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Lesson Plan- Lesson # / Total in Unit Duration of Class: 45 Minutes

Class: Drama 7 Unit: Tableau/mime performance/characterization

Date: Nov 8/10
Task: Remembrance Day Performance/characterization activities
Learner Outcomes Plan for Diversity

To develop competency in communication Ensure

skills through participation in and exploration characterization
activities are
of various dramatic disciplines.
approachable for
all students.
To acquire knowledge of self and others
through participation in and reflection on Ensure students
dramatic experience. feel comfortable
with the difficult
subject matter.

Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies and Attitudes Preliminary

Drama is a constant free flowing subject and students can learn new things in Needed (MN):
drama regardless of previous knowledge they just need to be willing to
participate and try. Rubric

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Nov Students will be given a Students will get in

8 reminder that if they want to alphabetical order in a circle
perform in the assembly to with instructors every day to
speak with teachers to establish classroom routine.
inform us. Question of the day
Students will be given a
reminder of the seriousness
of Remembrance Day and
ensure they show respect to
the situation.

Students will be led in

guided meditation in order to
get into the right head space
for what they are doing.
Activity Students will be led in final Students will practice the
Sequence preparations and rehearsal scenes in order to ensure
for the Remembrance Day they are fully developed and
assembly and work to given the highest amount of
ensure it matches up with significance and respect for
the timing of the song the assembly.
Students that chose to
perform for the assembly will
be encouraged to take point
and ensure they all have
roles of equal weight in the
final product.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction Nov Students will be introduced Students will get in

10 to characterization and the alphabetical order in a circle
breakdown of what is with instructors every day to
expected from them during establish classroom routine.
the unit. Question of the day

Activity Students will be lead Students will play a series of

Sequence through a series of games that will help them
character-based games that learn the fundamentals of
will give them an character development and
understanding of what is help them start to think how
expected from them when to incorporate it into their
they start building their own own characters they will
characters from the ground build.
The games include taxicab
(students create scenes
focused on a taxi driver
picking up passengers, the
driver while develop a
distinct character and so will
the passengers. The taxi
driver will take on the
character of the first
passenger and each student
will then take on each new
character that enters the
scene), and park bench
(students will create scenes
in small groups focused on a
bench and must develop
strong and founded
characters that make sense
in the space).

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

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