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Dear Principal,teachers, and my friends.

I am hammad ali from in grade 7th. Today I am
really happy because I received opportunity
to deliver speech to you guys on this great
day. Today is 5 of October which is an
important day for every teacher if he is in a
school or in home. A teacher is a person who
teaches you. Once hazrat Ali (RA) said that if
anyone teaches me anything he has made me
his servant for a lifetime. This show the
respect of Islam for teachers. A teachers
example is just like a candle it consumes itself
to light the way for others. There are a lot of
famous people like Elon musk, bill gates, Jeff
bezoz,etc. so let me ask u a question why are
they famous? U will say because they are Rich
and successful . But who made them
succeed ? Their teachers did. If teachers
didn’t exist so we all would not be here. A
teacher lights up the world for you. They
never leave u if u have a doubt u go and ask
them they will always try to find the answer.
The world is dark without teachers if the
teacher didn’t exist I don’t think that we
would be over here . Even in the Quran it says
that teachers have the most rights on u after
your parents. Every single prophet and the
Quran is a teacher which teach their people. If
a teacher is getting angry on u its because he
cares about your life he wants u to study he
wants you to become successful he wants u
to get a beautiful life. There is a famous
question that so who is more important a
teacher or a doctor? Of course a teacher
because he is the one to teach the doctor so
dear teachers we are very thankful that u are
teaching us to help us succeed.
I would love to thank my teachers with a
poem. Thank you Teacher, for reaching deep
in me, to find all I can be, before I can see it
myself, you never gave up on me I have a
future because of you,
Thank you.

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