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“You’re my older sister,” you say, trying to deny the heat in your
loins as Irene stands nude in your doorway. “This is wrong .”
You flinch as Irene slams the door behind her, locking it. Though you
can’t see her directly, you can hear her approaching footsteps on the
carpet, see her shadow falling upon you as she blocks the overhead
light. Delicate fingers run through your hair, whispering over your
scalp, making you shiver with a mixture of nostalgia, comfort, and
“I know,” Irene whispers, leaning in so that her lips are inches from
your ear. Still you refuse to look at her. “It’s very, very wrong. That’s
why we can never tell anyone.”
Those delicate fingers stray over your earlobe, tracing the outline of
your jaw. Settling onto your chin, cupping it, turning your head so
that you look your older sister in the eye. More than ten years your
senior, Irene’s stern countenance has always managed to strike a
unique chord in your heart. It reminds you not only of childhood
summers, but of lover’s past, women that you chose to be with
because they reminded you of your big sister. A fact that you’d never
realized until right now.
You lock onto Irene’s eyes, mostly because you still can’t bring
yourself to look at her naked body. She’s smiling, displaying her cute
dimples and model-esque tear troughs. Her dark eyes are as difficult
to read as ever, but in the eighteen years you’ve known her, her
expressions have become familiar to you. This one is a mix of love
and… something else. Something that you’ve never been able to fully
recognize, something that you have a strong suspicion you’re about to
learn about.
“Why?” you ask, your mouth dry, your head a cluttered mess. “Why
me? Can’t you have anyone else in Korea?”
Irene’s smile broadens, and you feel her thumb running down the
center of your throat, making you swallow by reflex. The tips of her
fingers trace your sternum, and she lays her hand across your chest.
“I could. But do you know how quickly the media would take
advantage of that?” she asks, shaking her head, making you feel like
you’re seven years old again, and noona is scolding you for making a
stupid decision. “It’s better if I use someone close to me for this kind
of thing.”
“Use?” you ask in dismay, face heating up, sweat prickling at your
brow as you try to deny the heat between your legs. Your gaze wants
to stray downward, to behold your sister’s svelte, milky body, but you
can’t let it. So you shut your eyes tight instead. “Wh-why don’t you
get like, um, a sex toy or something instead? Why does it have to be
“ Because ,” Irene murmurs playfully, and you feel her brushing
against your nipples, making you suck in a sharp breath as electric
tingles spark across your nerves. “There are very few sex toys that can
come close to the warmth of real hands. Or the wetness of a real
tongue. Or the stiffness of a real cock .”
At that final word, your eyes fly open. Everything up until then had
felt like some kind of disconnected daydream, but hearing Irene
say that word, in that tone, brings reality crashing down upon you.
You can no longer deny that this is actually happening, and maybe
Irene realizes that too, because she detaches from you, stepping back
and placing her hands on her hips. And just like that, you’re staring at
your older sister as she displays her naked body for you.
For the first time, you see her not as your bossy older sister Bae Irene,
but as Bae Irene, the nation’s visual. You see the raw, feminine power
of her well-muscled body, and it erases all else from your mind. All
you can do is gawk at your beautiful sister, with her nipples the color
of warm chocolate and the shaved, unblemished crease between her
Irene smirks devilishly as she straddles you, as you feel her silky,
naked skin against your own. As she rubs her hot, bare loins against
your clothed cock. As she presses you in an embrace that puts your
face right between her supple breasts.
“So do you want to help me out?” she asks in a whisper so sweet and
soft that your hips buck against her in response.
“I… I shouldn’t,” you say, though you’re already grinding against
her, subtle but rhythmic undulations that she returns with vigor. “But
holy shit… I want to.”
Irene places a finger beneath your chin and tilts your head upward.
“Touch me.”
Without hesitation, you obey. Starting where your raging hormones
want to take you first: Irene’s thick, firm butt. You massage each
cheek in your hands, kneading them, spreading them from below,
making your sister moan in delight. Her hands clutch at the back of
your head, nails digging into your flesh. She pushes you forward onto
the bed so that you’re flat on your back, still clutching and groping
her ass even as she pins you down. You stretch your fingers
downward, just managing to get their tips to brush against the slick
end of her pussy. Irene shifts upward, allowing you to stroke her
folds, to ghost your fingertips over her puckered asshole.

In the back of your mind, you understand that what you’re doing is
completely messed up, but you can’t help yourself. It’s impossible to
deny how hot Irene is… how hot this whole situation is. And
technically speaking, you were just helping your big sister out.
There’s no way the media would even remotely believe a story like
this. Well, unless there were physical pictures of you two fucking.
Not that you wanted to fuck your sister, obviously. You just wanted to
help her relieve some sexual tension. For all you knew, she could just
want to ride your fingers until she cums. Maybe she wouldn’t let you
do anything to her at all. Maybe she’d just-
Your thoughts are cut short as Irene begins to remove your pants. She
does so with the usual commanding atmosphere she holds about her;
undoing the top button of your jeans, then impatiently patting your
thighs, urging you to lift your hips. You do so, allowing her to yank
the tight jeans down to your calves. To your horror, Irene brings your
underwear down as well, and you feel the sensation of your erect cock
slapping against your abdomen.
Appalled by how vulnerable you are - not to mention the fact that
your cock is on display right in front of your sister - you let your
hands fall to your sides, at a complete loss for what to do next.
“I’m not the only one who benefits from this,” Irene says, pulling
your jeans off of your feet, tossing your underwear aside so that
you’re naked from waist down. “We can both get off, you know? And
it’s so convenient . No one will suspect a thing.”
Irene doesn’t wait for an answer before shoving your legs open and
positioning herself between them. Crawling forward on the sheets,
splaying hands out on your legs, making you shiver with anticipation.
“So relax and let me take care of everything.” Irene whispers,
drumming against your skin, delivering chaste kisses to the insides of
your thighs. Kisses that transform into gentle brushes from her
tongue. You feel your breath quickening as you resist flinching away,
as the conflicting storm of morality and sexuality rage on within your
“Our parents won’t be home for hours. We practically have all day to
spend quality time with each other…”
Without further pretense, Irene wraps her hand around the base of
your shaft, guides your erect cock upward, and catches it with her
lips. You gasp not only from the sensation but from the image of her
stony gaze meeting your own as she begins sucking you off. Irene
starts by jerking you off into her mouth, sealing her lips around your
tip, her hollowed cheeks creating a vacuum, making your toes curl
from the sheer pressure on your cock. Her strokes are slow but hard,
her fingers pressing a tight ring around your shaft that’s so
pleasurable it’s almost painful. As you watch, her strokes become
shallower and her head moves further down, fingers replaced by lips
and tongue. Irene takes you further into her mouth, humming against
your cock as it vanishes down her throat. Soon there’s no room for
her hand anymore as your entire cock fills her throat, as you feel the
impossibly tense stress of your sister trying to fit you into such a
small space. She holds you there for a second, continuing to stare up
at you as tears sparkle at the corners of her eyes. Your hips thrust into
her of their own accord, but she doesn’t seem to mind, keeping your
cock in her throat for much longer than you expect her to be able to.
Another, louder gasp escapes your lips as she releases you, inhaling
deeply, strings of spit lingering on her mouth as she strokes you.
Instead of taking a break, Irene dips her head down, maintaining her
strokes as her tongue flicks against your balls. She then moves up,
dragging her tongue along the base of your shaft, up its length and
finally swirling around your swollen tip, where she spits directly onto
It’s sloppy and messy and probably the hottest thing you’ve ever been
a part of. Your older sister spits on your cock one more time, a
wicked smile playing on her lipstick-smeared lips, streaks of mascara
running from the corners of her eyes.
“There, I think that’s good,” she says, lifting herself up, letting your
soaked cock fall back to your stomach. You start to follow her, Irene
shoves you back with a firm palm on your chest. “No. Stay there and
hold your cock up for noona.”
Pursing your lips, you give a submissive nod and do as she says. Irene
tosses her hair to the side as she turns around, showing you the
striated, flexing muscles of her upper back. Naturally, however, your
eyes are glued to her ass. You’ve never noticed it before - aside from
stray pics and comments on the internet, which you tried your best to
ignore - but Irene’s butt is easily her best feature. It’s thick and firm,
so mesmerizing that you drop your cock even as she lowers herself
onto you.
“Ugh, fine, I’ll do it myself,” Irene says, and though you can’t see her
face, you know she’s rolling her eyes exaggeratedly. “Just spread my
cheeks, please. Can you at least do that?”
Swiftly, you oblige, unwilling to evoke the rage of your older sister
again. You spread both of her cheeks, revealing the pink slit between
her legs along with her puckered asshole just behind it.
“I-is that okay?”
Irene doesn’t answer as she takes hold of your still-soaking cock,
pointing it toward the glistening opening of her pussy, bending over
so that she can see what she’s doing. Her aim is impeccable. It only
takes a single try for her to slide you in, and the sensation is so
overwhelming that you release a grunt of exertion, fearing that you’re
about to cum right then and there.
“Wait, noona,” you say, a frenzied thought spiking through the
dreamy heaven scape of your brain. “What if I… um… finish inside
“I’m on birth control.” Irene pauses for less than half a second, still
sounding annoyed. “Now shut up and let me fuck you. Do you know
how long it’s been since I’ve gotten off with anyone besides the
You want to argue further, but you can’t, because Irene continues to
lower herself onto you. The inside of her pussy is somehow tighter
than her throat, her walls clenching and unclenching as she crams
inch after inch of your cock between them. You watch with an open
mouth and twitching hands, sucking in loud breaths and pushing out
heavy exhales as Irene takes your entire shaft into her pussy. In what
feels like an instant you’re balls deep in your big sister. She settles her
ass onto your thighs and you spread your hips further, allowing her
plenty of room to settle onto your cock.
There’s no gradual buildup, no slowly easing you or herself into it.
Right from the start, Irene is riding you as if it’s the last thing she’ll
ever do. Bent forward with her hands splayed out on your sheets, she
pumps her ass up and down, walls undulating rhythmically as she
does so, cheeks slapping loudly against your thighs. The sights and
sounds and sensations engulf you, turning you into a limp, mindless
mess. Her sweat-dappled ass ripples and jiggles from the sheer force
of her riding. The room is filled with her hums and barely-contained
moans, with the creaking protest of your bed frame, with a cacophony
of moist skin smacking moist skin. Your cock is on the verge of
bursting the entire time, and it’s all you can do to prevent yourself
from finishing too quickly. Seconds drag by in a combination of
carnal ecstasy and mental agony. It’s like a battle; you clench your
pelvis harder and harder as she rides you faster and faster, as her walls
practically constrict your shaft, as you’re forced to shut your eyes and
hold on for dear life as your big sister rides your cock.
Soon you’re afraid that you’re going to lose, that you’re going to
erupt within the next two seconds if Irene doesn’t slow down. You
desperately try to find your voice, but your throat is unfathomably
dry, your lungs unable to provide you with enough air to speak. Your
cock flexes, your hips thrusting deeper into Irene, every muscle in
your body quivering like a tightrope over a flaming pit.
Thankfully, it’s right then that your sister utters two blessed words:
“I’m cumming!”
Irene’s riding reaches its peak, her pussy clamping down on your
shaft. Her moans match your grunts as you cum at the same time. As
your entire world goes black, as you lose complete control of
yourself, digging your hands into the tender flesh of Irene’s ass,
pressing her against you. Cumming as deeply as you can inside your
sister. You can feel her body shaking, her pussy continuing to
constrict you as she rides out the orgasm. It’s her slowest pace yet, but
somehow the most satisfying. Especially when you see thick, pearly
white droplets beginning to leak out from her, smearing your shaft.
Irene keeps going until your balls are covered in your own semen,
until you feel like you’re about to completely lose consciousness.
Then she lifts herself off of your cock, letting the remainder of your
load pour out onto both you and your blankets beneath.
“Thanks, little brother,” Irene says nonchalantly, brushing hair from
her face as she steps off of the bed. “Let’s do this again sometime.
Oh, and you should probably clean your sheets before mom and dad
get home.”
Your head falls back on your pillow so fast that you don’t even see
her leave; you just hear the door shutting gently behind her. All
you’re left to do is lay flat on your bed with filthy sheets and a cum-
slathered cock. Panting heavily, wondering whether you should be
crying, laughing, screaming, or some combination of all three.

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