Pulse Width Modulation

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Visit: www. Easyengineering net @ Voltage, Conteol of Tavaxtexs + The cxtkp uk voltage] ipvortan ‘ema aot yeman Constant duc te the Vaslahoa ma the nee Voltage. ered. Voltage ad im mvextm “The. raefhoda ed te &) External Contyol of ac sutput voltage 6) Eetetnal Contech of de mput voltaze. 2) Tntesnal Contr, of Tnvestes. £& beanalh Gonteol of Re output voltage x Ac voltage Contoller (8 mcexted betweon ‘the 0 beeminals investes and load teaminaly. B Eonbrollg ac Voltage. ‘Gonfoolle* tiie the frnng, angle, cot voltage. Cit & ac bbad & Vvegulatet a This snedhod, poodutes higher hasmonic Cortend in the. ak vi when ta. 8 2 voltese. fom tHe mM tlage® Contes tate es Iles oe Content "ae Contenites, oe ue Rev : pe vole A severte | 4 Be vote Race fie lox | Catena Conteo! of me Treat Vo tage. The de net voltage. ‘te tha. ives Ya Conteolled. 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