Where Has The Mist Gone ? A Percy Jackson and The Olympians FanFiction

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PJO Where has the mist gone? (Rewrite)
By: pjolarrybackup (/u/15536496/pjolarrybackup)  (https://www.fanfiction.net/pm2/post.php?uid=15536496)
The Mist is dying, The Gods refuse to help, and mortals are looking for them. What else is there for Percy and his friends to do but to hide in a high school while
demigods to save, all while trying to find a way to repair the Mist. What could go wrong?
Rated: Fiction T (https://www.fictionratings.com/) - English - Fantasy - Annabeth C., Percy J. - Words: 1,367 - Published: 5h ago - id: 14159909

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Hey Guys! It's me, pjolarry. It's been a while tbh, but here I am. Just to let you guys know, I'm completely rewriting where has the mist gone.
with key plot points and stuff, but I like ot think my writing style has matured since then, so get ready for longer chapters and (hopefully) act
charcters. I'm also trying to stop switch POV's so much- i think it made my old writng style very clunky. Also, I'm british- so I'm trying my bes
american school- but its probably gonna turn out being very british. My old account is completely unusable- I don't know the password or the
HELLO! NEW ACCOUNT! WOO! Now, without further ado, let's get into Pjo- Where has the mist gone? (REWRITE)

Mortal's POV

There he is. Percy Jackson. He's... a bit strange. A scar covered body, a habit of flinching at the smallest things and an ever-growing list of long absences from
with a group of new kids, all of them scar-covered as well, and all with the same haunted look in their eyes. Not that anyone knows anything about them, of co
show up to school, keep their heads down and mouths closed and pretty much stay away from anyone who isn't in their little group. Weird. But, I can't blame
do the same if I managed to get away from the people I hang out with- the so-called 'popular group'. Ugh. I feel like I'm in some kind of shitty high school com
With all the cliches that happen at my very creatively named school- 'New New York High', situated in, yep, you guessed it, New York, I wouldn't be surprised

My name is Josh, by the way, and I was Percy's best friend when we were young. As you can no doubt tell from my slightly bitter tone, we don't talk anymore.
gilded folds of the popular kid group, and poor Percy got pulled into whatever the hell's going on with his weird-ass group of friends. My bet is drugs or someth
My friend, Emmy, said she thinks they're in 'like a cult or like something I guess, like idk' . Yes, she actually said the acronym IDK out loud. I mean, the cult th
They're always talking about Greek gods and Romans and stuff, from the little I've overheard of their usually very emotionally charged conversations. Hmm.. y
thing makes sense...

The bell rings, and, after spitting my gum into the nearest bin (and ignoring the Mixed Recycling ONLY sign on it) I start to head to Math. Ugh, worst lesson by

In Math, I take my usual seat, realise I've forgotten my pen and notebook, swear loudly, almost get detention for 'Inappropriate Language' and, five minutes i
ready to leave school, never get any qualifications and become a stripper instead. I'm ready to cry and I've decided I'm just going to spend the rest of the less
whoever is next to me- a new girl, called Kelli, I think.

Oh crap. Oh god. That was such a bad idea what the hell is algebraic probability and why on earth am I solving the circumference of the moon using it. shit. I
actually work now.

Time skip- Lunch

Finally, sweet glorious food. I'm literally starving, breakfast was ages ago. I open my bag with my lunch in it. Oh. Another peanut butter sandwich. I think Dad
them. Ah well, I'll just bin it and get a Radnor Fizz from the cafeteria or something. As I'm making my way to the lunch queue, I spot Percy, his girlfriend Anna
group of about 9 other friends whose names I can't be bothered to learn, sitting in a circle, eating lunch. I glance at what they were eating and frowned. Their
tiny half-portion of noodles and a bruised, out of date apple each. It didn't look nearly enough for even the shortest member of their group, a Black girl I was p
the year below, let alone the tall, 6'3 muscular Asian teen, whose hand she was holding.

"Percy!" I shout "You want my sandwich?". His head whips up and he glares at me.

"I don't need your pity or your charity, Josh." he snarled

"Why would I give you pity, Percy, I don't like you. My dad always forgets I fucking hate them, so your ungrateful ass can have them for all I care." I shoot bac
take them. If I know Percy, and I do know Percy, eight years of friendship don't just disappear because you drifted apart, he won't back down from a challenge

His eyes flick back to a tall blond kid, called Jason, I think, and Jason gives a barely there incline of his head. Percy's gaze is calculating, but he holds his hand
foil-wrapped sandwich to him. He turns back to the group and the younger Black girl he's sitting with - I can't quite recall her name, Harriet? Holly? something
my eye and smile slightly. I return the smile, and walk off. Percy's pride would never allow him to take food offered with pity, but his stubbornness would mean
offered with a challenge. It was comforting, almost, to know I could still figure out what makes Percy tick, even if we hadn't talked in a while.

Percy's POV

Hey everyone, Percy here. Soo... a lot's happened. Calypso ran off after Leo helped her escape Ogygia, claiming she never loved him, and that the pressures o
her. We have no word from her and we do not know if she is safe. The Seven, Nico, Will, Thalia and, last but not least, Reyna, have been trying to find her, but
the resources or the time. All iris messages to her disconnect, and the Chiron is has had no word from her, she is invisible even to him, which leads us to assu

Finally, worst news last, Hecate is ill. We don't know how or why, but she is. The Mist is weakening and disintegrating, barely able to hide low-level monsters to
having little effect on demigods at all. The mortals are beginning to suspect things. We think a few mortals have spotted the monsters, but have just brushed
mutations or hallucinations. Annabeth says that "people fear things they do not understand." but I just thinks they're stupid. With the Mist disappearing, us old
had to go into hiding to locate young demigods in danger, and to protect mortals from the monsters that now see mortals as a threat because they can see the

We've tried so. many. times. to get the Gods to help, but they refuse because of the ancient laws. Don't they realise that if all the demigods are gone, so are t
Annabeth says that if the spark of Western civilisation will fail without demigods to carry the myths forgotten by mortals forward, because demigods are the ba
civilisation. I don't really care if the Gods disappear, but I will not let their children be hurt. Some of the new demigods thrust into the front lines are so young,
attended the shroud-burning of a nine year old the othr day. Gods. I should be doing more. I will protect my family at Camp Half Blood, or I will die trying.

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