Jordan Etal 2020 Geological History Evolution West Antarctica

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The geological history and evolution of West Antarctica

Article · January 2020

DOI: 10.1038/s43017-019-0013-6


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3 authors, including:

Teal R. Riley Christine S Siddoway

British Antarctic Survey Colorado College


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The geological history and evolution
of West Antarctica
Tom A. Jordan   1*, Teal R. Riley1 and Christine S. Siddoway   2
Abstract | West Antarctica has formed the tectonically active margin between East Antarctica
and the Pacific Ocean for almost half a billion years, where it has recorded a dynamic history of
magmatism, continental growth and fragmentation. Despite the scale and importance of West
Antarctica, there has not been an integrated view of the geology and tectonic evolution of the
region as a whole. In this Review , we identify three broad physiographic provinces and present
their overlapping and interconnected tectonic, magmatic and sedimentary history. The Weddell
Sea region, which lays furthest from the subducting margin, was most impacted by the Jurassic
initiation of Gondwana break-up. Marie Byrd Land and the West Antarctic rift system developed
as a broad Cretaceous to Cenozoic continental rift system, reworking a former convergent margin.
Finally , the Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island preserve an almost complete magmatic arc
system. We conclude by briefly summarizing the geologic history of the West Antarctic system as
a whole, how it provides insight into continental margin evolution and what key topics must be
addressed by future research.

As a result of its long tectonic and magmatic history, In this Review, we give an overview of the West
An isolated rock outcrop complex topography and distinct geological provinces, Antarctic region. We divide West Antarctica into three
standing proud of the West Antarctica defies simple classification as a conver- broad physiographic provinces (Fig. 1) with differing, but
surrounding ice sheet, gent margin, magmatic arc or rifted continental mar- often overlapping, geological histories: the Weddell Sea
often used as a descriptive
Antarctic place name.
gin1,2. This region, which is ~4,700 km long and up to sector, which includes the elevated Ellsworth–Whitmore
1,600 km wide (Fig. 1a), consists of crustal blocks of dis- Mountains, Haag Nunataks and the low-lying Weddell
parate tectonic origins, all of which have been affected Sea rift system; the low-lying Ross Embayment and West
by complex convergent margin processes3,4. Compared Antarctic rift system (WARS), and the elevated Marie
with East Antarctica, West Antarctica is younger, less Byrd Land (MBL) dome; and the arcuate, elevated spine
tectonically stable and has a lower average elevation. of the Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent Thurston Island
The majority of West Antarctic crust developed between crustal block. For each of these provinces, we describe
~500 and 90 million years ago (Ma) along the active regional-scale physical characteristics, geological his-
ocean–continent convergence zone that borders the tory and the current understanding of the area’s tec-
ancient Pacific margin of Gondwana, which has left a tonic evolution. Finally, we consider what makes West
lasting impact on the geology of the region. Antarctica a unique and important system.
Due to the complex tectonic setting, sparse rock
exposure (Fig. 1b) and lack of detailed exploration, the The Weddell Sea sector
fundamental structures and evolution of West Antarctica The Weddell Sea sector, which includes the shallow
are actively debated. However, the integration of geolog- marine Weddell Sea rift system and onshore high-
ical and geophysical techniques (Box 1), together with lands of the Haag Nunataks and Ellsworth–Whitmore
tectonic frameworks from well-studied once-conjugate Mountains block (Fig. 1a), is the oldest and most enig-
continents, has advanced our understanding of the matic part of West Antarctica. It is bounded to the north
region in recent decades5–8. In return, improved knowl- by the Jurassic and younger oceanic crust of the southern
British Antarctic Survey,
edge of the geology of West Antarctica has provided key Weddell Sea and to the south by the abrupt topographic
Cambridge, UK.
geological evidence of the processes that lead to conti- step between the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains
Geology Department,
Colorado College, Colorado
nental growth9–11, as well as insight into the evolution and the low-lying WARS. The Weddell Sea sector is
Springs, CO, USA. of the overlying West Antarctic ice sheet12–15. These flanked by the generally younger Antarctic Peninsula to
*e-mail: advances motivate continued study of West Antarctica the west and by the ancient cratonic East Antarctic con- and highlight the importance of understanding its tinent and overlying Jurassic Ferrar magmatic province
s43017-019-0013-6 geological evolution. to the east.

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


from Jurassic granites17, indicate that Proterozoic-age

Key points
basement is present across the region, meaning that the
• West Antarctica is a geologically complex region that developed along the margin of Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains basement is similar in
Gondwana between the subducting Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate and the cratonic East age to the exposed Haag Nunataks. Although of similar age,
Antarctic continent. aeromagnetic data show that the weakly magnetized
• West Antarctica can be broken into three broad geological and physiographic Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains basement is distinct
provinces: the Weddell Sea sector; the West Antarctic rift system and Marie Byrd from the highly magnetic Haag Nunataks basement2,18
Land; and the Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island.
(Box 2). It is proposed that the Ellsworth–Whitmore
• The Weddell Sea sector includes the oldest rocks in West Antarctica, was least Mountains were thrust over the margin of the Haag
affected by the marginal subduction system and its movement to its current position
Nunataks block in the Permo-Triassic (~250 Ma)26, indi-
during the Jurassic initiation of Gondwana break-up was associated with back-arc
cating that the boundary between these two regions has
extension in the Weddell Sea rift system.
been a long-standing geological discontinuity.
• The West Antarctic rift system and Marie Byrd Land region followed as an active
The oldest exposed rocks in the Ellsworth Mountains
subducting margin and magmatic arc outboard from the East Antarctic Ross orogen.
Subduction ceased during the Cretaceous, associated with extreme crustal extension are the Cambrian Heritage Group (Fig. 2), which includes
and resulting in a broad rift basin and, ultimately, New Zealand rifting away. ~7.5 km of clastic, basaltic volcaniclastic and fossili­
• The Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island exemplify a continental margin ferous carbonate sediments27 formed between ~532
magmatic arc, preserving a record of the flare-ups in magmatism. Arc magmatism and ~505 Ma (ref.28). Unlike the Paleo-Pacific conti-
ceased from south to north between 90 and 20 million years ago as the Phoenix nental margin magmatic arc along the Transantarc­
oceanic spreading centre reached the continental margin trench. tic Mountains in East Antarctica at this time29, the
Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains region was dominated
by a rapidly subsiding continental rift basin associated
Precambrian evolution. The oldest rocks exposed in West with extension either in a back-arc or embayment set-
Antarctica form a ~2-km2 outcrop at Haag Nunataks, ting5. The precise location of the Ellsworth–Whitmore
providing a unique window into the basement geology of Mountains at this time is under debate (Fig. 3). Provenance
the region (Fig. 1b). The rocks at Haag Nunataks formed in data based on Heritage Group zircon ages suggest an
a magmatic arc during the Mesoproterozoic at ~1,170 Ma East Antarctic or Australian source for these sediments30,
and were subsequently deformed at ~1,060 Ma (ref.16), but a combined Laurentian and South African sediment
making them more than twice as old as any other rocks source has also been proposed28. Other geochemical
The mountain-building event
~1,000 million years ago, seen identified in West Antarctica (Fig. 2). The exposed rocks are proxies (such as Hf isotopes) suggest that the sediments
in continents around the world, juvenile, that is, they formed through the direct melting were from Southern Africa or locally derived basement25.
which led to the assembly of of the mantle, rather than through remelting of existing Paleomagnetic data from the Cambrian Heritage Group
the supercontinent of Rodinia. crustal rocks17. Although the rock outcrop is small, aero­
magnetic data (Box 2) indicate that this basement prov-
(Hafnium). A geologically useful ince extends beneath a region of at least 120,000 km2, as Fig. 1 | West antarctic setting. a | Complex West ▶
isotope, as its value is strongly marked by high-amplitude magnetic anomalies matching Antarctic subglacial topography from Bedmap2, derived
controlled by its magmatic those at Haag Nunataks18,19. from airborne ice-penetrating radar157, with bathymetry
source, which is linked to beneath the Ross Ice Shelf derived from gravity data77.
The age and petrology of the Haag Nunataks block is
tectonic setting. The thick red lines demarcate the three main geotectonic
distinct from the adjacent, younger Antarctic Peninsula provinces and the dashed black lines mark sub-provinces.
Zircons but similar to the age and petrology of the Natal The main provinces include the Weddell Sea sector, which
Highly resistant silicate Embayment of Southern Africa20 and the basement of includes the shallow marine Weddell Sea rift system and
minerals formed by igneous East Antarctica. Therefore, the Haag Nunataks juvenile onshore highlands of the Haag Nunataks and Ellsworth–
and metamorphic processes;
the isotopes they contain and/
arc terrane might have developed on the accretionary Whitmore Mountains (EWM) block; Marie Byrd Land (MBL)
or exclude make them ideal margin of the proto-Kalahari Craton at ~1,200 Ma and the West Antarctic rift system (WARS), which are
for radiometric dating and (ref.21) during the wider Grenvillian amalgamation of underlain by highly extended crust; and the Antarctic
geochemical analysis. the Neoproterozoic supercontinent of Rodinia22. The Peninsula and Thurston Island (TI), which expose a well-
absence of subsequent deformation events in the rocks preserved continental marginal arc. Note the broad
Mantle extraction ages variety of distinct topographic provinces, which reflect
Isotopically determined ages of Haag Nunataks16 suggests that these rocks acted as an
the complex and contrasting geology that developed
when the minerals making up a undeforming microcontinental block from Grenvillian along the convergent margin. The camera symbols locate
crustal rock were first extracted time onwards23. photographs in Box 1. b | Outcrop geological age from
from the underlying mantle.
SCAR GeoMAP and GNS Science 2019 (ref.162). Sparse
Paleozoic development. Adjacent to the Haag Nunataks outcrop data means that much of the sub-ice geology is
Referring to a large continental province are the Ellsworth Mountains (Fig.  1b) , a interpolated from these outcrops based on geophysical
craton, which, today, forms the ~350-km-long mountain range that includes Mount data. The oldest province is the Weddell Sea sector, with
core of North America, but Vinson (4,892 m), the highest peak in Antarctica. rocks in places over a billion years old. The MBL and WARS
which was likely positioned
A succession over 13 km thick of conformable Cambrian region is dominated by rocks between 500 and 66 Ma,
close to Antarctica within the while the Antarctic Peninsula is dominated by younger
supercontinent of Rodinia. to Permian sedimentary rocks are exposed along
rocks formed from 251 Ma to present day. Also shown
these mountains and likely extend across the wider
are the locations of known Cenozoic volcanoes68.
Paleomagnetic data Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains region5,24, as indicated AT, Adare Trough; BSB, Byrd Subglacial Basin; BST, Bentley
The preserved orientation of by exposures in sparse nunataks. The basement geology
magnetic minerals in rocks, Subglacial Trench; CeH, Central High; CoH, Coulman
which can be used to
of this region is not exposed; however, Hf (Hafnium) High; FRD, Ford Ranges; H, Haag Nunataks sub-province;
reconstruct where the rock isotopic signatures from detrital zircons25, along with M, Mount Murphy ; NVL , northern Victoria Land;
was formed. mantle extraction ages (estimated to be 1,370 to 1,600 Ma) PCM, Pensacola Mountains.

indicate a location towards the Natal Embayment during Whiteout Conglomerate, ~1 km of unsorted sediment
this time, and that the region was rotated by 90° after deposited during the Upper Carboniferous–Permian
deposition of the sediments during the Cambrian6,31. Gondwanan glaciation 33. Ice streams flowing out-
Despite the controversy over sediment sources, there ward from East Antarctica transported glacial sediments
is general consensus that the Ellsworth–Whitmore from the Transantarctic Mountains to the Ellsworth
Mountains lay to the north of their current location in Mountains area, as suggested by ice-flow markers and
Cambrian times, and were receiving sediments from the limestone clasts with distinctive Cambrian fossils33,34.
interior of the Gondwana supercontinent. Similar Permo-Carboniferous glacial tills in the Pensacola
Between the Late Cambrian and Devonian, a period Mountains (Fig.  1a) have been used to constrain the
of relative tectonic quiescence was marked by the depo­ position of the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains at this
sition of ~3 km of shallow marine sandstone in the time to a region north of the present-day Pensacola
Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains, forming the exten- Mountains33,35. The Whiteout Conglomerate glacial
sive Crashsite Group32. This formation is overlain by the unit is overlain by the Permian Polarstar Formation,

a –150° –120° –90°

500 0 500
(km) Sea <–3,000 –2,000 –1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000

M Antarctic c
FRD Peninsula
180° BSB
Ross e
? BST f
Sea H b

AT Ross Embayment
Weddell Sea
Ross Ice
NVL CoH rift system Weddell
? Sea
Transantarctic Mountains
150° East –30°

120° 90° 60° 30° 0° Photographic locations

b –150° –120° –90°

500 0 500
(km) Shetland
Alexander Bransfield Islands –60°
Amundsen Island Strait
Graham Land

Palmer Land James Ross
Cratonic margin Nunataks

150° –30°
rifted margin
120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
Formation age (Ma)
0.25–66 66–251 251–541 >541 Cenozoic volcanoes Ice sheet Ice shelf

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Box 1 | Key techniques for exploring West antarctica

Geophysical techniques image or sense the rocks beneath the icy surface and include both airborne and ground-based surveys. Airborne surveys often
include ice-penetrating radar to reveal the mountains and valleys buried beneath up to 5 km of ice157 (Fig. 1). Aeromagnetic sensors, such as wing-tip pods
that house magnetometers (see the figure, part a), are used to map the pattern of sub-surface faults, intrusions and geological provinces based
on the varying magnetic properties of the different rocks involved19. Aerogravity data can be used to map sub-surface density variations that, when
combined with topography and magnetic data, reveal large intrusions, thick sedimentary basins and regional-scale variations in crustal thickness.
Seismic data use sound waves travelling through the Earth’s crust to map sub-surface structures. Reflection seismic data using a man-made source
typically image shallower structures, such as stacks of sediments. Refraction seismic or passive seismic observations using man-made or natural
sources, respectively, image the structure of the entire crust and mantle beneath54 (Box 2).
Other aspects of geological exploration in West Antarctica include ground-based fieldwork (see an example of a field camp in the figure, part b).
Fieldwork can include, for example, sampling basement material, silicic ignimbrites, carboniferous granites and arc columnar jointed rhyolitic tuff
(see the figure, parts c, d, e and f, respectively).

a c e

d f

a ~1-km-thick unit dominated by shallow marine sand- Triassic granite (~208 Ma) intruded into the Ellsworth–
stones, with increasing amounts of siltstone and coals Whitmore Mountains44 indicates that subduction along
in the upper levels, marking a transition from marine the Paleo-Pacific margin continued after the Gondwanide
delta to onshore coastal plain36. Detrital zircons and orogen, although the location of the subduction zone is
stratigraphic analysis both suggest that the youngest not clear.
sediments in the Ellsworth Mountains were deposited in
a basin with sediments sourced from the Transantarctic Jurassic magmatism and microcontinental movement.
Mountains37, rather than from Southern Africa. Volcanic The Early Jurassic is marked by a major pulse of large
tuff units interbedded in the Polarstar formation are igneous province (LIP) magmatism that includes
dominated by mid-Permian to late-Permian prismatic zir- emplacement of both the Karoo and Ferrar mafic igne-
cons, indicating a link between the tuffs and a major mag- ous provinces around 183–182 Ma in South Africa and
matic flare-up event along the Paleo-Pacific margin28,37 East Antarctica45,46 (Fig.  3a). The formation of these
(Box 3; Fig. 2). LIPs is considered a precursor of Jurassic continental
The entire Paleozoic sedimentary succession was break-up and magmatism in the Weddell Sea region47,
deformed into a series of closed-to-tight folds by a major but the origin of the Ferrar magmas is debated. It has
dextral transpressive Permo-Triassic orogenic event38. been proposed that melting and magmatism was driven
This event is inferred to be part of the wider Andean-style by an upwelling mantle plume48,49, which triggered
Gondwanide orogeny, extending from South America the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent in the
through the Cape Fold Belt of South Africa and the Weddell Sea region47,49. However, geochemical analysis of
Falkland Islands to the Pensacola Mountains on the edge the isotopic signatures indicates that the more extensive
of East Antarctica39 (Fig. 1a). The assumption that this Ferrar magmas are distinct from typical plume-derived
orogen was originally a linear structure is consistent magmas50,51. This evidence favours the conclusion that
with the hypothesis that the Ellsworth–Whitmore the Ferrar LIP resulted from extension and decompres-
Mountains rotated through 90° in post-Permian times, sional melting in response to changes in subduction
as, today, the Ellsworth Mountains’ structural trends along the Paleo-Pacific margin50,51.
are orthogonal to many other parts of the orogen40,41. Though magmatic rocks directly attributed to the
However, as other parts of this orogen are not straight42, Ferrar or Karoo LIPs are not seen anywhere in West
the paleomagnetically observed rotation might have Antarctica, the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains do
occurred during Gondwanide deformation43. An isolated contain at least four granites from the Middle Jurassic

(177–174 Ma)44,52. These granites are geochemically back-arc plutons. In contrast, central and eastern MBL
defined as being syn-collisional to within-plate (back-arc host sparse coastal exposures that reflect mid-Paleozoic
and/or continental rift), and, hence, distinct from typi- and Permo-Triassic convergent margin arcs3,66,67. The
cal volcanic arc granites44. The Middle Jurassic granites youngest rocks in MBL are basaltic scoria and lava flows
are thought to be derived from a combination of crustal exposed on the slopes of quiescent alkaline volcanoes
melting due to upwelling of hot mantle and direct frac- (up to 4,285 m elevation), which are distributed along
tionation of the mantle-derived Ferrar magmas2,44. If the the crest and north flank of an elongate elevated region
latter contribution was dominant, a relatively long crustal of disputed origin known as the MBL dome68 (Fig. 1a).
residence is required, as the granites post-date the Ferrar The WARS is a ~600-km-wide region of thinned,
magmatism by at least 5 Ma (refs44,46,52). Aeromagnetic subsided continental crust that borders the prominent
data show that, in contrast to the three approximately cir- Transantarctic Mountains (Fig. 1a). The rift topography
cular Middle-Jurassic granites, the 174.6 ± 0.2 Ma Pagano here narrows and deepens southward from the shallow
Nunatak granite at the western edge of the Ellsworth– marine Ross Embayment, which spans the Ross Sea
Whitmore Mountains province is highly elongated53. It is and Ross Ice Shelf, into the rugged, lineated subglacial
suggested that this granite was emplaced within a major troughs surrounding the Bentley Subglacial Trench
shear zone that facilitated left lateral movement of the (−2,555 m) and Byrd Subglacial Basin (−2,870 m). The
Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains block along the margin narrow troughs and ridges imply fault-control and young
of East Antarctica43 (Fig. 3a). or active tectonism upon new or inherited structures
Offshore, the thin continental crust of the southern beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet.
Weddell Sea rift system54 (Box 2) is thought to have devel-
oped as a broad back-arc55 in response to south-westerly Metamorphic basement and a concealed Precambrian
movement of the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains and element. The oldest known rocks of MBL form the gneis-
Haag Nunataks block43,56 (Fig. 3a). However, the extent sic crystalline basement beneath a late Miocene stratovol-
of Jurassic movement of the Ellsworth–Whitmore cano, Mount Murphy. A crystallization age of 505 ± 5 Ma
Mountains and Haag Nunataks block is controversial for granodiorite66 (based on U-Pb dating in zircons) implies
(Fig. 3a). Movement from a position in the Natal Embay­ that this basement originated in close proximity to the
ment is suggested based on geological, stratigraphic and Transantarctic Mountains’ Ross orogen69. Isotopic signa-
paleomagnetic data5,6,40,57,58. However, geophysical analysis tures from mantle xenoliths and later-emplaced granites
and resulting interpretation of the Weddell Sea rift sys- indicate that Precambrian litho­sphere underpins MBL66,70.
tem as a region of stretched continental crust challenges Together with bedrock ages and geophysical contrasts,
the concept of microcontinental movement from further Nd isotopic data delineate two tectonic sub-provinces: an
north43,59–62. Most significantly, seismic refraction data older, inboard Ross province and a younger, outboard
crossing the Weddell Sea rift system along the ice shelf Amundsen province66 (Fig.  1b). Ultramafic xenoliths
front (Fig. 1b) reveal ~12-km-thick sediments with low sampling the lithospheric mantle were erupted from
modelled seismic velocities, which overlay lower crust Miocene volcanoes in this region. These xenoliths show
with unusually fast modelled seismic velocities60,63,64. The diverse mineralogy, geochemical properties and equili-
high-seismic-velocity layer was originally interpreted as bration temperatures70,71, substantiating the presence of
stretched continental crust63, but interpretations based heterogeneous Precambrian lithosphere beneath MBL.
on reprocessing of the seismic data suggest the pres-
ence of unusually thick oceanic (~20 km) or transitional Paleozoic development of a convergent margin. The
continental margin crust in this region60. extensive Cambrian–Ordovician turbidites and flysch72,
In light of the proposed origin of this crust as a transi­ which form the Swanson Formation in western MBL
tional continental margin, the magnetic anomalies in (Fig. 2), are part of a voluminous, immature sedimen-
the northern Weddell Sea rift system (Box 2) may reflect tary sequence deposited in a series of slope aprons and
continental fragmentation between Southern Africa and submarine fans along the Gondwanide margin (Fig. 3a).
U-Pb dating
East Antarctica43,60,63,65 (Fig. 3b). In contrast, magnetic The oldest sediments in this formation are derived from
Use of the relative abundances
of isotopes of uranium (U) and anomalies in the southern Weddell Sea rift system reflect the final stages of the Ross–Delamerian orogen, which
lead (Pb) to determine the age the more limited movement of the Ellsworth–Whitmore formed along the Australian–East Antarctic continental
that crystals formed within a Mountains prior to Gondwana break-up (Box 2; Fig. 3a). margin of Gondwana between 514 and 490 Ma (ref.73)
magma or metamorphic rock. The oldest oceanic magnetic anomalies offshore from during the Neoproterozoic and Cambrian. Subsequently,
Nd isotopic data
the Weddell Sea sector are 145–160 Ma (ref.60), suggest- in West Antarctica, these sediments were deformed
The use of samarium– ing that all major tectonic movements were complete into strongly cleaved, km-scale upright folds by coeval
neodymium (Sm–Nd) isotope by this time. and subsequent contractional tectonics74.
decay system to determine the Pulses of granitoid magmatism and metamorphism
age of formation and evolution
MBL, WARS and the Ross Embayment occurred in MBL during the Ordovician–Silurian,
of the continental crust.
MBL comprises a Paleozoic–Mesozoic-age archipelago Devonian–Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic 3,66,74
Leucogranites of islands and submerged continental crust (Fig. 1). Rock (Figs 2,4a). Permian volcanic ash falls deposited in the
Granites with a high exposures forming the Ford Ranges in western MBL adjacent Transantarctic Mountains are interpreted to have
proportion of light-coloured (Box 1) exemplify the geological framework of the region. come from volcanoes along that convergent margin75.
minerals compared with
darker-coloured minerals;
The oldest rocks here are immature sediments depos- These ash falls and the formation of leucogranites by
they are typically formed in ited in slope or trench settings that host subsequent crustal melting of immature sediments reflect arc mag-
continental collision settings. mid-Paleozoic continental margin arc and late Mesozoic matism due to plate convergence and the incremental

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island Weddell Sea sector

Ma Setting Magmatism Tectonic Sedimentary Setting Magmatism Tectonic Sedimentary Setting Magmatism Tectonic Sedimentary
events basins events basins events basins
JRI Fore- Back- Alkalic
alkaline arc arc magmatic
magmatism province Alkaline Renewed

Drake (MBL dome) magmatism WARS

ceased Passage extension Localized
sediments Glaciomarine
(~20 Ma) opening sedimentation
(34 Ma) in narrow

Gondwana Unnamed
breakup sediments
Palmer Land

Weddell Sea

event 2

Core basins
(103 Ma) complexes
100 sediments?
volcanism Mid- Palmer Land WARS Subsiding
Cretaceous event 1 Byers formation passive

Latady and Larsen basins

flare-up (107 Ma) margin
Fossil Bluff Group

First oceanic

Gondwana Intraplate
Chon Aike breakup
flare-up granites
Weddell Sea
LeMay Group

200 Subduction-

Dyer Alexandra
Trinity Peninsula Group

Arc Arc
Gondwanide (protolith)
Arc magmatism

volcanism deformation Gondwanide

Permian volcanism Polarstar

flare-up Formation
1,000 m
300 glaciation

Arc Whiteout
volcanism Conglomerate
1,000 m
Arc magmatism


ages Youngest
zircon ages


Convergent Group
margin Fore-arc/ margin 3,000 m
sedimentation Swanson
volcanism Passive Continental
margin slope and

500 sedimentation Alkaline

Continental Heritage
margin 7,000 m
1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000

Haag Nunataks



◀ Fig. 2 | timeline of key West antarctic tectonic and magmatic events. Tectonic and Coulman and Central Highs54,84 (Box 2). The thinned
magmatic events evolved differently across the three provinces of West Antarctica (the crust attributed to West Antarctic extension and rifting
Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island, Marie Byrd Land (MBL) and the West Antarctic continues to the foot of the Transantarctic Mountains54.
rift system (WARS), and the Weddell Sea sector), as depicted in this timeline. The red and However, recent airborne geophysical surveys indicate
blue bands in the ‘Magmatism’ column show the relative magnitude of arc-related
that the short-wavelength, high-amplitude magnetic
and rift-related magmatism, respectively. The arrows in the ‘Tectonic events’ columns
indicate relative compression (inward-facing arrows) or extension (outward-facing
anomalies that are characteristic of MBL and much of
arrows). Exposed (in grey text boxes with solid outlines) and inferred (in grey text boxes the WARS do not extend beneath the Ross Ice Shelf
with dashed outlines) sedimentary successions are also shown in the ‘Sedimentary to the Transantarctic Mountain front77 (Box 2; Fig. 1b).
basins’ columns. The yellow squares are detrital zircon ages reflecting the minimum Magnetically, the signatures of the ‘cratonic margin
depositional ages. JRI, James Ross Island. province’ of the WARS resemble the adjacent area of the
Neoproterozoic (~670 Ma) passive margin and subse-
formation of new continental crust76. Over time, plutonism quent sequences of orogen-derived sediments exposed
shifted outboard from the western Ross province of in the Transantarctic Mountains85 and the turbidite-
MBL to the eastern and central Amundsen province dominated Robertson Bay terrane of northern Victoria
and Zealandia. Geochemical evidence suggests that the Land86,87. The cratonic margin province is, therefore,
MBL and Zealandia subduction zone was retreating likely underlain by faulted Neoproterozoic crust of the
through Carboniferous to Permian times, which would pre-Ross rifted margin that is blanketed by sedimen-
favour crustal thinning and maximize the proportion tary molasse eroded from the Ross orogen and younger
of juvenile crustal material generated in this region9. strata77, with limited Cretaceous or younger magmatic
Geochronological evidence suggests that successor basins reworking (Fig. 4b). This province boundary intersects
containing Permo-Triassic sediments were deposited and the Transantarctic Mountains at the junction of two East
subsequently metamorphosed. On the basis of coastal Antarctic basement provinces88, but lack of aeromag-
exposures and the geophysical characteristics of the con- netic data coverage means continuation of this province
cealed crust (Box 2), this geological pattern is inferred to boundary across the Transantarctic Mountains into East
continue beneath the eastern half of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica is speculative (Fig. 1).
and Ross Sea77. The Cretaceous events from 115 to 90 Ma reflect a
In total, the ~400 million years of ocean–continent dramatic change in the continental tectonic regime in
convergence described in this section resulted in an MBL, Zealandia and the Antarctic Peninsula and the
approximately threefold increase in the thickness of the oceanic Phoenix and Pacific plates89. The regional impor-
continental crust in the MBL and WARS region. This tance of this change is demonstrated by the synchronicity
increase might have resulted in lithospheric thickening of the pulses of magmatism seen along the Paleo-Pacific
and the development of a linear belt of elevated topog­ margin at this time (Box 3). In MBL and the WARS, the
raphy or an orogenic plateau78 that was subsequently subduction-related magmatism and wrench component
extended and thinned. of deformation was driven by the oblique subduction of
young, hydrated oceanic lithosphere of the Phoenix
Cretaceous magmatism and intracontinental extension. plate90,91 (Fig. 3c). As subduction waned, potentially due
The WARS and MBL contain no geological record of to the approach of the Phoenix spreading centre and
notable Jurassic or Early Cretaceous events. However, Hikurangi Plateau to the continental margin trench
during this time, the thickened crust may have led to ~100 Ma, extreme transtensional back-arc extension was
incipient partial melting of the lower crust that was distributed across MBL and the WARS82,92.
important in subsequent events (Fig. 4b). Renewed sub-
duction of oceanic crust and calc-alkaline plutonism Continental margin break-up and tectonic quiescence.
Plutonism occurred from 124 to 110 Ma, overlapping with the The final stage of break-up in East Gondwana — leading
The formation of intrusive granulite-facies metamorphism and alkaline granite plus to the eventual isolation of Antarctica over the South Pole
magmatic rocks beneath mafic plutonism that occurred between 115 to 96 Ma — was driven by the rapid oblique sub­duction of young,
the Earth’s surface, in contrast
(Fig. 4b). Over the wide back-arc region, bimodal mag- hydrated oceanic lithosphere of the Phoenix plate90,91,
to volcanism, where magmas
are erupted onto the Earth’s matism was accompanied by normal to oblique-normal oceanic ridge–trench interaction93,94 and encroachment
surface. slip upon low-angle to high-angle faults, resulting in of the Hikurangi LIP and oceanic plateau upon the
crustal thinning and broad extension across the WARS trench95 (Fig. 3c). The initial regional high-temperature
Calc-alkaline (Figs 3c,4b). In <20 million years (between ~105 and metamorphism and extensive mid-crustal melting
Magmas that are typically
hydrous and oxidized, and
85 Ma), central West Antarctica underwent ~600 km of ~100 Ma weakened the crust of MBL, which was already
are generally found in arcs extension and >1,000 km of stretching occurred across scored by high-angle transcurrent faults due to oblique
above subduction zones. the Ross Sea through western MBL79–81. convergence. Plate separation between West Antarctica
The large-scale extension and crustal thinning led and Zealandia occurred along a narrow zone orthogonal
to exhumation of mid-crustal migmatite gneiss–granite to the rift basins of the Ross Sea96 (Fig. 3c,d), suggesting
A metamorphic rock where
significant partial melting complexes along detachment faults82, in both MBL and that a pre-existing high-angle strike–slip fault system97
has begun. once-contiguous southern Zealandia. Isotopic and geo- was exploited for continental separation. The subsequent
chemical ties exist between these granites (which were demise of the convergent boundary progressed from west
Molasse formed by melting of the middle crust) and the upper to east. As the plate boundary shifted from convergent to
Poorly sorted terrestrial and
shallow marine deposits
crustal plutons83. The resulting crust beneath MBL divergent, seafloor spreading commenced between
associated with erosion from and the Ross Embayment varies in thickness from Zealandia and both West Antarctica and Australia by
a nearby active orogenic belt. 14 km beneath the basins up to 21–24 km beneath the 83 Ma (refs7,98,99) (Fig. 3d). Tectonic restoration of the

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Box 2 | Geophysical features of West antarctica

Geophysical data play a key role in defining West Antarctica. Seismic data reveal the thickness of the continental crust,
which reflects thickening by compression and addition of magma and thinning by extension and rifting. Aeromagnetic
data can be used to determine which areas have rocks with similar amounts of magnetic minerals and how they have
been subsequently juxtaposed and deformed. Here, crustal thickness derived from passive seismic observations54 clearly
separate the 35–45-km-thick cratonic crust in East Antarctica and the West Antarctic crust with a mean thickness of just
25 km. Together, crustal thickness54 and aeromagnetic patterns19,77 (see the figure, parts a and b, respectively) help to
further refine understanding of West Antarctic provinces and the processes that formed them. The question marks
indicate speculative extensions of province boundaries.
Weddell Sea
The Weddell Sea province reveals generally long-wavelength magnetic features. Offshore, the Northern Weddell Magnetic
Province (NWMP) and Southern Weddell Magnetic Province (SWMP)43, crust ~30 km thick53,62, reflect the Jurassic rift fabric43
and thick sedimentary cover158 due to subsequent subsidence and sedimentation.
antarctic Peninsula
The Antarctic Peninsula is marked by the ~2,600-km-long magnetic Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA), attributed to a
well-preserved magmatic arc159. Thicker crust and the detailed structures of the magnetic anomalies reflect periods
of compression and tectonic thickening of the crust11,149.
The West Antarctic rift system (WARS) is characterized by broad areas of crust 20–25 km thick attributed to Cretaceous
to Cenozoic extension. The disordered high-amplitude magnetic patterns are attributed to wide-spread magmatism,
including both intrusions and volcanoes77,160.

a –150° –120° –90°

500 0 500 Amundsen

TI Peninsula
Ross FRD
? Sea H
Weddell Sea
NVL rift system
? Sea
150° Transantarctic Mountains East –30°
120° 90° 60° 30° 0°
–45 –40 –35 –25 –20 –10 –9 –8 –7 km
b –150° –120° –90°




150° –30°

120° 90° 60° 30° 0°

–225 –125 –75 –50 –25 0 25 50 100175

AT, Adare Trough; CD, Central Domain; ED, Eastern Domains in the Antarctic Peninsula; EWM, Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains;
FRD, Ford Ranges; H, Haag Nunataks; M, Mount Murphy; MBL, Marie Byrd Land; NVL, northern Victoria Land; TI, Thurston Island.

a ~175 Ma



Ferrar EWM FI
~182.7 Ma
~183.2 Ma
Australia M
East Antarctica Southern Africa

b ~165 Ma c ~100 Ma Line of~83 Ma Pacific Plate

Phoenix breakup
Plate Hikurangi Plateau
Waning convergence Phoenix

Patagonia LHR

EWM margin

d ~83 Ma e ~46 Ma

CP Phoenix Passive margin



Passive Passive
margin margin

East Antarctica West Antarctic blocks Other known continental crust Inferred continental crust Silicic LIP volcanism
LIPs Oceanic crust Oceanic plateau Fault lines Ocean spreading centres Margins
Cambro-Ordovician marginal turbidites Triassic fore-arc accretionary rocks Subduction zone Incipient continental rifting
Alternative location and movement of EWM Movement relative to East Antarctica

Fig. 3 | Plate tectonic reconstruction from 175 to 45 ma. Plate tectonic mark Jurassic mafic large igneous provinces (LIPs)48 and the dark-pink
reconstruction maps that show motion in an East Antarctica fixed reference regions mark silicic LIP volcanism134. Cambro-Ordovician marginal turbidites
frame. West Antarctic blocks40, including Marie Byrd Land (MBL), Thurston (blue stars) were widespread, whereas Triassic fore-arc accretionary rocks
Island (TI), the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) and the Ellsworth–Whitmore (orange stars) were rare. The dashed outline marks alternative location and
Mountains (EWM), are depicted as pale pink regions and modern coastlines rotation of the EWM. b | Separation of Southern Africa163. c | Initiation of
are shown for reference. Other known present-day continental regions are MBL , Ross Sea and West Antarctic rift system extension97. d | Separation
shown in dark grey. Inferred intervening areas of continental crust are shown of Zealandia7,8,97,98,164. e | Final stages of West Antarctic rift development
in light grey ; such regions have been deformed and distorted to such an linked to extension in the Adare Trough (AT)100,102,156. CP, Campbell Plateau;
extent that they cannot be meaningfully be traced through time. a | Middle FI, Falkland Island Plateau; LHR , Lord Howe Rise; M, Maurice Ewing Bank;
Jurassic initiation of Gondwana break-up is shown37,43; the hashed regions NNZ, North Island New Zealand; SNZ, South Island New Zealand.

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Box 3 | magmatic flare-ups in West antarctica

Magmatic ‘flare-up’ events characterize the geological history of the Paleo-Pacific margin (see the figure) and contributed
substantially to the crustal growth along the accretionary continental margin. The solid red line shows the frequency
curve for magmatic events on the Antarctic Peninsula119,134,143,161. The solid blue line shows the frequency curve for
mid-Cretaceous granitoids from Marie Byrd Land (MBL)143 and the dashed blue line shows the age frequency for volcanic
zircons in the Transantarctic Mountains (TM) thought to be sourced from MBL75. High magma addition rates during the
Cretaceous and Permian are evident along the entire proto-Pacific margin of West Gondwana. High rates of Antarctic
Peninsula Jurassic magmatism correspond to a flare-up also seen in South America. Magmatic episodicity typically includes
enhanced activity for ~4 million years and lulls of ~10 million years, with activity often enhanced by ~100–1,000 times
compared with periods of quiescence.
The synchronicity of episodic flare-up magmatism along the Paleo-Pacific margin demonstrates that this process is
controlled by complex tectono-magmatic relationships that are often external to the local arc, for example, plate
reorganization or mantle-plume activity.

104 118–115
Antarctic Peninsula
171–168 MBL (granitoids)
MBL (TM volcanic zircons)
Normalized frequency

130–126 267–262
107–103 116

125 155 280


90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290
Millions of years ago

abrupt, steep, rifted margins of Zealandia and West The upwelling low-density mantle associated with
Antarctica produces a tight fit of the already-extended Cenozoic volcanism likely provides dynamic support
crust, providing clear evidence that major extension for the currently elevated MBL dome. This is suggested
across West Antarctica and Campbell Plateau occurred by the seismically imaged thin crust underlying the ele-
prior to break-up of this part of Gondwana96 (Fig. 3c). vated MBL topography54 (Box 2), which would otherwise
require a thick underlying crustal root. It has been pro-
Neogene volcanism and landscape rejuvenation. The posed that the timing of uplift is constrained by a dis-
post-East Gondwana break-up period of quiescence sected low-relief planation surface overlain by Neogene
was broken at ~45 Ma by renewed extension and basin volcanic rocks extending across MBL103,111–113. This pla-
sedimentation100,101, spurred by a short-lived episode of nation surface is interpreted as a regional Cretaceous
spreading in Adare Trough102 (Fig. 3e). Fault-controlled sea-level erosion surface formed after ~ 83-Ma break-up
mafic dyking likely occurred during the ~45-Ma exten- between West Antarctica and Zealandia113. Subsequent
sional phase. At ~34 Ma, mafic alkaline magmatism com- uplift to current elevations, peaking at ~2,700 m in the
menced in central MBL103, although the construction centre of MBL, were likely driven by buoyant mantle
of prominent large volcanoes and small monogenetic effects since ~34 Ma (ref.113). Although central MBL has
cones occurred from 13 Ma (refs104,105). The presence of been the site of uplift, coastal fjords in MBL where gla-
high-amplitude, short-wavelength magnetic anoma­lies ciers were once grounded but are now over 2 km below
(Box 2) and peaks in subglacial topography (Fig. 1) sug- sea level and the presence of drowned wave-cut plat-
gests that such volcanic centres are spread over a vast forms in WARS are consistent with marked Neogene
region of MBL and the eastern Ross Embayment106–108. subsidence114 in the regions flanking the MBL dome. The
Cenozoic magmatism in MBL may have been driven by origin of this subsidence and the competing hypotheses
a mantle plume105,109 or by the large quantities of hydrous of uplift driven by plume14,108,115 versus hydrous mantle
sediments and oceanic lithosphere that were subducted wedge91 remain to be tested.
into the mantle beneath MBL during the preceding
~400 million years91. In the latter explanation, sub- Antarctic Peninsula and Thurston Island
duction, in effect, fertilized the mantle with water and The Antarctic Peninsula is an arcuate mountainous belt
easily fusible minerals, leading to the development of a that reaches heights of 3,200 m and preserves a complex
hydrous mantle wedge. Once subduction ceased, the hot, geological and tectonic history from the Ordovician to
low-density material rose up from the lower mantle and the present day as a long-lived accretionary continen-
supplied MBL magmatism90,91,110. tal margin. This geological record has been shaped by

a Permian–Triassic Arc magmatism

Ongoing deformation Interior
Water Turbidite deposition sedimentation

b MBL and WARS c Antarctic Peninsula

Campbell Plateau/ Neoproterozoic rifted
south New Zealand margin and Ross orogen
Jurassic silicic LIP Weddell Sea
MBL WARS extension
Fore-arc sediments
Early Jurassic to
Early Cretaceous
Plateau Crustal
~120 Ma thinning
partial East
melting Antarctic

Amundsen Cratonic margin
Passive province Ross province province
margin Arc magmatism
Late Cretaceous
to Early Paleogene
centre Exhumed Upper crustal
lower crust granites

Basement and sediments Magmatic rocks

Jurassic–Cenozoic sediments Oceanic crust Cretaceous arc volcanism Migmatitic melts
Cambrian–Triassic sediments 500 Ma–1 Ga passive margin Jurassic LIP volcanism Migmatitic magmatism
Metamorphic basement East Antarctic craton >1 Ga Back-arc magmatism Metamorphism and
Normal faulting Strike–slip deformation deformation

Fig. 4 | Cross sections of the evolution of West antarctica. a | In Permo-Triassic times, an arc was present along the
margin of West Antarctica. b | In the Jurassic, Marie Byrd Land (MBL), the West Antarctic rift system (WARS) and the
Antarctic Peninsula had developed different tectonic settings. There was limited magmatism in MBL and the WARS,
where thickened crust might have given rise to an elevated plateau and incipient melting of the lower crust. In the Late
Cretaceous, MBL was characterized by broad extension exhuming lower crustal rocks, triggering melting and
emplacement of upper crustal granites. c | Subduction and magmatism are ongoing in the Antarctic Peninsula in the
Jurassic. In contrast to MBL and the WARS, the Antarctic Peninsula was marked by ongoing magmatism but limited
extension. LIP, large igneous province. Cross sections based on information in refs11,77. Parts a and c were adapted from
ref.11 CC BY 3.0 ( Part b was adapted from ref.77, Springer Nature Limited.

subduction along the proto-Pacific margin and rifting of these Mesozoic events correlate with those in MBL,
in the Weddell Sea sector, with contrasting tectonic highlighting the extent to which tectonic processes were
models proposed to explain the composite nature of coupled along the Paleo-Pacific margin.
the Antarctic Peninsula. Early models suggest that the
Antarctic Peninsula is an amalgamation of relatively Basement rocks. The oldest identified basement on
far-travelled terranes that accreted to the Gondwana the Antarctic Peninsula is early Ordovician (~485 Ma)
margin, akin to the tectonic model for the formation diorite gneisses from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula119,
of New Zealand116. However, a recent model proposes representing early arc magmatism (Fig. 2). Ordovician
that, similar to the formation of Patagonia, the compo- arc magmatism is recognized elsewhere along the
nent provinces of the Antarctic Peninsula are not far proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana, particularly from
travelled11. Today, the Antarctic Peninsula preserves the Famatinian complex in northwest Argentina and the
a geological record through a continental margin North Patagonian Massif, and Silurian arc magmatism
arc, including well-preserved fore-arc, back-arc and (~430 Ma) has been identified from western Palmer
magmatic successions. Land 120. The Devonian–Carboniferous Target Hill
Thurston Island exhibits close geological links to the metamorphic complex121 is marked by magmatism at
Antarctic Peninsula117,118, including the presence of a ~399 Ma and a metamorphic event at ~330 Ma (ref.120).
Devonian–Carboniferous basement, Mesozoic magma- Granodiorite basement gneiss dated at 349 ± 4 Ma
tism associated with the accretionary margin and a pulse outcrop on Thurston Island117 and rare outcrops in
of Early to mid-Cretaceous granitic magmatism. Many South America have been dated to 346 ± 4 Ma (ref.122).

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


However, despite their lithological similarities to else- continental margin arc setting. Coincident with Triassic
where on the Antarctic Peninsula, Devonian magmatism magmatism, the LeMay Group of Alexander Island was
and Carboniferous metamorphism are now thought to deposited in a deep-water fan setting as part of the out-
be restricted events119. Together, these rocks form a long board accretionary complex123,131, similar to the Triassic
but discontinuous record of ongoing magmatism along Torlesse rocks in New Zealand132 (Fig. 3a).
the Antarctic Peninsula throughout the Paleozoic.
Jurassic to Cretaceous peak of arc magmatism. The
Carboniferous to Permian arc development. The Jurassic to Cretaceous period shaped the geological
>5-km-thick metasedimentary Trinity Peninsula setting of the Antarctic Peninsula and reflects an epi-
Group (TPG) marks the onset of sedimentation on the sode of notable tectonic, magmatic and depositional
Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. 2), beginning during the Late evolution. Early Jurassic magmatism across the Antarctic
Carboniferous and continuing during the Permian123. Peninsula is represented by two contemporaneous but
The TPG was deposited in a supra-subduction setting distinct magmatic events that developed in different
during the early stages of subduction development and tectonic settings. First, the felsic volcanism of the Chon
might result from debris flows and slides at the conti- Aike silicic LIP present across Patagonia and the eastern
nental margin123. A potential correlative of the TPG is Antarctic Peninsula133 (Fig. 3a). This LIP is characte­rized
the Scotia metamorphic complex of the South Shetland by three distinct volcanic episodes, or ‘flare-ups’ (Box 3),
Islands124, which would indicate that subduction was at ~185, ~170 and ~155 Ma, and is associated with nota-
ongoing along the Antarctic Peninsula at this time. ble crustal melting134. The earliest episode of this silicic
The Devonian FitzGerald Bluffs quartzite beds in magmatism is coeval with the mafic Karoo–Ferrar LIP
southern Palmer Land are a stable margin sequence and is thought to result from intra-arc extension and
and, hence, distinct from the active continental mar- heating by peripheral plume activity during the initial
gin sedimentary units elsewhere on the Antarctic stages of West Gondwana break-up135. The later epi-
Peninsula125. It has been suggested that, along with the sodes of Jurassic silicic volcanism are linked to extension
younger (Permian) Erewhon Beds, these rocks are more within a more typical destructive plate margin setting134.
com­parable to the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains The second key magmatic event was coeval granitic
sequences and formed on a far-travelled block that magmatism recognized from multiple sites along the
originated inboard from the margin125. Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia dated in the interval
During the Permian, distinct episodes of granitoid 188–180 Ma (refs136,137). This magmatic event is repre-
magmatism and metamorphism at ~270 and ~255 Ma sented along the Antarctic Peninsula by moderate to
occurred across large parts of the Antarctic Peninsula119. strongly foliated granitoids136. In contrast to the vol-
A similar age distribution is also recorded from the North canic sequences, geochemical data from Patagonia
Patagonian Massif (280–250 Ma)122, where Permian suggest that the granitoid rocks were derived from
granitoid magmatism is extensive. Investigations of the subduction-related melting, confirming that subduction
detrital zircon population from the TPG of northern was ongoing at the time of extension-related silicic LIP
and eastern Graham Land show that it is dominated volcanism117,136,137.
by Permian ages, with three prominent peaks between The Early Jurassic saw the development of two dis-
285 and 260 Ma (refs75,126) (Box 3). The upper Permian tinct sedimentary depocentres to the east and west of the
Erewhon Beds of southern Palmer Land are thought to be Antarctic Peninsula. East of the Antarctic Peninsula,
derived from silicic volcanic rocks127 and also to include the Larsen and Latady Basins developed as a result of
peaks in zircon ages of 263 and 275 Ma, indicating that continental rifting and back-arc extension during the
Permian arc volcanism (the Choiyoi province in Patagonia early stages of Gondwana break-up and record sed-
and the Antarctic Peninsula) extended into the south- imentation from Jurassic to Cretaceous times 138,139.
ern Antarctic Peninsula and likely into MBL125. Analysis The more northerly Larsen Basin records a largely
of detrital zircons from the Duque de York Complex of terrestrial syn-rift megasequence, correlated with the
Patagonia128 with a similar age profile to the TPG, and Magallanes Basin of southern South America and a
of Permian rocks in New Zealand with abundant ~250-Ma marine-dominated post-rift megasequence. The Latady
zircons129, highlight the extensive nature of this magmatic Basin to the south preserves a sedimentary succession
event along the Gondwanide margin. However, although several kilometres in thickness, recording sediment
a Permian flare-up in magmatism is seen along the deposition from ~185 to ~150 Ma and a shift from a ter-
margin, geo­chemical analyses suggests that, in contrast to restrial to a shallow marine setting139,140. Broadly coeval
New Zealand and MBL, the South American and Antarctic with the early development of the Latady Basin is the
Peninsula subduction zone was advancing in Permian emplacement of a ~1-km succession of 180–177-Ma
times and led to magmatism dominated by continental basaltic lavas close to the east coast of the Antarctic
crustal recycling9. Peninsula55,141. Geochemical signatures indicate that
Triassic magmatism is essentially absent in northern these basalts were emplaced in a back-arc setting likely
Graham Land but is prevalent in southern Graham Land119, associated with the development of the adjacent Weddell
Palmer Land120,130 and continues into the Thurston Sea rift system43,141. An extensional regime associated
Island crustal block117, with magmatism in the interval with ongoing subduction was, therefore, present during
Being in a position overlying
240–220 Ma. The primary Triassic magmatic lithologies the Early Jurassic.
the subducting slab in a are granodiorite-tonalite gneisses and migmatites that West of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Fossil Bluff Group
subduction zone system. have been attributed to emplacement in a convergent preserves an Early Jurassic through to mid-Cretaceous

volcanic-sedimentary sequence >8 km thick142. The Arc  magmatism finally ceased on the Antarctic
sequence unconformably overlies the Triassic LeMay Peninsula at ~20 Ma on the South Shetland Islands,
Group accretionary complex and is one of the most even though subduction still continues today. This ongo-
complete fore-arc successions in the world. Correlative ing subduction has led to rifting along the Bransfield
volcaniclastic successions on Adelaide Island dated to Strait at ~10 Ma, which split the Pacific margin mag-
150–120 Ma (ref.119) indicate that the fore-arc continues netic anomaly (Box 2) and is associated with ongoing
north of Alexander Island. The volcaniclastic sediments alkaline magmatism on the South Shetland Islands152.
and conglomerates of the upper parts of the Fossil Bluff Contemporaneous with Cenozoic magmatism,
Group eroded from the main volcanic arc, indicating extension between South America and the Antarctic
coeval volcanic activity. This sedimentary source implies Peninsula, coupled with back-arc extension of the Scotia
that Alexander Island was not far from the magmatic subduction zone, led to the opening of the Drake Passage
arc at this time116, and a model of far-travelled terrane at ~34 Ma (ref.153), which permitted the development of
accretion for the Mesozoic Antarctic Peninsula may not the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
be applicable here11. Neogene magmatism on James Ross Island and
The Cretaceous represents the main phase of con- neighbouring islands is characterized by lava-fed deltas,
tinental margin arc magmatism across the Antarctic basaltic lavas, tuffs, and hyaloclastite breccias emplaced
Peninsula and Thurston Island (Fig. 4c). Mid-Cretaceous in a primarily subglacial setting154. The James Ross
magmatism is widespread along the entire proto-Pacific Island volcanic group, which forms the largest Neogene
margin of Gondwana at a time of global plate reorgan- volcanic field on the Antarctic Peninsula and extends
ization (Box 3). The Lassiter Coast intrusive province over 7,000 km2, comprises a major shield volcano on
along the eastern margin of Palmer Land shows volu- James Ross Island and multiple satellite volcanoes.
minous intrusive magmatism demonstrated to have This late-stage volcanism has been associated with
developed with three distinct flare-ups at ~125, ~115 a deep thermal anomaly attributed to a slab window
and ~105 Ma (ref.143). A major magmatic episode in generated by the cessation of subduction155. Although
the Andean Cordillera, further along the margin from post-subduction magmatism occurred, the extent of tec-
West Antarctica, also comprises three flare-up events tonic reactivation is limited, especially in comparison
in the interval 130–105 Ma (ref.144). Cretaceous mag- with the hyper-extended MBL and WARS region. This
matism on Thurston Island117,145 and in MBL82,83 also means that the Antarctic Peninsula remains as one of the
occurred around 110–95 Ma, but Cretaceous magma- best-preserved magmatic arcs on the planet.
tism on Thurston Island is not as extensive as on the
Antarctic Peninsula143. The arc volcanic record during Conclusions
the Cretaceous is less well documented than the plutonic This Review highlights the diverse nature of the West
record, but mid-Cretaceous volcanism is recorded from Antarctic region. Its different provinces reflect the impact
central and western Palmer Land146,147. of distinct tectonic processes, but all relate to the ongo-
One of the main tectonic events to affect the geology of ing evolution of the Paleo-Pacific margin. The thin crust
the Antarctic Peninsula was the two-phase mid-Cretaceous and extensive magmatism attest to the repeated tectonic
Palmer Land event116,148. Phase 1 at ~107 Ma was a sinistral reworking that has created, moved and overprinted
transpressional event that is well developed in southern every part of the system over the last ~500 million
Palmer Land, whereas phase 2 at ~103 Ma was a dextral years. Today, most of the region is blanketed by ice,
transpressional event. Aeromagnetic data confirm that but, together, geological analysis of the exposed rocks
distinct central and eastern domains are present in Palmer and geophysical observations are revealing the complex
Land149 (Box 2b). While geological evidence of deform­ation history of the region.
suggest that these domains collided116, these provinces
were likely not far travelled11. West Antarctic tectonic evolution summary. In sum-
The Cretaceous sequences also include records of marizing the evolution of West Antarctica, we con-
magmatism and sedimentation in the northern Antarctic sider it as an evolving tectonically active margin from
Peninsula, particularly the South Shetland Islands and ~500 Ma. The earliest rocks in West Antarctica are
James Ross Island (Fig. 1b). The South Shetland Islands’ sedimentary sequences laid down ~500 Ma along an
Lower Cretaceous is dominated by the 2.7-km-thick active margin facing the Pacific Ocean72. Subduction
intra-arc succession of the Byers Group150, which consists along the entire margin of West Antarctica had com-
of basaltic to silicic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. The menced by the Ordovician (488–444 Ma) and continued
Upper Cretaceous successions of James Ross Island, col- to the Permo-Triassic (~250 Ma)3,66,74,119 (Fig. 4a). From
lectively referred to as the Gustav Group, form a >2-km Ordovician times, the Antarctic Peninsula was closest
succession of coarse-grained, marine siliciclastic sedi- to the trench and marked by almost continuous mag-
ments and volcanic rocks reflecting deposition on slope matism119,120. MBL and the proto-WARS lay inboard of
Having undergone aprons and deep-water fans. New Zealand and the Campbell Plateau; hence, arc mag-
simultaneous strike–slip and matism appears to have been less prevalent than on the
compressive deformation. Decline of Cenozoic arc magmatism. From the Late Antarctic Peninsula. A retreating subduction zone in
Cretaceous to the Neogene, the collision of spreading the MBL sector, rather than an advancing subduction sys-
Volcaniclastic breccia
ridge segments at the continental ocean boundary trig- tem as in the Antarctic Peninsula, may have favoured the
emplaced in a submarine gered the progressive shutdown of subduction along development of more juvenile magmatism in MBL9 rela-
or subglacial setting. the Antarctic Peninsula margin from south to north151. tive to the Antarctic Peninsula. The Ellsworth–Whitmore

Nature Reviews | Earth & Environment


Mountains province (the most inboard province) only Broader implications. The tectonic and geological evolu-
received notable magmatic input of ash-fall sediments tion of West Antarctica illustrates the complexity of con-
in the Permian, during a major flare-up in magmatism vergent continental margins, with the hyper-extended
along the margin125. The Permian to Triassic also saw MBL and WARS region standing in contrast to the
deformation of the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains well-preserved magmatic arc along the Antarctic
province, which was potentially driven by changes in Peninsula. The long-lived nature of subduction in the
the outboard subduction system5. West Antarctic region resulted in multiple magmatic and
The Jurassic marks the point where the tectonic tectonic events that provide rich insights into the meta­
setting of different provinces began to clearly diverge morphic and tectonic processes that contribute to the
(Fig.  4b,c) . Extensive magmatism in the Antarctic geological evolution of marginal systems. For example,
Peninsula has a variety of drivers, including ongo- West Antarctica reveals the episodic nature of magmatic
ing subduction, potential interaction with a mantle events in these convergent systems and demonstrates
plume and back-arc extension in the Weddell Sea rift that these events appear to be synchronous along large
system55,134. In the Ellsworth–Whitmore Mountains44, parts of the entire margin. These observations highlight
intra-plate granites, some of which are localized along the fact that processes acting on a global-plate-tectonic
the boundary with East Antarctica53, show that this block scale can have a direct local influence.
was being translated along the edge of the East Antarctic
Craton, which facilitated back-arc extension in the Future challenges in West Antarctica. West Antarctica
Weddell Sea rift system43. Although MBL is associated preserves a diverse record of the ~500-million-year
with limited magmatism at this time, a major flare-up evolution of a tectonically active continental margin
in magmatism occurred82,83,143 by the mid-Cretaceous. and could, thus, provide key insights into how tectonic
Initially, the Cretaceous magmatic events appear syn- processes operate along this type of margin, in the geo-
chronous along the margin and are attributed to arc logical record and today. Despite substantial advances in
magmatism along a common and extensive subduction our understanding of how the West Antarctic evolved,
system. However, cessation of subduction outboard of large gaps in knowledge remain. The most fundamen-
MBL from ~100 Ma, potentially due to jamming of the tal gap is whether West Antarctica is best conceived as
subduction zone by a spreading ridge or the Hikurangi an accreted collection of rigid microcontinental blocks
Plateau, dramatically changed the tectonic regime in (as commonly depicted)40 or as a plastically deforming
this part of West Antarctica7,94. Extensive magmatism and constantly growing melange of continental frag-
occurred and was associated with 600 to 1,000 km of ments and juvenile magmatic regions. This is essential
extension across MBL and the WARS, leading to crustal to how we understand and describe the tectonic evolu-
thinning and exhumation of lower crustal rocks79,80,97. tion of young continental lithosphere. New modelling
From the Late Cretaceous, MBL and the WARS techniques, such as finite-element modelling, have the
evolved as a passive margin, reactivated by renewed potential to better describe the evolution of this system.
continental rifting 43–26 Ma (ref.156) and by upwelling For these models to be robust, more detailed geophysical
hot mantle that triggered sparse but widespread mafic and geological studies are required. Geophysical data can
volcanism91,105. In contrast, arc magmatism progressively provide new constraints on the extent of magmatism and
ceased beginning ~90 Ma from south to north along the areal extent and geometry of the underlying prov-
the Antarctic Peninsula due to collision of the Phoenix inces, and geological observations and dating provide
spreading centre with the trench151. The main phase information about how and when the different compo-
of Phoenix plate subduction ceased by ~20 Ma, with nents of the system were active. Going forward, defining
localized subduction and limited back-arc spreading the underlying geological template of West Antarctica
confined to the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula today152. and constraining its linkages to the dynamics of the
Unlike MBL and the WARS, post-subduction magma- overlying ice sheet, which is vulnerable to change due to
tism on the Antarctic Peninsula was limited to a few human activity, are more important than ever.
volcanic centres, and post-subduction extension also
appears to have been limited155. Published online xx xx xxxx

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149. Ferraccioli, F., Jones, P. C., Vaughan, A. P. M. & 160. Behrendt, J. C. et al. Patterns of late Cenozoic volcanic Reviewer information
Leat, P. T. New aerogeophysical view of the Antarctic and tectonic activity in the West Antarctic rift system Nature Reviews Earth & Environment thanks John Bradshaw,
Peninsula: more pieces, less puzzle. Geophys. Res. revealed by aeromagnetic surveys. Tectonics 15, Sergio Rocchi and Simon Harley for their contribution to the
Lett. 33, L05310 (2006). 660–676 (1996). peer review of this work.
150. Hathway, B. & Lomas, S. A. The Jurassic–Lower 161. Riley, T. R., Flowerdew, M. J., Hunter, M. A. &
Cretaceous Byers Group, South Shetland Islands, Whitehouse, M. J. Middle Jurassic rhyolite volcanism © Springer Nature Limited 2020

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