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Student Assignment Covering Form

Course/Unit Information

Course Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma

Unit No. Unit 3

Unit Name Human Resource Management

Unit code Y/508/0487

Batch HRMONL2209B

Instructor Information

Name Dr Fernando Erana Reyes

Phone +971 52 520 4619


Assignment Information

Full/ Part Assignment Full

Date Assignment Issued 5th September 2022

Date Assignment Due 9th October 2022

Student Information
(To be filled by the student prior to submitting the assignment)

Name Mudar Muhammad


Date of Submission

Student Assignment covering form is an integral part of the assignment document and should be submitted along
with all submissions.

pg. 1
Student Declaration

I, __Mudar Muhammad________________________ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not
copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any assessment for this qualification. All the
sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard
Referencing format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Westford University College rules and
regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them. Attached is the Turnitin report for reference.

Students Signature :

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Date :

Turnitin Report should be Uploaded on LMS along with the Assignment.

pg. 2
Achievement Feedback Summary

Assessor’s Name Dr Fernando Erana Reyes

Pass Merit Distinction Grades Awarded

LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an LO 01
organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives P1 Achieved / Not
P1 Explain the purpose and the M1 Assess how the functions of
functions of HRM, applicable to HRM can provide talent and skills D1 Critically evaluate the
workforce planning and resourcing appropriate to fulfil business strengths and weaknesses of
an organisation. objectives P2 Achieved / Not
different approaches to
recruitment and selection,
M2 Evaluate the strengths and
P2 Explain the strengths and supported by specific
weaknesses of different
weaknesses of different approaches examples.
approaches to recruitment and
to recruitment and selection. M1 Achieved / Not
LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an
M2 Achieved / Not
P3 Explain the benefits of different Achieved
HRM practices within an D2 Critically evaluate
organisation for both the employer M3 Explore the different methods
employee relations and the
and employee. used in HRM practices, providing
application of HRM practices D1 Achieved/ Not
specific examples to support
P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of that inform and influence
evaluation within an Achieved
different HRM practices in terms decision-making in an
organisational context.
of raising organisational profit and organisational context.
LO 02
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human D3 Critically evaluate
P3 Achieved / Not
Resource Management decision-making, including employment employee relations and the
legislation application of HRM practices
P5 Analyse the importance of that inform and influence
employee relations in respect to M4 Evaluate the key aspects of decision-making in an
influencing HRM decision- employee relations management organisational context. P4 Achieved / Not
making. and employment Achieved

P6 Identify the key elements of legislation that affects HRM

employment legislation and the decision-making in an
impact it has upon HRM decision- organisational context. M3 Achieved / Not
making. Achieved

LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-

related context D2 Achieved / Not
P7 Illustrate the application of M5 Provide a rationale for the
HRM practices in a work-related application of specific HRM

pg. 3
practices in a work- related
context, using specific examples.
context. LO 03

P5 Achieved / Not

P6 Achieved / Not

M4 Achieved / Not

LO 04

Overall Feedback Summary

Over All Grade Date

[To Achieve a PASS, all P grade descriptors should be achieved; To achieve a MERIT, all P and M grade descriptors should be
achieved; To achieve a DISTINCTION, all P, M and D grade descriptors should be achieved.]

Summative Feedback

Overall feedback on current

work with emphasis on how the
student can improve and achieve
higher grades in future.

pg. 4
General Guidelines

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.Example: John Smith_HRM

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2. Original cover sheet and format retained.
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5. Harvard Referencing System and Citations are strictly followed.

pg. 5
Assignment title Human Resource Management in organizations

Part 1. Development of Human Resource Plan (4000 words)

You are working as an HR Manager for a large logistics, transportation and forwarding company in the
Middle East. Recently, Shell Iraq decided to close down and outsourced their transportation facilities that
caters to their employees’ travel from company accommodation to Shell’s various worksite. Their plan is
aligned to their strategy to focus more on essential part of the business. Your company received a request for
proposal (RFP) from Shell Iraq, inviting your organization to place a bid in handling the transportation
section of the company. Your CEO was thrilled and called a meeting with all functional heads to review the
requirements stipulated in RFP and highlighted the importance of this opportunity. This project, if secured,
will increase the company’s revenue by up to 40 percent on an annual basis. Upon reviewing the RFP on HR
Section, Shell requires a detailed HR Plan which are outlined below:

1. Workforce Deployment. This section requires you to discuss workforce planning, Job Analysis, Job
Specification, Source of Recruitment, job advertisement, Selection Methods up to Onboarding.

2. Performance Reward Management. Outline the basis on how you will develop your strategy. Shell
also requires you to discuss your retention strategies, intrinsic and extrinsic reward that your organization
offers should you be awarded with this project. The RFP also requires you to discuss different
components of your entire compensation and benefits. You need to discuss how employee performance
will be assessed in this section

3. Employee Skills. This section should outline the training and development programmes and strategies to
ensure the people have required skills to handle the project. Shell emphasized the importance of Health,
Safety and Environment. Shell. Is also interested on how your training programs will affect the
organization by discussing a model on you will measure the impact of the training programs to the

4. Employee Relations. Disciplinaries and grievances are common at the worksite. You should discuss the
importance and approach to employee relations to this project. You are also required to illustrate the
grievance and disciplinary procedure of the organization in a flow chart. Shell also wanted see how

pg. 6
employee contract terminations are handled in accordance to best practice.

Part 2. Human Resource Management Practices (2000 words)

Differentiate Best Practice and Best Fit approach in HRM. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each approach
relative to business context and external factors.


The submission on the LMS is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using
the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard Referencing System. The
recommended word limit is 4500-5000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word

Table of Contents

pg. 7
a. Discuss and explain the importance of proper workforce planning in an organization. Explain
and convince Shell in your proposal how these functions can fulfill their business objectives and
how it will impact the overall performance of their organization...................................................10
b. Propose a detailed recruitment and selection process or approach..............................................11
Recruitment Method:...................................................................................................................11
Selection Method:........................................................................................................................13
b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and recommend at least 2, 3 or
more recruitment methods and explain why you recommend those methods. Discuss how
selection method can provide the right talent and the right skills to their organization..................16
II. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & DEVELOPMENT PLAN..................................................................17
a. Compensation- Discuss and explain how you will develop your strategy to retain employees
(research about total rewards and employee retention)...................................................................17
c. Training & Development Plan..................................................................................................18
Training plan for the employees (e.g., drivers and supervisors).................................................18
Specific objectives...............................................................................................................................18
Performance appraisal program for every employee...................................................................19
Health & Safety...........................................................................................................................20
d. concludes this section – discuss and explain how the above HRM practices can improve
productivity, organizational profitability & improve employee relation and how it will help UKR
Shipping LLC to make good in their decision-making process for the business............................20
III. EMPLOYEE RELATION PLAN..................................................................................................21
a. Discuss the importance of employee relation in an organization.............................................21
b. Analytically discuss and include in your proposal how the above plan can impact HR policy
and improve decision making process in UKR Shipping LLC.......................................................22
IV. JOB ANALYSIS, JOB DESCRIPTION & JOB ADVERTISEMENT........................................23
a. Job analysis – discuss and explain how you will conduct job analysis....................................23
b. Job description – create a sample of job description................................................................23
Description for Driver..................................................................................................................23
Job Description for Supervisor....................................................................................................25
c. Job advertisement - create a sample job advertisement and explain where you will post it
(e.g., social media, company website, job portal, newspaper or any other medium that you think)
d. Critically discuss how the above HRM processes and practices can influence and impact
decision making in HRM.................................................................................................................27

pg. 8

Today's organizations are different from they were 10 years ago, the economy is constantly
changing and the variables that determine the success or failure of a business influence the ability of
managers to adapt to changes and optimize their resources. Each member of UKR Shipping LLC
must work to achieve their objectives in line with UKR Shipping LLC's strategy and the changes in
the economic sector in which they are located, in order to optimize time and ensure that HRs are
treated as "Human Capital" with the importance that it really has and with the added value that it
represents for the productivity of UKR Shipping LLC (Akpan, 2019).

It is currently, where the process of HRM in companies begins to gain strength by

considering people as "the key to successful management" where participation and competitiveness
are an essential part of the professional development of workers. It is for this reason that the need
arises to carry out the analysis of the human management model implemented in one of the most
recognized multinational companies in the Petroleum sector, which, due to its history in Iraq, has
shown to have a competitive human capital compared to the international market (Albrecht, et al.,

Therefore, the focus of the assignment is to work on developing its focus about HR
management following the decision of Shell Iraq closing its operation, the HR of UKR Shipping
LLC in the Middle East offering services of logistics, transportation, and forwarding to giant
companies in the Middle East. After the news of Shell Iraq terminating its operations reached the
market, the HR of UKR shipping has asked its HRM to prepare a proposal for the firm to place a
bid where it offer its services to shell as it will result in increase of 40% revenue for UKR Shipping
LLC. Therefore, the assignment intent to evaluate the nature of workforce deployment, performance
reward management, employee skills, and employee relations has been discussed based on UKR’s
operations setting its focus.


pg. 9
a. Discuss and explain the importance of proper workforce planning in an organization.
Explain and convince Shell in your proposal how these functions can fulfill their
business objectives and how it will impact the overall performance of their

Manpower Planning

In general, manpower planning or workplace planning is necessary to plan the staff in the short,
long and medium term, taking it into account in your strategic and practical plans to make valid
projections about the future flow of hiring, it is necessary to take into account the composition of
the current payroll, their age, qualification, retirement plan , technical evolution of the activity to
which it is dedicated in the company, short-term improvements, UKR Shipping LLC must include
their personnel needs in their qualitative budgets for the next financial year in order to plan the
appropriate selection resources. UKR Shipping LLC’s HR claim that people are their most asset.
But not all companies systematically integrate their activities with workforce planning with
strategic planning in all areas of the business. It is the key problem (Albrecht, et al., 2015).

Because implemented in isolation, workforce planning (the involvement and empowerment of

multiple departments) boils down to headcount planning limited to the relationship between finance
and HR. This limits the enormous potential of HR managers to improve results in UKR Shipping
LLC, from improving employee retention and development to equipping them with the right skills
to achieve strategic objectives. The results of strategic workforce planning are not mere whims.
They determine whether company plans reflect market realities and incorporate the talent needed to
drive business agility (Rose, 2018). But when workforce planning is integrated with finance's
broader strategic plan, wonderful things happen. As a business partner, the HR department best
understands the requirements of the future workforce within the framework of some strategic
objectives, projections of growth and new opportunities, this partnership between HR and finance
can shape UKR Shipping LLC's talent to complement broader business goals. Effective workforce
planning facilitates accurate hiring estimates. It simplifies the discovery and retention of talent for
future needs and helps sift through the clutter of HR data from systems (Rose, 2018).

pg. 10
b. Propose a detailed recruitment and selection process or approach

Recruitment Method:

The recruitment process can be internal, external and many times both types are used to expand the
options of personnel to be selected for a specific position. Internal recruitment is understood as
the one in which companies search among their current employees for candidates who can fill the
vacancies offered. It works as a means of promotion and development of personnel and seeks to
create loyalty towards UKR Shipping LLC. While external recruitment is one that is carried out
with the aim of attracting new personnel to UKR Shipping LLC (with new skills and perspectives)
so that when they integrate, they generate experiences and skills that UKR Shipping LLC does not
have at that time (Christy, 2015). To understand the nature of internal and external recruitment for
UKR Shipping LLC is as followed,


It fills vacancies through Fairly fast The number is considerably

promotions and transfers. recruitment method, reduced of candidates, and are
Thus, capitalizing on the short selection. limited to current employees of
investment made in UKR Shipping LLC itself.
recruiting, selecting,
training and developing Motivational Loss of opportunity to employ
your current employees, element for qualified workers from outside
who could seek positions employees. UKR Shipping LLC.
elsewhere if promotion Perception that UKR
opportunities did not exist Shipping LLC
(Carter, et al., 2017). values a job well
done and influences

Saving time and If the internal selection is not

pg. 11
money, because the carried out properly, it could cause
candidates know a demotivating effect on the
perfectly how UKR workforce and a lack of confidence
Shipping LLC works in UKR Shipping LLC.
and its business

When an organization tries Attract people with Time and expensive monetary
to fill a vacancy with new ideas, different investment.
external candidates points of view and
attracted by recruitment new ways of
techniques. Which affects approaching
EXTERNAL potential candidates, problems.
RECRUITMENT available or employed in
OF PERSONNEL other organizations (Bratton
Take advantage of It requires the admitted candidate a
& Gold, 2017). investments in time of adaptation to the new
training made in company and to the new position.
other companies.

It is cheaper and It would create discomfort in

easier to hire a UKR Shipping LLC's employees,
trained professional because they perceive that the
with specific skills. internal staff will not have future
development opportunities.

(Boekhorst, 2015)

The internal recruitment process for UKR Shipping LLC can be seen in the flowchart below,

pg. 12
As it can be seen in the above figure, UKR Shipping LLC is required to work on developing its
resources by providing all the details of the job description in their recruitment advertisement
(whether internal or external) so that it can receive applications from which can then processed
through the selection methods to select the right employees for UKR Shipping LLC so that it can
work successfully for Shell Iraq’s business. Based on the above table stating the advantages and
disadvantages of both recruitment methods, it can be said that UKR Shipping LLC can work on
both methods as it can help the HR to employ deserving and professional candidates fulfilling their
requirements (Brewster, 2017).

Selection Method:

The selection searches among the recruited candidates for the most suitable for the available
positions with the intention of maintaining or increasing the efficiency and performance of the staff,
as well as the effectiveness of UKR Shipping LLC (Cheema & Javed, 2017). The selection aims to
solve two basic problems:

 The person's suitability for the job.

 The efficiency and effectiveness of the person in the position.

pg. 13
It is defined as the set of steps to provide adequate human capital, containing the best skills and
abilities, to satisfactorily perform the vacant position in UKR Shipping LLC. Through structured
and specific techniques to assess the capacity and skills necessary for the job. It is very important to
establish a detailed selection process linked to UKR Shipping LLC's objectives, such as its growth
and reorganization, so that the selection decision that meets the needs is finally made (Emmott,
2016) The benefits and disadvantages of different selection process can be seen in the table below,



(Farrell & It is achieved with the Organization criteria: the Placement model: a
Hurt, 2014) data, the analysis job description and analysis candidate and a vacant
information and the or required skills. position.
job specifications, to
provide greater
objectivity and Profile of the candidates Selection model: several
precision in the who present themselves: I candidates and a single
selection of personnel know obtained by the vacant post.
for said vacancy. application of the
applications of the
selection techniques. Classification model:
wide and situational,
several candidates and
several vacancies.

It is considered that there is no single selection process, so that UKR Shipping LLC develops its
own selection appropriate to the profile of the position it is seeking. Depending on the number of
candidates who present their interest in the job and the selection techniques that will be used to get
to choose the right and suitable candidate (Hong, et al., 2020).

Steps taken for the selection of the candidates

pg. 14
The purpose of the steps for the selection of personnel is to allow collecting, verifying and
confirming information presented by the candidate, about their personal and professional
characteristics, to finally carry out the evaluation and election of the candidates who in the future
will fill the position (Rubel, et al., 2018)that is vacant at a certain time (Farrell & Hurt, 2014).

Stage 1. Reception and Analysis of The Curriculum Vitae And Application Form

Analysis of the Curriculum Vitae

The curriculum vitae is a document that summarizes information about a person's academic history
and work experience. In short, the curriculum must be properly prepared so that the person can
highlight his strengths and relate his knowledge, skills and experiences with the position to which
he is aspiring”. Before publishing a call, a format must be obtained with guidelines according to the
position. The form must be prepared according to the guidelines of UKR Shipping LLC and the
required information such as: experience, level of education and salary claim, according to
regulations or provisions (Richards & Sang, 2019).

Stage 2. Selection Interview

Despite lacking scientific bases and considered the most imprecise and subjective technique, it is
the one that has the greatest influence on the final decision. To proceed with the interview, consider
and be certain that the interviewer has the required skills and information needed to conduct the
interview (Rubel, et al., 2018). The stages in the selection interview are:

Preparation of the interview: The degree of preparation may vary but should be sufficient to

 The specific objectives of the interview

 The method to achieve the objective of the interview

 As much information as possible about the interviewed candidate.

In the selection interview, it is necessary for the interviewer to find out about the requirements and
characteristics necessary to occupy the position and check the adequacy of the requirements of the

pg. 15
position and the personal characteristics of the applicant. After reviewing the resumes, the interview
continues, where the person in charge of HRs must evaluate the candidate with elaborate questions,
to confirm the data on the resume, the functions and tasks performed in previous jobs and other
questions. that are relevant to the job (Rees & Smith, 2017).

Stage 3. Personnel Selection Tests

The tests are objective instruments to evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired through study,
practice or exercise. They seek to measure the degree of professional or technical knowledge
required by the position or the degree of capacity and ability for certain tasks. There are various
tests of knowledge and skills, which is why it is customary to classify them according to the
method, area or form. The task of selecting the best candidate is not an easy task, since the
candidates are different both physically and psychologically, the use of techniques gives us
parameters that cannot be seen in the selection interview (Narayanan, et al., 2019).

Stage 4. Labour Investigation

References should be requested from the companies where the candidate was working, contact his
previous boss or the person in charge of HRs, and inquire about the functions performed by the
candidate, when he joined, reason for dismissal and what is remarkable from the point of view of
personality and professionalism”. Once the tests are finished, the background and work references
of the candidates must be confirmed, to avoid later observations in the information, the elaboration
of the questions when consulting the references must be specific and trying to collect as much
information as possible (Blackman, et al., 2016 ).

Stage 5. Final Interview

On many occasions, the future supervisor is the most suitable person to evaluate some aspects
(especially skills and technical knowledge) of the applicant. Likewise, he can more accurately
answer specific questions”. Once the evaluations and tests have been completed, all the information
is available, in this interview the participation of the executives of the area related to the position is
needed, where the development of the questions is of a more technical nature (Robertson, et al.,

pg. 16
Stage 6. Final Report on Personnel Selection

It is the immediate supervisor or the head of the department concerned, who ultimately has the
responsibility to decide on the hiring of new employees. The HRs department will deliver the final
evaluation report, including the conclusions and recommendations of each candidate to fill the
vacant position. The final decision to hire the candidate is exclusive to the requesting area
(Obedgiu, 2017).

b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and recommend at least
2, 3 or more recruitment methods and explain why you recommend those methods.
Discuss how selection method can provide the right talent and the right skills to their

The human management model of UKR Shipping LLC, being a hybrid model, has many advantages
but at the same time many disadvantages, which can produce discomfort in the workers within
UKR Shipping LLC, as they do not know exactly what UKR Shipping LLC wants and what waiting
for them.

 In recent years, UKR Shipping LLC has not given greater importance to keeping its
employees motivated, which generates a high turnover rate. The budget allocated in recent
years has been decreasing considerably, which has led to HRs not being able to carry out
adequate management compared to what was planned (Papa, et al., 2018).
 Within the Human Management model established in Shell Iraq, it is important to clarify the
projections that UKR Shipping LLC has in HRs, because although they carry out a rigorous
planning process, they do not have long-term projections in this area.
 The information provided by the performance evaluations is used specifically to establish
the training needs of each worker, but no action plans are generated that point to other topics
(Albrecht, et al., 2015).
 It is recommended that UKR Shipping LLC manage an inventory of personnel at least for
operational positions, which would allow a faster reaction to the personnel needs that arise
in the different areas. Although it is true that injecting new capital and covering the recent
professional market is an effective strategy for UKR Shipping LLC, it is possible to reduce

pg. 17
recruitment costs and obtain better response times by having personnel databases that have
already gone through certain selection stages (J.Tews & A.Noe, 2019).
 UKR Shipping LLC has not established any reaction mechanism in the face of possible
union influence in Middle East, which could generate major labor consequences if a
contingency plan is not in place. Internally, the possibility of the existence of a union is not
contemplated, which is why the existing conventions of Shell Iraq have not been analyzed
(Meyers, 2020).


a. Compensation- Discuss and explain how you will develop your strategy to retain employees
(research about total rewards and employee retention)

Reward systems - financial or not, are the main compensation for the labor provision of services for
others. They send out a powerful message about what UKR Shipping LLC wants and rewards,
about the behaviors and attitudes desired by UKR Shipping LLC, about the value of the individual
by it. It is up to the general management to make decisions about what the general compensation
policies will be: individual or group, fixed or variable, imposed by the management or agreed,
according to the capacity or according to the job, salary level with respect to the environment,
salary range, etc (Emmott, 2016).

Intrinsic reward, subsequently considered, is not controllable, notwithstanding, non-benefit

elements can utilize it to help cycles of self-choice and fascination of committed people for whom
inborn rewards are a significant wellspring of reward. Along these lines, it very well may be viewed
as that the rewards that these kinds of individuals need to share information will be connected with
their own singular educational experiences or with the quest for correspondence, or at least,
attempting to get others to share information that might be valuable to them (Martin, et al., 2014).
Additionally, by variables like self-improvement, functional independence, or assignment
achievement as opposed to monetary rewards. What's more, the sensation of ability won't further
develop characteristic reward except if it is joined via independence, that is to say, people should
encounter fearlessness or saw capability, yet should likewise feel that they will be they who choose
their way of behaving so inborn reward is kept up with or even improved (Narayanan, et al., 2019).

pg. 18
This features the extensive impact that characteristic reward applies on the transmission of
information, by working on the inclination of the person to impart their insight to different
individuals from UKR Transportation LLC, subsequently working with the educational
experiences, a perspective that results imperative when the capacity to learn quicker than
contenders might be the main manageable benefit. Outward reward is viewed as the arrangement of
financial rewards, either immediate - installment of pay rates, motivations, merit rewards - or
aberrant - time not worked, security programs, installments in kind, preparing - that, consequently
of his work, gets an individual (Jevana, 2017). This reward is important to get laborers to complete
assignments that are significant to UKR Transportation LLC. Workers are extraneously spurred
when they can fulfill their necessities in a roundabout way, particularly through money related
rewards. Given the circumstances, a more noteworthy accentuation on financial rewards will start to
draw in people who esteem material abundance more exceptionally cash is an objective that gives
fulfillment no matter what the actual movement. Albeit these hierarchical rewards may briefly boost
information sharing, they are not the essential thought process in forming worker information
sharing ways of behaving (Kaplan, et al., 2011).

Nonetheless, the writing is not consistent in regards to the adequacy of outward reward on the
transmission of information. Information transmission and extraneous reward proposes a positive
and huge connection between these factors, albeit the consequences of their review do not uphold
the impact of outward reward on information transmission. Outward rewards adversely affect the
singular's inclination to share information and that the normal hierarchical rewards don't altogether
impact the expectations and social mentalities that lead to information sharing (Korir & Kipkebut,

c. Training & Development Plan

Training plan for the employees (e.g., drivers and supervisors)

The importance of being competitive in a constantly innovative market at a global level, makes
organizations strive to link and retain the best human talent, which allows constant research studies,
to find strategies that allow continuous improvement within of its human talent management
processes. With the development of this work, it is sought through a pilot plan to implement a
model of competence in training and labor development in the area of operations of UKR Shipping

pg. 19
LLC, which allows generating actions to improve the findings found in the handling processes,
loading and unloading, collection and distribution of your customers' merchandise; This
competency-based training model will make it possible to demonstrate significant increases in the
effectiveness and success levels of UKR Shipping LLC, a nationally recognized organization, for
providing excellent service based on demand, perseverance and discipline in logistics solutions to
its customers (Martin, et al., 2014).

The results that are expected with the implementation of this project by the training area responsible
for providing the human talent of UKR Shipping LLC with the necessary tools in training and
learning, is organizational commitment, the continuous improvement in the performance of the
functions in the operations assistants, which allows the fulfillment of the objectives of the service
policy of UKR Shipping LLC (Christy, 2015). The objective of the training and development plan
for the firm is as followed,

 Implement a model of labour competencies in the training and development process of

personnel in the operations area of UKR Shipping LLC

Specific objectives

 Diagnose the current processes in the management of the handling of merchandise, in relation to
loading and unloading, the collection and distribution of the same in the area of operations of
UKR Shipping LLC.

 Implement research techniques that allow establishing findings in the processes implemented by
the operations area in UKR Shipping LLC.

 Develop and present methods of alternatives that allow evidence of the improvement of the
processes of loading and unloading, collection and distribution of merchandise by the area of
operations of UKR Shipping LLC.

 Apply management indicators that allow us to periodically measure the implementation of the
competency model in the process of training and labour development in the operations area of
UKR Shipping LLC.

pg. 20
One of the main challenges of UKR Shipping LLC is to continue providing an excellent service to
Shell Iraq and for this they must minimize the problems that it currently presents in relation to the
request for claims for breakdowns in the merchandise of its clients. This problem is caused by the
following aspects, inappropriate handling of the goods, errors in the loading and unloading
procedure, and a collection and distribution of the goods with shortcomings by the operation
assistants, these procedural errors have caused UKR Shipping LLC lost due to payment of claims
from its clients in the first half of the current year for a value of $74,669,805 (Martin, et al., 2014).

From this weakness that UKR Shipping LLC has, the need to turn it into an opportunity for
improvement is identified, for which the processes currently used by the operations area in its
procedures must be investigated, with the aim of generating training and job development
strategies. of each of its operation assistants in knowing how to be and knowing how to do; It is
noteworthy that the training process in companies allows to achieve transcendence of learning from
the assigned function to the personal degree, this tool will minimize the identified problem and in
turn will contribute to organizational growth (Jevana, 2017).

Performance appraisal program for every employee

Performance indicators by providing information on fundamental areas of action of public entities

such as efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and economy of resources, contribute to the achievement
of improved management and greater transparency of public action. Indeed, having a battery of
performance indicators linked to the strategic management of the institutions supports decision-
making on more certain bases, allows performance to be improved and the budget to be formulated
on more rational criteria, together with enabling accountability to the different interest groups.
Performance evaluation is the process by which the objectives to be carried out by the workers and
officials of UKR Shipping LLCs are planned, arranged, followed up and compared, corrected and
evaluated, to achieve success (Kaplan, et al., 2011).

Evaluation is the process by which the accomplishments of a person are verified, valued and
qualified within the framework of the functions and responsibilities of their work performance in
accordance with the previous conditions established in the stage of establishing labor commitments,
their contribution to the achievement of institutional goals and the generation of added value that
institutions must deliver. It is therefore recommended that before a decision is made regarding the

pg. 21
performance evaluation, the appraised person be given the opportunity to file reversal appeals with
his or her immediate superior and an appeal before the appraiser's superior instance, all the
foregoing seeking objectivity in the evaluation (Korir & Kipkebut, 2016).

These appeals can be filed by the appraised person within the five days following notification of the
appraisal. In the appeals filed, the reasons for the non-conformity of the rating granted will be
given, the immediate superior may support the evaluation or, failing that, support it, giving their
arguments. Once this process has been completed, the administration will make a decision on the
withdrawal of the evaluated person due to a deficient evaluation. It can be said that Performance
evaluation is a tool used to achieve compliance with the labor and behavioral objectives of
companies; This ensures the goals and the desired future or vision. Strategies for evaluating
performance should not only be a task for the personnel area, but also for all those who, in one way
or another, are responsible for meeting the strategic objectives (Narayanan, et al., 2019).

Health & Safety

Safety and health in the working environment, likewise called word related security and wellbeing
(OSH), is the " discipline managing the counteraction of business related wounds and sicknesses,
and the insurance and advancement of laborers' wellbeing", to work on working circumstances and
conditions to guarantee the upkeep of the security and strength of laborers during their work
movement, and to give pay if produces a business related injury. OSH is managed at global,
territorial and public levels. It does not have any significant bearing just to regularly risky positions,
like working at levels or with synthetics, yet to all working environments, including workplaces
(Christy, 2015). OSH regulations and guidelines additionally expect businesses to adjust work and
the working environment to the capacities of laborers considering their physical and psychological
wellness. OSH is viewed as a vital piece of the right to the pleasure in the most extensive level of
physical and psychological wellness (or, in less complex terms, "the right to wellbeing"), which is
confirmed in the UDHR, the ICESCR and numerous other global instruments of basic freedoms.
Furthermore, working in sound and safe circumstances is viewed as one of the really fundamental
determinants of wellbeing: that is, a fundamental condition for the powerful happiness regarding the
right to wellbeing (Boekhorst, 2015).

pg. 22
d. concludes this section – discuss and explain how the above HRM practices can improve
productivity, organizational profitability & improve employee relation and how it will
help UKR Shipping LLC to make good in their decision-making process for the

HR at UKR Shipping LLC faces multiple challenges in its work. The main challenge is to help
organizations improve their effectiveness and efficiency, through workers capable of reacting to any
contingency presented in their daily work. Other challenges are organized in the environment in
which organizations operate, the economy, market alternatives and official provisions, among
others. Any company must be prepared for the different economic and social crises that may arise in
the sector in which they operate, however, it is UKR Shipping LLC's option to turn this situation
into an opportunity to generate new business and venture into new markets. Employees must be
provided with adequate benefits and working conditions, as well as advice to deal with problems
and tensions that originate at work (Emmott, 2016).

The Human Management area cannot be dedicated solely to the selection and payment of personnel,
it must have professionals who establish good interpersonal relationships with workers and generate
trust within UKR Shipping LLC. Knowing how to listen is a key factor for HRs management, since
not everything is limited to salary and bonuses, you must have a real interest in the social and
personal situation of each worker and in this way make them feel part of UKR Shipping LLC. The
primary cycles of current human ability the board center around 6 viewpoints: in the confirmation
of individuals straightforwardly connected with enrollment and determination, in the utilization of
individuals (plan and execution assessment) in labor pay, in the advancement of individuals; in staff
maintenance (preparing, and so on) and in the observing of individuals in light of the executives
data frameworks and data sets (Meyers, 2020).

These processes are influenced by external and internal conditions of UKR Shipping LLC. The
development of people in an organization is not only related to the economic stability of UKR
Shipping LLC; There are factors that sometimes are not controllable and they are governed by
market conditions, which play an important role when evaluating management in the human area.
Among the most influential external factors in a company we can find changes in laws and
regulations, socio-economic conditions, skills, labor supply, culture, and logically unions (In the

pg. 23
sector). A change in the implementation of a law can generate advantages or disadvantages for
workers, and in turn affects the good or bad internal work environment. Within the internal
environmental influences that affect human management in a company, we can have UKR Shipping
Local mission, its vision, the objectives and strategies used, its own organizational culture, the
leadership style of senior managers, the nature of UKR Shipping LLC's activities, the level of
commitment of the workers, and logically the interrelation that exists between them (Brewster,


a. Discuss the importance of employee relation in an organization

For an association, efficiency is the issue it faces, and individuals are a basic piece of the
arrangement. Faculty the executive’s strategies, applied by both work force organization divisions
and line directors, significantly affect efficiency and execution. Even though monetary, hardware
and plant resources are fundamental assets for UKR Delivery LLC, workers - human ability - are of
incredibly impressive significance. Human ability gives the imaginative flash in any association.
Individuals are liable for planning and delivering labor and products, controlling quality, circulating
items, dispensing monetary assets, and laying out objectives and methodologies for UKR Delivery
LLC. Without productive individuals it is unimaginable for an association to accomplish its
objectives. The occupation of the head of human ability is to impact this connection between an
association and its workers (Bratton and Gold, 2017).

The bearing of human ability is a progression of choices about the relationship of workers that
impacts the viability of these associations. UKR Shipping LLC training programs are consolidated
in human management divided by departments. Training needs are established by each area
manager and sent to HRs for approval, who in turn sends the consolidated information to the parent
company for approval of the budget in this area. Each area is responsible for carrying out the
logistics for the development of employee training, and HRs monitors compliance dates and
possible future execution. Approximately 3 months after the training has been completed, an
evaluation of the effectiveness of the training is carried out in which the impact of the training on
the worker is verified (Boekhorst, 2015).

pg. 24
The fundamental person of HRM is featured, proposing a relationship between the three
subsystems: association, choice and improvement of staff, and the one framed by man and the
various collaborations that he lays out. Beginning from the assurance of the mission, the goals and
UKR Transportation Nearby and the board structure are characterized, which infers the plan of
positions via completing the examination and portrayal of the positions and occupations, in this
manner deciding the requests and prerequisites of the themselves and the qualities that specialists
should have. This will act as the reason for characterizing the wellsprings of enlistment, the choice
techniques and the staff preparing and advancement, what conditions the qualities of the faculty that
enters UKR Transportation LLC and the interrelationships that happen (Kaplan, et al., 2011).

Selecting does not imply choosing some by discriminating against others, but selection offers the
possibility of guiding and classifying people based on their potential, and contributing to the
training and development of candidates in the necessary man-work relationship. The ethical
problem is not in selecting, but in how the selection is made, which is based on the ethical behavior
of the process, on the policies, on the objectives, on the behavior of the people; this emphasizes the
need for principles to guide the selection process. Within the selection process, aspects such as the
level of the applicant's education, experience, skills for the position and ability to react to new
challenges. A person suitable for a position is not the one that represents the lowest cost for UKR
Shipping LLC, but the one that can generate added value for it, which is reflected in their level of
commitment to UKR Shipping LLC. The model establishes relationships between UKR Shipping
LLC and the worker, always seeking to obtain a high level of job satisfaction that allows increasing
the competitiveness not only of UKR Shipping LLC but of the people who work in it (Brewster,

b. Analytically discuss and include in your proposal how the above plan can impact HR
policy and improve decision making process in UKR Shipping LLC
The model implemented in Shell Iraq is a flexible model in which enhancing the skills of the
personnel is a key factor in the differentiation of UKR Shipping LLC. Although it is true that the
needs of the employees are taken into account when generating UKR Shipping LLC's planning, the
needs of UKR Shipping LLC prevail above the workers. Decisions are clearly made by
management; employees do not have decision-making power or influence in setting organizational
policies as suggested by Beer and his collaborators (Cheema & Javed, 2017).

pg. 25
Although UKR Shipping LLC has implemented a competency-based management model, which
influences the performance of workers in each area, its compensation system is not directly linked
to the results of this evaluation. The promotion is practically based on the performance and the
potential demonstrated by the employees and their additional incentives are based on the results
obtained by work area, not at the individual level.

The technological factor plays an important role in the development of UKR Shipping LLC, since
Shell Iraq seeks that the information is timely, optimal and communicated at all levels of UKR
Shipping LLC. It is always about being at the forefront of the technological advances established
for the Petroleum sector, and in the management area there is a standardization from the sending of
a letter to the request for training, which makes the processes more effective and effective (Martin,
et al., 2014).

There is no database or personnel inventory, which means that their selection processes are always
new. This allows UKR Shipping LLC to inject new, modern capital that has a different perspective
of the actions to be carried out for the improvement of UKR Shipping LLC, and in turn, generates a
new air in the work environment that Shell Iraq currently has (Boekhorst, 2015).

The perspective of learning and growth established by UKR Shipping LLC serves as a platform or
engine for UKR Shipping LLC's future performance and reflects its ability to adapt to new realities,
change and improve. These capabilities are based on the core competencies of the business, which
include the skills of its people, the use of technology as a driver of value, the availability of
strategic information that ensures timely decision-making, and the creation of a cultural climate of
its own for strengthen the transforming actions of the business (Meyers, 2020).

From the Human Management area, our training and education processes, selection, labor benefits,
among others, influence the fulfillment of these strategic objectives as it is the main source of
human capital whose level of skills constantly increases according to market requirements.
Innovation is part not only of the production processes but also of the management carried out on
the people and of the improvement projections that UKR Shipping LLC has in the systematization
of processes as common as hiring, turning it into a more efficient business model according to the
advances of the society (Emmott, 2016).

pg. 26

a. Job analysis – discuss and explain how you will conduct job analysis
It proposes a model of Human Capital Management based on the fact that UKR Shipping LLC
requires Human Capital in a certain quantity and quality, precisely, the Human Capital Management
allows to satisfy this demand, through the realization of a set of activities that begin with the
inventory of personnel and the evaluation of human potential. They assure that the traditional
conception of UKR Shipping LLC as a simple production organism has given way to a new
approach in which the productive economic factor is united to the human factor. In this way, UKR
Shipping LLC is no longer considered a mere productive unit, but is already spoken of as an
economic and social unit, or according to some authors, as a work community (Albrecht, et al.,

In this model, based on the strategic plan, the forecast of needs is carried out in interdependence
with a series of key HRs activities (job analysis and description; professional curves; promotion;
succession plans; training; climate and motivation; etc. ) developed through the knowledge of HR
available to UKR Shipping LLC. With these elements, an optimization of HR will be achieved, for
which constant monitoring is required, verifying the coincidence between the results obtained and
the demands of UKR Shipping LLC (Christy, 2015).

In addition to continuous monitoring, it is necessary to generate an evaluation of the management

carried out during the year, in which the correct alignment between UKR Shipping LLC's strategy
and the HRs policies that directly and indirectly affect worker productivity is evidenced. It is logical
to think that in an organization the strategy must be aligned with the human area has gone through
great changes throughout history, few companies have established a HRs department that focuses
on meeting UKR Shipping LLC's strategic objectives (Carter, et al., 2017).

The model is descriptive in nature, since it only shows the activities related to HRM to achieve its
optimization, but not its dynamics and operation. Although it is true that this model contemplates
key aspects of human management, it does not exactly detail its correct implementation, for which
reason the choice of tools for the model to be applied is left to UKR Shipping LLC's free will
(Blackman, et al., 2016 ).

pg. 27
b. Job description – create a sample of job description
Description for Driver


Driver Drive and drive the vehicle assigned to the Directorate as well as support
in the activities carried out
in the same.


Middle East None


Area director None




 Work instructions.
 Management and maintenance of the official vehicle.



 Personnel Performance Evaluation Certificate. Travel log.


 Driving the vehicle of rural communities to transport secondary and high school students.
 Check the levels of gasoline, oil, water, brake fluid, transmission and tires.
 Keep the vehicle in optimal cleaning conditions.

pg. 28
 Report any failure in a timely manner and manage the repair in the workshop.
 Prepare monthly activity report.
 Driving the vehicle of the Rural Development Directorate to deliver trades to Auxiliary
Authorities, work tours of the Directorate staff. tours with the President.

 Support the events held in the Rural Area of the Municipality.

 Keep assigned vehicle in good condition.
 Have the following documents
 License
 Circulation card
 Copy of vehicle insurance
 Maintain daily work schedule
 Carry out the activities that the director or immediate boss assigns to meet the objectives of the
 Implementation of the Quality Management system based on the ISO 9001-2008 Standard.




Minimum of 6 months in the public administration 6 months in the position


Core Competence

Transversal Competition
Technical competence

Management and application of Mechanics Techniques Management and operation of work

equipment Effective management of the truck
Apply the Regulation of the municipality of Colima Interpersonal relations

pg. 29


Job Description for Supervisor


Job title: Production supervisor

Area: Production
Department: Production
Report to: Production coordinator
Supervises: Production Assistants

Basic Function:
Operate, watch over and supervise the automatic logistics system for UKR Shipping LLC.

Specific responsibilities:

pg. 30
1. Automatic feeding programming and monitoring (system).
2. Coordination of maintenance and repair of automatic feeding equipment (suppliers - technical service).

3. Collect, interpret and communicate the progress of automatic feeding.

4. Control and monitoring of food surpluses in control feeders and equipment.
5. Follow-up and verification of the novelties of the balanced feed list (week).
6. Execution of power supply tests (schedules, frequency, environmental parameters).
7. Scheduled supervision of production processes: harvests, transfers and planting
(critical control points - assistants).
8. Monitoring of tasks and field personnel on site and by camera monitoring (optimization of resources and
9. Planning of activities with the assistants (regarding food, movement and
installation of equipment: feeders and/or aerators).
10. Balanced feed quality control at product reception (together with the Warehouse).
11. Inspection, collaboration and monitoring of records and production formats (PMA and INP).

General Responsibilities:
Comply with Internal Labour and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations of the

Comply with the internal policies, procedures and control standards of UKR Shipping LLC


Formal education: Graduated in Logistics (Graduated according to experience)

Experience: Minimum 1 years in the logistics and transportation system

Minimum age: 25 years
Availability of Tuesday to Saturday from 07:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (residing in the farm
weather: at 4


Perform calculations quickly and accurately.

Criteria for proposing possible solutions.

pg. 31
Great communication and teamwork skills.
Management of utilities: advanced Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.
Keep your knowledge updated on advances and innovations in aquaculture
Motorcycle driving (car optional)

Skills profile:
Integrity – Honesty – Professional Ethics 4
Organizational Commitment 4
Effective communication 4
Teamwork 4
Information planning and control 4
Methodical – Organized 4
Tools required for the position:

Hardware computer and accessories

utilities Windows, Word, Excel, Email, Internet
Others Office supplies

c. Job advertisement - create a sample job advertisement and explain where you will post
it (e.g., social media, company website, job portal, newspaper or any other medium
that you think)
Required Driver

AED1500 – AED2000

Full time

Work Lactam

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

pg. 32

 Category A1
 Respectful, friendly, with principles of responsibility
 Experience like the position
 Vocation of service


 Drive vehicles under optimal safety conditions and with current regulations and normality.
 Transfer the members according to their requirements.
 Review, verify and keep track of the general conditions of the vehicle.


 with all the benefits of law

 good deal

d. Critically discuss how the above HRM processes and practices can influence and
impact decision making in HRM
Predetermine UKR Shipping LLC's policy regarding the level of influence or participation that
employees, as an important interest group, have regarding decisions on: setting company/work
group/individual objectives, remuneration, conditions of work, safety and hygiene, task to perform
and how to do it, promotions, etc. In short, it is about defining the maximum desirable level of
participation and the ways to do so. General managers and personnel specialists must coordinate
their work to ensure that the personnel flows that are carried out (entries, exits, movements,
developments) correspond to the strategic needs of HRs of UKR Shipping LLC and of employees,
both in terms of quantity, quality and cost. This includes the criteria for recruitment and selection,
promotion, downsizing, training, job security, etc (Christy, 2015).

Managers must organize staff, information, activities, and technology. They must define and design
the work. The results of this policy will affect the contents of the jobs and the coordination between
functions and people. It states that HR policies and objectives are established based on the strategic
plan and the culture or philosophy of UKR Shipping LLC. In this way, the different HR activities
are integrated. This comprises a utilitarian model that shows HRM completely, where the goals of

pg. 33
UKR Delivery LLC are joined with the targets of the HR framework. It places correspondence as
the focal hub, advancing the development and improvement of HR, since to accomplish this fruitful
activity of the model, extraordinary ease in data and connections inside UKR Transportation LLC
and with the climate is required (Boekhorst, 2015).

pg. 34
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