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SUBJECT: Geography
DATE: October 10 - 12, 2022.
THEME: Spatial Thinking and Analysis: Maps, Photographs and Statistical Diagrams.
UNIT TOPIC: Interpreting Maps and Photographs
TOPIC: Cross Section

ATTAINMENT TARGET(S): Appreciate the importance of maps, photographs and statistical

diagrams to the study of Geography and their importance in everyday life.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Define a cross section in Geography after watching the video.

2. Describe an area of landscape through the reading of contours.

3. Sketch landforms after analysis of topographic maps.

4. Construct a cross section from simple topographic maps.

5. Show willingness to learn by actively engaging in class activities.


SUBJECT: Geography
UNIT TOPIC: Interpreting Maps and Photographs
TOPIC: Cross-Section

A cross-section is a sideway view or profile of the landform in an area. This view enables us to
see the shape and height of the land.
Since relief features on maps are represented by contours, it is not easy to visualize the feature
just by looking at the contour lines. A cross section brings the contours to life.

Click on the link below for a better understanding on drawing cross sections.

How to Draw a Cross-Section

You will need: a pencil, a ruler, a strip of paper.

1. Use a ruler to draw a straight line across scale (a good idea is to use the vertical

the center of the contour map. Make sure interval as your scale). The maximum

the line cuts across all contour lines. height needs to be at least your highest

2. Take a strip of paper and place it along contour.

the line on the contour map. Mark A on 6. Place the strip of paper along the x-axis

the paper at the start of the line and B at at the bottom of your graph. Line points

the end (See figure 1). A and B up with the vertical axes.

3. Where each contour line crosses the strip 7. Plot the heights marked on the piece of

of paper, make a mark on the paper at paper onto the graph.

the exact point and record the height 8. Using a pencil, draw a smooth line to

(See figure 1). connect the dots. This will give you a

4. On a graph leaf or a piece of paper, draw rough estimation of what the landscape

the horizontal axis of your graph exactly is like.

the same length as the A-B line. 9. Add a title to your graph.

5. Draw left vertical axes using a suitable

METHOD 1: On how to draw a cross section

METHOD 2: On how to draw a cross section

ACTIVITY 1: Draw a cross-section of the plateau along the line XY.
The graph is already created for you.

a. Draw a cross-section along the line AB.

b. In your cross section, place the letter X where the land is relatively flat.

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