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Ministry of High Education

Future High Institute for Course Title: circuit 2

Engineering in Fayoum Sheet 2
Second Year
Communication department
[1] In the circuit of Fig., ZL is a 15-mH inductor having an impedance of j40 Determine Zin
when k=0.6.

[2] Using Fig, design a problem to find T-equivalent and π-equivalent circuits.

L1 =15 H , L2=20H ,M=5H

[3] a) Find the input impedance of the circuit in Fig. using the concept of reflected

(b) Obtain the input impedance by replacing the linear transformer by its T equivalent

Dr/MoKhtar Said Eng/ Doaa Gad

[4] find the input impedance of circuits with transformers.

[5] Find currents I1,I2 ,I3 and in the circuit of Fig

[7] Find Zab and Io

[8] Find Io in the circuit of Figure.

Dr/MoKhtar Said Eng/ Doaa Gad

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