Drama 7 Week 3 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan- Lesson # 6-7 / Total in Unit Duration of Class: 45 Minutes

Class: Drama 7 Unit: Scene Creation

Date: Sept 20/22
Task: Scene Creation
Learner Outcomes Plan for Diversity

To develop competency in communication skills through participation in Ensure games are

and exploration explained so
of various dramatic disciplines.
understands and
adjust based on
To acquire knowledge of self and others through participation in and student comfort
reflection on dramatic experience. and ability levels.
Ensure scene
To develop an appreciation for drama and theatre as a process and art creation is
form. adaptable and
clear for all

Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies and Attitudes Preliminary

Drama is a constant free flowing subject and students can learn new things in Needed(MN):
drama regardless of previous knowledge they just need to be willing to
participate and try. Rubric

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction At the start of the first-class Students will get in

students will be given an alphabetical order in a circle
explanation of what scene with instructors every day to
creation is and what its establish classroom routine.
purpose is in the course. Question of the day
Additionally, activities and Stretching
games will be explained as
the lessons progress.

Activity -Provide students with a -Students will play a variety

Sequence proper understanding of the of scene-based games to
fundamentals of what implement their newly
scenes entail i.e. (Location, acquired knowledge of
characters, relationships, scene work and what they
activities, conflict, resolution, have learned from Tableau.
etc.) (Sept 19). -Students will play games
such as story, story die
-Students will play a series (players are provided with a
of games preparing them to story title and genre from the
create scenes to give them audience, they must
an understanding of how to continue telling a cohesive
implement the above scene story even when switching
fundamentals into practice. between them in the middle
of a sentence or word, if
they fail, they are booed by
the audience and must die a
dramatic death, until only
one person remains and
ends the story), Taxi cab
(driver and passenger taken
on defined characters and
each taken on the mantal of
the new character that
comes in, i.e. driver
becomes first passenger,
both become next
passenger, etc.), Why are
you late? (one person takes
on the role of the boss who
asks the others why they are
late, the next two are
employees that come in to
tell wild and crazy reasons
why they are late, the next
person to come in is the
employee that must tell the
boss what the three did to
be late through seeing the
other two miming and doing
charades of what they did, if
they manage to succeed
everyone keeps their jobs
and if not everyone is fired),
and family portrait (the class
will be divided into groups
and must create
photographs together based
on provided prompts). (Sept

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

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