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Social Justice and Education - PEC 1.

Ana Fernández García & Beatriz Malik Liévano

Academic year 2022-2023



1. In the compulsory text for this unit (Jacott, Liliana et al., 20191), focus your attention on
the section entitled "Promoting Social Justice: The impact of justice on well-being" and
answer the following questions:

a) To what extent does social justice influence well-being? Justify your answer.

b) List 2-3 benefits that social justice can bring to the welfare state. You may rely on
relevant authors (citing them appropriately, according to APA 7th ed. guidelines).

2. Read the following quote carefully, taken from the same text (Jacott, L. et al. 2019):

“From an identity perspective, we understand that citizens have multiple identities

(Appiah, 2004, Vertovec, 2010, Vertovec and Cohen, 2002), and therefore there are
different dimensions by which an individual can be and feel excluded; not only for their
personal identity but for the collective identities to which they are ascribed”

a) Explain its meaning, focusing on the term identity, from a social justice perspective.

b) Provide 2-3 examples where human beings may feel excluded because of their
individual and/or collective identity. Justify your answer.


1. After reading Naila Kabeer’s2 text carefully, do the following tasks:

a) Based on the contents of this article, give several reasons (at least 2-3) why social
exclusion persists nowadays.

b) Describe a current real situation, at local, regional or national level, that

exemplifies inequalities in society. Analyze its possible causes (if feasible), and
suggest ways to address the situation from a social justice perspective (based on
the contents of this subject).

1 Jacott, Liliana et al. (2019). Social Justice in Education: Capabilities, well-being, and social justice-oriented citizens, pp. 91-
99. In Liliana Jacott, García-Vélez, Tatiana & Seguro-Gómez, Vanesa (Eds.) Education, Citizenship and Social Justice:
Innovation, Practices and Research. First CiCea / Jean Monnet CiCe Network International Conference Proceedings.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Kabeer, Naila (2014). Social Justice and the Millennium Development Goals: the Challenge of Intersecting Inequalities.
The Equal Rights Review, 13, 91-116
Social Justice and Education - PEC 1. Ana Fernández García & Beatriz Malik Liévano
Academic year 2022-2023


1. Thomas Wartenweiler’s3 text (2018) presents an exploratory study about students’

consumer habits and their impact on society.

a) ¿What is the relationship between consumer habits and social justice? Justify your

b) Carry out a search on the Internet about consumer habits in Spain (possible
benefits and negative consequences), and analyse how they relate to social justice.
Include the references or the links to the documents.

2. Mary V. Alfred4 (2016) outlines what she understands by neoliberalism, describing

some of its characteristics, as well as the term "critical education", within the context
of adult education.

a) Identify some characteristics which define neoliberalism. Besides those described

in this paper, you can include others from relevant sources. Remember to cite
these correctly and include references at the end.

b) Explain the relationship between neoliberalism and adult critical education, using
2-3 examples. Justify your answer.

“Wartenweiler, Thomas (2018). Serious play in education for social justice - An exploratory study. Journal of
New Approaches in Educational Research, 7, 61–69

Alfred, Mary V. (2016). Creating space for Social Justice Education, Dialogues in Social Justice, 1(1), 31-34
Social Justice and Education - PEC 1. Ana Fernández García & Beatriz Malik Liévano
Academic year 2022-2023


You must do all the activities in the 3 Units. Two activities in Units 1 & 3, and 1 in Unit 2.

We advise you to read the compulsory texts and the complementary resources available in
the virtual classroom, as well as other resources located on your own. You may post your
reflections and any doubts you may have in the discussion fora.

You should deliver a report of approximately 2-3 pages (maximum) for each Unit.

In your responses, elaborate your own ideas based on the documents you read. In the case
of definitions, you do not need to rephrase the ideas, just copy them and cite the source,
unless you are asked to give your own definition.

Please remember to cite appropriately all sources / authors on whom you base your ideas,
and if you paraphrase an author, rewording the ideas in a text, you should still cite her/him,
giving credit to her/his work. If you quote an author’s exact words, follow the guidelines for
literal quotes. For citation and final references use APA Style7th edition5.

As stated in the Study Guide, any traces of plagiarism will lead failure of the course. If you
are unsure of how to cite correctly and avoid plagiarism, we recommend the following links:

Guidelines are also available in Spanish at UNED’s central library website:

You can watch the tutorials available in that website (in Spanish):

APA Style - American Psychological Association (APA) referencing system or guidelines: You can find guidelines to APA Style
in Spanish but for this course it is better that you should use the original source (APA), or brief guidelines in

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