 27 did not leave fatalities but
hundreds of people affected by the total closure of the road.

In addition, the entity arranged a team of technicians and specialists to analyze the site and
define the plan to follow to deal with the emergency.

The director of Execution and Operation (e) of Invías, Carolina Barbanti Mansilla, explained that
"it will be necessary to build a retaining wall with a deep foundation and carry out hydraulic
works on the upper and lower slopes of the road, in addition to the efforts to obtain resources to
contract the required works in the shortest possible time”.
Task 2:

LNK : https://youtu.be/zjRYrDFJTdI

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