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Morphometric scaling relationships in submarine channel–lobe

Luke Pettinga1, Zane Jobe1, Lauren Shumaker1, and Nick Howes2
Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA
Mathworks, 1 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, Massachusetts 01760, USA

ABSTRACT source-to-sink configurations, and sediment-

Morphometric analysis of submarine fan systems, the largest sedimentary deposits on supply characteristics (e.g., catchment size;
Earth, demonstrates scaling relationships between genetically related channels and lobe- see Table DR1 in the Data Repository), which
shaped bodies (LBs) deposited beyond the channel terminus, providing insight into the archi- enables investigation into how system char-
tectural development of these systems. Compiling dimensional data from depositional sys- acteristics influence depositional morphology
tems that cover a range of sediment supply characteristics, tectonic settings, and geographic and scaling. Dimensional data from basin floor,
locations enables investigation into global trends in depositional morphology. LBs have a slope, and ponded fan settings are included, but
consistent, scale-independent length-to-width ratio of ~2:1. The thickness-to-area ratios we excluded LBs showing evidence of signifi-
for LBs show multiple morphologic trends, likely driven by topographic confinement, with cant sediment bypass (i.e., thoroughgoing chan-
LBs getting proportionally thicker in relation to increasing confinement. Morphometric nels). Confinement (sensu Prélat et al., 2010)
analysis of genetically related channel dimensions (width, relief, cross-section area) and LB at the system scale is documented as ‘confined’
dimensions (length, width, thickness, area, volume) reveals robust scaling relationships; most when basin topography limits the runout of the
notably, channel width and cross-sectional area can be used to predict the volume and depo- LBs, or ‘unconfined’ when LB runout is not
sitional area of related LBs. These relationships demonstrate that LBs proportionally scale significantly impacted by topographic variabil-
to their concomitant channels, and thus to the volume of sediment supplied prior to an avul- ity or basin margins. We acknowledge that the
sion. While the dimensions of submarine fans scale to associated terrestrial catchments, the morphology of individual channel-LB systems
building blocks of submarine fans (i.e., channels and LBs) do not, suggesting a down-system changes as they grow (Deptuck et al., 2008);
decoupling (or lack of scaling) at LB deposition time scales. Applying these morphometric this variability is endemic to our data set, which
trends and scaling relationships as input parameters for source-to-sink and reservoir models provides the most comprehensive collection of
can improve predictions of stratigraphic architecture, sediment partitioning, and sediment/ channel-LB dimensions published to date.
carbon flux in modern and ancient submarine fan systems. We documented LB dimensions based on
facies boundaries and stratal onlap/downlaps
INTRODUCTION sediment gravity flows, respectively (Piper and (Fig. 1B): the down-flow length (LLB) from the
Scaling relationships of sediment-routing Normark, 1983). While previous studies have proximal end of the channel-LB transition (a dif-
systems provide insights into the intrinsic prop- focused on the scaling relationships of subma- fuse zone at the channel mouth dominated by
erties and processes of those systems by iden- rine channels (e.g., Covault et al., 2012; Reim- erosion and sediment bypass; Wynn et al., 2002)
tifying linkages between morphometric and chen et al., 2016) or LBs (e.g., Jegou et al., 2008; to the distal edge of the LB; the maximum width
other quantitative characteristics (e.g., hydraulic Prélat et al., 2009, 2010), scaling between sub- (WLB) of the LB measured perpendicular to LLB;
properties and sediment flux). For example, scal- marine channels and LBs remains unexplored.
ing relationships have been identified between In this study of Eocene to modern fan systems, A C H1
segments within source-to-sink systems (e.g., we (1) document the morphometrics of, and
Sømme et al., 2009), as well as in finer-scale scaling relationships between, submarine chan- lobe element
studies within specific depositional environ- nels and concomitant (i.e., genetically related) H3
ments (rivers, estuaries, deltas; e.g., Leopold LBs from element to complex scale (i.e., larger
and Langbein, 1962). However, relatively few than bed scale); (2) evaluate the utility of these H4
lobe complex
studies have focused on scaling relationships in relationships for predicting depositional body
submarine fans, which are net-depositional envi- dimensions in data-poor areas; and (3) investi- B 20 km 1 1 WCH 1 km
10 m

ronments within continental-margin sediment- gate potential relationships between terrestrial HCH
routing systems that are diverse in size and mor- portions of sediment-routing systems and chan-
phology (Fig. DR1 in the GSA Data Repository1). nel-LB morphology. 2 2 km
10 m

These composite depositional features consist of WLB

channels and multiple scales of lobe-shaped bod- DATA AND METHODS
ies (LBs), formed by channelized and unconfined We compiled dimensional data for LBs (n =
Figure 1. A: Geographic distribution of the 35
271) and, when possible, concomitant channels submarine fans included in this study. B: Exam-
GSA Data Repository item 2018305, Table DR1
1  (n = 52, 160 LBs have paired channel data) from ple of measurements made from sonar and
(tabulated data including submarine channel and lobe 35 submarine-fan systems (Fig. 1A). The data seismic data: channel width (WCH) and relief
body dimensions and contextual information) and Fig- set of channel and LB measurements made from (HCH), and lobe body width (WLB), length (LLB),
ure DR1 (examples of variation in size and geometry area (ALB), and thickness (HLB); modified from
of modern submarine fan systems), is available online sonar and seismic-reflection surveys (Fig. 1B) Jegou et al. (2008). C: Schematic diagram of
at or includes submarine-fan systems that cover a hierarchy and compensational stacking of lobe
on request from range of geographic locations, tectonic settings, bodies (modified from Deptuck et al., 2008).

GEOLOGY, September 2018; v. 46; no. 9; p. 819–822  |  GSA Data Repository item 2018305  | |  Published online 8 August 2018
© |  VolumeGold
2018 The Authors. 46  |Open
  Number 9  |
Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. 819

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by Adam Ellsworth
the maximum depositional thickness (HLB) of the ACH using the assumption that channel cross sec- Morphometrics of Lobe Bodies
deposit; the total depositional area (ALB) down- tions are half-ellipses: A robust power-law relationship exists for the
stream of the channel-LB transition; and LB planform morphology (LLB and WLB) for all LBs
1 W 1
volume (VLB). Delineating LB boundaries is at ACH =  π H CH CH  =  π H CH WCH . (3) (LLB = 1.74 WLB1.02, r2 = 0.86, n = 271) and similar
times difficult and interpretive due to data quality 2 2 4 trends exist within each hierarchical level (r2 val-
and gradational facies transitions at the channel- ues >0.72; Fig. 2B; Table DR1). The planform
LB transition and LB margins. To mitigate this RESULTS aspect ratios (LLB/WLB) of LBs demonstrate a
issue, we focused on high-quality seafloor and relatively narrow range of planform geometries
near-surface data (typically <100 m subsurface). Morphometrics of Submarine Channels (circular versus elongate), with a median of 2:1
When direct measurements of ALB and VLB could Submarine channel aspect ratios (WCH/HCH) (Fig. 2B; P10 = 1.2, P50 = 2.0, P90 = 4.4). Plan-
not be made, we assumed that LBs have an ellip- in this study (median = 44) are consistent with form dimensions generally increase from H2 to
soid shape to estimate ALB (Equation 1, n = 75) those documented by Konsoer et al. (2013; H4 within individual systems, but considerable
and VLB (Equation 2, n = 198), using an approach Fig. 2A; Table DR1). Channel dimensions overlap between hierarchical levels indicates that
similar to Prélat et al. (2009). from this study are generally small compared to their dimensions are not globally consistent (Fig.
those of Konsoer et al., likely because subma- 2B), likely due to differences in the formative
L W 1
A LB = π  LB  LB  =  π L LB WLB . (1) rine channels typically decrease in size down- properties (e.g., flow volumes and grain size).
2 2 4 stream and, unlike Konsoer et al., we exclusively There is more than an order-of-magnitude dif-
measured distal channel reaches (Fig. 2A). ference between the average volumes of each
1 4 L LB WLB 1
VLB = H LB = L LB WLB H LB hierarchical level of LB (H2 = 0.07 km3, H3 =
2 3 2 2 6 2.9 km3, H4 = 62.0 km3), similar to the findings
10 A 0:1 100
100 of Prélat et al. (2010). However, significant over-
4 L LB WLB 1
Channel width, WCH (m)

H LB = L LB WLB H LB. (2) 10
4 10: lap between the dimensions of hierarchical levels
3 2 2 6 indicates that hierarchy cannot be inferred solely
3 1:1
These equations do not account for the range 10 from LB dimensions (cf. Prélat et al., 2009).
of LB morphologies, which causes a mean abso- 2
In contrast to their planform morphology, the
lute percent error of calculated versus measured 10 three-dimensional (3-D) morphologies of LBs do
ALB and VLB of ~25%. Compensational stack- 1 this study; n = 52 not show simple scaling. Figure 2C documents
ing occurs at multiple scales within LBs, and 10 Konsoer et al., 2013; n = 189 the significant variability in the thickness-to-area
101 102 103
various hierarchical schemes are used in the lit- Channel relief, HCH (m)
ratio (HLB/ALB), revealing two trends. Trend 1
erature to describe the resultant deposits (e.g., illustrates the distribution of confined LBs,
Deptuck et al., 2008; Prélat et al., 2009; Straub which are proportionally thicker than unconfined
Lobe body length, LLB (m)

LLB= 1.74 ∙ WLB1.02

and Pyles, 2012). For consistency, we applied 105 LBs illustrated in Trend 2. These trends agree
r2 = 0.86
standardized hierarchical terminology to all LBs n = 271 with observations of ‘lobe’ (H3) morphologies
by qualitatively matching their original docu- d made by Prélat et al. (2010), but our data incor-
104 nfi ed
mentation to the hierarchy defined by Prélat et n co onfin porate more hierarchical levels and a wider vari-
P 90 u c
al. (2009). This hierarchy consists of four lev- H4 - lobe complex ety and number of systems. The two trends are
10 3 P 50 H3 - lobe
els (Fig. 1C) in increasing size and complexity: P 10 H2 - lobe element distinct at lower ALB values, but converge as ALB
‘beds’ (H1) deposited by an individual event/tur- 103 104 105 106 increases; accordingly, the trends are identified
bidity current; ‘lobe elements’ (H2) composed Lobe body width, WLB (m) in H2 and H3, but are indistinguishable for H4.
of stacked beds/bed sets; ‘lobes’ (H3) formed d Trend 1 shows a shift to lower HLB/ALB (m/km2)
C ne
Lobe body max thickness, HLB (m)

nfi ed



by one or more stacked lobe elements fed by a ratios with increasing area and hierarchy level

co fin


un con
single channel; and ‘lobe complexes’ (H4) that 102 (from ~10:1 to <1:1), while Trend 2 typically
90% KDE
develop when avulsions or channel migrations H4 remains between 1:10 and 1:100 (Fig. 2C).
result in development of multiple lobes (Prélat et H3
al., 2009). Individual beds (H1) are not included Scaling Relationships between Channels
in our analysis due to limited data availability. 10 1 and Lobe Bodies
We documented channel (not channel belt or d1 Our morphometric analysis demonstrates


complex) dimensions because they represent the Tre several strong scaling relationships between con-

conduit through which sediment gravity flows comitant channels and LBs. Statistical analysis of
passed prior to forming LBs and thus sediment 100 100 102 104 n = 221 channel (WCH, HCH, ACH) and LB (ALB, HLB, VLB)
discharge. Channel measurements included Lobe body area, ALB (km2) dimensions for hierarchical levels H2–H4 shows
bankfull channel width (WCH), defined here as Figure 2. A: Plot of channel width versus that WCH has a strong, positive power-law scal-
the distance between levee crests (sensu Pirmez channel relief showing consistent ranges of ing with both ALB and VLB (r2 ≈ 0.7; Fig. 3). ACH
and Imran, 2003); channel relief (HCH), the verti- aspect ratios between channels in this study also shows a positive, albeit weaker, power-law
cal distance between the channel thalweg and and those of Konsoer et al. (2013). B: Lobe scaling with both ALB and VLB (r2 ≈ 0.6; Fig. 3).
body length versus width shows a strong
the average height of the levee crests; and chan- HCH does not correlate with any LB dimensions
correlation, with median a length-to-width
nel cross-sectional area (ACH), the area between ratio of ~2:1. C: Lobe body thickness versus (r2 < 0.27), and no channel dimension correlates
the channel bed and the bankfull surface. area shows two apparent trends in the three- with HLB (r2 < 0.26; Fig. 3). Additionally, our
Because ACH often decreases downslope (Pirmez dimensional morphology of lobe bodies (after investigation of possible relationships between
and Imran, 2003), channel measurements were Prélat et al., 2010). The trends correspond with channel-LB dimensions and sediment-routing–
the distributions of confined and unconfined
made upstream of the transition from channel- lobe bodies, illustrated by kernel density esti- system parameters (fluvial catchment area, water
to-LB within a streamwise distance of 1–2 LLB mate (KDE) contours. Aspect ratios are shown discharge, and suspended sediment load) found
of the associated LB (Fig. 1B). We calculated as dashed lines in A and C. no significant correlations (r2 < 0.35; Fig. 4).

|  Volume 46  |  Number 9  |  GEOLOGY


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by Adam Ellsworth
103 V =10-10.78·W 3.95 A VLB=10-8.17·ACH2.15 D VLB=10-3.27·HCH2.65 G 101
Lobe body volume, VLB

Discharge, Q
r2 = 0.77 r2 = 0.62 r2 = 0.25


10-1 P 90 n = 129
P 50 H4: lobe complex
10 -3 H3: lobe

Fluvial catchment area

P 10 H2: lobe element n = 129 n = 129
106 A =10-5.89·W 2.85

(106 km2)
B ALB=10-4.20·ACH1.62 E ALB=10-3.27·HCH2.15 H
Lobe body area, ALB

r2 = 0.68 r2 = 0.58 r2 = 0.26



100 n = 160 n = 160 n = 160


103 H =10-0.66·W 0.67 H4
Lobe body thickness, HLB

C HLB=10-0.45·ACH0.43 F HLB=100.35·HCH0.69 I
r2 = 0.23 r2 = 0.25 r2 = 0.17 H3
10 -2
101 102 103 10-3 10-1 101 103

Channel width, WCH (m) Lobe body volume, VLB (km3)

Figure 4. Plots illustrating the absence of
n = 129 n = 129 n = 129
10-1 correlations between dimensions of the archi-
10 2
10 3
10 10
4 2
10 3
10 4
10 5
10 10
6 1
10 2
10 3
tectural elements of submarine fans (width of
Channel width, WCH (m) Channel cross-sectional area, ACH (m2) Channel relief, HCH (m)
distal channel reaches and lobe body volume
Figure 3. Scaling relationships between some dimensions (A,B,D, and E; black outlines: r2 > for hierarchies H2–H4) with parameters of
0.5), but not other dimensions (C and F–I; gray outlines: r2 < 0.3), of concomitant channels associated terrestrial catchments (Milliman
and lobe bodies. Solid diagonal lines are power-law correlations (P50), and dashed lines show and Farnsworth, 2013): water discharge, flu-
the 80% prediction interval (P10, P90). Channel width and area strongly correlate with both lobe vial catchment area, and total suspended
body area and volume, but neither lobe body thickness nor channel relief correlate with any solids (TSS). The lack of correlation (r2 < 0.2)
dimensions of associated elements. between these and all other dimensions of
channels and lobe bodies in this study (Table
DR1 [see footnote 1]) indicates decoupling
DISCUSSION Covault and Romans 2009; Prélat et al., 2010). between the terrestrial and deep-water seg-
When unconfined, flows spread out to produce ments of sediment-routing systems, and/or
Controls on Morphology and Volume of thin LBs with relatively large depositional areas, that autogenic processes may be the primary
Lobe Bodies but when confined, the depositional areas of control on the morphology of submarine
channels and lobe bodies.
Planform aspect ratios of LBs display a flows are limited, resulting in LBs with greater
high degree of consistency across all hierarchi- relative thickness (Al Ja’Aidi et al., 2004).
cal levels (Fig. 2B). Having a strong LLB-WLB Additionally, the two trends in Figure 2C formative sediment-gravity-flow events (Kon-
relationship in spite of the wide range of system have different implications for the dependence soer et al., 2013) and VLB is proportional to the
characteristics represented by the data set high- of compensational stacking on VLB and/or the dimensions of the associated channel (Fig. 3),
lights a potentially universal trend in LB plan- hierarchical level of LBs. Straub and Pyles accordingly, VLB is proportional to the properties
form geometry, and indicates that turbidity flow (2012) suggest that compensational stack- of the LB-forming sediment gravity flows (e.g.,
properties (rather than external factors) impart ing should cause reduced HLB/ALB ratios with volume and number of flows).
primary control on LB planform geometries. increased hierarchical level. Confined systems Submarine-fan dimensions scale with associ-
This is supported by flume experiments, which (Trend 1) in Figure 2C align with Straub and ated catchment parameters (Sømme et al., 2009),
show that flow properties (density, volume, sedi- Pyles’s (2012) prediction; however, unconfined but this study indicates that the dimensions of
ment type) primarily impact deposit geometry systems (Trend 2) have a relatively consistent channels and LBs that comprise fans do not
(Baas et al., 2004), while factors that modify the HLB/ALB ratio regardless of LB volume or hier- (Fig. 4). We did not find any significant correla-
flow processes (e.g., topographic confinement) archical level. If confinement is indeed driving tions between terrestrial catchment parameters
seem to be secondary (Al Ja’Aidi et al., 2004). the trends in Figure 2C, the impact of compen- (area, water discharge, and suspended sediment
The dimensions of LBs change throughout the sational stacking on deposit morphology is vari- load) and submarine channel or LB dimensions
time span of their deposition, which is dictated able across LB hierarchies in confined systems, (Fig. 4). While these relationships exist when
by avulsions (Deptuck et al., 2008); accordingly, but consistent in unconfined systems. comparing catchments to overall fan dimen-
our measurements of modern, active LBs will sions (Sømme et al., 2009), our data suggest
underrepresent their final deposit dimensions. Controls on Channel-Lobe Body Scaling that, at smaller spatiotemporal scales (i.e., LB
The presence of multiple trends between WCH and ACH have strong scaling relation- deposition over 102–104 yr; Deptuck et al., 2008;
HLB and ALB (Fig. 2C) indicates that the relative ships with ALB and VLB (Fig. 3). The lack of Jegou et al., 2008), the terrestrial and submarine
thickness of LBs is more sensitive to external correlations between the vertical measurements portions of these systems are decoupled due to
factors. If the impacts of external factors (e.g., (HCH, HLB) and other parameters of channel-LB autogenic processes (e.g., avulsion) and incom-
confinement) on LB geometry are known, it is systems may stem from basin confinement (as plete transfer of sediment (Romans et al., 2016).
possible to predict HLB-ALB relationships using discussed above) as well as the lower relative
the trends in Figure 2C. While flow properties accuracy of vertical (thickness, relief) mea- Predicting Channel and Lobe Body
such as sediment grain size and concentration surements (Fig. 3). The data in this study sup- Dimensions
impact sediment dispersal, and thus LB thick- port a simple association between turbidite Scaling relationships between submarine
ness (Baas et al., 2004), our data demonstrate flow properties, channel morphology, and lobe channels and LBs (Figs. 3A, 3B, 3D, and 3E)
that topographic confinement strongly influences dimensions. Because the hydraulic geometries provide a tool for predicting the dimensions of
the 3-D morphology of LBs (Fig. 2C; also see of submarine channels are proportional to their these sedimentary features, if the scale of one

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by Adam Ellsworth
parameter is known (e.g., from subsurface seis- converge and become indistinguishable at higher Jegou, I., Savoye, B., Pirmez, C., and Droz, L., 2008,
mic data). Figure 5 contains predicted ranges hierarchical levels. We interpret that topographic Channel-mouth lobe complex of the recent Am-
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|  Volume 46  |  Number 9  |  GEOLOGY


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by Adam Ellsworth
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