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Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow Fluid Mechanics (2131906)

6.1 Velocity Potential Function and Stream Function

6.1.1 Velocity Potential Function
 It is defined as a scalar function of space and time such that its negative derivative with
respect to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that direction.
Mathematically, the velocity potential function is defined as   f  x, y, z  for steady flow
such that
  
u  ,v   ,w  ……………………………………………………....………(6.1)
x y z
where u, v and w are the velocity components in x, y and z directions respectively.
The continuity equation for incompressible steady flow is
u v w
   0 …………………………………………..……………………….(6.2)
x y z
Substituting the value of u, v and w in above equation (6.2), we get
             
     0
 x   x   y   y   z   z 
 2  2  2
   0 ……………………….……………………………………………(6.3)
 x2  y2  z2
Equation (6.3) is a Laplace equation.
 
2 2
For two dimensional case, equation reduced to  2 0
x y

If any value of  that satisfies the Laplace equation, will correspond to some case of fluid
Properties of the Potential function
The rotational components are given by
1  v u 
z    
2  x y 
1 u w 
y   
2  z x 
1  w v 
z    
2  y z 
Substituting the value of u, v and w from equation (6.1) in the above rotational
components, we get
Fluid Mechanics (2131906) 6. Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow

1             1   2  2 
z              
2  x  y  y  x   2  x y x y 
1             1   2  2 
y              
2  z  x  x  z   2  x z x z 
1             1   2  2 
z              
2  y  z  z  y   2  y z y z 
If  is the continuous function, then x  y  z  0
When rotational components are zero, the flow is called irrotational. Hence the properties
of the potential function are:
1. If  exists, the flow should be irrotational
2. If  satisfies the Laplace equation, it represents the possible steady incompressible
irrotational flow.
6.1.2 Stream Function
 It is defined as a scalar function of space and time such that its partial derivative with
respect to any direction gives the velocity component at right angles to that direction. It
is define only for two dimensional flow.
Mathematically, for steady flow, it is defined as   f  x, y such that
 
 v,   u ………………………………………….………………….(6.4)
x y
The continuity equation for two dimensional flow is
u v
  0 ……………………………………………………………………..……..(6.5)
x y
Substituting the value of u and v from (6.4) in to (6.5), we get
 u       
    0
 x   y  y  x 
 
2 2
 0
x y x y
Hence existent of  means a possible case of fluid flow. The flow may be rotational or
1  v u 
The rotational component z is given by z    
2  x y 
Substituting the value of u and v from equation (6.4) in the above rotational component,
we get
1          1      
2 2
z       
  y   y   2  x 2  y2 
2   x     
   2
For irrotational flow, z  0 . Hence above equation becomes as  0
x 2 y 2
6. Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow Fluid Mechanics (2131906)

Which is Laplace equation for  .

Properties of Stream function
1. If  exists, it is possible case of fluid flow which may be rotational or irrotational.
2. If  satisfies the Laplace equation, it is possible case of an irrotational flow.
6.1.3 Equipotential Line (Line of Constant velocity potential function)
 A line which along which the velocity potential function  is constant is called
equipotential line.
For equipotential line   Constant
d  0
But   f  x, y for steady flow
 
d  dx  dy
x y
 udx  vdy
  udx  vdy 
For equipotential line d  0
 udx  vdy   0
udx  vdy  0
dy u
   Slope of equipotential line………………………………………(6.6)
dx v
6.1.4 Line of Constant Stream function
For equipotential line   Constant
d  0
But   f  x, y for steady flow
 
d  dx  dy
x y
 vdx  udy
For line of constant stream function d  0
vdx  udy  0
dy v
  Slope of stream line……………………………………..……………....(6.7)
dx u
 From equation (6.6) and (6.7) it is clear that the product of the slope of the equipotential
line and slope of the stream line at the point of the intersection is equal to -1. Thus the
equipotential lines are orthogonal to the stream lines at all points of intersection.
 A grid obtained by drawing a series of equipotential lines and stream lines is called a
flow net.
6.1.5 Relation between Stream function and Velocity potential function
   
As we know that u   ,v  and v  ,u  
x y x y
Fluid Mechanics (2131906) 6. Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow

    
Thus we have u    and v   
x y  y x
   
Hence  and 
x  y y x
6.2 Types of Motion
The fluid particle which moving may undergo anyone or combination of following types of
1. Linear translation or Pure translation
2. Linear Deformation
3. Angular deformation
4. Rotation
6.2.1 Linear Translation
It is defined as the movement of an element in such a way that it moves bodily from one
position to another position and the two axes ab and cd represented in new positions by
a' b' and c 'd ' are parallel as shown in Fig 6.1 (a).
6.2.2 Linear Deformation
It is defined as the deformation of a fluid element in linear direction when the element
moves. The axis of the element in the deformed position and un-deformed position are
parallel, but their lengths change as shown in Fig 6.2 (b).
6.3.3 Angular Deformation or Shear Deformation
It is defined as the average change in the angle contained by two adjacent sides. Let  1
and  2 is the change in angle between two adjacent sides of a fluid element as shown in
Fig. 6.1 (c), then angular deformation or shear strain rate is
   1   2 
v x v u y u
Now  1    and  2   
x x x y y y

 1   2   v  u 
1 1
Angular deformation or shear strain rate 
2 2  x y 
6. Two-Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow Fluid Mechanics (2131906)

Fig. 6.1 Displacement of fluid element

6.2.4 Rotation
It is defined as the movement of a fluid element in such a way that both of its axes
(Horizontal as well as vertical) rotate in the same direction as shown in Fig. 6.1 (d). It is equal
1  v u 
to    for two dimensional element in x  y plane.
2  x y 
The rotational components are
1  v u  1  u w  1  w v 
z     , y     , z       ..................................................(6.8)
2  x y  2  z x  2 y z
6.2.5 Vorticity
It is defined as the value twice of the rotation and hence it is given as 2 .
6.3 Vortex Flow
 Vortex flow is defined as the flow of fluid along curved path or the flow of a rotating
mass of fluid is known as Vortex flow.
 The vortex is of two types:
1. Free vortex flow
2. Forced vortex flow
6.3.1 Free Vortex Flow
 When no external torque required to rotate the fluid mass, that type of flow is called
free vortex flow. Thus the liquid in case of free vortex flow is rotate due to the rotation
which is imparted to the fluid previously.
Examples of free vortex flow:
1. Flow of liquid through the hole provided at the bottom of the container.
2. Flow of liquid around a circular bend in a pipe.
3. A whirlpool in river

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