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Spiders in your Mind

how is he reacting to what’s happening?
I have seen Agnes’s affliction before, though never in adults.
The player should work with his Storyteller to create a
My sister Margaret was a normal child before the headaches.
pattern of provocations for his derangement, and then decide
Her speech slurred, hands grasping as if working a cow’s how his character reacts to such provocation. Derangements

udder. Father beat her to stop the twitching gasps. Margaret are a challenge to roleplay, without question, but a little time

loved the outdoors, but now she was not permitted lest and care can result in an experience that is dramatic for all

neighbors spy her affliction. Even Mother became frustrated at involved.

how Margaret insisted on sorting herbs into insensible

patterns. Mother was unsurprised when the fever took
Players can use Derangements to show a different side of the
Margaret, treating the shudders and rheum with cow bile,
character, or to show how their human side deals with itself
eggs, and nettle tea with milk. When the moon grows heavy, I during times of stress. If the character doesn’t succumb to

shall entreat Agnes to ply the kine with nettle rather than wine, frenzy, it can be an opportunity to reinforce those human

that blood may salve both body and soul. traits. Besides indicating how a vampire’s mind fractures

under the weight of ages, Storytellers can also use

— Matthias, childe of de Lille, childe of Agathodaimon, Derangements to emphasize the different parts of the

childe of Rayzeel vampiric experience: Dyscrasia is a purely material concern

(internally focused), whereas Divine Displeasure is a curse

from outside the character, dealing with the wider spirit

 world around the Cainite. Sins of the Soul deal with the

religious nature of the character’s unlife, a major force in the

Derangements are behaviors that are created when the mind
existence of many around the vampire.
is forced to confront intolerable or conflicting feelings, such

as overwhelming terror or profound guilt. When the mind is Much of the learned knowledge describing Derangements

faced with impressions or emotions that it cannot reconcile, in the Dark Ages derives from the work of the ancient

it attempts to ease the inner conflict by stimulating behavior Greeks, who held the result of a mind’s illness to be from

such as megalomania, bulimia, or hysteria to provide an organic causes, namely the deficit or surplus of humors

outlet for the tension and stress that the conflict generates. within the body. Muslim scholars of the era codify and

extrapolate from the Greek texts. Christian clergy, on the

Vampires or mortals receive derangements under
other hand, holds that Derangements stem from moral flaws
conditions of intense terror, guilt, or anxiety. If a player
in the individual, sins and vices cracking open the soul and
botches a Virtue or Willpower roll (for example, when

confronted with R ötschreck), the Storyteller may decide that allowing demons to nest within. No few animist cults, or

those descended from ancient religions, hold Derangements

the experience causes a derangement in the character. Other
to be supernatural in cause.
examples of derangement-inducing events include killing a

loved one while in a frenzy, being buried alive as part of a

Sabbat ritual, or seeing hundreds of years of careful

Bear in mind that a derangement is far more than a simple
scheming dashed in an instant of bad luck. Generally, any
mechanical penalty to a character - they are the scars left
experience that causes intense and unpleasant emotion or
after a character's struggle with the monster he has become.
thoroughly violates a character’s beliefs or ethics is severe
Derangements should have a significant impact on the
enough to cause a derangement. The Storyteller determines
character's development and behavior, and are excellent
which derangement a character receives, working with the
opportunities for intense roleplaying. Storytellers may wish to
player to choose (or create) one appropriate to the character’s
penalize players who neglect their derangements except
personality and the circumstances of the event that caused
when the rules absolutely state they must take some action by
the disorder.
withholding experience points. Derangements are rarely "on
It must be noted that people who are “crazy” are neither
and off " affairs; some degree of the character's emotional
funny nor arbitrary in their actions. Insanity is frightening to
erosion should come through in almost every action he takes.
those who are watching someone rage against unseen
Astute players and Storytellers will note that derangements
presences or hoard rotten meat to feed to the monsters that
tend to set the player up for further frenzies, botches and
live next door; even something as harmless-sounding as
ultimately, more derangements. Such is the nature of the
talking to an invisible rabbit can become disturbing to
Beast, ad such is the inexorable slide into damnation.
observers. The insane, however, are only responding to a

pattern known to them, stimuli that they perceive in their own

minds. To their skewed perceptions, what’s happening to

them is perfectly normal. Your vampire’s derangement is

there for a reason, whether he’s a Malkavian who resided at

Bedlam before his Embrace or a Ventrue pack member who

escaped from five months of torture at the hands of an

Inquisitor. What stimuli is his insanity inflicting on him, and

The level of a clan Discipline is higher than the other two

clan Disciplines together.

The level of a non-clan Discipline is higher than any clan

Derangements create challenges for the player to solve, but
they’re not intended to provide an impediment to play.
The character has multiple powers of the same level of the
Derangements are aspects of a character that frequently
impact their unlives negatively, and subsequently require
The character has reached her maximum potential in the
adjustments to their interactions to manage or avoid this
Discipline without reaching at least level 5 in another.
negative impact. Most Derangements lie somewhat dormant,
The character has botched uses of the Disciplines several
with their traits present in small mental and verbal traits or
times recently.
tics and only manifesting fully during periods of stress —
The character has repeatedly achieved phenomenal
generally, most stimuli that could potentially cause frenzy or
results (six or more successes) while using the Discipline
any stress that calls for a Self-Control or Instinct roll will
automatically trigger a Derangement. The player and
The character relies heavily on using the Discipline, even
Storyteller should agree on what stimuli triggers the
when it is not necessary.
Derangement for the character. Once the stress triggers the
The character has learned or advanced in the Discipline
Derangement, it remains in effect for the rest of the night. By
as a result of diablerie.
spending a Willpower point, a Cainite may experience a

single turn of lucidity, holding the Derangement at bay by Temporary Discipline derangements fade when the

sheer force of will. Each Derangement stipulates how it conditions that brought them about no longer apply, while

affects vampires; while mortals much the same way vampires permanent Discipline derangements are just that. They may

can, the actual mechanical effects are up to the Storyteller. eventually be overcome just as other derangements, but the

character cannot find a cure by simply refraining from the

use of the Discipline that brought on the derangement; it

Generic System lingers on.

The system effects of derangements vary from case

to case. They usually result from having botched a
Virtue roll or experienced a truly traumatic event.
When appropriate, the Storyteller can ask a Aside from the list below, many Mental, Social or

deranged character’s player to roll Self-Control or Supernatural Merits and Flaws could be used as inspiration
Instinct to resist a derangement overcoming the for "new" derangements. A merit could be reversed, while a 1-
character when presented with a relevant stimulus. pt flaw should be amplified. When doing so, of course, the
The difficulty ranges from 5 to 8 depending on bonus or penalty in freebie points is disregarded.
the power of the stimulus.
Most of these "new" derangements would probably fall into

one or more of the derangements described therein, but with

a definite or specific flavor that could make them more

 unique.

(Source: Player's Guide to High Clans.)

While a Cainite who possesses advanced levels of one or

more Disciplines might have incredible power at her disposal,

such power can (and often does) also begin to affect her

mentally. Just as some mortal lords become corrupt

and degenerate because of the power they wield

over their fellow humans, a Cainite might find her

sanity eroded by the powers of the Gifts of Caine.

When to afflict “Discipline Derangements” is ultima-

tely up to the Storyteller. Below is a list of conditions that

indicate that a Discipline derangement might develop. In

general, only characters who have a Discipline at level 6

or above are in danger of developing Discipline

derangements, but if the player and Storyteller agree,

such a derangement might come at earlier levels. If a

character fulfills three conditions, she is in serious

danger of receiving a temporary derangement.

Fulfilling five or more conditions might inflict a

permanent derangement. The derangements

appropriate to each Discipline are listed in their

own section.

Modern Derangements

Derangement Page Derangement Page Derangement Page

Aboulomania 12 Fantasy 6 Obsessive-Compulsive 9 / 14
Acute Sanguinary Aversion 12 Fits 7 Overcompensation 9
Alien Hand Syndrome 12 Fregoli's Delusion 13 Paranoia 9
Amnesia 5 Fugue 7 Pathohypochondria 13
Antisocial (Sociopathy) 5 Gluttony 7 Perfectionism 10
Avoidant 5 Habbakuk's Achronia 13 Phobia 10
Barklay's Complaint 12 Histrionic 7 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 10
Berserk 5 Hysteria 7 Power-Object Fixation 10
Bigorexia 12 Intellectualization 7 Quixotism 13
Bipolar Disorder
5 Jumping Frenchmen Disorder 13 Regression 10
Blood Sweat 5 Laudau-Kleffner Syndrome 13 Sanguinary Animism 10 / 15
Borderline 5 Leroi's Compulsion 13 Sanguine Personality Disorder 13
Bulimia 6 Lunacy 7 / 14 Self-Annihilation Impulse 11
Capgrass Syndrome 12 Macropsia/Micropsia 13 Schizoid 11
Catatonia 6 Masochism 7 Schizotypal 11
Cotard's Syndrome 12 Megalomania 8 Schizophrenia 11
Dependant 6 Melancholia 8 Stendahl Syndrome 13
Desensitization 6 Memory Lapses 8 Surgical Addiction 13
Dissociative Blood-Spending 6 Multiple Personalities 9 Synthesia 12
Drapetomania 12 Narcissistic 9 Truman's Syndrome 13
Face Blindness 13 Nyphomania/Satyriasis 9 Visions 12 / 15

Discipline Derangements

Derangement Page Derangement Page Derangement Page

Animal Personification 15 Disregard of Human Form 16 Plague's Bride's Contagion 16
Blood Fetishism 15 Empathic Blindness 16 Psychometric Repetition 16
Caise's Unreliability 16 Hyper-Evangelism 16 Telepathic Schizophrenia 16
Compulsive Invibility 15 Illusion Addiction 16 Thaumaturgical Glossolalia 16 / 18
Disdain of Weakness 15 Lack of Survival Instincts 16 Unconscious Influence 16
Dissociative Perceptions Syndrome 15 Novothesia 16 Unconscious Thought Reading 16
Disorientation 15

Dark Ages Derangements Tremere-Specific Derangements

Derangement Page Derangement Page

Cholerics 14 Hierarchical Sociology Disorder 18
Compulsion 9 / 14 Sanguinary Cryptophagy 18
Melancholics 14 Thaumaturgical Glossolalia 16 / 18
Phlegmatics 14
Ghoul-Specific Derangements
Sacred Disease (Epilepsia) 14
Derangement Page
Saint-Vitus's Dance (Sydenham's Chorea) 14
Animalistic Hysteria 19
Sanguinary Animism 10 / 15
Dependent Personality Disorder 20
Sanguines 14
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder 20
Visions 12 / 15
Severe Dysmenorrheic Psychosis 20
Voices 15
Sexual Dysfunction 20

perceives to be a transgressor) with blind rage.
 Berserk individuals are increasingly common among the

Sabbat; the blood lust and violence of the sect seems to breed
 this sort of madness. Additionally, a berserk manner often

paves the way to other derangements, as the uncontrollable

Amnesiac characters blot out some part of their past, perhaps
vampire finds himself ever more often in the thrall of the
a horrific incident (for example their Embrace) or even a
whole period in their lives. The reasons for this memory loss
Berserk Cainites suffer a +2 difficulty to their rolls to avoid
are almost always stress-related, though physical injury may
cause a similar effect. Amnesia usually affects just memory,

but in some cases, a character may forget some Abilities and

be unable to use them, or be surprised by his ability to do

certain things. (Amnesia can be represented by its Flaw.) 

 Bipolar individuals suffer from severe mood swings,

sometimes resulting from severe trauma or anxiety. Victims

This label might be considered a misnomer, as people with may be upbeat and confident one moment, then

antisocial personality disorder are not necessarily shy or uncontrollably lethargic and pessimistic the next.

reclusive, nor do they lack social skills as schizoids or Kindred with this derangement are constantly on a hair

avoidants do. Often times, the opposite is the case —— a trigger, never knowing when the next mood swing will strike.

person is very socially domineering, even aggressive. Whenever the vampire fails a task, the Storyteller has the

Antisocial personality disorder refers to a lack of compassion, option of secretly making a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) for the

empathy and superego/conscience. The person simply cannot character. If the character fails the roll, she lapses into

care about any being other than himself, and almost always depression. Additionally, the vampire will go into depression

places his own wants and needs above those of others. whenever one of her rolls is botched, or if her blood pool ever

People with this disorder casually lie, steal, cheat and exploit drops below 2. The Storyteller should roll a die to determine

— and a few even rape and kill. Most psychologists and law how many scenes the character remains depressed, keeping

enforcers consider this the “serial—killer disorder." Ted the number a secret.

Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and other notorious monsters are Vampires in a depressive state have their Willpower ratings
classic examples of offenders who, while legally sane and halved (minimum 1). In addition, the vampire may not access
capable of making moral distinctions, simply don’t care. her blood pool to raise Attributes. Upon emerging from the
Psychopathy is a severe form of this derangement. depressive state, the character is energetic, relentlessly

Most Cainites develop this dysfunction to some degree. upbeat and active (obsessively so) for a number of scenes

Indeed, it can be seen as the flagship disorder of Humanity proportionate to the time spent in depression. When a

loss. Sufferers may transition this condition into the Fugue vampire is in this manic state, the difficulty of all rolls to

derangement (Vampire, p. 224) as the worst of their resist frenzy is raised by one.

dismissal of others is blanked out, even routinely.

In rare cases, a vampire may become so nervous and agitated

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme that his state of mind affects his body. Much as a mortal may

social anxiety. Vampires with this condition often feel exhibit jumpiness and cold sweats, the vampire can become

inadequate. avoid social situations, and seek isolation in their likewise ill at ease. The "sweat" in the case of vampires,

nightly routines. They fear rejection and social humiliation, however, is composed of blood that works its way to the

often needlessly so. They prefer routine and exaggerate the Cainite's skin. Many other vampires find this particularly

potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize avoiding disturbing, as the sweat stains clothes and makes the

them. Some display an imaginative bent, creating fantasy vampire in question a horrid sight to look upon. Obviously,

worlds in which they are dominant, loved or triumphant. this causes a few uncomfortable situations in which mortals

Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn are involved as well.

for social relations yet feel unable to obtain them. They are A vampire with blood sweats excretes an additional blood
frequently depressed and have low self—confidence. point worth of vitae over the course of every night he rises

Vampires with this disorder typically have low Social from slumber. This blood is almost always very obvious,

Attributes and low Willpower. Uncontrolled. they can though by judiciously wiping his brow and changing clothes,

succumb to the Manic—Depression or Paranoia he may briefly appear "normal" before displaying beads of

derangements (see Vampire. pp. 223—224). collected blood-sweat again. Additionally, the character

should act twichy and unnerved.

The berserk individual has tremendous difficulty controlling
his feeling of anger and frustration. When confronted with Vampires with borderline personality suffer from mood

stressful situations, a berserk individual often loses control, instability and low self—image. Constant, sudden mood

lashing out against his transgressors (or whomever he swings and bouts of anger characterize sufferers of this

disability, particularly when frustrated. Borderline victims

sometimes takeout their anger on themselves, vampire gos through the motions of love and devotion like a

masochistically inflicting injury or even trying to kill distracted actor half-heartedly playing a part. She will still

themselves. They think in very blackvandhite terms and often throw herself in from of a car to save her "loved one", but she

form intense, conflict ridden relationships. will do so without so much as a word, a tear or a smile. When

Borderline Cainites might succumb to the Manic- she frenzies, she does so in a chillingly silent paroxysm of

Depression or Hysteria derangements (Vampire, p. 7.24). violence; when struck with the R ötschreck, she scuttles away
like a cockroach instinctively fleeing the light.

 Vampires with this derangements find it difficult to truly

believe in their own ideals, and so make all Humanity, Path,

Individuals with bulimia assuage their guilt and insecurity by
Conscience or Conviction rolls at +2 difficulty. They also
indulging in activities that comfort them — in this case,
suffer a one-die penalty to any Social dice pools that require
consuming food. A bulimic will eat tremendous amounts of
some show of emotion or warmth, and cannot purchase the
food when subjected to stress, then empty her stomach
Performance Ability at all.
through drastic measures so she can eat still more.

In the case of vampires with this derangement, the need to

feed is a means of relieving the fear and anxiety endemic to

the World of Darkness. A bulimic vampire may feed four or One of the less obvious derangements, this affliction inhibits

more times a night — gorging herself, burning the blood in a vampire's conscious control over his own vitae. Vampires

pointless (or not so pointless) activity, then starting the again. with this derangement have a tendency to unconsciously

A vampire with bulimia gets hungry much more quickly spend blood points to raise their Attributes at unusual and

than other vampires do. When feeding, a bulimic vampire inappropriate times - increasing their strength in the middle

must make a Conscience or Conviction roll (difficulty 7). If of a round of drinks, upping their reaction speed while trying

she fails the roll, she feeds until her blood pool is full, whether to compose a letter, and so on. These vampires have even

the vampire needs the extra blood or not. A vampire who is been known to spend blood points during the day while they

forcibly kept from feeding risks frenzy (make a frenzy roll, sleep, waking up even hungrier than usual and never

difficulty 6). The difficulty increases by one for every 15 knowing why.

minutes that she is prevented from drinking. If a character has this derangement, once per session the

Storyteller can rule that the vampire has just spent a blood

 point to raise a given Attribute, or that the vampire wakes up

an extra blood point low. The Storyteller is even within her

A character suffering from this derangement may withdraw
rights to tell the player that his character's missing a blood
from the world entirely at times of stress, remaining largely
point, without elaborating exactly when and where he spent
immobile and unresponsive. Due to the major limiting factors
the blood, or what for. After all, the vampire wouldn't know
on their actions, catatonia is not recommended as a player
where it went. Players are also welcome to roleplay this
derangement, of course (and it can be fun to start randomly

 spending blood in the middle of a tense scene, just to worry

the other players), but the Storyteller has final control over

Beings with dependent personality disorder are needy and making this derangement a drawback rather than a simple

helpless. Unlike beings with the Child Nature, they don’t quirk.

necessarily retain a sense of wonder or innocence. In fact, the

opposite is often true. People with this condition can't stand 
being alone or acting on their own. They cling to others and
Some characters cannot accept the real world, so they
fear losing them, often jumping from relationship to
transpose themselves into an illusory world instead. The
relationship, even abusive ones. They are overly sensitive to
scope and degree of this fantasy varies considerably. A
disapproval and may break down, even to the point of suicide
character may hold conversations with characters who aren’t
when faced with rejection. They let others make important
there, or hear “voices from the gods” commanding him to
decisions for them.
carry out a wide range of acts. He may also interact with
A Dependent Cainite may be particularly vulnerable to the
people and institutions of the Dark Medieval in an almost
Bulimia derangement (Vampire, p. 223).
normal manner but with their perception of events skewed by

 their fantasy. For example, a Cainite may regard himself as

Lancelot from the Arthurian legends, on a quest to slay a vile

The vampire with this affliction is a virtual emotional demon or rescue a fair princess. Such fantasies manifest as a

amputee. As a derangement, desensitization inhibits the quirky outlook, but they are rarely dangerous (unless the

vampire's ability to feel any sort of strong emotion whatsover, Cainite believes that he can walk about in the daylight…).

whether joy, sadness, anger or love. The afflicted just can't They can, however, adversely affect the character’s reaction to

make the appropriate neural connections (well, for want of a others, perhaps making them more likely to frenzy (“They are

better term). Mordred’s get, milord!”) or determined to carry out a mad

The power of Dominate of the blood bond can still hold a assault (“The grail lies this way!”)

vampire so afflicted in check, but even though such a

supernatural compulsion governs the vampire's actions, it has

less an effect on her psyche. Even when blood bound, the

 person the entire evening and pester her for every ounce of

attention. He might become sullen or leave in a huff if he

You suffer t errible fits in stressful situations. The form of the believes that someone has upstage him. If your Storyteller

fit varies with the situation, but it is always inappropriate. You allows this derangement, roleplay it as the emotional

might break into hysterical laughter at a funeral, wracking disorder it is rather than an excuse to be obnoxious.

sobs when you are trying to impress some bigshots with your

finesse, or epileptic seizures when it would be better to 

remain still. When you find yourself in a stressful situation
A person in the grip of hysteria is unable to control her
you become very nervous, always wondering when your curse
emotions, suffering severe mood swings and violent fits when
will overtake you and betray you for an uncontrolled fool.
subjected to stress or anxiety. Hysterical Kindred must make

 frenzy checks whenever subjected to stress or pressure. The

difficulties of these rolls are normally 6, increasing to 8 if the

Victims suffering from fugue experience “blackouts” and loss stress is sudden or especially severe. Additionally, any action

of memory. When subjected to stress, the individual begins a that results in a botch causes the vampire to frenzy

specific, rigid set of behaviors to remove the stressful automatically.

symptoms. This differs from multiple personalities, as the

individual in the grip of a fugue has no separate personality, 

but is on a form of “autopilot” similar to sleepwalking.
(Source: The Anarch State.)
Kindred suffering from this derangement require a
You have recoiled from the horror of your situation and
Willpower roll when subjected to extreme stress or pressure
protect yourself by feeling nothing. You insulate yourself in a
(difficulty 8). If the roll fails, the player must roleplay her
world of logic and intellectual vigor where emotions have no
character’s trancelike state; otherwise, control of the
place. By isolating your incompatible needs and thoughts into
character passes to the Storyteller for a number of scenes
separate compartments you avoid losing control. However,
determined by the roll of a die. During this period, the
the pressure inevitably mounts and the dam eventually
Storyteller may have the character act as she sees fit to
bursts. If you passion and emotion are thrust upon you during
remove the source of the stress. At the end of the fugue, the
a stressful situation, you may frenzy. This frenzy may last for
character “regains consciousness” with no memory of her
some time depending on how long it's been since you last "let
off steam".

 
Gluttonous vampires have difficulty taking their sustenance
This madness comes and goes, linked to the cycle of the
in moderation. To the mind of the gluttonous Cainite, why
moon. When the moon is full, the character is manic and
stop when one is merely sated? Why not drink in the heady
delirious, while at the time of the new moon, he may be
vitae until one is full as a bloated tick? This derangement is
reserved and melancholic. At other times, he may appear
particularly common among elder vampires, who have
normal and unaffected. His ability to resist frenzy and

ötschreck varies accordingly, increasing and decreasing by

indulged their vices for so long they lack the ability to control
their hunger.
a point to reflect his mood.
Vampires suffering from gluttony must spend a point of

Willpower when they wish to stop feeding from a vessel,

unless they have reached their maximum blood pool capacity.

Also, a gluttonous character automatically frenzies when A person with this derangement closely associates pain with

confronted with the sight, smell or taste of blood when pleasure. In vampires, who no longer enjoy sex in its own

hungry (at 3 blood pool or less). right, masochism tends to be linked to the pleasure received

by drinking blood or receiving the Kiss. Masochism is usually

 linked to deep feelings of shame, and masochistic vampires

have a tendency to be repulsed by the actual process of

Some ghouls sublimate their urge to escape or believe that
feeding from mortals. They are only fulfilled when they're
their new powers entitle them to a certain amount of
suffering, presumably as some sort of penance for the
attention. Ghouls who develop histrionics must be center
pleasure they feel when feeding.
stage is all situations. They affect extreme but shallow
Vampires with this derangement begin to have difficulty
emotions or behave and dress provocatively. Each scene, a
operating when they become wounded. Once a masochistic
histronic ghoul must spend a point of Willpower to avoid
vampire drops below the Bruised health level, he must make
seeking the spotlight.
a Willpower roll, difficulty 6; failure indicates that he takes no
Player beware: this derangement isn't a license to hog
action next turn, instead delighting in the sensation of pain.
energy scene, then write it off as roleplaying. Histronics are
Furthermore, the masochist must make a Self-Control roll,
hypersensitive to the opinions of others, not oblivious to the
difficulty 8, in order to use blood points to heal himself, no
glares of the crowd as they enact some slapstick melodrama.
matter how terrible his injuries.
Histronic cases are pathetic, and most people recognize them

as such the first time they flash their shit-eating grins or

refuse to leave the stage. A histronic might latch onto one

 normal value, round up) and they have difficulty becoming

motivated. These depressive periods often follow failure of a

Individuals with this derangement are obsessed with particular action, though they may also result from hunger (a

accumulating power and wealth, salving their insecurities by blood pool of one-quarter or less) or psychological factors.

becoming the most potent individuals in their environment.

Such individuals are invariably arrogant and supremely sure 

of their abilities, convinced of their own inherent superiority.
This derangement isn't like amnesia in the classic sense. It's
The means of achieving their status can take many forms,
not that a portion of the vampire's memories has been
from devious conspiracies to outright brutality. Any individual
permanently blocked off - it's that the vampire tends to lose
of equal or higher status than the victim is perceived to be
random portions of her memory at inopportune times. The
memories fade in and out, and can return as quickly as within
Kindred with this derangement constantly struggle to rise
a few minutes, or they might not come back for decades.
to the height of power and influence, by whatever means
At least once per scene, the vampire suffering from
necessary. In a megalomaniac’s view, there are only two
memory lapses will forget something relevant for a time. This
classes of people: those who are weaker, and those who do
might be as simple as forgetting where she left her keys
not deserve the power they have and must be made weaker.
(which can be a real problem when you're locked out of your
This belief extends to everyone around the vampire,
haven and the eastern sky's getting brighter), or as
including members of her own coterie. This derangement
complicated as forgetting an entire Ability - and even the
lends an extra die to all of the victim’s Willpower rolls, due to
knowledge that she once had that skill. ("Why are you looking
her towering sense of superiority.
at me like that? I've never touched a keyboard before in my
If a megalomaniacal vampire is presented with a realistic
chance to diablerize a more potent Kindred, she will be sorely
Since this derangement requires particular attention from
tempted. A Willpower roll (difficulty 9) is needed for the
the Storyteller, players should double-check that it's okay to
vampire to avoid taking “what is rightfully hers.”
that this for a character. Yes the player can ad lib minor

 memory lapses as they come along, but sooner or later the

lapse has to get more serious. It can be hard to determine

Cainites with this derangement frequently slip into deep just when forgetting how to use a gun will be dramatically

depression, losing interest in their normal activities and appropriate, and when it'll make the other players organize

becoming withdrawn. When suffering from melancholia, the an impromptu lynch mob. Storyteller discretion is

vampire’s Willpower rating is greatly reduced (half the particularly advised.

 A character afflicted with this derangement is always "on the

prowl" and should attempt to consummates as many

Also called Dissociative Identity Disorder, the trauma that relationships as he can, according to his orientation (which

spawns this derangement fractures the victim’s personality may well change over the course of the chronicle). This

into one or more additional personas, allowing the victim to derangement has no mechanical effect; it is included as a

deny her trauma or any actions the trauma causes by placing curious condition rather than a dice-governed system.

the blame on “someone else.” Each personality is created to

respond to certain emotional stimuli — an abused person 

might develop a tough-as-nails survivor personality, create a
The trauma, guilt, or inner conflict that causes this
“protector,” or even become a murderer in order to deny the
derangement forces the individual to focus nearly all of her
abuse she is suffering. In most cases none of the
attention and energy onto a single repetitive behavior or
personalities is aware of the others, and they come and go
action. Obsession relates to an individual’s desire to control
through the victim’s mind in response to specific situations or
her environment — keeping clean, keeping an area quiet and
peaceful, or keeping undesirable individuals from an area, for
When a vampire suffers this derangement, the Storyteller
example. A compulsion is an action or set of actions that an
and the player must agree upon how many and what kind of
individual is driven to perform to soothe her anxieties: for
personalities develop, and the situations that trigger their
example, placing objects in an exact order, or feeding from a
dominance in the victim. Each personality should be relevant
mortal in a precise, ritualistic fashion.
to the trauma that causes it. Not only is each personality
Vampires with an obsessive-compulsive derangement must
distinct, but in the case of Kindred, the different personalities
determine a set of specific actions or behaviors, as described
might believe themselves to be from different Clans and sires.
above, and follow them to the exclusion of all else. The effects
Kindred with multiple personalities can manifest different
of obsessive-compulsive behavior can be negated for the
Abilities and even Virtues for each of their personalities, but
course of one scene by spending a temporary Willpower
it is the Storyteller’s responsibility to determine the specific
point. The difficulty of any attempt to coerce or Dominate a
vampire into ceasing her behavior is raised by one. If a

 vampire is forcibly prevented from adhering to her

derangement, she automatically frenzies.

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-

centeredness. As with histrionic disorder, people with this 

condition seek attention and praise. They grossly exaggerate
An overcompensating character attempts to make up for a
and distort their accomplishments, expecting others to
flaw in her character (real or perceived) by stressing another
acknowledge them as superior. They tend to be choosy about
aspect of her personality. This limits her actions and skews
picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is
her perceptions of the world. She may take a “holier than
worthy of them. They tend to make good fist impressions, yet
thou” attitude toward others, lecturing them about their
have difficulty maintaining long—lasting relationships. They
shortcomings, constantly attempting to take the moral high
are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may
ground. If the character’s own flaws are revealed, the
take advantage of them.
embarrassment would be acute and her reaction
A narcissistic vampire is a prime candidate to end up with
the Megalomania derangement (Vampire, p. 223).

The victim of paranoia believes that her misery and insecurity
A notable few vampires have subconsciously denied their
stem from external persecution and hostility. Paranoid
undead state, and find themselves "sexually" attracted to
individuals obsess about their persecution complexes, often
mortals, other vampires (and, in particularly severe cases,
creating vast and intricate conspiracy theories to explain who
other paramours). Of course, as vampires lack the ability to
is tormenting them and why. Anyone or anything perceived to
procreate due to their undead status, any couplings they may
be “one of them” is often subjected to violence.
achieve are inevitably frustrating and fruitless.
Kindred who suffer from paranoia have difficulty with
Such limitations do not hinder the efforts of those who
social interaction; the difficulties of all dice rolls involving
suffer from this derangement, however, and they pursue the
interaction are increased by one. They are distrustful and
carnal act with every ounce of their being. By spending a
suspicious of everyone, even their own blood-bound progeny.
blood point, the vampire may "function" and even bring a
The slightest hint of suspicious behavior is enough to provoke
partner to climax, provided they're not dead, too. Vampires
a frenzy roll, with the difficulty relative to the degree of the
under the influence of this derangement often sink into ever
behavior. This paranoia may even extend to complex and
more depraved activity, hoping to somehow stimulate the
rigorous feeding practices, to keep “them” from
pleasures they have been denied. Indeed, outside of "normal"
contaminating the vampire’s food supply.
hetero- ans homosexual affairs, these vampires may indulge

in bestiality, pedophilia, rape and all manner of other vile


 This derangement sometimes spawns other related

derangements over time. The fixated person may, for

Perfectionists seek to control every aspect of their unlives, instance, develop multiple personalities related to the object -

often following a rigid set of rules intended to ensure that the aforementioned abuse victim might develop a bullying

everything “runs to plan.” All their efforts are directed to personality much like her abusive father's, and so on.

ensuring that things happen as intended, and if they don’t, the

perfectionists become agitated, possibly even entering frenzy. 

 Characters suffering from regression also have difficulty

accepting the real world. However, rather than retreating into

You have a deep-seated fear of something. Whatever it is, you a fantasy environment, they retreat into a more simplistic

dream of it at night, waking to soaked sheets and your own mentality, often that of a child. Such characters are usually

choked screams of terror. Nothing is more horrible than heavily dependent on others, both for tasks and decision-

being confronted with the object of your fear. You will go to ï

making. They are frequently na ve, which may be a boon or a

almost any lengths to avoid this kind of confrontation. You curse depending on the circumstances. This refuge of youth

know it is always possible for you to find yourself in a may be permanent, or it may kick in as a result of stress.

nightmare from which you can not escape, because you are Some characters retreat even further when placed under

already awake. great pressure, their mental faculties completely shutting

down and leaving them to operate on instinct alone. These

 episodes result in blackouts and periods of memory loss that

may be roleplayed, with the character acting on instinct

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) arises in response to
subject to a predetermined set of guidelines, or abstracted,
severe trauma such as combat, rape or servitude to a
with the character coming to her senses with no recollection
Tzimisce. A ghoul who has been the subject of his master's
of the last few minutes/ hours/ days.
latest experiment with superdermal bone art or witnessed his
Vampires with this derangement are at a permanent +2
hungry master devour his mortal family might develop this
difficulty on Self-Control/Instinct rolls; children have very
derangement. PTSD can even afflict vampires, perhaps those
little sense of discipline for the sake of discipline, and aren't
who survived a Lupine attack or awoke one night to gfind
sufficiently self-aware to master their own Beasts. The
their havens on fire.
regressive is no different.
Symptoms manifest as recurrent, debilitating flashbacks
(Storyteller beware: This derangement, improperly used,
and extreme avoidance of situations likely to recreate the
leads to Malkvavians who are cute rather than creepy; you
initial trauma. The player of a ghoul or Cainite afflicted with
know the type. The ones with teddy bears and bunny slippers.
PTSD must spend a point of Willpower for her character to
When properly used, a regressive should be terrifying - a
enter such situations. If compelled by a blood bond or other
supernaturally powerful creature with no real sense of right
forms of control, the sufferer's player cannot spend Willpower
or wrong - so feel free to crack down on players who tend to
to gain automatic successes on any rolls, and all of the
play this derangement more for laughts than for horror
character's dice pools are halved (rounded down). In any
circumstances, botched Willpower rolls or other stimuli

deemed appropriate by the Storyteller induce flashbacks of

the traumatic episode with the same penalties described

above. Ghouls laboring under this disorder are typically This derangement is unique to the Kindred, a response to

disposed on by their domitors. Clan Tzimisce requires vampires’ deep-seated guilt regarding the act of feeding on

servants made of sterner stuff. the blood of mortals. Kindred with this derangement believe

that they do not merely consume victims’ blood, but their

 souls as well, which are then made a part of the vampire’s

consciousness. In the hours after feeding, the vampire hears

The vampire afflicted with this derangement has invested
the voice of her victim inside her head and feels a tirade of
much of her self-confidence in an external object, to the point
“memories” from the victim’s mind — all created by the
where she believes she cannot function properly without its
vampire’s subconscious. In extreme cases, this sense of
presence. Such a derangement is often linked to some past
possession can drive a Kindred to carry out actions on behalf
trauma in which the object in question played a major role -
of her victims. Diablerie would be particularly unwise for an
although not always in the obvious way. For instance, a victim
animist. Whenever a vampire with this derangement feeds on
might fixate on his dead fianc ée's engagement ring if holding
a mortal, a Willpower roll is needed (difficulty 6, or 9 if she
his fiancée's hand was his only source of comfort during hard
drains the mortal to the point of death). If the roll succeeds,
years, but another individual might focus on the belt her
she is tormented by the “memories” of the person whose soul
father beat her with as he source of strength.
she has partially consumed, but is still able to function
Victims of this fixation lose two dice from all their dice
normally. If the roll fails, then the images in her mind are so
pools if somehow separated from their object of focus. It is
strong that it is akin to having a second personality inside her,
hard to hide this fixation from careful observers; in time of
an angry and reproachful personality that seeks to cause
stress, the vampire must make a Willpower roll to avoid
harm to the vampire and her associates.
cradling the object to her torso, rubbing it obsessively or

otherwise physically comforting herself with its presence.

The player must roleplay this state as if the mind of her contact. Their social skills are often weak and they do not

victim in control. During the moments just before dawn, show a need for attention or acceptance. They are perceived

control reverts to the vampire. as humorless and distant and often are termed “loners.”

A schizoid Cainite who pulls too far away from reality may

 develop Fugue, Schizophrenia or Multiple Personality

derangements (see Vampire. pp. 222-224).

This derangement is more common among older vampires,

although there's nothing stopping a neonate from acquiring

the affliction. The afflicted vampire feels a deep sense of

revulsion for his flesh, and is literally terrified of the thought Schizotypal personality disorder might be a lesser form of

of "living" forever, or of continuing to exist inside a cold, dead schizophrenia (see Vampire, p. 222). While not as severe as a

shell. This revulsion is entirely unconscious, however; on a derangement, this condition is characterized by odd forms of

conscious level, the vampire is wholly unaware of his "death thinking and perceiving. Individuals often seek isolation from

wish," though he may demonstrate a morbid streak. others, have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time,

Whenever the character is confronted with more-or-less and engage in “conspiracy theory" behavior. Their speech

direct evidence of his immortality - such as visiting the patterns are convoluted, sometimes nearly nonsensical, with

churchyard where is mortal daughter is buried, or watching a a free association style of thoughts juxtaposed. Schizotypal

ghoul die - he must make an immediate Willpower roll, or speech is not as incoherent as schizophrenic “word salad,"

begin to undertake some sort of potentially deadly behavior. but jarring nonetheless.

This behavior might be as direct as storming into Elysium

and giving the Prince a piece of his mind, or it might be more 
subtle, such as breaching the Mascarade by talking to a
Conflicting, unresolveable sets of feelings and impulses can
cause a victim to develop schizophrenia, which manifests as a
In any event, the pursuit of self-destruction is not a
withdrawal from reality, violent changes in behavior, and
conscious decision, and it's not open for debate. The
hallucinations. Roleplaying this derangement requires careful
character will doggedly go about his "chosen" task until it's
thought, because the player must determine a general set of
completed, resisting any attempts to talk him out of it. He may
behaviors relevant to the trauma that caused the
even consciously believe that the actions he's undertaking are
derangement. The hallucinations, bizarre behavior, and
perfectly safe. The compulsive behavior lasts only for a scene
unseen voices stem from a terrible inner conflict that the
or so; however, depending on the nature of the threats he's
individual cannot resolve. The player needs to establish a
called down on himself, the consequences can last quite a bit
firm idea of what that conflict is and then rationalize what
kind of behavior this conflict will cause.

 Kindred with this derangement are unpredictable and

dangerous. In situations that trigger a vampire’s inner

Characters with schizoid personality disorder not only have a conflict, the difficulties of all rolls to resist or direct frenzy

difficult time with interaction, they prefer it that way. They increase by three, and the vampire loses three dice from all

genuinely choose to be alone and do not secretly wish for Willpower rolls.

popularity. They tend to seek jobs that require little social

 
This derangement has little to do with logic and more with (Source: The Anarch State).

sensory interpretation. The afflicted vampire's sensory input This derangement, unique to the undead, involves a

is somewhat "scrambled"; although he's still capable of persistent fear that any source of vitae is dangerous.

receiving sensory information, the information each sense Explainations vary - some vampires fear drugged or

provides is processed in terms of a different sense. In short, contaminated blood, the wrath of God or the presence of a

the synesthetic "hears" colors, "smells" textures, "tastes" blood-borne Antediluvian. Regardless, unless the vampire is

sounds and the like, and is hard-pressed to this of such frenzied, the player must succeed on a Willpower roll (diff 8)

stimuli in any other fashion. each time he feeds. Willpower cannot be spent on this roll,

Although the synesthetic is presumably accustomed to the and a botch indicates that the vampire is so revolted by the

unusual sensory input, his real problem lies in prospect of feeding that he vomits up half his blood pool.

communicating what he senses to others. A character so Acute sanguinary aversion usually leads to a starve-and-

afflicted has difficulty expressing concepts as simple as "cut frenzy pattern, with the vampire avoiding feeding until he

the red wire" - he's much more likely to say "cut the loses control. Instead, the vampire might develop highly

sandpapery wire" or something similar - and even has similar ritualized feeding methods that involve obsession with

difficulties comprehending speech from others. Since the repeated, largely arbitrary behaviors that must be observed

associations vary from individual to individual, there's not before the Kiss is performed on a particular source of vitae.

even any guarantee that another synesthetic would be able to He might read a passage from the Book of Nod before

understand the vampire. feeding or drink blood only from a particular individual.

Apart from the aforementioned difficulties in daily In any case, if the feeding results in a Conscience or

communication, the synesthetic receives +2 difficulty to any Conviction roll, increase the difficulty by one.

Expression and Performance rolls that don't involve creating

purely surreal art, poetry or the like. The synesthetic may 
spend a Willpower point to correlate her sensory input in a
One of your arms acts with a mind and personality
"normal" fashion for a turn - or rather, at least to be able to
completely separate from your own.
communicate "normally" in terms of colors, textures, smells,

tastes, temperature or sound. The character would still hear a

ringing noise and think of it as a spicy smell, for instance -

he's just able to focus enough to associate that spicy smell he Related to Truman’s Syndrome, Barklay’s Complaint is a

hears with what other people call "ringing." relentless detachment rooted in the persistent belief that

nothing is ‘real’ and therefore of value, permanence or

 consequence. Sufferer’s from this delusional complex often

state about how every person they meet is ‘just so many

This derangement leads sufferers to believe that they are
plastic dolls’ or ‘bundles of twigs’. It is a chronic inability to
granted an insight into the divine through visions, trances
recognize the sincerity or authenticity of all that one
and other ecstatic states. During these spells, they may be
catatonic, in a trance-like state or rave uncontrollably. Their

ability to recall details of the visions is similarly varied,

sometimes recalling precise details while having only the

vaguest recollections of others. Some details may not In some ways the opposite of anorexia, bigorexia is a disorder

resurface until days after the revelation, emerging in of compulsive exercise and body building. The afflicted

response to some external stimulus. becomes obsessed with gaining muscle mass and becoming

These visions may be products of an overactive as strong as possible.

imagination, or they could, at the Storyteller’s discretion and

very rarely, reflect a real insight into the unknown. 

You continuously believe that other people around you are

imposters, pretending to be the person that they replaced.

You're never really sure if somebody is who they claim to be.

(Source: by u/LeRoienJaune, on r/WhiteWolfRPG, except as

 You are dead. Quite dead. And you're a ghost, walking around.

This is the afterlife. Nobody can see you. Only other dead
Periodic crippling attacks of paralyzing indecision. Not over
people can see you.
major decisions - aboulomania is suddenly being paralyzed

for hours over whether to ask for a side of fries or a side of

onion rings
A sudden overwhelming compulsion to flee your

surroundings and set up a new life and new identity


 must make lists, indexes, tables. You develop graphs and

charts for everything. Your haven is cluttered with tables and

You are utterly incapable of recognizing other people, or their non-sensensical case studies, statistical analyses, and

body language. Everybody looks the same to you - they've all algorithms. Only you have managed to identify the correlation

got two arms, two legs, two eyes. The ugliest Nosferatu and between Tremere regent feeding cycles and federal reserve

the most beautiful Toreador are equally indistinct and quantitative easing.

unremarkable to your perception. A person with Face

Blindness continuously has to ask people to wear name tags, 

because they can't tell anyone apart.
Also known as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, a visual

’ neurodisorder in which the sufferer continuously

misperceives visual data. Thus, other persons and objects

The opposite of Capgrass syndrome: you believe that multiple seem to shrink or grow randomly. One also perceives their

people are really just one person, in disguise. A person with own limbs to grow and shrink.

Fregoli’s Delusion often mistakes and reacts to strangers as if

they were people that they already knew. 

 A misguided and delusional expression of Narcissism that

manifests as a continuous under-estimation of the

A supernatural mental disorder, wherein your memory competence and benignity of others. A patient suffering

happens in reverse to the normal time flow. You remember pathoheterodoxy believes the world to be populated by

tomorrow like it was yesterday, but have no knowledge of the bumbling venal idiots. It’s a compulsive expectation of the

past, because it has yet to occur to you. It's amnesia, but you worst behavior of others, and an inability to recognize the

model it by maxing out all pre-cognitive/fortune telling merits. potential of other people.

For advanced players only.

 A continuous anxiety disorder that one is developing new

Your anxiety and stress expresses itself in sudden burst of mental illnesses and psychological disorders. At any given

intense physical action. You climb walls and you don't know time, a psychohypochondriac is a bipolar schizophrenic

why. You take off sprinting for no reason. Sometimes, you epileptic with megalomania, or something else like that.

hurtle yourself through a window, just because.

 There are no mortals or mundanes. Everybody and

A neurolinguistic disorder affecting syntactic structures. everything is a supernatural creature. Everybody is a part of

Think of it as verbal dyslexia, or Yoda's disease. You still some greater conspiracy.

understand individual words, but you continuously confuse

word order and tense without grammar or syntax. 

 Blend together Schizoid with Sanguinary Animism. Your

character assumes the personality and identity of whoever

You must quantify, and classify, and organize. A taxonomical they fed on most recently. Not necessarily what the victim

expression of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, wherein you was actually like, but what you subconsciously believed/

assumed them to be like.

Formerly known as Lizstomania, Stendahl Syndrome

involves hysterical reactions to the works of a particular

artists or musician.

The character is addicted to body modification and the

surgical process, possibly doing so without anaesthesia.

Their dysmorphia causes them to continuously pursue new

forms and body shapes.

You believe that you are the star of a TV show, and everything

around you is a set, and everybody you meet are actors. The

world is controlled by the directors, whom you will never


 
Commonly associated with Serpentis, the vampire finds
 himself more comfortable in another form than the one

resembling his mortal days. If suggested that they transform

Commonly associated with Animalism, the vampire comes to
back, they have to check Frenzy.
treat animals like humans, believing that they can understand

him and expecting them to answer.

 Commonly associated with Dominate, the vampire cannot

understand why anyone would not heed his commands or

Commonly associated with Quietus, the vampire suffers an
else disagree with him, similar to sociopathy.
unhealthy fascination with blood. They cut themselves just to

see the blood flow, feed slow to savour the taste, and perform

other disturbing acts.

Commonly associated with Chimerstry, the vampire becomes
 so enamored with his own creations that they completely lose

sight of the real world, instead surrounding themselves with

Commonly associated with Obfuscate, the vampire has been
pleasurable illusions.
so attuned to invisibility that it costs Willpower for him to

turn his powers off.

 Commonly associated with Fortitude, the vampire comes to

believe that he is actually indestructible, willingly facing

Commonly associated with Potence, the vampire will always
mortal danger.
use full force when interacting with objects and comment on

the fragility and weakness of their surroundings.

 (See also under the Tremere-Specific Derangements.)

Commonly associated with Thaumaturgy (although in

Since the Week of Nightmares, Chimerstry hasn't behaved
theory, any school of Blood Magic could be the catalyst), the
quite the same as it did before. Theories range from the
vampire falls into speaking and thinking only in terms of
notion that the Antediluvian's death somehow changed the
magical correspondences and symbology. Similar to magical
Discipline's nature, or that his existence buffered Ravnos
aphasia, the vampire cannot communicate this state of mind
from more extreme effects. Another theory states that the
to others and eventually fails to recognize anything other than
final curse the Antediluvian laid upon the clan as he was
these correspondences.
destroyed distorted Chimerstry's effects. Whatever the

reason, Ravnos who indulge in Chimerstry often slowly lose

the ability to distinguish between what is real and what is not.

At first, the Ravnos suffers as if from the Dementation Commonly associated with Presence, the vampire activates

power, The Haunting (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 155). his persuading powers without acknowledging that he use

This happens after a Ravnos has completely depleted his them. If someone would point the use out to them, they

Willpower reserves (zero temporary Willpower) to create a vehemently deny it.

Chimerstry illusion. Whenever the player spends all of the

character's Willpower, the character suffers from The


If the Ravnos continues to overuse Chirnerstry, he

experiences full-sensory hallucinations. These hallucinations

can happen at any time, especially moments of great stress.

They can range from seeing a friend as an enemy (or vice

versa) to seeing a busy street as completely empty. The

hallucinations start at relatively low scale and build up over

time until they become potentially threatening to the Ravnos'

continued existence. If the Ravnos realizes he's experiencing

hallucinations, the player can spend one point of Willpower

to negate the hallucinations for a scene.

Commonly associated with Celerity, the vampire finds the

way things move in normal speed disorienting, insisting that

they should move slower.

 
Commonly associated with Auspex, the vampire begins to
The derangements below include some of those above but
casually invade the mind of others, reacting to thoughts
grouped into three sub-groups, reflecting the "medical"
before they are spoken. Too many people cause a static
knowledge that mortals and Cainite of the Dark Ages had.
background noise that can drive the vampire into Frenzy.
Aside from this classification, these derangements are used

 as any others. Furthermore, other "modern-day"

derangements can afflict characters of the Dark Ages equally;

 they would just be identified and classified differently.

(Source: by u/LeRoienJaune, on r/WhiteWolfRPG)

A curse upon the mind. Sacred curses are, hearth wisdom
 holds, the result of incurring the displeasure of pagan gods

and spirits.
Your Obfuscate powers are tied to your derangement, and

triggers random invisibility or at the Storyteller's discretion.

Compulsion: The disorder of nature causes a physical
When you're obfuscated, you've ceased to exist. Essentially,
discomfort in the character, resulting in an obsessive
you occasionally flicker in and out of existence.
desire to order the world around them. Nervous and

meticulous, they have some form of ritual taboo that they

obsessively practice during periods of stress — frequent

You have the compulsive need to imprint (through dominate bathing, counting coins, or sorting books and possessions

perhaps) certain beliefs and opinions onto others. Not by size or type. If they can’t practice this ritual, they suffer

necessarily because it would be useful to you. You just go from extreme agitation (-3 dice to all frenzy rolls; the

around converting random people to Hinduism. Or radical Storyteller should call for a frenzy roll more often than

Marxism. Or being unwavering fans of Bobby Darin. normal when this Derangement is triggered).

Lunacy: First codified by the Romans but well-known for

 centuries, this Derangement is caused by a curse of Luna,

the moon’s goddess. The character experiences mania and

Frequently expressed in characters who over-use Heightened
depression according to the lunar cycle. While the moon
Senses (Auspex 1), Novothesia is the delusional perception of
waxes, the character slowly grows more irritable until
the non-existent stimuli. A novothesia sees more colors than
they’re manic and full of energy during the full moon (-1
there a words for colors, hears sounds that exist beyond
difficulty to all extended rolls, +1 to all difficulties to
human language. They are continuously making judgements
frenzy). Waning moons cause a deepening lethargy
based on imperceptible stimuli: "I don't like that guy- he's
resembling melancholia, and the new moon requires more
emitting way too much infra-red, and he smells like he
effort to from their blood to rouse them (vampire’s
smoked marijuana when he was in his twenties."
Willpower rating is reduced by half the normal value,

rounding up; the vampires requires an additional blood

point to rise on the night of the new moon).

Also called "Folie des Autres". Pick a particular mental Sacred Disease: Even great Caesar himself suffered from

disorder. You know have a compulsion to inflict that the same curse the character does. No matter how

particular disorder onto random people, using your Dominate implacable or stalwart the character is, they’re a victim to

or Dementation abilities. Perhaps you believe it's a trembling disorder that renders them insensate. On a

enlightenment. Perhaps your anxiety, or your ego, or your Derangement trigger, the player rolls Stamina (difficulty

enthusiasm, just has a way of rubbing off on people. 8). On a failure, the character feels the disease

Whatever the case, you leave a trail of madmen in your wake, overpowering them, collapsing into a seizure within three

where-ever you go. turns. They writhe and slam their limbs about, frothing

blood at the mouth as their veins bulge and distend. Unlike

 other Derangements, the sacred disease only lasts for the

rest of the scene, though the character is worn out for rest
You feel the irresistible compulsion to re-enact what you
of the night (-1 die penalty to all Physical tests). (Known as
perceive with The Spirit's Touch/Psychometry (Auspex 3).
Epilepsy in the modern days.)
Your perception is so lucid as to overwhelm you, and the
Saint Vitus’s Dance: Related to the Sacred Disease, the
power fires at random. At least once in any given night, you
dance causes involuntary movements of the face and
are re-enacting somebody else's past.
limbs, with a sweating fever and bloody rheum streaming

from the eyes. While the individual’s mental faculties

aren’t impaired, the difficulty for all her Social rolls

You are constantly subconsciously using your telepathic increases by two. Saint Vitus’s Dance can spread

power (Auspex or otherwise) to skim the emotions and throughout a group, leading to mass outbreaks of the

surface thoughts of others, and then interpreting the received “madness.” (Known as the Sydenham's Chorea in the

thoughts to be your own. modern days.)

 
A disease of the body. The four humors of the human (and A damning pall over the soul. The Church and its adherents

Cainite) body lie in a delicate balance, though individuals are hold that the moral failures of the impious are what cause

predisposed towards different temperaments depending on these Derangements, but they can affect even the holiest

how much of one humor they’ve got in their body. However, individuals.

factors both internal and external can lead to one humor’s

Sanguinary Animism: This uniquely Cainite
ascendency over the others, causing a physical and mental
Derangement leads sufferers to believe they drink the
souls of their victims with the blood. Feeding causes
Players of characters with a humor imbalance should
intense guilt in sufferers of sanguinary animism; their
choose one that’s fairly close to the character’s personality.
victims communicate with them as voices in their heads
Humor imbalances are personality traits magnified to
and memories seeping into their consciousness. The
suffering vampire often blames his actions on these

Melancholics are introverted, introspective, and irritable. voices, claiming that they are an effort to pacify his

They can be startlingly dispirited (even when the situation tormentors. The vampire is compelled to reply to the

calls for or demands a more spirited response). They tend voices, and must utter these replies aloud (even if it’s just a

to stare off listlessly, lost in sadness deep and dark as low muttering). This may result in variable difficulties to

black bile. They lose track of themselves, and can’t touch Social rolls.

their emotions easily. Melancholia causes a -1 penalty to Visions: You’ve transgressed against your culture, causing

all dice pools, but a -1 difficulty for all manner of frenzy. potentially irreparable harm to your soul. You’ve struggled

Phlegmatics are calm, thoughtful, and patient. The to put your guilt behind you. But someone, or something,

temperament is common amongst academics, and they forgives you — and they let you know. During times of

tend to be extremely orderly about their area of expertise. stress, the character sees holy figures encouraging her to

However, due to their inward focus, they have trouble act according to her better nature, ready to punish her if

adapting quickly or adroitly to changes in their she fails again. She is especially wary of the holy figures’

environment (-1 die to Wits and Dexterity rolls). watchfulness (-2 dice to all degeneration rolls).

Sanguines are lively, sociable, optimistic, and passionate, Voices: The demons know your sins, and they’re hunting

sometimes overly so. When the blood sings in their veins, you for it. Victims of demon voices become paragons of

every emotion is heightened and verges on the self-persecution, fearing divine retribution and seeing it in

inappropriate. They have deep difficulties in focusing on every angle. Their paranoia exhibits during times of

the moment. The Storyteller chooses three Abilities at stress; they’re wary of social interactions (+1 difficulty to

random; the difficulty for rolls using these Abilities Social rolls) and fearful that anyone could be a demon in

increases by one, due to the character’s lack of focus. disguise. A botch on a Social roll (from either party) will

Increase the difficulty of all rolls featuring Mental invariably result in panicked flight from the perceived

Attributes by one as well. demon (an automatic fear frenzy).

Cholerics are restless, aggressive, and impulsive. They

tend to be ambitious, but may become angered or even

violent when their ambitions are thwarted. When gripped

by an imbalance of black bile, increase the character’s

difficulty to resist frenzy by two, but reduce the difficulty to

perform any acts of painful physical violence by one.

Confronted with a choice, a victim of this disorder looks to

the Tremere hierarchy for answers. Every action must be

supported by the pyramid. Pressed for a personal opinion, the

hapless vampire gives a pat answer or an uncomfortable “I

don’t know.” Unsurprisingly, Tremere superiors are quick to

Of all the clans, the Tremere are the most universally steeped
weed out neophytes who succumb to this disorder — a drone
in mystic understanding. While Malkavians have a built-in
without personal initiative or imagination is even more
perception of a broken universe, and Tzimisce have their own
volatile than a revolutionary. Such individuals find themselves
forms of sorcery, the Tremere’s very seat of power predicates
assigned to dangerous tasks where they’ll succeed with the
upon symbolism, mystical links, symmetry and patterns of
clan’s interests in mind, die horribly or snap into a more
will. As Tremere students of the occult must pit their minds
rational state of mind.
against unnatural forces and permutations of their own

vampiric Curse, it’s no surprise that some levels of mental

imbalance and affliction crop up among an unfortunate few,

as well as those who repeatedly delve into mysteries best left Subsistence upon blood to the exclusion of normal foods is

unexplored. one of the first practical adjustments that vampires must

Conservative Cainite scholars argue that the Curse make. Tremere have a particularly curious adjustment, fed as

encompasses only certain needs, and thus that some types of they are blood that transubstantiates into the vitae of the

power fly in the face of what is “normal” for vampirism. council, then trained in powers to examine the tastes of blood

Thaumaturgy is foremost on the lists of such reactionaries. for its peculiar qualities. A few Tremere become enamored of

While most Tremere scoff at this and merely assert that their the flavors in exotic blood. While it’s true that any vampire

formidable training and methods allow them to access can develop a taste for certain pedigrees, so to speak, the

powers that other Cainites simply haven’t the skill to use, common Tremere sensitivity to unusual currents — both

some indications have arisen that thaumaturgical study can through superlative sensation and thaumaturgical study —

be rather unbalancing. Indeed, the very nature of leads some Tremere to hunt down the most extraordinary

Thaumaturgy — pitting one’s will against the curse of undeath bouquets that they can.

to channel the power of blood into new forms — speaks of Naturally, some vampires move to rather exclusive tastes

unwholesome investigation into the terrible malison that and learn the savory thrill of other Cainite blood. Tremere,

afflicts the Kindred. Some Tremere find the truths unearthed often able to detect the subtleties of bloodlines or unique

therein too terrible to confront rationally. manifestations of the vampiric condition, may take this to

extremes. A cryptophage becomes obsessed with the pursuit

 of more and different flavors of blood. Such individuals

sometimes have a penchant for diablerie, becoming fixated

Enforcement of the Tremere’s pyramid structure sometimes
on the tastes of various other clans. Stranger Tremere take to
has negative effects. Strong-willed individuals are the ones
hunting the globe for “rare vintages” like Lupine or faerie
most commonly Embraced by the Tremere, but the
blood. Unchecked, such an obsession throws the Tremere into
occasional exception does slip through. Furthermore,
dangerous situations as she hunts other supernatural
centuries of practice in conditioning young neonates to their
creatures. Worse still, such Tremere often become bored with
policies means that sometimes Tremere organizational
“lesser vintages.” Although still able to subsist upon human
practices are a little too effective.
or animal blood (physically if not psychologically),
Most Tremere have at least a marginal loyalty to the clan as
cryptophages develop a distaste for such common fare. A
an abstract whole, enforced both through the blood of the
cryptophage may even be incapable of swallowing such
Seven and through the psychological conditioning of the oath
common blood without an effort of will.
administered during the turmoil just after the Embrace.
Again, note that cryptophagy is a psychological condition
Vampires who adjust comparatively well go on to normalize
and not a physical dependency; a cryptophage still can (and
their personal drives with the problems of the undead
will) drink any form of blood during a frenzy. In extreme
condition. Those who can’t handle the stress, though,
cases this may be the only sustenance that the vampire gets;
sometimes turn to the pyramid as a surrogate for
she becomes nervous and twitchy from hunger while she
hunts supernatural creatures for their scarlet nectar. A
A recent inductee who’s unable to cope with the stress of
cryptophage may even go to the lengths of exerting herself to
hunting for blood and dealing with the Beast may transfer
expend blood or draining her own veins in order to cause a
such responsibility to the Tremere pyramid. In such cases the
greater appreciation for the rush and taste of unusual vitae.
individual becomes almost dronelike; such victims cannot

handle their own moral responsibility, so they delineate their

world by the bounds of the Tremere code. What their

superiors order, they obey; what the code prohibits, they Language is a means to build common symbols for the

fanatically shun. By making the Tremere clan the repository description of concepts. Thaumaturgy recognizes this power;

of their consciences, these poor souls are “only following the voice alone is a potent tool, but so too are symbols.

orders.” The degradation of Humanity and the toll of frenzy, Indeed, skilled thamaturges learn to think in symbolic

hunger and fear still drive the Kindred into a downward languages, much as a mathematician may construct complex

spiral, but it’s one that he can almost sociopathically ignore. explanations out of numbers. Some sorcerers theorize that

After all, it’s neither his fault nor his problem. thaumaturgical numerology functions because of its mystical

tie to universal concepts. Just as mathematics describes the

physical universe, Thaumaturgy describes the metaphysical.

Because these symbols function on such an abstract level,

though, they do not fit easily within the human or undead

Derangement in this category are more often observed
Highly proficient thaumaturges sometimes suffer a bizarre
amongst the ghouls living in servitude to an abusing domitor,
form of regression. A mind trained to examine the world in
though some could also apply to mortals and Cainites in
supernatural terms cannot always cope with stress in a
similar situations.
rational manner. Under tension, such thaumaturges revert to

speaking in tongues, but in this case, in thaumaturgical

symbology. The affliction of glossolalia (speaking in tongues)

comes hysterically upon these unfortunates and makes them Animalistic Hysteria — the vaunted “frenzy” so often spoken

incomprehensible. of in Kindred circles — poses a constant threat to many

While normal glossolalia involves speaking in dead ghouls, even those who seem to retain control of their half—

tongues, a thaumaturge reverts to arcane constructs. Other vampiric natures. This behavioral disorder can strike a ghoul

thaumaturges may recognize scattered words, but often the at any time — often, embarrassingly enough, when he is in

mind of the individual seems to shift into a different state of the company of mortals. it is thankfully only a temporary

thought almost like magical aphasia. Oftentimes the subject condition in most ghouls, but it becomes much more difficult

reverts to words that he would not formally know or study. for the haIf-mortal ghoul to interact with humans when he is

The thaumaturge in question rarely has any idea that he in the throes of hysterical rage. The ghoul, often not realizing

sdoing anything unusual. His own mind still equates these that his “Beast” (vampiric nature) is taking over, feels

concepts to the strange words, while conversely he becomes tremendous shame and guilt when he succumbs to Hysteria

unable to translate more mundane language. Given enough in front of humans. After such an episode occurs, he often

time or concentration, the thaumaturge usually reverts to grows fearful of punishment by his domitor, who may

normal speech, with no real understanding of what he instinctively know that the attack occurred even if she is not

mystically said before. present (see Case Study 15-4, involving myself and Dr.

Most Tremere would be mildly unnerved to see this Netchurch).

derangement in action; thaumaturges have displayed Animalistic Hysteria is triggered by sensory, environmental,

knowledge of concepts normally far beyond their skill while physical or emotional stimuli that the ghoul construes as

so possessed. Of course, a frenzied thaumaturge shouting out negative: feelings of inferiority to his domitor; abandonment

guttural invectives in some dead magical language would be by his domitor; his domitor becoming injured; overdose or

enough to terrify almost anyone. lack of vampire blood; unrequited romantic feelings for his

This is a difficult derangement to portray well, and domitor; grave physical endangerment; or being forced to

Storytellers should not only be wary of assigning it too commit acts in violation of his moral, cultural, or ethical

cavalierly, they may wish to offer additional experience points codes. Really, any stressful situation may cause the ghoul to

for players who handle it with grace. Evinced correctly, enter frenzy; the triggers vary according to the individual

Thaumaturgical Glossolalia is not idiotic gibberish or ghoul’s perceptions and past experiences.

childish babble it is the transition of symbols to words by Electroconvulsive therapy — ECT, more commonly known

which a fractured mind communicates the horrors that have as “shock treatment” — has been utilized more effectively in

driven it to madness. the treatment of severe frenzy attacks than have various drug

treatments. Because 80% of ghoul study subjects’ hysteria

symptoms cease within five hours of the initial attack, the

best treatment may be none at all. ln cases where ghouls

experience frenzy for more than 48 consecutive hours.

however, they may prove unresponsive t0 anything short of

lobotomy or hypnosis. Drug treatment is often to be avoided

because many of the psychopharmaceuticals presently

available have adverse effects when introduced into a vitae-

permeated bloodstream. These drugs can, in fact, increase

the intensity of the symptoms evident during hysterical


As a Derangement: All ghouls run the risk of frenzy, but a

ghoul who gains Animalistic Hysteria as a specific

Derangement must check against difficulties equal to those of

vampires. Bratovitch revenants automatically suffer from

similar afflictions and thus may not gain Animalistic Hysteria.

 Self—defeating Personality Disorder usually goes untreated,

as many domitors prefer their ghouls to be somewhat

As the name of this disorder implies, a ghoul possessing it submissive. Often this disorder is accompanied by

displays tremendous dependence on others, namely the promiscuity in the ghoul, who may receive sexual gratification

domitor or any remaining human contacts he may have after from pain, feeling that this is the only form of attention she

the transformation into ghoulhood takes place. A ghoul gets from her domitor.

affected by this personality disorder is usually extremely As a Derangement: The ghoul's nature changes to that of

indecisive — if it were up to him, his domitor would tell him Masochist or Martyr. Fulfilling the conditions of the Nature is

what to wear, what to eat, whom to associate with, when to go the only way this ghoul can regain Will- power (i.e., he does

to sleep and what to enjoy. Most of this behavior is brought on not regain an automatic point per story, etc.).

by excessive fear of abandonment. Fearing disownment, the

ghoul instead tolerates constant abuse. The more the ghoul 
tolerates others’ control over him, the more he feels helpless
This disorder manifests itself in approximately 30-40% of
and stupid, and so he is further discouraged from taking any
“healthy” female ghouls who continue to have regular
actions that would ease his situation. Thus, this disorder
menstrual cycles after the transformation into ghoulhood.
often goes untreated as long as the dependent ghoul’s clingy
Aside from painful menstrual cramps, the victim suffers from
behavior is reinforced by his domitor.
bouts of severe depression and paranoid delusions during her
As a Derangement: The victim must make a Willpower
period. These episodes usually Iast from five to seven days,
roll (usually difficulty 6) to refuse an order or suggestion from
depending on the average length of the ghoul’s menstrual
his domitor. The ghoul‘s Nature often changes to that of
cycle and the amount of blood lost during the cycle. If a ghoul
has not yet ingested her required monthly dose of vampire

 vitae by the time her menstrual cycle begins, the blood loss

that occurs during her menstrual period has traumatic

 psychological effects. The ghoul feels that she is about to die,

and i she becomes extraordinarily paranoid about not being

More commonly known as masochism, Self—defeating
tended to by her domitor. During the onset of SDP, the ghoul
Personality Disorder appears routinely in ghouls, particularly
bursts into hysterics at every perceived slight, literally deathly
those ghouls in vassalage to Cainite “elders.” The servitors in
afraid that her domitor will fail to replenish the dwindling
question seem compulsively drawn into situations or
supply of vampire vitae in her bloodstream. There is no
relationships that they know will cause them intense pain
known cure for Severe Dysmenorrheic Psychosis, although
(often to the detriment of their mortal liaisons). They make
Dr. Netchurch has formulated a serum that alleviates some of
numerous sacrifices, often needless ones. in the names of
the disorder's symptoms. This drug has not been approved by
their domitors. These disturbed ghouls often have difficulty
the Food and Drug Administration and is currently available
relating to other ghouls, mortals or vampires who treat them
only on the black market or through the express permission
with respect.
of Dr. Netchurch.
Contrary to common opinion, many ghouls who display
As a Derangement: Whenever the appropriate conditions
signs of Self-defeating Personality Disorder do not
exist, the ghoul loses two points of temporary Willpower;
necessarily enjoy pain and suffering; most sufferers of this
these points return at the end of the menstrual cycle.
disorder simply fear to assert themselves to their domitors.

Others were abused or sexually molested as mortals, and do

not know how to be treated any differently. Still others deny

that they are being abused, as they feel sacrifices must be A ghoul who spends any time in the thrall of a Tzimisce

made in exchange for the eternal life provided by their domitor is likely encumbered with a variety of sexual

domitors. Finally, a few ghouls rationalize that they are being dysfunctions. Female ghouls typically develop vaginismus,

rightfully punished for “sinning” against the God in which involuntary contracting of the vulval and rectal muscles

they believed during mortal years. preventing penetration, or dyspareunia, severe pain during

intercourse. Males, if not rendered completely impotent,

sometimes fixate sexually on acts favored by their domitors.

All such conditions are likely to instill an extreme aversion to

sex, further separating ghouls from the lifestyles they lead

prior to their servitorship.

Before allowing this derangement, Storytellers should

consider whether its inclusion will make any player

uncomfortable. Many people prefer not to explore such

personal issues in detail, especially during a game. Although

the setting is a suitable venue for such unpleasantness, you

can challenge your players without resorting to poor taste.

These caveats in mind, this derangement can be played

without mentioning graphic details - Storytellers can

extrapolate the likely effects such a condition might have on a

ghoul's relationship with his or her partners.

Image Sources

The marks Cover : Neuroimaging techniques

Page 3: Paranoia is paralysing
Page 5: Mutilate, by Eric Peterson (for Magic:
the Gathering)

of your Page 9: Split: The One Man Show

Page 12: Schizophrenia
Page 14: Fregoli's Delusion, by Rafal
Hrynkiewicz (for Call of Cthulhu LCG)

struggles Page 15: Clanbook: Malkavian cover

Page 17: Asylum Visitor, by Bastien Lecouffe
Dehame (for Magic: the Gathering)
Page 19: Arcanum Sanguinis Physical
Page 20: Dementation

Derangements are behaviors that are created White Wolf Game Studio References
Vampire: the Mascarade Rulebook, 20th
when the mind is forced to confront intolerable Anniversary Edition
or conflicting feelings, such as overwhelming Player's Guide Second Edition
Vampire: the Dark Ages, 20th Anniversary
terror or profound guilt. When the mind is faced Edition
Dark Ages: Vampires
with impressions or emotions that it cannot Player's Guide to High Clans
Player's Guide to Low Clans
reconcile, the derangement is its attempt to ease Clanbook: Malkavian (Revised)
Clanbook: Ravnos (Revised)
the inner conflict. Clanbook: Tremere (Revised)
Clanbook: Tzimisce (Revised)
Chaining the Beast
Other examples of derangement-incuding events Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Guide to the Sabbat
include killing a loved one while in a frenzy, Demon: the Fallen
being buried alive, or seeing hundreds of years of Revision Log (r1)

Table of Content
careful scheming dashed in an instant of bad More images and revised image locations
luck. Generally, any experience that causes
intense and unpleasant emotion or thoroughly
violates a character’s beliefs or ethics is severe
enough to cause a derangement.

Derangements are a challenge to roleplay,

without question, but a little time and care can
result in an experience that is dramatic for all


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