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Robinson Crusoe: AotCI Round Phase Sequence

PunTheHun, v2012-10-29

Event Draw Card from Event Stack

skip in Rd 1 IF Event card: resolve book effect OR place “?” token book effect: see scenario
Any card type: Resolve event effect as described in card text
IF Adventure card: discard and draw next i.e. re-start Event phase
IF Event card: place in right threat field (shift threat field cards to left)
if card shifts out: resolve threat effect, then discard
Morale Get / discard Determination tokens IF solo play: morale +1 first
Start Player IF at highest level: may heal 1 wound instead
only IF not enough tokens to discard: 1 wound/miss. token
Production Collect 1 cube per camp tile resource to available resources
IF “Shortcut” placed: 1 resource from tile with shortcut token
Plan Actions Assign pawns to tasks (decide which pawn is acting/which supporting) multiple per action allowed
also assign Threat action: pawn(s) as indicated on card max. 1x per threat card
req. resources Hunting: 2 pawns/hunt, only 1 hunt per beast card beast card from hunt stack!
Building/Gathering/Exploration: 1 or 2 pawns risk if 1 pawn or “?” token
Gather: not on camp tile , assign to specific resource; each source pays only once
Gather/Explore: +1 pawn if distance to camp =2 per round
Arrange camp/Rest: any number of pawns
Resolve Threat action: Pay resources as required, follow card instructions gained resources: to future
Hunting: Draw beast card, get wounds if weapon < beast str. affects acting player
Reduce weapon + palisade strength if required
Gain resources as indicated, resolve add’tl effects gained resources: to future
Roll if < Building: Shelter/roof/palisade/weapon: pay, place/move cube roof/palisade needs shelter
max. Invention/Item: +2 Det. tokens if player invention place item in future res.
Gathering: Take 1 resource per source used gained resources: to future
Draw card Exploration: Draw + place tile, mark new terrain type on inventions
if ? token/? IF beast: Add 1 beast card to hunt stack
rolled IF mystery icon: Resolve see scenario card
IF discovery symbol: Draw discovery tokens place tokens in future res.
Discard tokens on action fields when that action was resolved
Arrange Camp: Adjust morale if possible, player gets +2 determination
Rest: Player heals 1 wound per pawn
Return pawns to players (discard add’tl or place back on card)
Move items/resources from future to available, resolve new scenario items
Weather Roll weather dice as indicated on scenario card; add clouds from tokens
Pay 1 wood per snow cloud pay once, not per player
Pay 1 wood + 1 food per (total # clouds - roof level) pay once, not per player
Resolve animal die effects roll max. 1x per round
IF storm: Decrease palisade level by 1
IF in camp (as usual): Get wounds for unpaid discards outside of camp = card eff.
Remove all weather tokens from weather space
Night Discard 1 food per player 2 wounds per unpaid food
Heal anytime If desired, relocate camp to adjacent tile
at night IF built shelter, decrease roof + palisade levels by half round losses down
IF tile shelter, lose roof + palisade completely
+resource tokens from items move with camp ≤1 token of each type / tile
IF shortcut placed: remove, must re-build
IF no shelter (built or tile), get 1 wound per player
Discard all yellow food/food tokens, remove black markers from player cards
Move round marker to next round, pass 1st player token to left

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