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How Do Subnational Governments React to

Shocks to Different Revenue Sources? Evidence

from Hydrocarbon-Producing Provinces in
Martı́n Besfamille† Diego Jorrat‡ Ósmel Manzano§
Bernardo F. Quiroga¶ Pablo Sanguinettik

August 28, 2022

∗ We gratefully acknowledged comments received from C. Agostini, G. Alves, D. Artana, R. Bahl, R. Bara,
J. Boex, J. Blyde, I. Brambilla, P. Brañas, M. Cattaneo, R. Ciacci, M. Cristini, H. Chernick, C. Daude, D. Diaz-
Rioseco, E. Fernández Arias, L. Flabbi, F. Gallego, A. Giraudy, U. Gloglowsky, F. González, M. González
Eiras, M. González Rozada, M. J. Granados, A. Haufler, C. Holzner, J. Lafortune, S. Lapointe, F. Leibovici,
C. Martı́nez, E. Mattos, O. Meloni, P. Montiel, C. Moskovits, F. Navajas, D. Ortega, H. Piffano, F. Porcelli, A.
Porto, G. Porto, A. Powell, M. Ramos, T. Rau, D. Rossignolo, H. Ruffo, D. Sachs, I. Sarmiento, J. Seligmann,
M. Solá, W. Sosa Escudero, R. Soto, J. Tessada, J. Turén, F. Vaillancourt and A. Vicondoa; participants at IIPF
(2018, 2022), JIFP (2012), LACEA (2007), NTA (2011) and XXV Fiscal Federalism Seminar (2022) meetings;
as well as seminar participants at IADB, FIEL, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, and Universidad de
San Andrés. We thank M. Somale, N. Caramp, and J. Kozlowski for research assistance. M. Besfamille
acknowledges financial support from the Complex Engineering Systems Institute (CONICYT-PIA-FB0816).
D. Jorrat acknowledges financial support from the Andalusian Excellence Program (PY-18-FR-0007) and the
Spanish National Science Foundation (PGC2018-093506-B-I00). The usual disclaimers apply.
† Instituto de Economı́a, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and CESifo. E-mail:
‡ Departamento de Economı́a, Universidad Loyola Andalucı́a. E-mail:
§ Inter-American Development Bank and McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University. E-
¶ John Chambers College of Business and Economics, West Virginia University. E-mail:
k Departamento de Economı́a, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. E-mail:


Based on the fiscal regime that prevailed in Argentina from 1988 to 2003, we es-
timate the effects that changes in intergovernmental transfers and hydrocarbon roy-
alties had on provincial public consumption and debt. From a one-peso increase in
intergovernmental transfers, all provinces spent 76 centavos on public consumption
and decreased their debt by 22 centavos. However, when hydrocarbon-producing
provinces faced a one-peso increase in royalties, they saved 95 centavos. We provide
evidence that the exhaustible nature of royalties may explain this saving reaction in
hydrocarbon-producing provinces.

Keywords: Tax sharing regime - Intergovernmental transfers - Non-renewable resources - Hy-

drocarbon royalties - Provincial public consumption and debt - Argentina.
JEL Codes: C3, H72 and H77.

1 Introduction
This paper examines one of the most important questions in the local public finance lit-
erature: How do subnational governments react to shocks to their revenue streams? Par-
ticularly, we evaluate how Argentine provinces adapted some of their fiscal policies in
response to revenue changes between 1988 and 2009.
Argentina is an interesting case study for two reasons. First, in terms of expenditure,
this country is highly decentralized, so provinces have a lot of latitude in spending. Sec-
ond, provinces get their revenue from different sources: own taxes, national funding paid
out in intergovernmental transfers, and, in some jurisdictions, natural resources royal-
Since 1988, intergovernmental transfers followed an institutional arrangement under
a tax-sharing regime called Coparticipacion Federal de Impuestos, regulated by Law 23548.
This law stipulated that most of the taxes collected by the national government consti-
tuted a common pool, the Masa Coparticipable, that had to be partially shared among all
provinces by means of Coparticipation transfers.
At the same time, revenues originating from hydrocarbon production comprised more
than 95 percent of all natural resources royalties in Argentina. But, as only some provinces
produced hydrocarbons, they received a very large share of the country’s natural re-
sources royalties.
These particular features of Argentine fiscal federalism enable us to answer the initial
question from two different empirical angles. First, how do provinces react to shocks
to Coparticipation transfers, the common source of revenue to all of them? Second, how
do hydrocarbon-producing provinces respond to shocks to their two different sources of
For this purpose, we estimate two equations, specifying the provincial reactions in
public consumption and debt to contemporaneous and lagged changes in Coparticipation
transfers and royalties. To deal with some issues that may invalidate the key assumption
that shocks to both sources of revenue are truly exogenous, we proceed as follows. To
begin with, we truncate our data set and consider only the period between 1988 and
2003. During these years, Coparticipation transfers represented an average of 94 percent
1 In
fact, because of institutional factors that have prevailed for decades in Argentina, during the period
that we analyze provinces had almost no leeway to modify their own tax collection when they faced shocks
to their other incomes. So, in this paper, we focus on intergovernmental transfers and natural resources
royalties as the relevant sources of provincial revenues.

of all intergovernmental transfers in Argentina, and international energy prices mainly
determined royalties without any discretionary intervention of the national government.
Then, we adopt a Bartik-like instrumental variables approach. First, we instrument Co-
participation transfers by using fixed provincial shares interacted with yearly changes in
the common pool Masa Coparticipable. In order to assess whether such instrument satis-
fies the exclusion restriction, we follow Goldsmith-Pinkham et al. (2020) and show that
the abovementioned shares were not correlated with many observable, socio-economic
provincial characteristics in 1988. Second, we instrument royalties by using an index of
provincial hydrocarbons abundance in the pre-estimation period interacted with yearly
changes in the international oil price. We provide evidence that shows that, from 1988 to
2003, these changes did not have direct effects on the economy of hydrocarbon-producing
provinces, suggesting that the instrument influenced public policies only through royal-
The main results are the following: When provinces faced an increase in Coparticipa-
tion transfers, they used it totally to raise public consumption to a large degree and, to
a lesser extent, to reduce debt. On the other hand, when provinces experienced an in-
crease in royalties, they used it entirely to decrease their debt without modifying public
consumption. These results are robust to different specifications of the basic regressions.
As the last type of reaction may be driven by the fact that only some provinces earn
natural resources royalties, and among them, just eight got almost all these revenues,
we next proceed to run the same two regressions, but only for hydrocarbon-producing
provinces. We confirm that, concerning their responses to shocks to Coparticipation trans-
fers, hydrocarbon-producing provinces behaved like the others, spending any increase in
this source of revenue to raise their public consumption. However, when they faced an
increase in royalties, these eight provinces reacted in the exact opposite direction: they
use it entirely to cut down their debt.
We provide two plausible explanations for these sharp differences in fiscal responses.
First, we show that the volatility of royalties is higher than the corresponding volatility
of Coparticipation transfers. Therefore, the reaction of hydrocarbon-producing provinces
-saving more of a given increase in their most volatile source of revenue- could be ex-
plained by a precautionary savings argument. Second, we present evidence that these
particular provinces were in a mature phase of their hydrocarbons production curve, far
from both initiation of exploitation and depletion. So, according to the literature on the
optimal use of revenues from nonrenewable natural resources, hydrocarbon-producing

provinces were likely to save most of their royalties.
Finally, we investigate if there is any evidence in the data that points to one of these
two explanations as the cause of such behavior. We were not able to detect any effect of
the different volatilities of both revenue sources on the fiscal reactions of hydrocarbon-
producing provinces. But, on the other hand, we find a significant positive relationship
between changes in the depletion index and how much these provinces save when they
face increases in royalties. We discuss two complementary features that characterized the
Argentine federalism during those years, that may explain this last result.

Related Literature. This paper is closely related to many local public finance contribu-
tions that have empirically analyzed the reactions of subnational governments to changes
in their income streams i) guided by intertemporal considerations, and ii) paying close
attention to the identification strategy. Holtz-Eakin and Rosen (1991) and Dahlberg and
Lindström (1998) found strong evidence in favor of the forward-looking optimizing be-
havior of subnational units. Knight (2002) was among the first to address concerns for
identification, showing that federal highway grants in the US crowd out highway spend-
ing at the state level. In order to deal with the endogeneity of such grants, he instru-
mented them with state congressional delegate’s measures of political power. Dahlberg
et al. (2008) adopted a regression discontinuity design to evaluate the causal effect of a
general grant provided by the central government in Sweden on local spending and tax
rates.2 We build on these contributions by separately estimating expenditures and debt
responses to contemporaneous and lagged changes in provincial income sources. To cor-
rect for their endogeneity, we instrument these changes adopting a Bartik-like approach.
We confirm that, even when fiscal rules were implemented without political discretion
from 1988 to 2003, Argentine provincial governments displayed a high and persistent
consumption sensitivity with respect to Coparticipation transfers.3
By also including revenues from the exploitation of hydrocarbons, our study ties in
with a relatively new strand of papers that evaluate the existence of a resource curse
at the subnational level. Specifically, Caselli and Michaels (2013), Monteiro and Ferraz
(2014), Borge et al. (2015), Cassidy (2021), Andersen and Sorensen (2022), Maldonado and
Ardanaz (2022), and Martı́nez (2022) among others study whether public revenues orig-
inated from the exploitation of natural resources are misused by local authorities, and
2 Othercontributions to this part of the literature are Gordon (2004), Lutz (2010) and Lundqvist (2015).
3 Thisconclusion is similar to the results found by Sturzenegger and Werneck (2006), Rodden and
Wibbels (2010), and Végh and Vuletin (2015), among others.

induce poor socio-economic, political outcomes. Their approach has allowed to better
address the potential problems of omitted variable biases that were pervasive in previous
contributions,4 as it is much more likely that basic institutional aspects are kept constant
(across both sectional units and time) when analyzing political bodies within countries
than between countries. In addition, these papers have made an effort to find more ex-
ogenous measures of natural resource abundance.5
As Cust and Viale (2016) report, the evidence about the occurrence of such poor out-
comes in these subnational units is mixed, and it is far from being a generalized phe-
nomenon, even in developing countries. Indeed, Borge et al. (2015), Cassidy (2021), An-
dersen and Sorensen (2022) and Maldonado and Ardanaz (2022) do not find compelling
evidence of the subnational resource curse, or even report that local policies generate
positive results. Our results give further support to the growing skepticism regarding the
alleged prevalence of this phenomenon.
From a methodological point of view, the closest papers to ours are Martı́nez (2022)
and Cassidy (2021). These two papers evaluated fiscal reactions to shocks to different
sources of income, as we do. Martı́nez (2022) looks at spending and investment reactions
to changes in local taxation and royalties, instrumenting the former using cadastral up-
dates and the latter in a similar way than us. His findings advocate for the presence of
a subnational resource curse in Colombia: Increases in property tax revenue have larger
impacts on the provision of local public services than comparable changes in royalties,
while the latter lead to higher probabilities that the municipal mayor faces a disciplinary
prosecution. Cassidy (2021) uses a natural experiment of a permanent adjustment in the
general grant that the government of Indonesia transfers to subnational governments to
compare the fiscal response, in terms of the provision of public goods, to this perma-
nent change against transitory shifts in oil revenues. He finds that the increase in perma-
nent income induces more expenditure in lumpy public goods (e.g., investment), while
changes in volatile revenues have little or no fiscal effects. Our results are similar, in the
sense that-at least during the period under analysis- hydrocarbon-producing provinces
4 The natural resource curse hypothesis was initially examined in national cases or empirically studied

in multicountry, cross-sectional growth regressions (see Sachs and Warmer 1995 and van der Ploeg 2011)
5 For example, Monteiro and Ferraz (2014) used a geographic rule that determines the share of oil rev-

enues that accrue to different Brazilian local governments. Borge et al. (2015) instrumented local revenue
from hydropower sources in Norway using indicators of topology, average precipitation and meters of river
in steep terrain. Finally, Martı́nez (2022) exploited time variation in the global oil price, together with cross-
sectional variation in the average amount of oil royalties received by Colombian municipalities between

only channeled towards public consumption increases in Coparticipation transfers, but
not royalties.
Finally, although Végh and Vuletin (2015) also deal with intergovernmental fiscal re-
lations in Argentina, our paper differs in many aspects with theirs. Their main goal is to
examine whether uncertainty and insurance arguments, and the resulting precautionary
savings behavior, can be consistent with a flypaper effect at the provincial level. Ac-
cordingly, they only view as sources of provincial revenue national transfers and local
taxes (not royalties), and merely study expenditure reactions. Moreover, they consider
the 1966-2016 period, which includes various adjustments to the tax-sharing regime. This
explains why they use provincial representation in Congress as an instrument for inter-
governmental transfers. Instead, our time frame is 1988-2003, period under which there
was a unique legal tax-sharing regime in place that fixed the secondary distribution co-
efficients. We take advantage of this fact to build a Bartik-type instrument for Copartic-
ipation transfers. This may explain why, although qualitatively similar, our results with
respect to rises in those transfers are more nuanced than those found by these authors.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In next section we describe provin-
cial public finances in Argentina. In Section 3, we discuss the identification strategy, par-
ticularly the instrumental variables approach that we use. In Section 4, we empirically
estimate how fiscal policies react to changes in the different sources of public revenues in
the full sample of provinces. Section 5 studies these fiscal reactions, but in hydrocarbon-
producing provinces. We suggest some plausible explanations for their observed behav-
ior and present evidence regarding the presence of one of the mechanisms in the data.
We discuss our findings and then conclude in section 6. In the Appendix, we present
unreported results. All supplementary material appears in an Online Appendix.

2 Sub-national public finances in Argentina

Argentina is composed of 23 provinces plus the region comprising the capital, Ciudad
Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA).6,7 The country is characterized by a significant sub-
national heterogeneity, in the sense that provinces differ in many aspects. Buenos Aires,
CABA, Córdoba, and Santa Fe are big provinces, together accounting for more than 60
6 Asthe capital of the country, CABA has some special prerogatives. Nevertheless, concerning all issues
analyzed in this paper, this city can be considered a province.
7 The provinces are divided into 2,171 municipalities. But as the latter play a minor role in local public

finances in Argentina, we only focus on fiscal behavior at the provincial level.

percent of the country’s total population, and generating almost 75 percent of its gross
domestic product (GDP). On the other hand, Catamarca, La Rioja, and Santa Cruz have
less than 1 percent of the total population, whereas Formosa and Santiago del Estero pro-
duce less than 0.75 percent of the national output. Per capita gross provincial product
(GPP) is also unequally distributed, from AR$3,488 in Santiago del Estero to AR$51,619
in CABA. As expected, there is a strong negative correlation between per capita GPP and
a provincial poverty index.8

2.1 Provincial public sector

From 1988 to 2003, the size of the provincial public sector amounted on average to a
12.6 percent of the national GDP. This aggregate figure hides great differences among the
provinces, as Table 1 shows.

Table 1: Average size of provincial public sectors (as percent of GPP, 1988-2003)

Province Size Province Size Province Size

Buenos Aires 6.33 Formosa 53.42 Salta 16.27
CABA 3.09 Jujuy 27.96 San Juan 17.51
Catamarca 25.45 La Pampa 14.70 San Luis 7.39
Chaco 23.98 La Rioja 20.53 Santa Cruz 17.49
Chubut 10.10 Mendoza 13.19 Santa Fe 7.73
Córdoba 8.23 Misiones 12.35 Santiago del Estero 34.89
Corrientes 17.24 Neuquén 17.22 Tierra del Fuego 17.19
Entre Rı́os 15.20 Rı́o Negro 12.88 Tucumán 15.43
Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias.

In some provinces (like Formosa and Santiago del Estero), the public sector has a sig-
nificant participation in their corresponding GPP.

2.2 Expenditures
According to the Argentine constitution, provinces have exclusive control over primary
and secondary education, municipal organization, and local services. They also share
with the national government responsibilities and service provision in economic infras-
tructure, social insurance, and poverty programs. Between 1988 and 2003, provincial
8 We depict an administrative map of Argentina and present detailed provincial statistics in Section 1 of
the Online Appendix.

governments were in charge of an average of 35 percent of the country’s public expendi-
Despite the fact that there are important differences in public outlays between provinces
(both in absolute and per capita levels), their expenditures are concentrated in public con-
sumption (payroll, procurement, and services) and transfers (mostly pensions). During
these years, these two components represented, on average, 80 percent of public expendi-
tures at the provincial level (see Table 17 in Appendix A.10). As a consequence, provinces
expend a small share of their budget on public investment and thus have a very limited
capacity to promote GPP growth. That is one of the main recurrent problems that Argen-
tine provinces have been facing for a while, as acknowledged by Porto (2004).

2.3 Fiscal revenues

Taxes For historical reasons, Argentina presents a lower degree of decentralization in
revenues than expenditures. From 1988 to 2003, provinces (and municipalities) raised
only 23 percent of the country’s tax revenues. Provinces’ tax collection amounted to an
average of 2.14 percent of their GPP, and these shares were almost constant during that
What explains these low percentages? First, provincial revenues are concentrated in
only a few taxes.10 In particular, the gross receipts tax generated on average 64 percent
of provincial fiscal revenues between 1988 and 2003. As this tax is levied at all stages of
production and is cumulative, its rates are usually relatively low and can hardly be in-
creased. Moreover, Di Grescia (2003) shows that from 1960 to 2002, provinces were able
to collect, on average, 91 percent of the potential base of this tax, which implies a high tax
effort. Therefore, provinces face structural difficulties in increasing revenues on the gross
receipts tax and, a fortiori, on all taxes in general.

Royalties Some provinces also receive royalties from natural resources. In particular, for
Chubut, La Pampa, Mendoza, Neuquén, Rı́o Negro, Salta, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del
Fuego this source of income represents a non negligible fraction of their fiscal revenues.
These eight provinces have large hydrocarbon resources and concentrate, on average,
9 Wepresent evidence supporting this assertion in Appendix A.1.
10 Wedescribe the historical reasons that explain these fiscal features at the provincial level in Section 2 of
the Online Appendix.

more than 95 percent of all royalties earned in Argentina from 1988 to 2003.11,12
The regime of hydrocarbon royalties was determined by Law 17319, enacted in 1967,
which established a procedure to cash them.13 Under this regime, the national govern-
ment set a uniform rate for all provinces of 12 percent14 of the value of oil and/or gas
computable production, evaluated at domestic prices at the production site. Moreover,
the Secretary of Energy was charged with auditing whether firms accurately reported
their level of production. Royalties were not redistributed : they were collected by the na-
tional government on a monthly basis, and then returned to the provincial governments
where the oil and/or gas exploitation had originally taken place.15
Figure 1 shows the evolution of the average value of royalties per year (across hydro-
carbon-producing provinces) and the international oil price, between 1988 and 2009.16
During most of these years, royalties followed the international oil price.17 Indeed, before
2002, domestic oil and gas prices had been equal to their corresponding international
prices because i) no public intervention created a wedge between them and, ii) during
most of the period from 1988 to 2002, the exchange rate was fixed under Convertibilidad,
a currency board regime that pegged the Argentine peso to the US dollar. But things
changed after the 2001-2002 sovereign-debt crisis, when not only was the currency board
abandoned, but the state also started to intervene in the energy industry, imposing in
2003 a maximum price for hydrocarbons produced in the country (see Kawamura, 2017).
Therefore, domestic prices and royalties began to disconnect from international prices.18
11 From now on, we call these eight jurisdictions the ’hydrocarbon-producing provinces’.
12 Formosa and Jujuy also have hydrocarbon resources, but they received very few royalties during those
13 We describe the legal regimes that rule royalties on mineral exploitation and hydroelectricity generation

in Section 3 of the Online Appendix.

14 Law 17319 prohibited the national government from setting different rates across provinces.
15 Surprisingly, this procedure was not altered even after the 1994 constitutional amendment that granted

the property of oil and gas resources to the provinces. Regulation of hydrocarbons exploitation was still
under the direct oversight of the national government in 2009.
16 In Section 14 of the Online Appendix, Figure 3 plots the time series of royalties, for each province.
17 The exception is 1989, when the international oil price increased substantially but royalties decreased

in all hydrocarbon-producing provinces. This year is an anomaly, because in July Argentina faced hyperin-
flation and the resignation of President Raúl Alfonsı́n.
18 In fact, after 2003, the correlation between changes in royalties and in the international oil price is

negative. See Figure 8 in Appendix A.10.

Figure 1: Hydrocarbon royalties and international oil price

800 200
Hydrocarbon royalties (in millions of 2004 AR$)

International oil price (in 2004 AR$/m )

600 150

400 100

200 50

0 0
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Mean of royalties Oil price

Sources: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias and Instituto Argentino del
Petróleo y del Gas.

2.4 Other provincial revenues

The gap between provincial expenditures and their fiscal revenues generates an impor-
tant vertical fiscal imbalance, which is solved through a system of intergovernmental
transfers and the possibility for provincial governments to issue debt.

Intergovernmental transfers The system of intergovernmental transfers is based on a tax-

sharing regime called Coparticipación Federal de Impuestos, regulated by Law 23548 (1988).
This law defines the process by which taxes collected by the national government are
apportioned among the provinces. It also states that, as of its enactment, provinces cannot
create new taxes.19 The peculiarities of this legal framework are explained below, and
Figure 2 illustrates the main features of the law.
19 Thisrule reinforced the persistent difficulty that Argentine provinces have faced to increase their own
tax revenues.

Figure 2: Argentina’s tax-sharing regime Coparticipación Federal de Impuestos

Source: Own making, based on Articles 3 and 4 of Law 23548.

First, Law 23548 stipulates that most taxes collected by the national government form
the common pool Masa Coparticipable. Then, Article 3 specifies a primary distribution of
this common pool: 44.34 percent corresponds to the national government, 54.66 percent
has to be shared among all provinces, and the remaining 1 percent makes up a fund called
Fondo de Aportes del Tesoro Nacional.20 The law also establishes in its Article 4 the secondary
distribution: From the part of the common pool that is assigned to all provinces, each one
should receive a fixed share, through a pre-established coefficient.21 Article 6 of Law
23548 dictates that these funds should be automatically transferred to the provinces on
a daily basis. Finally, these transfers are non-earmarked and have neither explicit nor
implicit matching provisions. Thus, Coparticipation transfers are unconditional, lump-
sum grants.
In order to assess their importance, Figure 3 depicts the aggregate amount of Copar-
ticipation transfers received by all provinces, between 1983 and 2009.22
20 Transfers called Aportes del Tesoro Nacional (ATNs) come from this fund, and are distributed discretion-
ally by the Minister of Interior, to help provinces facing unforeseen contingencies.
21 We explain how these coefficients were determined by the Congress in Appendix A.2.
22 In Section 14 of the Online Appendix, Figure 4 plots the time series of Coparticipation transfers, by

province, between 1988 and 2009. We observe there a fairly common pattern of evolution of these transfers
across time, consistent with the fact that they depended, in great part, upon shocks to the national economy.

Figure 3: Total Coparticipation transfers (as percent of all intergovernmental transfers)



1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009

Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias

The figure shows three distinct periods. Before 1988, the percentage changes yearly.
As we explain in Appendix A.2, between 1983 and 1985, Coparticipation transfers were
set according to Law 20221 (1973) that specified a secondary distribution formula. Then,
between 1985 and 1987, all intergovernmental transfers were decided in political negoti-
ations between the central government and provincial authorities. Once Law 23548 was
enacted in January 1988, Coparticipation transfers represented a fairly constant and im-
portant share (94.1 percent) of all intergovernmental transfers (including the discretionary
ones) in Argentina from 1988 to 2003.
After 2003, this share started to decline. From 2004 to 2009, the average was 81.9 per-
cent. Although Law 23548 continued to rule the tax sharing regime, intergovernmental
fiscal relations were essentially different than in previous years. This change was mainly
due to an important increase in the distribution of discretionary transfers by the national
government.23 According to Artana et al. (2012), the use of discretionary transfers tripled
23 During the 2001-2002 macroeconomic crisis, the national government introduced taxes on exports and
financial transactions. These revenues were not incorporated into the common pool Masa Coparticipable
and thus were not automatically transferred to the provinces. Using emergency powers that the Congress
delegated to the executive branch in 2002 (and renewed every year until 2010), the Ministry of Interior was
able to allocate these extra revenues at will.

from 0.5 percent of national GDP at the end of the 1990s to an average of 1.7 percent in
more recent years. Moreover, since 2003 discretionary transfers have not been distributed
on an equal basis and have not followed the pattern of their assignment in previous years
(see Section 4 of the Online Appendix).

Debt During the period under analysis, provincial authorities borrowed domestically,
mainly from commercial banks and the national government. They also issued interna-
tional public bonds and received loans from multilateral financial institutions.
Although some provinces enacted regulations to restrict debt issuance, these regu-
lations were seldom binding.24 Therefore, provinces had a lot of latitude to deal with
budgetary difficulties using debt, which is exactly what they did. From 1988 to 2003,
the consolidated debt of Argentine provinces rose from less than 4 percent to 18.79 per-
cent of national GDP. Again, these aggregated figures hide important differences between
provinces. Table 2 shows the average provincial per capita stock of debt for this period,
with its corresponding coefficient of variation.

Table 2: Average provincial stock of debt (per capita, in 2004 AR$) and coefficients of
Province Debt Coeff. of variation Province Debt Coeff. of variation
Buenos Aires 449.63 0.91 Mendoza 865.94 0.33
CABA 817.18 0.28 Misiones 772.53 0.83
Catamarca 764.94 1.47 Neuquén 51.16 31.02
Chaco 888.00 0.89 Rı́o Negro 811.26 2.07
Chubut 449.52 3.57 Salta 527.27 0.64
Córdoba 25.67 19.4 San Juan 403.66 2.66
Corrientes 851.12 0.34 San Luis 230.67 4.36
Entre Rı́os 814.85 0.57 Santa Cruz 712.50 1.48
Formosa 1,556.29 1.06 Santa Fe 166.27 1.51
Jujuy 522.83 2.10 Santiago del Estero 296.96 0.78
La Pampa 260.75 1.73 Tierra del Fuego 241.82 9.47
La Rioja 1,578.60 0.57 Tucumán 664.72 0.60
Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias.

The contrast between these figures is important: Debt in La Rioja represented more
than 61 times the one in Córdoba. Also, the coefficient of variation of some hydrocarbon-
producing provinces are among the highest ones, illustrating significant changes in their
stock of debt during these years.
24 In Section 5 of the Online Appendix we present evidence supporting this assertion.

3 Empirical analysis
In this section, we start the empirical investigation of the way provincial fiscal policies re-
act to changes in different sources of income. First, we describe succinctly the background
that rationalizes our econometric model. Then, we discuss the identification strategy,
focusing on the instrumental variables approach adopted. Finally, we present the data

3.1 Conceptual background

To capture the fundamental aspects of subnational public finances in Argentina, we have
specified a standard model where provincial governments optimally choose their fiscal
policy intertemporally, taking into account various institutional features and the way in-
tergovernmental fiscal relations took place between 1988 and 2003. In the coming para-
graphs, we briefly outline the key elements from that model.25
There is a representative province, populated by identical residents. At the beginning
of each period t, residents receive the private sector output (net of federal taxes), Yt .
As in Holtz-Eakin et al. (1994) and Dahlberg and Lindström (1998), the province is
ruled by a local government. In each period t, the provincial authority chooses pub-
lic consumption Gt subject to a budget constraint, to maximize the expected discounted
value of its social welfare criterion W ( ).26
On the revenue side of the budget, the province receives Coparticipation transfers TRt
from the national government and royalties Rt from hydrocarbon production. We assume
that the local authority views both sources of income as random and out of its control.
The provincial government can also tax their residents and issue debt. Following the
discussion in Section 2.3, we take the provincial tax collection as a small, fixed fraction τ of
private sector output Yt . The provincial government considers Yt as another exogenously
determined random variable. Finally, we also assume that the province is a small open
economy, with perfect capital mobility. Hence, the provincial interest rate is equal to the
(constant) international interest rate r. We denote by Bt provincial bonds issued at date
(t − 1), that generate interest payments at date t.
As the realizations of Coparticipation transfers, royalties, and private sector output
25 See
Appendix A.3 for full details of the model and its formal derivation.
26 As
we have already mentioned, Argentine provinces expend a minor share of their budget in public
investment. Thus, we do not incorporate it into the model.

happen at the beginning of each period t, the provincial government can condition its
control variables upon them.
As we assume that the provincial government knows that the stochastic processes
governing each source of revenue follow different AR(1) processes in first differences,
we can obtain closed-form solutions for the contemporaneous change in the optimal level
of public expenditures ∆Gt∗ and debt ∆Bt∗+1 . While the former ends-up being a linear
function of contemporaneous and one-period lagged changes of all sources of provincial
revenue, the latter depends linearly only on the former.
From an intuitive standpoint, this model suggests that changes in public consump-
tion and bonds (or debt) depend on contemporaneous and past values of all sources of
income, given that they are useful to estimate the expected present value of total provin-
cial wealth. Moreover, conditional on lagged values of these variables, contemporaneous
changes in Coparticipation transfers, royalties and private output reflect the impact of
shocks to these particular sources of provincial revenue. Thus, the coefficients associ-
ated with contemporaneous changes in Coparticipation transfers and royalties should be
interpreted as responses to these shocks.

3.2 Identification strategy

We estimate the following empirical specifications of the optimal values ∆Gt∗ and ∆Bt∗+1
derived in the model discussed in the previous section,

∆Git = ψG + α0G ∆TRi,t + α1G ∆TRi,t−1 + βG G

0 ∆Ri,t + β 1 ∆Ri,t−1 + νit , (1)

∆Dit = ψ D + α0D ∆TRi,t + β 0D ∆Ri,t + ηit , (2)

where i represents a province and t, a year. νit and ηit are error terms.
Please note that, although all aforementioned fiscal variables appear to have unit roots
in their levels,27 we also find that their first differences are stationary.28 Therefore, the re-
sulting empirical specifications do not involve any non-stationary variables.
27 We tested the presence of unit roots for each variable using the panel test presented by Im et al. (2003).
For all variables, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that unit roots are present in all panels (against the
alternative that at least one panel is stationary), with p-values substantially higher than 0.10 in all instances.
See Section 6 of the Online Appendix for details.
28 First differences of the same variables were all found to be stationary using the panel unit root test

presented by Breitung (2001), for which under the null hypothesis there exists at least one unit root in at
least one panel (against the alternative that all panels are stationary). We reject the null with p-values of
0.0001 or less in all instances. See Section 6 of the Online Appendix for details.

We estimate (1) and (2) separately, using OLS. Moreover, standard errors are clustered
at the provincial level, to address potential issues of serial correlation (see Bertrand et al.
2004). Particularly, as the number of clusters (24) is relatively small, we follow Cameron
and Miller (2015) and use a bootstrap procedure to obtain clustered-robust standard er-
The estimation of equations (1) and (2) raises matters of some concern. Regarding Co-
participation transfers, the following issues may require our attention. First, Casás (1996)
and Galiani et al. (2016) document that, since 1990, various reforms created new transfers
within the Coparticipation regime, which altered its initial simple design depicted in Fig-
ure 2. Second, since 1992, Buenos Aires has received additional revenues from of a special
fund called Fondo de Financiamiento de Programas Sociales en el Conurbano Bonaerense.29 All
these legal changes to the Coparticipation regime proceed from political negotiations be-
tween the national government and provincial authorities, thus potentially invalidating
the assumption that the new transfers were truly exogenous to provincial spending and
debt management. Hence, as the official data on Coparticipation transfers aggregate those
initially defined by Law 23548 and the new ones, the variable TRit can be endogenous.
To address these concerns, we look at instrumenting Coparticipation transfers. Al-
though this may seem challenging a priori, one particular aspect of the fiscal relations in
Argentina can help find a valid instrument: Almost all intergovernmental transfers cre-
ated since 1990 were also distributed according to constant and fixed coefficients, similar
to those defined by Law 23548. We thus suggest to use the following Bartik-type instru-
ment for changes in Coparticipation transfers,

Wit ≡ θi .∆MCt ,

where θi is the share of province i and ∆MCt is the change in the common pool Masa Co-
participable at year t. The shares satisfy ∑i θi = 1 and were computed using only the legal
secondary distribution coefficients defined in Law 23548.30
These legal coefficients were not modified by the national government nor negotiated
between regional representatives in Congress on a yearly basis; in fact, they have been
legally fixed since 1988.31 Hence, the shares θi were also fixed between 1988 and 2003, and
29 The resources to form this fund came from the common pool Masa Coparticipable, before its primary
distribution. These supplementary transfers, which reached AR$650 million in some years, have been held
constant (in nominal terms) since 1995.
30 We explain how we obtain the shares θ in Section 7 of the Online Appendix.
31 In Appendix A.2 we explain how this could have happened.

thus, political channels like those analyzed by Knight (2002) or Johansson (2003) do not
create an endogeneity problem here. Moreover, as the legal coefficients were not defined
by a formula, they do not depend upon observable (geographic, demographic or socioe-
conomic) characteristics, expenditures or any other outcome of provincial policies. This
excludes the possibility of reverse causality: provincial governments cannot set their poli-
cies’ outcomes or manipulate socioeconomic indicators in order to obtain more resources
from the national government. By construction, the shares θi inherit these properties.
In order to justify the exclusion restriction of our instrument Wit , we follow Goldsmith-
Pinkham et al. (2020) and examine how much the shares θi that account for much of the
key variation in Coparticipation transfers are correlated with other potential confounds
near 1988. In Appendix A.4, we present evidence confirming that the shares θi were
not correlated with observable provincial characteristics evaluated near 1988, except with
population. 32 Moreover, the shares θi could be correlated with changes in the distribu-
tion of Coparticipation transfers that were introduced after Law 23548 was enacted. This
could imply that provinces with more automatic transfers also benefited more from sub-
sequent transfers, which would represent another potential violation of Wit ’s exclusion
restriction. To verify this, in Appendix A.4 we also test whether the shares θi were corre-
lated with Coparticipation transfers net of their formula-determined amount. We find no
such correlation.
The second component of our instrument, ∆MCt , is completely determined by shifts
in the national tax collection, mostly out of the direct control of the provinces. Neverthe-
less, there can be temporary shocks that, affecting the GPP of a particular province, would
have an impact on the national GDP, and thus, via the amount of taxes collected by the
national government, on Coparticipation transfers. For example, this may happen if the
GPP of a particular province represents an important fraction of the national GDP. These
shocks could have independent and direct effects on public spending in this particular
province, which would induce a bias in the estimation. In Appendix A.7 we verify that
economically big provinces do not modify our results.
We thus consider Wit as a valid instrument for Coparticipation transfers, implying
that their conditional variation is driven by changes in the national tax collection. Specifi-
cally, we instrument the lagged change in Coparticipation transfers ∆TRi,t−1 with Wi,t−1 ,
and the contemporaneous change ∆TRit with Wit and Wi,t−1 . BERNIE: HABRIA QUE EX-
32 We address this potential threat to identification in Appendix A.6. Fortunately, we do not observe any
effect of this provincial characteristic on our results.

Some issues regarding royalties may also invalidate our identification strategy. First,
we know that, in our data set, this variable is subject to measurement errors: Even for
hydrocarbon-producing provinces, royalties include those coming from mineral resources
and hydroelectricity generation.33 And, as we explain in Section 3 of the Online Ap-
pendix, the amount of those other royalties clearly depend on decisions adopted by
provincial authorities and thus might not be exogenous to their fiscal policies. Second,
even if we focus only on hydrocarbon royalties, we may face a problem of reverse causal-
ity because one of their determinants is oil and/or gas production. In principle, such a
variable could depend not only on the geological features of each site, but also on the
outcomes of provincial policies.34 Finally, unobserved shocks affecting both the level of
royalties and expenditure decisions could also be relevant. For example, a strike by oil or
gas workers that generates social unrest could affect hydrocarbon production (and thus
royalties) and provincial expenditures (because provincial authorities increase social pro-
grams to appease such a political situation).35 This could generate a spurious correlation
among these variables, biasing the estimation results.
To address these concerns, we run the regressions using the following Bartik-type
instrument for changes in provincial royalties,

Zit ≡ qi .∆p∗t ,

where qi is province i’s average oil production between 1985 and 1987, and ∆p∗t is the
change in the international oil price at year t.
The first component of Zit is a predetermined measure of oil abundance. This ensures
that changes in oil production that occurred after 1988 in one province (that could even-
tually depend indirectly upon governmental decisions) will not affect the evolution of the
instrument, ensuring an exogenous variability in the first stage.
The use of ∆p∗t as the second component of Zit deserves some discussion. First,
33 Unfortunately, for the period of 1988 to 2009, disaggregated data by origin of royalties is, to the best of
our knowledge, not available for all provinces -not even for the eight hydrocarbon producers.
34 For example, the provision of some public goods could affect firms’ decisions to initiate the exploitation

of a given site or their production processes.

35 These kinds of events have indeed been observed in some hydrocarbon-producing provinces, like

Neuquén (in 1996 and 1997) and Salta (in 1997).

Pindyck (2004) documents that the international oil price determines the international
gas price, but not the other way around. Thus, we do not need to take the value of the in-
ternational gas price into account. Second, as Argentine provinces are, globally speaking,
small hydrocarbon producers, p∗t is clearly orthogonal to provincial characteristics and
policies (including fiscal decisions). Finally, in principle, the international oil price can
have a different impact on the economies of hydrocarbon-producing provinces than on
those of jurisdictions less dependent on hydrocarbons extraction. If this were the case, it
would invalidate the exclusion restriction that the instrument affects the dependent vari-
ables only via royalties. In Appendix A.5, we investigate if our instrument was correlated
with changes, at the provincial level, in GPP and unemployment, for all provinces and
for the eight hydrocarbon-producing ones. We find non-significant results.
Summing up, we believe that Zit can be considered a valid instrument for royalties,
implying that their conditional variation is driven by changes in the international oil
price. Again, we instrument the lagged change in royalties ∆Ri,t−1 with Zi,t−1 , and the
contemporaneous change ∆Rit with Zit and Zi,t−1 .

3.3 Data
We use a data set that covers all Argentine provinces from 1988 to 2009. We subtract the
component ’Interest Payments’ from ’Current Public Expenditures’ to create the new vari-
able ’Provincial Public Expenditures’, denoted by G. This new variable includes public
consumption and transfers to the private sector, but neither public investment nor in-
terest payments. We also employ more disggregated data on payroll, procurement and
Regarding the stock of debt, changes in this variable should be equal to the yearly
provincial deficit (which includes interest payments and public capital expenditures).
Thus, we use ’Financial Result’ (deficits after interest payments and public investment)
to capture changes in the provincial (stock of) debt. All these variables are obtained from
Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias, the department of the
Ministry of Economy that is in charge of the fiscal relations with provincial authorities.36
Data on Coparticipation transfers and royalties also comes from this department.
We build a time series of the common pool Masa Coparticipable, by substracting import
and export duties from to the national tax collection. These series are obtained from Di-
rección Nacional de Investigaciones y Análisis Fiscal, another department of the Ministry
36 Formerly, Dirección de Coordinación Fiscal con las Provincias.

of Economy.
Oil and gas production, as well as reserves were obtained from Anuario de Combustibles,
a yearly publication from the (former) Dirección Nacional de Energı́a y Combustibles.37
Oil and gas prices come from the Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas, an NGO that
is internationally considered as having the best technical expertise in hydrocarbon indus-
tries in Argentina.
We use data on provincial unemployment from Observatorio de Empleo y Dinámica
Industrial, at the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security. Finally, provin-
cial GPP is obtained from Porto (2004) for the period 1987-2000 and from the Ministry of
Economy for the period 2001-2009.
Given the values of all these variables, we construct their contemporaneous and one-
period lagged changes. We express all money values in thousands of 2004 pesos per
capita (unless otherwise stated). Summary statistics for the main variables in the paper
are provided in Table 3.

Table 3: Summary statistics

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Max. Min. Obs.

∆Git -0.001 0.23 1.571 -1.164 360
∆Dit 0.139 0.285 1.46 -0.602 360
∆TRit -0.001 0.179 0.636 -1.358 360
∆TRi,t−1 -0.01 0.181 0.636 -1.358 336
∆Rit -0.006 0.143 0.821 -1.36 360
∆Ri,t−1 -0.009 0.14 0.585 -1.36 336
∆Yit 0.088 1.687 8.688 -13.107 360
∆Yi,t−1 0.029 1.72 8.688 -13.107 336
qi (in thousands m3 ) 1,065.571 1,949.764 5,943.11 0 24
pt (in 2004 AR$ per m3 ) 49.34 31.68 123.82 18.35 16

4 Fiscal reactions for the full sample of provinces

In this section, we present the results regarding the fiscal reactions in all provinces, and
then analyze some robustness checks. Table 4 provides the first series of estimations of
the paper, where we display three different specifications of equations (1) and (2).
In panel (A), we use the entire data set, without instrumenting provincial revenues.
The main results show significant, economically important, positive reactions of public
37 See

Table 4: Fiscal responses, all provinces
(A) (B) (C)
∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit

∆TRit 0.9697*** -0.2387** 0.6592*** -0.0627 0.9823*** -0.3344***

(0.107) (0.115) (0.040) (0.103) (0.207) (0.099)
∆TRi,t−1 0.5197*** 0.3413*** 0.3262***
(0.075) (0.064) (0.073)
∆Rit 0.1062 -0.3981*** -0.2937 -0.7709*** -0.1250 -1.4005***
(0.071) (0.125) (0.274) (0.134) (0.364) (0.417)
∆Ri,t−1 0.1143* 0.2631*** 0.1718
(0.060) (0.093) (0.463)
Constant 0.0166** 0.1104*** 0.0121** 0.1347*** 0.0071 0.1413***
(0.007) (0.020) (0.005) (0.024) (0.010) (0.025)

Anderson-Rubin test 21.87*** 22.28***

Number of clusters 24 24 24 24 24 24
Observations 480 480 336 336 336 336
R2 0.538 0.144 0.366 0.158 0.315 0.106

First stage of panel (C)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
∆Ri,t−1 ∆TRi,t−1 ∆Rit ∆TRit

Zit 0.0012*** -0.0006

(0.0005) (0.001)
Wit 0.0364 0.5563***
(0.029) (0.044)
Zi,t−1 0.0005*** -0.0005 0.0006** -0.0002***
(0.0002) (0.001) (0.0003) (0.0001)
Wi,t−1 0.1407* 0.5971*** 0.0293 -0.1711***
(0.074) (0.017) (0.061) (0.017)
Constant -0.0062 0.0070 0.0079* -0.0033
(0.004) (0.005) (0.004) (0.006)

Kleibergen-Paap Wald statistic 4.98 4.97

Number of clusters 24 24
Observations 336 336 336 336
R2 0.076 0.577 0.361 0.611
Notes: Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels, respectively.

expenditures to the contemporaneous and lagged changes in Coparticipation transfers.

These results cannot be taken as causal estimates of the impact of changes in Coparticipa-
tion transfers on this provincial policy dimension because endogeneity issues are preva-
lent. Indeed, since 2003, discretionary transfers from the national government became a
relevant source of income for many provinces. Therefore, after this date, when a provin-
cial government faced a positive shock to Coparticipation transfers, it may have reacted
by spending above it, anticipating that, in case of a posterior reversal in this source of
income, it could be compensated or even rescued via discretionary transfers.
Provincial reactions to changes in royalties are different. Facing a contemporaneous

increase in this source of revenue, provinces do not modify their public expenditures;
instead they decrease their deficit in a statistically significant way. These results cannot
be considered as proofs of a causal relation because of potential concerns of endogeneity
regarding the political determination of domestic hydrocarbon prices since 2003.
In order to deal with these issues, in panels (B) and (C) we restrict the data set to
the period of 1988-2003, when Coparticipation transfers represented on average 94.1 per-
cent of all intergovernmental transfers (including the discretionary ones) and royalties
were computed according to international energy prices. In panel (B), we do not instru-
ment provincial revenues. We observe that the most important statistically significant
estimates are economically different from the previous specification. The increase in pub-
lic expenditures in reaction to a contemporaneous change in Coparticipation transfers
falls by more than 30 percent while the deficit reduction after a contemporaneous change
in royalties increases by 93 percent. Clearly, when we restrict the data set to the years
when the national policies were less discretionary, provincial authorities seem to behave
more conservatively.
Finally, panel (C) presents the coefficients derived from our preferred specification,
when we instrument Coparticipation transfers and royalties, and we estimate equations
(1) and (2) with 2SLS.
The bottom part of Table 4 presents the first stage estimation for contemporaneous and
lagged changes in Coparticipation transfers and royalties. For each source of revenue, the
estimated coefficient of its corresponding instrument is positive (as predicted) and statis-
tically significant. As standard errors are clustered, we are in a non-homoskedastic case,
where the usual F tests for weak instruments do not apply (see Montiel Olea and Pflueger,
2013). Altough there is, to the best of our knowledge, no test for weak instruments in
the non-homoskedastic case with multiple endogenous regressors, Andrews et al. (2019)
suggest to use, in just-identified models like this one, the Kleibergen-Paap Wald statistic.
Their p−value (0.13 and 0.21, respectively) seem to point out a problem of (marginally)
weak instruments. Nevertheless, inference can be done even with such instruments. In-
deed, the results of the Anderson-Rubin test reported at the top of Table 4 validate the
inference drawn with our instruments: we reject the null hypothesis that all structural
coefficients are simultaneously 0. BERNIE: HAY QUE MEJORAR ESTA ULTIMA PARTE,
In the second-stage regression in panel (C), we obtain a positive, statistically and eco-

nomically significant estimated response of public expenditures, and a negative, but less
economically significant estimated response of debt to the contemporaneous change in
Coparticipation transfers. On average, and other things being equal, for each peso of
increase in Coparticipation transfers, provincial governments increase current public ex-
penditures by nearly 98 centavos and decrease debt by 33 centavos.38 These results sug-
gest a low degree of expenditure smoothing to shocks in this source of provincial income.
Although this finding stands in sharp contrast to the result obtained by Dahlberg and
Lindström (1998), our estimated coefficients are similar to those found by Holtz-Eakin
et al. (1994), but lower than those reported by Végh and Vuletin (2015).
Regarding the reactions to changes in royalties, we obtain no statistically significant
coefficient for public expenditures. But, on the other hand, public debt reacts negatively
and in a significant way to an increase in this source of revenue.39 Facing a contempora-
neous positive shock to royalties, provincial governments only reduce their deficit.40
Shocks in Coparticipation transfers have persistent impacts on provincial policies:
they affect current expenditures contemporaneously and also one year ahead. Overall,
these results suggest that shocks to royalties are more smoothed than those to Copartici-
pation transfers, contemporaneously and in the medium term.
Finally, Table 5 examines the effect of provincial revenues on a further disaggregation
of public consumption. For each peso of increase in Coparticipation transfers, provinces
react by increasing payroll (48 centavos), procurement (15 centavos) and transfers (35
centavos). Spending in personnel and transfers exhibit some persistency. On the other
hand, all reactions to changes in royalties are not significant.

4.1 Additional analysis

We explore the robustness of these results in two alternative ways. First, in Appendix
A.8 we show additional regressions of panel (C) using other estimation methods and
specifications, as well as incorporating some controls in order to avoid omitted variable
38 We acknowledge that these estimated coefficients are high, and their sum is slightly larger than one.
But recall that our regressions do not take into account all public incomes; in particular we do not include
provincial tax revenues. But, when in Appendix A.8 we control for them, this aggregated effect is attenu-
39 Although the estimated coefficient (-1.4005) seems high, its 95 percent confidence interval is

[−2.218; −0.582]. Thus, we cannot reject that is is statistically different from minus one.
40 We have to be cautious when we interpret these results, because the instrument Z only applies to
provinces that produced oil in 1985-1987. Moreover, we are estimating the average reaction to changes in
royalties when many provinces did not receive them. ¿LES PARECE PONER ESTA FOOTNOTE?

Table 5: Effects on disaggregated government spending, all provinces

(1) (2) (3)

Payroll Consumption Total transfers

∆TRit 0.4814*** 0.1469*** 0.3541***

(0.094) (0.029) (0.096)
∆TRi,t−1 0.2446*** -0.0432 0.1248*
(0.083) (0.044) (0.066)
∆Rit -0.2876 0.0154 0.1471
(0.271) (0.073) (0.090)
∆Ri,t−1 0.1306 0.2068 -0.1655
(0.371) (0.251) (0.264)
Constant 0.0004 0.0073** -0.0006
(0.005) (0.003) (0.007)

Observations 336 336 336

R2 0.261 0.116 0.208
Notes: Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels, respectively.

Specifically, we consider that, as changes in public expenditures and debt are simul-
taneously chosen by provincial governments, the error terms νit and ηit may be corre-
lated. In order to address this concern, we estimate (1) and (2) as a system, using a 3SLS
Under the 2SLS estimation, we assumed that errors were normally distributed, which
may be restrictive in this setting. To address this issue, (1) and (2) are estimated using
Since provinces had almost no leeway to improve their own tax collection between
1988 and 2003, we considered them as a fixed, small fraction of private sector output. But
provinces may have faced changes to their economy, which were not taken into account
in Table 4. This omission gives an incomplete view of local public finances in Argentina.
Due to lack of availability of accurate data at the subnational level for these years and
although its use may raise some concerns, we incorporate contemporaneous and one pe-
riod lagged changes in GPP, ∆Yit and ∆Yi,t−1 , respectively, to control for shocks to the
local tax collection.
Finally, we test the sensitivity of our results adding and excluding different lags of our
explanatory variables. Specifically, we exclude the one-period lagged change in Copartic-

ipation transfers and royalties in the estimation of the public consumption equation (1);
and then, we include these variables in the estimation of the debt equation (2).
Second, in Section 8 of the Online Appendix, we report the results of the regressions
when we drop from the sample three particular provinces, one by one, to see whether
they have a particular impact on our regressions. Santiago del Estero is the province that
increased its own tax collection the most between 1988 and 2003. Meanwhile, La Rioja
received large amounts of discretionary transfers ATNs. After some political negotiations
in 1991 and 1992, Buenos Aires obtained additional resources.
None of these new regressions has a significant impact on the results presented in
panel (C) in Table 4. We thus conclude that the results regarding the different smoothing
behavior with respect to shocks to Coparticipation transfers and royalties are robust to
many different specifications of our basic regressions.

5 Fiscal reactions in hydrocarbon-producing provinces

Although we have instrumented royalties, we can still suspect that the estimated reac-
tions to their changes in Table 4 may be biased, because they capture the average response
of all provinces in a situation where only a few of them receive this type of funds. More-
over, as postulated by the literature on the natural resource curse at the subnational level,
we can also argue that provinces receiving hydrocarbon royalties may be different from
other jurisdictions in terms of their economic, social, or institutional characteristics, which
could imply that their public expenditures and debt’s reactions also differ for Copartici-
pation transfers. To evaluate these hypothesis, in Table (6) we estimate equations (1) and
(2) using 2SLS, only for hydrocarbon-producing provinces.
In the first stage, the Kleibergen-Paap Wald statistic improves with respect to the val-
ues obtained in first stages in Table 4: their p−values are now 0.11 and 0,01, respectively.
This is expected, given the design of the instrument Zit . Then, the Anderson-Rubin test
strongly validates the inference of the second stage.
In the second stage, the estimated reactions to changes in Coparticipation transfers are
qualitatively similar to those presented in panel (C) of Table 4. Hydrocarbon-producing
provinces completely spend in public consumption any contemporaneous increase in this
source of revenue.41 Moreover, such shocks have persistent effects on public consumption
41 Although
the estimated coefficient (1.476) seems high, its 95 percent confidence interval is [0.83; 2.122].
Thus, we cannot reject that it is statistically different from one.

Table 6: Fiscal responses, hydrocarbon-producing provinces

First Stage
(1) (2) (3) (4)
∆R j,t−1 ∆TR j,t−1 ∆R jt ∆TR jt

Zjt 0.0012*** -0.0006**

(0.0004) (0.0003)
Wjt 0.0753 0.4929***
(0.070) (0.084)
Zj,t−1 0.0006*** -0.0005* 0.0006** -0.0003***
(0.0002) (0.0003) (0.0006) (0.0001)
Wj,t−1 0.2796*** 0.6160*** 0.0651 -0.1605***
(0.092) (0.033) (0.146) (0.037)
Constant -0.0189 0.0164 0.0239** 0.0065
(0.012) (0.013) (0.011) (0.014)

Kleibergen-Paap Wald statistic 6.162 14.765

Number of clusters 8 8 8 8
Observations 112 112 112 112
R2 0.122 0.524 0.378 0.484

Second stage
∆Gjt ∆D jt
∆TR jt 1.4760*** -0.1358
(0.330) (0.149)
∆TR j,t−1 0.3286**
∆R jt 0.2240 -1.1909***
(0.348) (0.279)
∆R j,t−1 0.1827
Constant -0.0039 0.2120***
(0.033) (0.047)

Anderson-Rubin test 149.76*** 23.91***

Number of clusters 8 8
Observations 112 112
R2 0.401 0.128

Notes: The index j represents a hydrocarbon-producing province. Bootstrap clustered standard errors in
parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

Table 7: Effect on disaggregated government spending, hydrocarbon-producing

(1) (2) (3)

Payroll Consumption Total transfers

∆TR jt 0.6429*** 0.2480*** 0.5851***

(0.171) (0.032) (0.147)
∆TR j,t−1 0.2817*** -0.0725 0.1194
(0.066) (0.055) (0.127)
∆R jt -0.1873 0.0950 0.3163**
(0.212) (0.085) (0.137)
∆R j,t−1 0.2275 0.1323 -0.1770
(0.210) (0.131) (0.255)
Constant -0.0037 0.0126** -0.0129
(0.015) (0.006) (0.022)

Observations 112 112 112

R2 0.358 0.172 0.307
Notes: The index j represents a hydrocarbon-producing province. Bootstrap clustered standard errors in
parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

one period ahead.42

Furthermore, Table 7 details their public consumption reaction at a more disaggre-
gated level. We observe that hydrocarbon-producing provinces spent an increase in Co-
participation transfers in a similar manner (in percent) as all provinces did, with same
persistence in payroll and total transfers.43 On the other hand, debt management does
not react to changes in Coparticipation transfers in these eight provinces. Hence, we
can conclude that, when they face shocks to the source of revenue that is common to all
provinces, hydrocarbon-producing ones behaved like the others, in terms of public ex-
But these eight provinces reacted differently -qualitatively and quantitatively- to shocks
to their specific source of revenue: When faced with a one peso increase in royalties, they
channeled the adjustment towards a large decrease in their deficit, rather than modifying
public consumption.44

42 InSection 9 of the Online Appendix we present supplementary evidence that these hydrocarbon-
producing provinces’ reactions are similar to those of other provinces.
43 The only difference between these results and those of Table 5 concern the total transfers’ response to

an increase in royalties, which is positive and significant at the 5 percent.

44 The 95 percent confidence interval of the estimated coefficient (-1.19) is [-1.74; 0.645].

We conclude that hydrocarbon-producing provinces spent much out of increases in
Coparticipation transfers, while they saved rises in royalties.45 In the next section, we
provide two alternative explanations for why these provinces might have behaved in this
way, and we analyze their plausibility. Finally, we try to find in the data any evidence of
the mechanisms mentioned in these explanations.

5.1 Plausible explanations for the observed saving reactions

5.1.1 Volatility of different sources of public income

One explanation for these contrasting fiscal reactions is that authorities in hydrocarbon-
producing provinces may perceive shocks to royalties as being more volatile than those
to Coparticipation transfers, all else equal. If this were indeed the case, a precautionary
savings argument, as pointed out by Végh and Vuletin (2015), could be made to explain
these different reactions.46
To check if this argument holds, first we need to verify if the volatility of royalties
was higher than that of Coparticipation transfers from 1988 to 2003. In Appendix A.9 we
compare them in two different ways. First, for each hydrocarbon-producing province and
each source of revenue, we compute its average coefficient of variation. We corroborate
that the coefficient of variation of royalties is higher than that of Coparticipation transfers.
Second, when we average among all hydrocarbon-producing provinces, the accumulated
coefficient of variation of royalties is, year after year, higher than of Coparticipation trans-
fers. Therefore, in Argentina royalties were more volatile than Coparticipation transfers
during 1988 to 2003, which makes the aforementioned argument on precautionary sav-
ings plausible.

5.1.2 Intergenerational concerns and the nonrenewable nature of hydrocarbons

Another explanation for why hydrocarbon-producing provinces spent less any increase
in royalties could be intergenerational considerations and concerns over hydrocarbons
being nonrenewable resources. Even with no price and geological uncertainty, provin-
cial governments can consider oil and gas reserves as an income-generating asset. In a
45 InSection 10 of the Online Appendix, we present narrative evidence supporting this last assertion.
46 As already mentioned, Cassidy (2021) finds a similar result: In Indonesia, the fiscal responses by sub-
national governments to transitory changes in oil revenues are less pronounced than the corresponding
reaction to a permanent adjustment in a general grant provided by the central government.

standard life-cycle model, a utilitarian provincial government will use hydrocarbon roy-
alties to maximize the welfare over an infinite horizon or number of generations, with no
special preference between them. In such a deterministic world, the optimal provincial
public consumption path should equal the returns of total net wealth, or the present value
of the stream of oil and gas royalties. In particular, during a mature stage of production,
far from the initiation of exploitation but also from depletion, provincial governments
optimize saving from their royalties.
Of course, optimal planning is more complicated in real life, given price and geo-
logical uncertainty. Barnett and Ossowski (2003) explained that the best-known strategy
for hydrocarbon-producing governments is a fiscal policy that preserves their hydrocar-
bon and non-hydrocarbon wealth, which implies that in each period, public consumption
should be limited to permanent income -an argument that is familiar from the tax smooth-
ing literature (Barro 1979). van der Ploeg and Venables (2011) discussed optimal policies
for resource-rich developing economies within a model that includes other policy options,
such as private capital accumulation and public infrastructure construction. In general,
they argued that the optimal use of an increase in government revenues is not to raise
public consumption. But they also claim that in low-income countries with scarce capital,
there might be a case for skewing consumption towards present generations during the
early stages of hydrocarbons production.
However, this particular argument does not apply here. First, according to World
Bank criteria, Argentina is considered an upper-middle income country, not a low-income
one with scarce capital. Moreover, the period from 1988 to 2003 does not correspond to
the early stages of Argentina’s oil and gas production, as shown in Figure 9 in Appendix
A.10, where we plot the provinces’ historical production of hydrocarbons.47,48 Clearly, no
hydrocarbon-producing province was at an initial stage of production in 1988.
But is it then possible that these particular provinces were nearing hydrocarbons de-
pletion between 1988 and 2003, when their public consumption should have been sup-
ported by interests earned on accumulated assets? We establish that this was neither
the case by constructing a depletion index for the years 1970-2003. Each hydrocarbon-
47 InSection 11 of the Online Appendix, we explain in detail how we build the data depicted in Figures 4
and 9.
48 Chubut was the first province to start producing hydrocarbons, in 1907. In 1918, Neuquén initiated the

exploitation of its sites, and by 1950, Mendoza, Salta, and Santa Cruz had followed. Finally, Rı́o Negro and
Tierra del Fuego became producers in the late ’50s.

producing province j is slotted into the index DIjt , and

APjt ∑ts=0 q js
DIjt ≡ = t
TR jt ∑s=0 q js + R jt

is the ratio of accumulated hydrocarbon production APjt (from the beginning of exploita-
tion up to year t) to total known reserves in t, TR jt . Figure 4 shows the depletion index
DIjt for the full range of years and the average between 1988 and 2003.49

Figure 4: Index of hydrocarbons depletion, by province

Chubut La Pampa Mendoza

60 70 80 90

40 50 60 70 80

1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000

Neuquén Río Negro Salta


20 40 60 80

20 40 60 80

1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000

Santa Cruz Tierra del Fuego

20 40 60 80
40 50 60 70 80

1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000

Notes: The depletion index is measured in percent. Sources: Anuario de Combustibles and own calculations.

Between 1988 and 2003, the depletion index for Neuquén, Salta, and Tierra del Fuego
was, on average, below 50 percent. So, we can definitely assert that these three provinces
were not close to depletion. On the other hand, Chubut, La Pampa, Mendoza, Rı́o Negro,
and Santa Cruz presented average depletion indexes close to 80 percent. Although such a
value seems high and may suggest an end stage of the production curve, it is common to
countries or regions that have been producing for a long time (because historic production
weighs significantly on the index). But that is not to say that these five provinces were
49 As this figure illustrates an index built using long term data, we present it for a longer period of time
to assess its value in perspective. But we could not go back in time because there is no available data for oil
and gas reserves before 1970 in Argentina.

not close to depletion. To confirm their actual status, we need to analyze the evolution of
their hydrocarbon production during the period under analysis.
Accordingly, for each hydrocarbon-producing province j, we compute the annual re-
serve replacement rate
d jt
RRR jt ≡ ,
q jt
which is the ratio between discoveries in year t (i.e., the amount of proved reserves added
to the stock), d jt , and production in the same year q jt . A result greater than one means
that more hydrocarbons are discovered than extracted, so production is not at a depletion
stage. Figure 10 in Appendix A.10 depicts the rate RRR jt for the eight hydrocarbon-
producing provinces, between 1988 and 2003.
There, we can see that this rate was above one for most of the years. In fact, for these
provinces, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that their average reserve-replacement
rate was equal to one, except for the case of Chubut, where it was greater than this thresh-
old. Therefore, despite having an average depletion index near 80 percent, Chubut, La
Pampa, Mendoza, Rı́o Negro, and Santa Cruz were not at the final stage of hydrocarbons
We conclude that hydrocarbon-producing provinces were, during 1988-2003, at a ma-
ture stage of production, far from the initiation of exploitation but also from depletion.
Therefore, according to the literature that studies the optimal use of revenues from a non-
renewable source, it might have been optimal for these provinces to save their royalties.

5.2 Evidence of these explanations in our data

Now, we try to find suggestive evidence of whether any of these potential channels are
operating in our data. To do that, we incorporate into the second stage of Table 6 variables
that are related to these mechanisms.
We were not able to detect any effect of the different volatilities of both revenue sources
on the fiscal reactions of hydrocarbon-producing provinces.50 But things are different
concerning the non-renewable nature of their royalties. We find a substantial impact of
changes in the depletion index on how these provinces react to shocks to this revenue
source. Table 8 presents the results.
Although the level of ∆DPIjt has no effect on the provincial policies, the estimated
coefficients of the interaction ∆DPIjt .∆R jt are negative and significant in both regressions
50 We present these results in Section 12 of the Online Appendix.

in panel (F).51 The total effect of a one peso increase in royalties on ∆Gjt is (0.5097) +
(−0.2127) = 0.297, with a p-value of 0.458. On the other hand, this same effect on ∆D jt is
significant: it amounts to (−0.799) + (−0.336) = −1.135, with a p-value of 0.003.

Table 8: Depletion and fiscal responses in hydrocarbon-producing provinces

(E) (F)
∆Gjt ∆D jt ∆Gjt ∆D jt
∆TR jt 1.2847*** -0.1991 1.3992*** -0.0757
(0.301) (0.179) (0.387) (0.242)
∆TR j,t−1 0.3292** 0.5207***
(0.137) (0.198)
∆R jt 0.1026 -1.2417*** 0.5097 -0.7990*
(0.328) (0.305) (0.415) (0.455)
∆R j,t−1 0.2596 -0.2438
(0.390) (0.301)
∆DPIjt -0.0042 -0.0028 -0.0053 -0.0091
(0.003) (0.008) (0.004) (0.006)
∆DPIjt ∗ ∆Rit -0.2127*** -0.3360***
(0.076) (0.116)
Constant 0.0190 0.1965*** 0.0171 0.2004***
(0.030) (0.049) (0.040) (0.047)

Observations 112 112 112 112

R2 0.403 0.124 0.440 0.223
Notes: The index j represents a hydrocarbon-producing province. Bootstrap clustered standard errors in
parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

To visualize the negative relation that our regressions seem to convey, Figure 5 illus-
trates, for given values of ∆DPI, the average marginal impact of royalties on the debt
reaction, with its corresponding 95 percent confidence interval.
For example, if ∆DPI = −10 percentage points, an hydrocarbon-producing province
reacts to a one peso increase in royalties by increasing debt by (−0.799) + (−10).(−0.336) =
2.561 pesos. Even though this value seems high, its confidence interval includes 0. But
for increases in the depletion index larger than one percentage point, the reactions are
to decrease debt, in a statistically significant way.52 Therefore, the figure confirms the
51 There may be a potential concern for endogeneity in these regressions: The second component of the
royalties’ instrument ∆p∗t may be correlated with ∆DPIjt . Indeed, an increase in the international oil price
may foster new discoveries, and thus an increase in known reserves R jt . In Section 13 of the Online Ap-
pendix we show that ∆p∗t and ∆DPIjt were not correlated between 1988 and 2003.
52 We also observe a significant average increase in debt when the depletion index decreases by more than

15 percentage points.

following relationship: the higher the value of ∆DPIjt , the larger the saving reaction of
hydrocarbon-producing provinces when they face a one peso increase in royalties. To the
very best of our knowledge, this relationship has never been noted in the local public
finance literature, and is consistent with optimal fiscal reactions in mature hydrocarbon
producing jurisdictions.

Figure 5: Average marginal effects of royalties




-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

∆ DPIjt

5.3 Discussion
Why is that hydrocarbon-producing provinces in Argentina adopt such an intertemporal
behavior regarding this non-renewable source of income? We can suggest two possible
complementary explanations.
Between 1988 and 2003, some of these provinces were ruled by strong local parties
(like Movimiento Popular Neuquino in Neuquén) or leaders (as Néstor Kirchner in Santa
Cruz) with long-term political projects.
Moreover, since Wibbels (2005) it has been acknowledged that financial autonomy
from the central government is one important political objective of subnational authorities
in Latin America. In particular, subnational governments try to keep low their level of
indebtness, notably their exposure to central government’s loans.
Our findings seem to fit well with these two aspects of the Argentina federalism. Un-
der the rules-based type of institutional setting that characterized intergovernmental fis-

cal relations during those years, it is very likely that those strong provincial parties or
leaders were much aware of the non-renewable nature of royalties, and thus saved a large
share of them, to secure their fiscal independence from the national government and the
financial sustainability of their political projects.53

6 Conclusions
Studying the impact of changes in public revenues on subnational public policies is not
easy. From an empirical perspective, researchers face potential concerns over the endo-
geneity of local tax and nontax revenues. In many developed and developing countries,
intergovernmental transfers are usually allocated as a function of observed provincial
characteristics or policies’ outcomes. In other cases, an important percentage of these
transferred funds is discretionally assigned by yearly budget decisions that reflect polit-
ical negotiations at the congresses or directly between national and subnational authori-
This paper addresses these issues by focusing on the debt and spending behavior of
Argentine provinces. The most important type of transfer that provinces received from
the national government came from the Coparticipation tax-sharing regime. In addition,
we also examine hydrocarbon royalties, another important source of income for eight
provinces. Unlike Coparticipation transfers, royalties fluctuated wildly (from changing
international prices) over the period studied.
To overcome potential threats to our identification strategy, we adopt a Bartik-like
instrumental variables approach. We instrument Coparticipation transfers, using fixed
provincial shares interacted with yearly changes to the common pool of taxes collected
by the national government. We also instrument royalties, with an index of provincial
hydrocarbons abundance in the pre-estimation period interacted with yearly changes in
the international oil price.
Our main results relate to the years of 1988-2003, when the regulations of the tax shar-
ing regime and royalties were persistently enforced, and the economic intervention of the
national government in the provinces was limited. On average, provinces used almost
all increases in their Coparticipation transfers to raise public consumption, and a minor
part to reduce their debt. On top of that, hydrocarbon-producing provinces employ any
53 Giraudy
(2015) showed that, during the nineties, six out of the eight hydrocarbon-producing provinces
were among the most fiscally autonomous provinces in Argentina.

increase in royalties entirely to lower their debt. These results are robust to different spec-
ifications of the basic regressions we run.
To potentially explain why hydrocarbon-producing provinces save more of royalties
than of Coparticipation funds, we emphasize the higher volatility of royalties (relative to
the other transfers) and the exhaustible nature of these revenues. Although we could not
detect any evidence of the former mechanism in our data, we find a positive relationship
between changes in the hydrocarbons depletion index and provincial savings.
We finally discuss two complementary characteristics of the Argentine federalism dur-
ing those years that may justify this last result. Thus, our findings point out that sound
fiscal reactions to large and increasing revenues coming from non-renewable natural re-
sources can be observed both in subnational units with high levels of state capacity and
civic control over local authorities (like the Scandinavian ones) or with lower levels of
institutional and democratic development (like in Argentine provinces).

A Appendix

A.1 Provincial tax collection between 1988 and 2003

As Figure 6 shows, the shares of provincial tax collection over GPP were rather constant
during that time. For all provinces, the best fit line of their yearly share presents no sta-
tistically significant slope or, when it is statistically significant, its economic significance
is negligible.54

Figure 6: Provincial tax collection (as percent of GPP)

Buenos Aires CABA Catamarca Chaco Chubut

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4
1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Córdoba Corrientes Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4
1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Neuquén

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Río Negro Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Santa Fe Santiago del Estero Tierra del Fuego Tucumán

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

0 1 2 3 4

1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias.

A.2 Legal coefficients of the secondary distribution

To explain how the legal coefficients set by Law 23548 were determined, we need to de-
scribe some characteristics of the tax-sharing regimes that were in place before 1988, and
their evolution. In 1973, the first law to uniformly regulate the Argentine tax-sharing
54 In Section 4.1 and Section 8 of the Online Appendix we analyze the particular case of Santiago del

Estero because this province was the one that increases the most its tax receipts between 1988 and 2003.

regime was enacted. Law 20221 had a stipulated duration of 10 years and specified sec-
ondary distribution coefficients using an explicit formula that weighted provincial pop-
ulation (65 percent), a development gap index (25 percent), and population dispersion
(i.e., inverse of density) (10 percent). Therefore, under Law 20221, Coparticipation trans-
fers depended in some way on provincial policies.55
Although a new Coparticipation law should have been passed in 1983, the recently
elected Radical government lacked the political power to engage in such a task and de-
cided to keep Law 20221 in place. At the end of 1985, this law finally expired. As no con-
sensus to approve a new law emerged, between 1985 and 1987 intergovernmental trans-
fers did not follow automatic and transparent procedures. Instead, the allocation of funds
was done ’according to ad hoc negociations in which political factors predominated...According
to the dynamic of these years, Alfonsı́n and his Economy Ministers negotiated the size and tim-
ing of revenue transfers directly with the governors’ (Eaton (2004)). At the beginning of this
period of legal vacuum, the pattern of these transfers across provinces was similar to the
one observed under Law 20221. But after the Peronist opposition won the 1987 legislative
elections, such negotiations started to reflect the new distribution of political power, and
the pattern of transfers changed.
When the Congress finally enacted Law 23548 in January 1988, the legal coefficients
set in its Article 4 were the following:

Table 9: Legal coefficients of the secondary distribution (in percent)

Buenos Aires 19.93 Corrientes 3.86 La Rioja 2.15 Salta 3.98
Catamarca 2.86 Entre Rı́os 5.07 Mendoza 4.33 San Juan 3.51
Chaco 5.18 Formosa 3.78 Misiones 3.43 San Luis 2.37
Chubut 1.38 Jujuy 2.95 Neuquén 1.54 Santa Cruz 1.38
Córdoba 9.22 La Pampa 1.95 Rı́o Negro 2.62 Santa Fe 9.28
Santiago del Estero 4.29 Tucumán 4.94

These coefficients replicated the shares of the common pool Masa Coparticipable that
each province had obtained during the previous months.
The main reason that explains why these coefficients have remained constant since
1988 is that Law 23548 is extremely difficult to modify. According to the Constitution, a
new law regulating intergovernmental fiscal relations i) has to be initiated by the House
of the Senate, ii) has to be approved by absolute majority of each congressional house, and
55 Indeed, the development gap index was built using, as explanatory variables, housing quality, cars per
inhabitant, and degree of education.

then iii) has to be approved by all provincial legislatures. Therefore, it is not surprising
that, although the 1994 constitutional amendment mandated the Congress to approve a
new Coparticipation law by 1996, Law 23548 continues to rule the Argentine tax sharig

A.3 The model

We develop a simple model, based upon Holtz-Eakin et al. (1994) and Dahlberg and
Lindström (1998), to analyze how provincial governments choose optimally their fiscal
policies. The model incorporates the main features of provincial public policies and in-
tergovernmental fiscal relations prevailing in Argentina between 1988 and 2003.
There is a representative province, populated by a continuum of identical residents of
mass one. At the beginning of each period t, residents receive the private sector output
(net of federal taxes) Yt .
The province is ruled by a local government. In order to maximize the expected dis-
counted value of its social welfare criterion W (.), the provincial government chooses, in
each period t, public expenditures Gt , subject to a budget constraint.
On the revenue side of the budget, the province receives Coparticipation transfers
TRt from the national government and royalties Rt from hydrocarbon production. We as-
sume that the provincial government views both sources of income as random and out of
its control. The provincial government can also tax their residents and issue debt. Based
on the institutional features that characterized Argentine subnational taxation during the
period under analysis (see Section 2.3 and Appendix A.1), we take the provincial tax col-
lection as a small, fixed fraction τ of private sector output Yt . The provincial government
considers Yt as another exogenously determined random variable.56
Finally, we also assume that the province is a small open economy, with perfect capi-
tal mobility. Hence, the provincial interest rate is equal to the international interest rate r,
which is constant both across time and states of nature. We denote by Bt provincial bonds
issued at date (t − 1), that pay (1 + r ) at date t.
As the realizations of Coparticipation transfers, royalties, and private sector output
happen at the beginning of each period t, the provincial government can condition its
control variables on these realizations. For this purpose, we define zt as the history of
56 As the model does not incorporate the production side of the provincial economy, investment is useless.

Nevertheless, by issuing debt or accumulating assets via the financial market, the provincial government
can smooth public consumption between periods.

all these realizations up to date t, and we denote by F (zt ) its cumulative distribution
function. The provincial government thus solves the following problem

" #
Et ∑ βs−t W Gs (zs )

max (1)
{ Gs (zs ),Bs+1 (zs )}∞
s=t s=t


Gs (zs ) + Bs+1 (zs ) = τYs (zs ) + TRs (zs ) + Rs (zs ) + (1 + r ) Bs (zs−1 ) ∀s ≥ t, ∀zs (2)

where (1) is the expected present value, discounted at the social rate of time preference
β, of the stream of period-specific social welfare W (.), which only depends upon public
expenditures Gs . Expression (2) characterizes the aggregate resource constraint for the
provincial government.
The provincial government’s problem boils down to

h ∞
Et ∑ { βs−t W Gs (zs ) + λs (zs )[τYs (zs ) + TRs (zs )

{ Gs (zs ),Bs+1 (zs ),λs (zs )}∞
s=t s=t
s s −1 s s
+ Rs (z ) + (1 + r ) Bs (z ) − Gs (z ) − Bs+1 (z )]} , (3)

where Bt is given and λs (zs ) is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the intertemporal
budget constraint.
The first-order conditions corresponding to problem (3) are

 βs−t W 0 ( Gs )dF (zs ) = λs (zs ) ∀s ≥ t, ∀zs FOC ( G )
 −λ + ´ s s FOC ( B )
s zs+1 |zs [ λs+1 ( z , zs+1 )(1 + r )] = 0 ∀ s ≥ t, ∀ z

and the transversality condition is

" #
lim Et = 0. (4)
s→∞ (1 + r ) s − t
To obtain closed-form solutions, we adopt the following functional specification

W ( Gs ) = Gs − Gs2 ,

where a is a positive but a sufficiently small number, so that welfare is strictly increasing

in a neighborhood of the solution. With these assumptions, we can re-write the first-order
conditions as follows57

a ( Gt − β(1 + r )Et [ Gt+1 ]) = 1 − β(1 + r ). (5)

The Euler equation (5) describes the optimal expected change for current public expen-
ditures. Given the assumed provincial government’s objective function (where the in-
tertemporal elasticity of substitution equals one) and as we assume that β(1 + r ) = 1, (5)
Gt = Et [ Gt+1 ], (6)

which characterizes an optimal path of public expenditures that is constant in expected

terms. In other words, provincial public expenditures Gt follow a martingale, a modified
version of Hall (1978)’s result.
Iterating on (2) and using (4), we obtain the intertemporal resource constraint in ex-

∞ ∞
" # " #
Gs (τYs + TRs + Rs )
Et ∑ (1 + r ) s − t = Et ∑ (1 + r ) s − t + (1 + r ) Bt . (7)
s=t s=t

Using the law of iterative expectations, we rewrite the left hand side of (7) as

" #
Gs 1+r
Et ∑ (1 + r ) s − t =
Gt . (8)

If we define the right-hand side of (7) as the expected level of wealth Ω, the optimal level
of public expenditures is

Gt∗ = Ω. (9)
The last expression is the typical condition derived in intertemporal consumption models,
where consumption is a function of total wealth and the fraction consumed out of total
wealth is closed to the real interest rate.
We suppose that the provincial government knows the stochastic processes governing
its different sources of revenues. To proceed, let’s assume that each of them follows an
AR(1) process in first differences:
57 From now on, we omit the dependence on the history of shocks zt to simplify notation.

∆TRt = (1 − ρ TR )φ + ρ TR ∆TRt−1 + ξ t , (10)

∆Rt = (1 − ρ R )µ + ρ R ∆Rt−1 + et , (11)

∆Yt = (1 − ρY )γ + ρY ∆Yt−1 + ωt , (12)

where φ, µ, γ are parameters and ∆xt ≡ xt − xt−1 , ∆xt−1 ≡ xt−1 − xt−2 denote contempo-
raneous and one-period lagged changes in the corresponding variable, respectively. Also,
ξ t , et and ωt are white noises, whose realizations occur at the beginning of period t.
We can move one step further than Holtz-Eakin et al. (1994): Using (9), the stochastic
processes (10), (11) and (12), and after some manipulations, we obtain closed-form solu-
tions for contemporaneous changes in the optimal level of public expenditures ∆Gt∗ and
in the stock of public bonds ∆Bt∗+1 , as follows

φ µ γ
∆Gt∗ =r (1 + 1) + +
1 + r − ρ TR 1 + r − ρ R 1 + r − ρY
1+r ρ TR (1 + r )
+ ∆TRt − ∆TRt−1
1 + r − ρ TR 1 + r − ρ TR
1+r ρ R (1 + r )
+ ∆Rt − ∆Rt−1
1 + r − ρR 1 + r − ρR
1+r ρ (1 + r )
+ ∆Yt − Y ∆Yt−1 .
1 + r − ρY 1 + r − ρY

1 + r (1 − ρ TR )φ (1 − ρ R ) µ ( 1 − ρY ) γ
∆Bt∗+1 = − + +
r (1 + r − ρ TR ) (1 + r − ρ R ) (1 + r − ρY )

ρ TR ρR ρY
− ∆TRt − ∆Rt − ∆Yt .
1 + r − ρ TR 1 + r − ρR 1 + r − ρY

A.4 Correlations between provincial coefficients θi and socioeconomic

indicators in 1988
As a possible way to justify the exclusion restriction of our instrument Wit , we examine
how much the shares θi are correlated with other potential confounds near 1988. We
consider the following socioeconomic provincial indicators: poverty index, population,

density, per capita GPP, size of the public sector (in terms of total expenditure in GPP) and
share of Coparticipation transfers to total provincial revenues. Some of these indicators
were employed in setting Coparticipation transfers under the previous Law 20221 (1973)
(See Appendix A.2), and they are currently used in the local public finance literature to
explain intergovernmental grants. Table 10 exhibits the results.

Table 10: Correlations between the shares θi and provincial indicators

Pearson corr. coef. p-value

Poverty index (1987) -0.216 0.310
Population (1987) 0.947 2.66 × 10−12
Density (1987) -0.092 0.677
GPP/hab (1988) -0.205 0.335
Size Pub. Sector (1988) -0.235 0.269
Cop. tr./Total revenues (1988) -0.250 0.239

There is no significant correlation between the shares θi and the poverty index, den-
sity, per capita GPP, size of the public sector, and the share of Coparticipation transfers to
total provincial revenues. We do find a positive and significant correlation with popula-
tion, which is expected as a remnant from previous tax-sharing regimes. This results may
imply a potential concern for endogeneity, which is addressed below, in Appendix A.6.

In the following table we test whether Coparticipation transfers net of their formula-
determined amount were correlated with the shares θi .

Table 11: Coparticipation transfers net of their formula-determined amount and shares θi

TR − TR∗

θi 3.0168
Constant -0.3769***

Observations 360
R2 0.048
Notes: OLS estimation. Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses.
***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

We observe no correlation between the items. Hence, provinces with higher shares θi
do not seem to have benefited from more transfers than those ideally set in Law 23548.

A.5 The instrument Zit and provincial economic indicators

To satisfy the exclusion restriction, the instrument Zit must affect provincial public expen-
ditures and debt only through royalties.
In the following tables, we test whether, during the period under analysis, our in-
strument was correlated with contemporaneous changes in some economic indicators at
the provincial level: per capita GPP and unemployment.58 Table 12 presents the results.
Panel (G) displays those for all provinces, and panel (H) only for hydrocarbon-producing.

Table 12: Instrument and changes in economic indicators

(G) (H)
All provinces Hydrocarbon-producing
GPP Unemployment GPP Unemployment

Zit -0.001 0.005 -0.001 0.005

(0.001) (0.004) (0.001) (0.003)
Constant 0.089 0.413*** -0.064 0.370***
(0.120) (0.058) (0.308) (0.086)

Observations 360 345 120 105

R2 0.002 0.011 0.003 0.048
Notes: OLS estimation. Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote
significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively.

We observe that our instrument is not correlated with changes in these economic in-
dicators, either in all provinces or in hydrocarbon-producing ones. These results do not
seem to validate the presumption that a peak in the international oil price boosts the local
economic activity.
58 Due to the lack of disaggregated data at the provincial level, we could not evaluate these impacts on

the hydrocarbon sector.

A.6 Supplementary evidence in favor of the validity of the exclusion
restriction of Coparticipation transfers’s instrument Wit
We have previously shown that the shares θi were positively correlated with population
in 1987. This provincial characteristic can affect not only the level of Coparticipation
transfers but also spending and debt decisions, which would invalidate our identification
strategy. To deal with this potential violation of the exclusion restriction of the instru-
ment Wit , we proceed to estimate the model grouping provinces with similar population
in order to control for this characteristic in the basic regressions. Specifically, we con-
sider provinces that had population over 1 million inhabitants in 1987,59 and we add the
interaction effect of the dummy defined as
1 if province i has more than one million inhabitants in 1987
1li =
0 otherwise.
Table 13 presents the results. No interaction effect is significant. But some of them are
as large as the base terms, which could suggest that their non-significance might result
from the small sample size. To deal with this issue, in the bottom part of the table we
evaluate the significance of the estimated coefficients of the base terms plus the interac-
tions, and compute their 95 percent confidence interval. This analysis confirms the initial
observation, because in all cases the interval contains the base term. Hence, we conclude
that the reactions to changes in public revenues are similar between the highly populated
provinces and the others, implying that the abovementioned positive correlation is not
a threat to our identification strategy. It should be mentioned that in the second regres-
sion the dummy is significant, suggesting that, on average, the debt’s reaction in these
provinces is larger than in the others.60
59 These highly populated provinces are Buenos Aires, CABA, Córdoba, Entre Rı́os, Mendoza, Santa Fe,
Salta and Tucumán.
60 The highly populated group include the six biggest provinces in terms of share of their GPP in the

national GDP. These economically big provinces have more capacity to manage their public debt, which
can explain the difference that we found.

Table 13: Interactions with highly populated provinces

(1) (2)
∆Git ∆Dit

∆TRit 0.9830*** -0.3312**

(0.179) (0.146)
1li ∗ ∆TRit 0.0045 -0.1248
(0.208) (0.206)
∆TRit−1 0.3243
1li *∆TRit−1 0.1242
∆Rit -0.1951 -1.8591*
(1.637) (1.115)
1li *∆Rit 0.2698 1.7408
(1.800) (2.030)
∆Rit−1 0.1266
1li *∆Rit−1 0.3294
Constant 0.0076 0.1763***
(0.020) (0.031)
1li -0.0014 -0.1084***
(0.021) (0.037)

Observations 336 336

R-squared 0.318 0.137
∆TRit +1li *∆TRit 0.9875*** -0.4560***
95% CI [0 .797, 1.178] [-0.759, -0.153]
∆TRit−1 +1li *∆TRit−1 0.4485***
95% CI [0.097, 0.800]
∆Rit +1li *∆Rit 0.0747 -0.1183
95% CI [ -1.209, 1.358] [-3.344, 3.108]
∆Rit−1 +1li *∆Rit−1 0.4561
95% CI [-1.009, 1.921]
Notes: Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels, respectively.

A.7 Evidence in favor of validity of the exclusion restriction of ∆MCt

Consider the important contractions in provincial public spending that followed some
extremely large macroeconomics shocks that took place during the period under analysis

(hyperinflation in 1989, sovereign debt crisis in 2001-2002). The identifying assumption
is that these drops were only caused by the plunge in Coparticipation transfers, after a
decrease in the national tax collection. But perhaps they could also be explained by other
factors. For example, suppose that big provinces (i.e., those whose GPP explains an im-
portant share of the national GDP) had easier access to the international credit market
than small provinces. Thus, after these crisis, the former could not get credit any more,
forcing them to decrease expenditures even further.
To see if this channel does represent a potential violation of the exclusion restriction
of ∆MCt , the second component of the instrument Wit , in Table 14 we run two alternative
specifications of the basic regressions. In panel (I), we eliminate from the sample CABA,
Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Santa Fe, the four biggest provinces. The estimated coeffi-
cients are almost identical to those that appear in panel (C) in Table 4, implying that these
big provinces provinces do not seem to drive the main results.
Then, in panel (J) we estimate the model adding the change of the GPP/GDP ratio
(∆ ( GPP/GDP)it ) as a control. Not only the inclusion of this control has no direct effect
on the fiscal reactions, but also the other estimated coefficients are almost identical than
those of our preferred specification.

A.8 Robustness checks

We explore the robustness of our preferred specification using other estimation methods,
incorporating some controls, and changing its lag structure. The second stage results
appear in Table 15.

Table 14: Concern for big provinces
(I) (J)
∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit

∆TRit 0.9792*** -0.3276*** 0.9845*** -0.3329***

(0.219) (0.103) (0.207) (0.099)
∆TRi,t−1 0.3226*** 0.3291***
(0.071) (0.073)
∆Rit -0.1275 -1.3860*** -0.1380 -1.4176***
(0.367) (0.504) (0.376) (0.412)
∆Ri,t−1 0.1653 0.1766
(0.962) (0.467)
∆ ( GPP/GDP)it 6.0999 8.4580
(7.158) (6.949)
Constant 0.0061 0.1564*** 0.0073 0.1414***
(0.012) (0.029) (0.010) (0.025)

Anderson-Rubin test 20.13*** 20.59*** 22.41*** 22.22***

Number of clusters 20 20 24 24
Observations 280 280 336 336
R2 0.321 0.107 0.317 0.108
Notes: Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels, respectively.

Table 15: Robustness checks

(K) (L) (M) (N) (O)
Excluding ∆TRi,t−1 Adding ∆TRi,t−1
System GMM With GPP and ∆Ri,t−1 and ∆Ri,t−1
∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit ∆Git ∆Dit

∆TRit 0.9925*** -0.3344*** 0.877*** -0.401** 0.9785*** -0.2766** 0.8965*** -0.3679***

(0.151) (0.123) (0.286) (0.169) (0.235) (0.135) (0.226) (0.091)
∆TRi,t−1 0.3909*** 0.306* 0.3115*** -0.2137
(0.110) (0.177) (0.090) (0.250)
∆Rit -0.1076 -1.4005** -0.258 -1.513*** -0.1170 -1.3753*** -0.1193 -1.4579***
(0.548) (0.710) (0.859) (0.206) (0.548) (0.389) (0.452) (0.417)
∆Ri,t−1 0.0976 0.182 0.1390 0.245
(0.323) (0.839) (0.794) (1.160)
∆Yit -0.0010 -0.0156
(0.010) (0.014)
∆Yi,t−1 0.0047
Constant 0.0069 0.1413*** 0.009 0.140*** 0.0067 0.1431*** 0.0029 0.1420***
(0.007) (0.024) (0.015) (0.014) (0.009) (0.025) (0.008) (0.026)

Anderson-Rubin test 9.62∗∗∗ 11.62∗∗∗ 21.87*** 22.28∗∗∗

Number of clusters 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Observations 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336
R2 0.314 0.106 0.316 0.114 0.272 0.113

Notes: Bootstrap clustered standard errors in parentheses. ***, **, and * denote significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels, respectively.

Panel (K) shows the estimation of (1) and (2) as a system, using 3SLS. Panel (L) esti-
mates these equations using the generalized method of moments (GMM). In panel (M),
we add contemporaneous and one-period lagged changes in provincial GPP, ∆Yit and
∆Yi,t−1 , as controls for provincial tax collection. Finally, the last two panels present differ-
ent dynamic specifications of (1) and (2).
Notably, all results are very similar than those obtained in panel (C) in Table 4. In
particular, in Panel (M), the estimated coefficients of the controls are statistically and eco-
nomically non significant, implying that changes in provincial GPP do not have impacts
on the fiscal reactions. Moreover, the inclusion of these controls do not modify the other
estimated coefficients. These results, some of which are analogous to those obtained by
Végh and Vuletin (2015), reflect in part the very limited capacity of Argentine provinces to
react to changes in their tax base.61 Panel (N) excludes one-period lagged of our explana-
tory variables in the public consumption regression, while panel (O) adds one-period
lagged changes in both sources of provincial income in the debt equation. Not only, the
estimated coefficients reveal that our results are not sensitive to these exercises, but also
their AIC and BIC statistics are higher than those of our preferred specification.62 In par-
ticular, the results in panel (O) seem to validate the theoretical model, in the sense that
the inclusion of one-period lagged changes in both sources of provincial income does not
impact the debt management decisions. Indeed, the new estimated coefficients are non-
significant, and the others remain almost unaltered.

A.9 Volatility of Coparticipation transfers and royalties in hydrocarbon-

producing provinces
We compare the volatilities of Coparticipation transfers and royalties from 1988 and 2003,
in two different ways.
First, Table 16 presents the provincial coefficient of variation of Coparticipation trans-
fers and royalties, taking the average during 1988-2003. We observe that the former is
61 Given these institutional weaknesses, it is difficult to interpret the great difference between the esti-
mated coefficient for changes in provincial private income and the corresponding changes in Coparticipa-
tion transfers as evidence of a flypaper effect at the provincial level in Argentina.
62 The AIC and BIC statistics of the public consumption regressions are -161.98 and -142.89 (panel (C) in

Table 4) and -145.45 and -133.99 (panel (N) in Table 15), respectively. Meanwhile, the AIC and BIC statistics
of the debt regressions are 51.81 and 63.27 (panel (C) in Table 4) and 52.55 and 71.64 (panel (O) in Table 15),

always lower than the latter.

Table 16: Average coefficient of variation by source of revenue, by province

Province Coparticipation transfers Royalties

Chubut 0.2088 0.6900
La Pampa 0.1761 0.5061
Mendoza 0.1492 0.5795
Neuquén 0.1535 0.4102
Rı́o Negro 0.1460 0.4748
Salta 0.1386 1.0886
Santa Cruz 0.1965 0.4470
Tierra del Fuego 0.3903 0.4394
Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias and own calculations.

Next, for both sources of provincial revenue, we compute the yearly accumulated
coefficient of variation, starting from 1989 and taking the average among these eight
provinces. Figure 7 depicts the results. Clearly, the volatility of royalties is, year after
year, higher than that of Coparticipation transfers.

A.10 Supplementary material

Table 17: Public consumption and transfers (percent of provincial expenditures)

Province Public consumption Province Public consumption
and transfers and transfers
Buenos Aires 89.2 Mendoza 84.2
CABA 88.0 Misiones 75.3
Catamarca 84.1 Neuquén 72.9
Chaco 81.5 Rı́o Negro 81.2
Chubut 73.0 Salta 83.2
Córdoba 86.7 San Juan 78.2
Corrientes 82.3 San Luis 66.0
Entre Rı́os 84.3 Santa Cruz 70.8
Formosa 76.6 Santa Fe 88.1
Jujuy 82.5 Santiago del Estero 78.1
La Pampa 73.0 Tierra del Fuego 76.7
La Rioja 82.5 Tucumán 83.7
Source: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias.

Figure 7: Comparison of average accumulated coefficients of variation, by source of rev-

.12 3.5






0 0
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
Coparticipation transfers Royalties

Notes: The scale on the left vertical axis corresponds to the coefficient of variation of Coparticipation
transfers. The scale on the right vertical axis corresponds to the coefficient of variation of royalties. Source:
Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias and own calculations.

Figure 8: Changes in the international oil price and in hydrocarbon royalties

Panel A: 1988-2003 Panel B: 2004-2009






-50 0 50 -60 -40 -20 0 20

Notes: The horizontal axis represents changes in the international oil prince. The vertical axis shows
changes in hydrocarbon royalties. Slope of the best fit line in Panel A: 0.001413***. Slope of the best fit line
in Panel B: -0.0016186***. In Panel A, we exclude the changes that took place during the hyperinflation in
1989 because they are outliers. Sources: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones Económicas con las Provincias
and Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas.

Figure 9: Historical production of hydrocarbons, by province

Chubut La Pampa Mendoza

15000 1500 8000
10000 1000
5000 500
0 0 0

1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Neuquén Río Negro Salta

40000 6000 10000
20000 5000
0 0 0

1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Santa Cruz Tierra del Fuego

20000 8000
15000 6000
10000 4000
5000 2000
0 0

1900 1950 2000 1900 1950 2000

Notes: Production is measured in housand of m3 of oil equivalents. Sources: IAP (1967), Anuario de
Combustibles, Instituto del Petróleo y del Gas and own calculations.

Figure 10: Reserve replacement rate, by province

Chubut La Pampa Mendoza



-2 0



1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Neuquén Río Negro Salta

10 20
-4 -2 0 2 4
-4 -2 0

-10 0

1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Santa Cruz Tierra del Fuego

10 20

-10 0

1990 1995 2000 2005 1990 1995 2000 2005

Notes: The horizontal line indicates a value of the reserve replacement rate equal to one. Sources: Anuario
de Combustibles and own calculations.

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