Course Syllabus

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MGMT 301-01

Management 301: Principles of Management and Organization (Section 1)

3 credits; Prerequisite: Certified Major [any college] with 60 semester hours
Spring 2020

Professor: Ron Moser, MAOM, PCC, Jonah

 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Information
Systems, and Entrepreneurship.
 Active Business/Leadership Consultant- DHB Business Services, LLC.

Office: Todd Hall 431B

Office hours: Tues: 1:45 – 2:35 pm, Thurs: 10:40 – 11:30 am, or by appointment
Phone: (208) 761-2083

Time & Location Section 1: MGMT 301-01 (Blackboard 5631) (TopHat Code: 482985)
Tu/Thur 9:10 – 10:25 pm
Fulmer Hall 226

Section 2: MGMT 301-02 (Blackboard 5632) (TopHat Code: 237229)

Tu/Thur 2:50 – 4:05 pm
Abelson Hall 201

Teaching Assistants:

“Sikdar” Shazzad Sikdar email:

Rebecca He email:


1 of 1. Top Hat App / Online Engagement Tool & Textbook Materials

We will be using the Top Hat ( classroom response system in class.
You will be able to submit answers to in-class questions using Apple or Android
smartphones and tablets, laptops, or through text message. Additionally, we will be
using the custom-built interactive textbook Management: A Modern
Perspective embedded within Top Hat for this class.

You can visit the Top Hat Overview (

Hat-Overview-and-Getting-Started-Guide) within the Top Hat Success Center which
outlines how you will register for a Top Hat account, as well as providing a brief
overview to get you up and running on the system.

An email invitation will be sent to you by email, but if don’t receive this email, ensure
that you have created your Top Hat account with your student e-mail
account and put your proper name in the Top Hat account. Blackboard and Tophat

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will not sync your points properly if you don’t set up your Top Hat account with your email account and your proper name.

Note: our Top Hat Course Join Code is 482985 (Section 1)

Top Hat requires a paid subscription, and a full breakdown of all subscription options
available can be found here:

Don’t worry if you don’t see any content in the course right away, I will make it
available to you as we progress through the semester.

Should you require assistance with Top Hat at any time, due to the fact that
they require specific user information to troubleshoot these issues, please contact
their Support Team directly by way of email (, the in
app support button, or by calling 1-888-663-5491.


Welcome to MGMT 301! This class will introduce you to the functions, principles, and core concepts of
management. I can introduce you to the tools to become a good manager – but there is no substitute for the
experience gained through time and effort implementing and expanding on the knowledge gained through
this course. I will teach you about basic psychological processes and social forces that shape human
behavior in organizations. If we understand these, we have a hope of influencing employee behavior. What
you will notice, is that the level of engagement each student has in the class will be directly proportional to
the value they take from it. In short, drink up the learning and it will bless your life forever!
If you are a business major or planning to become one, this course is a required core course for your
degree. If you are not a business major, the concepts discussed and skills developed in this class will still be
useful in managing within whatever organizational context you plan to practice your chosen profession. At
the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Understand how organizational structure affects employee behavior, and how organizational
structure is affected by forces external to the organization.
2. Enhance organizational performance by enhancing individual employee performance (e.g., by
influencing job satisfaction, motivation, goal-setting, giving feedback and accounting for workforce
diversity and personality).
3. Effectively assemble, charge, run, and behave in teams.
4. Apply ethical and societal concepts to propose and defend responsible courses of action.
5. Use and apply appropriate established analytical tools and techniques or develop innovative
approaches to the decision-making process.

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Assignment Type Percent of Due Dates
Reading/Homework Online 40% Each Week
In Class Participation Exercises 20% Weeks 2 -15
Exam 1 20% Week 8
Exam 2 20% Week 14 (The wk before Dead wk)

1 of 3. Exam 1 & Exam 2 – 40%

The dates of the 2 exams are on the last page. Each exam is worth 20% of your final grade. Plan to take
the exam in class unless you have an approved accommodation.


You will be assigned about 3-4 exercises each week in your Top Hat homework portal. See specific dates
in Top Hat for when these homework assignments become available and when they are due (Also reference
due dates in this Syllabus). Remember, reading your chapters each week in advance of class will set you up
for success in class and with your homework!

3 of 3. In Class Participation Exercises -20%

Each student who is in attendance when a spontaneous participation exercise is held, will be eligible to earn
the associated points for that exercise.


Final course grades will be assigned in the following manner:

A = 93.00% or above
A- = 90.00 - 92.99%
B+ = 88.00 - 89.99%
B = 83.00 - 87.99%
B- = 80.00 - 82.99%
C+ = 78.00 - 79.99%
C = 73.00 - 77.99%
C- = 70.00 - 72.99%
D+ = 68.00 - 69.99%
D = 60.00 - 67.99%
F = 59.99% or below


You will only be permitted to make up a missed test or exam, or turn in late assignments, if you have the
required documentation (doctor’s note, death certificate) to excuse your absence.

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Classroom and campus safety are of paramount importance at Washington State University, and are the
shared responsibility of the entire campus population. WSU urges students to follow the “Alert, Assess,
Act,” protocol for all types of emergencies and the “Run, Hide, Fight” response for an active shooter
incident. Remain ALERT (through direct observation or emergency notification), ASSESS your specific
situation, and ACT in the most appropriate way to assure your own safety (and the safety of others if you
are able). Please sign up for emergency alerts on your account at MyWSU. For more information on this
subject, campus safety, and related topics, please view the FBI’s Run, Hide, Fight video and visit the WSU
safety portal.


Reasonable accommodations are available for students with documented disabilities or chronic medical
conditions. If you have a disability and need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit
the Access Center website to follow published procedures to request accommodations: Students may also either call or visit the Access Center in person to
schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor. Location: Washington Building 217; Phone: 509-335-
3417. All disability related accommodations MUST be approved through the Access Center. Students with
approved accommodations are strongly encouraged to visit with instructors early in the semester during
office hours to discuss logistics.

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of higher education. As such, all members of the university
community share responsibility for maintaining and promoting the principles of integrity in all activities,
including academic integrity and honest scholarship. Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this
course. Students who violate WSU’s Academic Integrity Policy (identified in Washington Administrative
Code (WAC) 504-26-010(3) and -404) will receive [insert academic sanction (e.g., fail the course, fail the
assignment, etc.)], will not have the option to withdraw from the course pending an appeal, and will be
reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and
unauthorized collaboration as defined in the Standards of Conduct for Students, WAC 504-26-010(3). You
need to read and understand all of the definitions of cheating: If you have any
questions about what is and is not allowed in this course, you should ask course instructors before
proceeding. If you wish to appeal a faculty member's decision relating to academic integrity, please use the
form available at

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Tentative Schedule

W Class Homework
k Date Topic/Exams/Papers Due Date Top Hat Reading/Homework Assigned
Jan 14
Welcome to Management: A Modern
Welcome to Management: A Modern
Jan 26 Perspective (Read & Complete exercise)
Module 1: Introduction and History of 11:58 PM
Jan 16 Module 1: Reading Assignment
Module 1: Homework Assignment
Jan 21
(No Class: Jan 21st, work on
Jan 26
Module 2: Reading Assignment
Module 2: Ethics and Corporate Social 11:58 PM
Jan 23 Module 2: Homework Assignment

Jan 28
Module 3: Organizational Diversity
Feb 2 Module 3: Reading Assignment
3 and Culture
11:58 PM Module 3: Homework Assignment
Jan 30
Feb 4
Feb 9 Module 4: Reading Assignment
4 Module 4: International Management
11:58 PM Module 4: Homework Assignment
Feb 6
Feb 11 Module 5: Organizational Behavior
and Individual Differences Feb 16 Module 5: Reading Assignment
11:58 PM Module 5: Homework Assignment
Feb 13
Feb 18 Module 6: Motivation in the Workplace
Feb 23 Module 6: Reading Assignment
6 Module 6: Homework Assignment
(No Class: Feb 20th, work on 11:58 PM
Feb 20
Feb 25
Module 7: Managing Communication Mar 1 Module 7: Reading Assignment
11:58 PM Module 7: Homework Assignment
Feb 27 Feb 27th Review for Exam 1 in class
Mar 3 Exam #1 (March 3rd in class)

Module 8: Leadership Theories and
Mar 5 Trends Mar 8 Module 8: Reading Assignment
11:58 PM Module 8: Homework Assignment
Mar 10
Module 9: Human Resources Mar 15th, Module 9: Reading Assignment
11:58 PM Module 9: Homework Assignment
Mar 12

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S Mar 16-
Spring Break (Be safe, have fun!)
B 20th
Mar 24 Mar 29th, Module 10: Reading Assignment
Module 10: Problem Solving and
Decision Making 11:58 PM Module 10: Homework Assignment
Module 11: Introduction to Mar 29th, Module 11: Reading Assignment
Mar 26
11:58 PM Module 11: Homework Assignment
Mar 31
1 Module 12: Strategic Management Apr 5th, Module 12: Reading Assignment
1 11:58 PM Module 12: Homework Assignment
Apr 2
Apr 7 Module 13: Reading Assignment
Module 13: Organizational Structure
1 Apr 12th, Module 13: Homework Assignment
and Design
2 11:58 PM
Apr 9

Apr 14
Module 14: Control and Operations
1 April 19th, Module 14: Reading Assignment
Module 14: Homework Assignment
3 11:58 PM
April 16th Review for Exam 2 in
Apr 16
Apr 21 Exam #2 (Apr 21st in class)
Apr 23 No Class on April 23rd. due
Apr 28 Management/Leadership Seminar &
Class Engagement/Exercises No In addition to regular participation exercises, on
1 April 28th and 30th there will be additional Top
homework Hat participation exercises for additional
Apr 30 Management/Leadership Seminar & due participation points.
Class Engagement/Exercises

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