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on the TOEFL ITP

Everything you need to know about the TOEFL ITP
How to prepare for the TOEFL ITP
Succeeding on the TOEFL ITP with GlobalExam
Everything you need to know
about the TOEFL ITP

Why take the TOEFL ITP?

The TOEFL ITP is the institutional version of the TOEFL iBT. Both exams
assess the same English skills (written and oral comprehension and
expression) for students whose mother tongue is not English.

This test is required for certain university exchange programs, when

your home institution has chosen to refer to it.

Therefore, you must take the TOEFL ITP if you wish to study at a
school or university that requires this exam to admit international
students. It is important to verify which certification is requested by each
establishment if you wish to study abroad.

The TOEFL ITP, in short

Your score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional
Testing Program (TOEFL ITP) is valid for two years.

This test, available in paper format or online since early 2020, is recognized
by 2,500 institutions in more than 50 countries. In order to take the
TOEFL ITP, you must register with a school.

If you want to take your test as part of your CPF (Personal Training Account),
this should soon be possible.

Which TOEFL should I take?

GlobalExam prepares learners for all TOEFL versions:

You can take this test by registering at an approved Choose this test if you want to study abroad at
center. It’s one of the tests most recognized by a university that has this test as a reference. This
universities, and it’s the most requested test in test is organized by educational establishments
Canada and the United States. only. There are no public sessions to register for.

Available at GlobalExam! Available at GlobalExam!

How to prepare for

1 Define your goal score

A good goal must be bold, realistic and defined over time.
It’s important to know where you’re going in order to figure
out how to get there!

2 Familiarize yourself with the exam

This is an integral part of test preparation. It’s important to
practice under real conditions to ensure success on D-Day.

3 Evaluate your language level

Evaluate your initial language level based on the criteria
measured by the test you wish to take.

4 Improve your skills

Now that you’re familiar with the test and have assessed
your initial language level, you can practice regularly,
under real exam conditions.

5 Re-evaluate your language level

To know if your training has been effective, you need
to be able to re-evaluate your language level.

6 You’re ready for exam day!

Exam Day, in detail

Exam Duration 1h55

Exam Format On paper or online, since early 2020

Written and Oral Comprehension

Written Expression
Written Structure

Graded from 310 to 677 points:

Scoring • A2 Level: 337 - 359 • B2 Level: 543 – 626
• B1 Level: 360 – 542 • C1 Level: 627 - 677
+70 points / 677 on the TOEFL
ITP with GlobalExam!
Average results observed after 30 days of training.

1 adaptive test to determine your language level

3 mock exams to assess your abilities under real

exam conditions

72 training sessions or more than

2,100 questions to improve your understanding
and your expression, written and oral

22 study paths to help organize your work

390 review worksheets to supplement

your learning

Corrections and statistics to track your progress

© GlobalExam

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