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ESE Order rules during classes

Article 2 Access to classes

1. Without prior permission from the lecturer it is not allowed to enter the teaching room
after the lecture has started;
2. The lecturer can refuse access.

Article 3 Order during classes

1. It is not allowed to disturb classes by:

1. The use of mobile phones or any other means of communication whatsoever;
2. Consuming drinks or food, unless after prior permission. For medical reasons
permission is always granted;
3. Any other form of annoying behaviour whatsoever.
2. The lecturer is allowed to remove anyone who disturbs the class from the room.

Article 5 Repeated behaviour

The Dean can take measures against people who repeatedly disturb classes in accordance with
the procedure as laid down in the "Regulation with respect to maintaining order within the EUR
buildings and on the EUR sites and with respect to the efficient and/or lawful use of the EUR

The consequence of this regulation is that lecturers can remove students from classes with
immediate effect and can request the Programme Director to have the student temporarily
removed from the classes of the course, namely for a maximum period of 10 days. After that the
lecturer can also request to have the student permanently removed from the classes. As a result
of this the student runs the risk of failing the agreed attendance for a compulsory tutorial and of
failing to obtain a valid result for the course.
House rules ESE
Rules of conduct Bachelor Econometrics and house rules Introduction to Statistics

The bachelor Econometrics strives for optimal education, which requires great effort from both
lecturers and students.

 The lecturers are devoted to guide the study process in the best possible way and to offer
students optimal chances for developing the required knowledge and skills.

 The students show an active study attitude, contribute to a pleasant atmosphere in lectures
and tutorials, and respect the house rules of the course.

For Introduction to Statistics, the house rules are as follows:

You participate actively yourself; for example:

▷ you get seated well in time

▷ in the class room, you only speak English at all times

▷ you show an active working attitude

▷ you participate (do not use your mobile, and so on)

▷ you leave your place neatly and take litter with you

▷ you respect rules and do not practice or assist fraud

You do not obstruct others in their studies; for example:

▷ you are respectful to your fellow students, to the lecturers, and to all others

▷ you do not talk during lectures, unless the lecturer poses you a question

▷ you do not disturb in any way the lectures and workshops

▷ you abstain from anything that could lead others to behave in an undesirable way

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