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Visualization of Oil Recovery by

Water-Alternating-Gas Injection
Using High-Pressure Micromodels
M. Sohrabi, D.H. Tehrani, A. Danesh, and G.D. Henderson, Heriot-Watt U.

Summary micromodels that can be used to obtain an in-depth understanding

of the physical processes involved, and to use such information in
The use of WAG (water-alternating-gas) injection can potentially
development and verification of three-phase network model
lead to improved oil recovery from the fields. However, there is
simulators. As far as we know, no micromodel visualization of the
still an incomplete understanding of the pore-scale physics of the
WAG injection process has been carried out to directly observe
WAG processes and how these lead to improved oil recovery.
the physical processes taking place in the porous media, using live
Simulating the three-phase flow for prediction of the WAG
oil, live water in equilibrium with injection gas, and models with
performance in oil reservoirs is an extremely complex process.
different wettability. Larsen et al.15 reported some results of their
The existing three-phase relative permeabilities used in
simulation are very approximate and do not properly account for WAG micromodel studies. No detail of the experimental
the effects of fluid interfacial tension and rock wettability. procedure and no images of fluid distributions, or recovery results
Network model simulators are being developed to enable the from the micromodel tests, were presented.
prediction of three-phase relative permeability under different Etched-glass micromodels are useful for viewing pore-level
wettability conditions. However, such simulators need to be events because of their visual clarity. Micromodels were used as
verified against experimental observations. In this paper, we early as 1960 for fluid displacement studies.16 The ability to see
present experimental results and discussion of a series of the movement of fluid interfaces makes it possible to distinguish
capillary-dominated WAG tests carried out in glass micromodels between a variety of mechanisms that may take place in a porous
with wettability conditions ranging from water-wet to mixed-wet medium when more than one phase is present. Chatzis and
and oil-wet. Pore level fluid distribution and flow mechanisms Dullien17 presented an excellent example of the use of the
were studied, and fluid saturation, at different stages of the micromodel to evaluate existing theories of two-phase flow in a
experiments, were measured. The results showed that, under any simple geometry. Lenormand and Zarcone18 have taken
of the wettability conditions, oil recovery by alternating injection advantage of the well-defined shapes of capillary tubes in their
of WAG was higher than water or gas injection alone. WAG molded resin models to compare the results of calculations of
recovery was observed to be higher for the oil-wet model than two-phase flow in both drainage and imbibition processes with
that in the mixed-wet one, which in turn was higher than that in observation results. Micromodel observations have played a
the water-wet micromodel. Given enough time and more cycles significant role in development of network models for application
of WAG injection, the recovery of the mixed-wet model seems to to multiphase flow. The procedure has been successfully applied
catch up with that of the oil-wet model. to network modeling of two-phase flow in simple or idealized
porous media using pore-scale physics identified in micromodel
Introduction experiments (Lenormand et al.,19 Blunt and King,20 Blunt et al.,21
and Billiote et al.22). In recent years, several advancements in
WAG injection is being increasingly applied as an improved oil pore-scale modeling have been made. Οren, Bakke, and
recovery method, particularly in reservoirs that have been coworkers23–25 have developed network models based on the
waterflooded. Christensen et al.1 reported a review of some 60 pore-space geometry of the rock of interest. The application of
field applications of WAG. Several field trials have been reported network modeling techniques to three-phase flow is considerably
as being successful (for instance, in Kuparuk,2 Snorre,3 and less developed than for two-phase flow, especially for oil-wet and
Gulfaks fields4). Both immiscible4–6 and miscible gases7 have mixed-wet porous media. This is because our understanding of
been used. A large number of coreflood experiments8–12 and the pore-scale physics of three-phase displacement is still
analytical and numerical simulations11,13 have been carried out. A incomplete. However, previous micromodel works (Oren and
study in 1993 demonstrated that the WAG process could be used Pinczewski,26 Oren et al.27) suggested that it is possible to learn a
for improving the hydrocarbon recovery in gas/condensate great deal about physics of the three-phase displacement in order
reservoirs.14 Most of the research work conducted so far has been to take major steps toward developing realistic network models
on either coreflooding8–10 or numerical simulation,11,12 sometimes for three-phase flow. For water-wet media, the pore-scale
alongside field trials. The relationship between the injection mechanisms are rather well established. But the behavior of oil-
gas/water ratio (GWR) and oil recovery has been empirically wet and mixed-wet systems has a less firm experimental basis.
investigated using core displacement experiments, often at low Kovscek et al.28 have provided a pore-level scenario for
pressure and generally with water-wet cores.8,10 Extensive wettability alteration that has been used to describe fluid
research is in progress to develop network model simulators that configurations of two- and three-phase displacements.29–32 Van
can predict three-phase flow in porous media with immiscible Dijke et al.33,34,35 have presented a network model simulator for
[high interfacial tension (IFT)] and near-miscible (low IFT) fluids modeling three-phase flow processes, in particular WAG
and rocks of different wettability. These simulators need to be injection cycles. Using the micromodel results that we presented
verified against the experimental observations. This has been in two previous papers,36,37 they showed a good agreement
carried out to some extent for water-wet systems and using core between simulation and experiment, in particular with respect to
observations. In the current project, we carry out experiments with the displacement mechanisms during the WAG cycles. Piri and
Blunt38 presented a network model of three-phase flow to capture
relative permeabilities, saturation paths, and capillary pressure for
Copyright © 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers media of arbitrary wettability.
This paper (SPE 89000) was revised for publication from paper SPE 71494, presented at In this paper, we present a description of the fluid distribution
the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 30
September–3 October. Original manuscript received for review 20 November 2001.
and the pore-scale physics and mechanisms for flow under the
Revised manuscript received 15 October 2003. Manuscript peer approved 28 June 2004. WAG processes at different wettability conditions.
PT 3 15
14 charging
13 12
PT 4

model return
vesel Water Oil Gas
PT 5

Micromodel tank

PT 1
Pressure transducers
8 7 4 3 2
PT1 Inj. pump 6 5 1
PT2 Ret. pump
PT3 MM outlet Fluid storage tank
PT4 MM inlet
PT5 Overburden
9 Injection
injection pump
Pump charging
PT 2
11 Retract pump

Fig. 1—Schematic diagram of the high-pressure micromodel rig.

Objective reservoir-scale numerical simulation. We have performed a series

The objective of the WAG Consortium Project at Heriot-Watt U. of WAG experiments at different pressures (gas/oil IFT ranging
is to improve our understanding of the physical principles from high values to intermediate and very low values) with
underlying the processes of WAG injection in oil reservoirs. This water-wet, oil-wet, and mixed-wet glass micromodels. This paper
information is being used to develop a network model simulator presents the results of the WAG tests carried out using one fluid
that can produce complex pore-scale three-phase relative system (one set of IFT values). These micromodel experimental
permeability and capillary-pressure functions applicable to WAG results are being used and studied for developing and completing
injection. a network model simulator on which some results have already
To do reservoir development planning for possible been published.33,34
implementation of a WAG scheme, the operator needs reliable
performance and hydrocarbon recovery predictions that are Experimental Facilities
required for accurate economic evaluation. To achieve this, good A high-pressure micromodel rig was used to perform the WAG
simulation models that incorporate proper reservoir fluid and rock experiments at pressures of up to 6,000 psia. However, the
description are needed. One type of such data consists of accurate experiments reported here were all carried out at 500 psia and
sets of relative permeability functions for each fluid phase and 100°F, and the fluid system used represented an immiscible one.
capillary pressures in a three-phase fluid flow regime and for The schematic diagram of the high-pressure micromodel rig is
different rock wettability. But it is impractical to measure these shown in Fig. 1. The rig consists of the following main parts:
for all the different rock types and fluids present in a reservoir
and describe them in terms of IFT, which itself is a function of Temperature-Controlled Oil Baths. These include a fluid
fluid composition and pressure. The approach we have adopted at storage chamber and a micromodel housing chamber. The fluid
Heriot-Watt U. is to develop a three-phase 3D mathematical storage chamber is used to maintain the fluids and their high-
network simulator, which includes all the significant physical pressure vessels and all flow-path lines and fittings at constant
flow processes involved in WAG injection, as accurately as temperature of 100°F. The micromodel housing chamber is a
possible. But to gain confidence that such a simulator can indeed temperature-controlled oil bath (similar to a fluid storage
reflect physics of the flow realistically, we need to test it against chamber) used to keep the micromodel and its associated parts at
some actual physical experiments that involve the flow of all a constant temperature equal to fluids temperature.
three phases in a process that closely mimics the WAG injection
in porous media. We have designed a micromodel system in Pumps. High-accuracy, low-rate pumps were used to control
which we can perform the actual WAG injection at different flow of fluids through the micromodel. The rate of fluid injection
pressures; observe and record the flow processes; and measure and production was as low as 0.01 cm3/h corresponding to a
the model wettabilities, fluid saturations, and recoveries. To velocity of approximately 1.2 m/d and capillary number of 1E-7.
enable us to magnify and view the pore-scale images and to
analyze the fluid flow, we have had to use 2D glass micromodels Optical System. In all the micrmodel studies, the majority of
model fluids with precisely known properties. Although the data acquisition is achieved by visual observation. Thus, it is
results will not be directly applicable to real reservoirs, they can important to use high-definition optical equipment for image
be used to verify the accuracy of the predictions made by our capture and analysis. The optical system is shown schematically
network model simulator. We will run the pore-scale simulator to in Fig. 2. A computer-controlled linear drive system was used,
predict the fluid distributions and the recoveries for a given set of which allowed a magnifying video camera to be positioned
pore geometry, wettability, and fluid properties. If these agree automatically at any part of the micromodel and sequentially or
with those observed and measured in the micromodels, we continuously sweep the micromodel for video recording. The
shall then have enough confidence to operate it with real camera was capable of working at a magnification of up to 400
reservoir fluids and rock properties in 3D mode to calculate times. While running an experiment, in addition to continuous
the required pore-scale relative permeability and capillary video recording, still pictures of the micromodel were digitally
pressure functions. These will later be upscaled for use in the grabbed by a computer interface and recorded. These pictures

Light source


Monitor Monitor


Macintosh Video recorder

Linear drive

Fig. 2—Schematic diagram of the optical system.

were later used for image analysis and saturation measurement Fluid Preparation. Filtered blue water and methane were
purposes. brought into equilibrium at the desired pressure and temperature.
The same procedure was followed for the equilibration of gas and
Glass Micromodel. A 2D pore structure is etched onto the oil. The solubility of oil in water was considered to be negligible
surface of a glass plate, which is otherwise completely flat. A (at 500 psia and 100°F).
second, optically flat, glass plate is then placed over the first,
covering the etched pattern and thus creating an enclosed pore Fluid Properties. The equilibrium properties of the water, n-
space. This second plate, the cover plate, has an inlet hole and an decane, and methane system at 500 psia and 100°F and the effect
outlet hole drilled at either end, allowing fluids to be displaced of dye, where shown, are estimated in Table 1. Spreading
through the network of pores (Fig. 3). Because the structure is coefficient is 3 mNm–1, which is very close to zero, taking into
only one pore deep, and the containing solid walls are all glass, it account the accuracy of the previously mentioned IFT values.
is possible to observe the fluids as they flow along the pore This indicates that the system is spreading oil on water in the
channels and interact with each other. It is also possible to water-wet model. The items shown in bold characters represent
observe how the geometry of the pore network affects the the major component in each fluid.
patterns of flow and trapping of the fluids. Fig. 4a shows a IFT values are equilibrium values and have been at the
magnified picture of the pore pattern of the glass micromodel pressure and temperature of the experiments. The effect of
used for this study. This pattern, which has been designed by our dissolved water on the viscosity and density of hydrocarbon
network modeling team, has been repeated a few times to make phases has been ignored. The effect of dye on density and
the full length of the micromodel, which is shown in Fig 4b. The viscosity of the liquids at micromodel conditions of 100°F and
porous pattern has a width of 6 mm and a length of 38 mm. The 500 psia has been calculated.28 The effect of dissolved gas in
depth of the pores is 35 µm, and their width has a uniform water on its viscosity is believed to be a small reduction, but it
1.1 distribution from 30 to 300 µm. The pore volume of the has not been calculated.
micromodel is estimated to be approximately 0.01 cm3.
Water-Wet Model Tests
Test Fluids
The following procedure was performed for water-wet model
The fluids used in the experiments consisted of distilled water, n- tests. Initially, the micromodel was saturated with clear distilled
decane, and methane equilibrated at 500 psia and 100°F. To water and pressurized to 500 psia. The dead water was
distinguish between the liquid hydrocarbon and the aqueous subsequently displaced with blue live water, equilibrated with gas
phase, the color of the n-decane was changed to red using a at 500 psia and 100°F. To simulate the primary drainage (initial
hydrocarbon-soluble dye, and, similarly, the color of the water migration of oil into the water-bearing porous medium),
was changed to blue using a water-soluble dye. Both the blue equilibrated oil (red n-decane) was injected from the top of the
water and the red n-decane were filtered using fine filter papers to vertical micromodel. Oil injection continued until it reached the
remove any undissolved dye particles. base of the micromodel. The displacement is dominated by

Inlet Outlet

Cover plate

Two-dimensional etched pore structure

Fig. 3—The etched plate and the cover plate are brought together to form an enclosed pore space through which fluids can
be displaced.
Fig. 4—(a) Micromodel pore pattern which has been repeated a few times to make the (b) full length of the acid-etched micromodel.

capillary forces, with the oil invading individual water-filled

pores in an order determined by the individual pore threshold TABLE 1—THE EQUILIBRIUM PROPERTIES OF THE
capillary pressure, which is affected by the topology of the WATER, N-DECANE, METHANE SYSTEM
micromodel pores. Two-phase displacements like this have been –3
Density (g/cm )
described in detail by Lenormand et al.18,19
To avoid oil getting into the lower pipes containing the water Water (H2O+C1+dye)
and gas phases, the oilflood wa s stopped at the bottom of the Oil (nC10+C1+dye)
micromodel. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of oil (red) and water 41
Gas (C1+nC10) 0.0209
(blue) after the primary drainage of water. As can be seen from
this figure, as the result of oil injection some of the resident water Viscosity (mPa•s)
has been replaced by oil. Water is still present in some of the Water (H2O + dye)
pores, not necessarily in the smallest. The larger pores that still 41,42
Oil (nC10+C1+dye) 0.60
contain water are the ones that are surrounded by tighter pores, 41,42
which need higher capillary pressure before their water could be Gas (C1+nC10) 0.010
displaced. Water is also present as a thin film on the sides of the Interfacial Tension (mNm )

oil-filled pores. The micromodel was scanned vertically in 10

Gas/Oil 16
separate sections. In Fig. 5, the full-size image of the micromodel
has been divided in two halves, which are shown separately, the Gas/Water 58
top half on the left and the bottom half on the right side. After the Oil/Water 39
oil injection stage, resembling the migration of oil into the
Fig. 5—Primary drainage, water-wet model. Fig. 6—Initial waterflood, water-wet model.

water-bearing formation, water was allowed to enter the middle of the pores; as a result, the residual oil was very
micromodel from the bottom, prior to the initial waterflooding. continuous. The fluid distribution in the micromodel at the end of
Some spontaneous imbibition of water into the micromodel was waterflooding is shown in Fig. 6. The flow process was recorded
observed. Water was then injected into the model at a low rate of on video, and still pictures of the final fluid distributions were
0.01 cm3/h from the base to establish the waterflood residual oil taken digitally and stored in a computer.
saturation (Sorw). This rate corresponds to a capillary number of Fig. 7 is a magnified image of a section of the micromodel at
2.52E–7. Note that the oil had been injected into the micromodel the end of primary drainage of water (oil injection through water-
from the top and had stopped at the base of the model before the saturated micromodel). It demonstrates the relative position of the
waterflood was carried out from the bottom of the model. During wetting phase (blue water) and nonwetting phase (red oil) in a
this initial waterflood, water was observed to flow on the sides of strongly water-wet micromodel. The small pores and the dead-
the pores, rather than forming a distinct waterfront. In fact, both end pores are mostly occupied by water. The direction and the
fluids (oil and water) were simultaneously moving in the same shape of the water-oil interfaces are good indications of strongly
pore. This is an important feature, which is strongly linked to water-wet conditions. Fig. 8 shows a magnified image of the
noncircular cross-section and topology of the pores. What we same section of the micromodel at the end of the waterflood. It
have seen is a stable flow, which is not followed by a piston-type can be seen that some relatively large pores are filled with water,
displacement and not very often followed by a snap-off. This will as these pores are surrounded by smaller pore throats from which
be referred to as “corner filament flow.” The water filaments water could not be displaced by oil, because its pressure did not
were seen to thicken progressively, leaving oil filaments in the exceed the oil/water capillary pressure.

Fig. 7—Water/oil distribution before waterflood. Fig. 8—Water/oil distribution after waterflood.
Fig. 9—Water-wet micromodel after initial waterflood. Fig. 10—Water-wet micromodel after first gas injection.

Comparison of Figs. 7 and 8 highlights the strength of corner piping) and forms some gas/water interfaces. The gas continues
filament flow of water (rather than piston-like displacement) to advance by direct displacement of water until it is faced with
during waterflooding. The slow thickening of water filaments at the first oil filament of the previous waterflood. On the approach,
the sides and corners of oil-filled pores during waterflooding is a the water between the moving gas and the stationary oil filament
consequence of noncircular cross section of pores and strongly shrinks by draining through the wetting layers. The water film
capillary-dominated flow regime. finally ruptures, allowing the gas to directly contact the oil
The oil that is left behind after waterflood is what is referred filament, which is in the middle of the pore surrounded by water.
to as residual oil saturation to waterflood (Sorw). This oil is This happened at a number of pores. Which pore will be invaded
trapped and could not be recovered by continuation of by the gas depends on the entry pressure of the pore containing
waterflood. To see how much of this oil can be recovered by the the oil filament and topology of the pore. The entry (threshold)
WAG process, five cycles of gas followed by water injection pressure here does not depend on the pore size (conventionally
were performed. Both the gas and water were injected from the larger pores have lower threshold pressure); rather, it depends on
base of the model at the same slow rate (0.01 cm3/h) at which the the filament size, because water surrounding the oil filament
initial waterflood had been performed. In each cycle, the injection occupies a significant part of the pore (Fig. 8). This signifies that
of gas or water continued until no further oil production or the accurate modeling of this process needs careful attention to
change in fluid distribution was observed. pore entry pressure. Upon the invasion of the first pore containing
During the first-cycle gas injection, the invading gas first oil, the oil spreads between the water and the gas phases by
comes in contact with water (as there is no oil in the lower forming a layer of oil. The oil displaced by the gas moves ahead
of the gas to invade the adjoining pores. From this point on, the
advancement of the gas front in the micromodel is either by direct
displacement of water or by double displacements in which gas
displaces the oil, which in turn displaces the water. As the
residual oil (remained after the initial waterflood) is rather
continuous (in the form of narrow oil filaments in the middle of
some pores), the gas preferentially invades oil-containing pores.
This process results in forming a small oil bank that moves ahead
of the gas front, supplying oil into the downstream oil filaments
and coalescing with them. The displacement of oil by gas is
piston-type, causing the narrow oil filaments to become fatter.
The coalescence of the oil filaments with the moving oil bank
makes it more likely that the flowing gas continues to invade the
reconnected oil pores rather than water pores. At the end of this
gas injection stage, the remaining oil in the model can be divided
into two types: (1) in the form of narrow oil filaments in the
middle of the pores that have not been contacted by the invading
gas or its associated oil bank (pores which have not been
accessible to the gas) and (2) in the form of thick oil blobs
connected to the gas channels in the pores which have been
invaded by gas. Fig. 9 shows a section of the micromodel after
waterflood and before the first gas injection. Fig. 10 shows the
same part of the micromodel after the first cycle of gas injection,
with the blue, red, and yellow colors representing water, oil, and
gas, respectively. To distinguish the colorless gas from the
colorless glass (resembling grains in a natural porous medium),
the gas was digitally colored in yellow using a computer program.
Comparison of Figs. 9 and 10 highlights that during gas injection,
the gas has mainly invaded oil-containing pores, and that those
narrow oil filaments that have been contacted by the incoming
gas have thickened. The injection of gas continued until stabilized
conditions were achieved. Fig. 11 shows the entire micromodel
after the first-cycle gas injection. At the end of the first-cycle
gas injection, water injection commenced again at the same
rate of 0.01 cm3/h (~ 1.2 m/d). During water injection, water
Fig. 11—First WAG-cycle gas injection, water-wet. films around the thick oil blobs, formed during the
Fig. 12—First WAG-cycle water injection, water-wet. Fig. 13—Second WAG-cycle gas injection, water-wet.

preceding gas injection, began to thicken and soon appeared as second-cycle gas injection, the gas has followed a new path and
thick layers. As these water layers grew in thickness, the oil was some new pores have been invaded.
forced into the gas channels (pores occupied by the continuous The alternating gas and water injection continued until five
gas phase). Some of this oil would be recovered by two cycles were completed. The redistribution of fluids was again
processes: (1) flow through the layers of oil that were connected observed during further WAG cycles, but the additional recovery
all the way to the outlet, and (2) double displacement (i.e., gas of oil after the second cycle was not significant.
displacing a liquid which would in turn displace another fluid).
Finally, when the water layers became thick enough, the Experiments With Oil-Wet Model. The same fluid system and
continuous gas path became fragmented and disconnected, and no glass micromodel that were used for the water-wet model
more oil and/or gas production was observed (water was being experiments were also used for the oil-wet model experiments.
injected, and only water was being produced by the film flow). Prior to the commencement of the latter experiments, the
Fig. 12 shows the fluid distribution in the micromodel after the micromodel was aged (in situ) in a North Sea crude oil for three
water injection period of the first WAG cycle, following the first weeks. The crude oil was carefully selected through
gas injection. Comparison of Figs. 11 and 12 shows that during experimenting with glass slides.32,33 This procedure ensured
the water injection, both the thick oil blobs and the gas have been strongly oil-wet conditions that were verified by visual
narrowed as a result of water layers growing on the surfaces of
observation of the oil-water interface curvatures during the tests.
the pores. In addition to some oil production, this alternating
Fig. 14 shows a magnified section of the oil-wet micromodel.
injection of gas and water brought about some favorable
The shapes and contact angles of the water/oil interfaces are
redistribution of the fluids within the porous medium. Because of
indicative of strong oil wettability. It can be seen that oil occupies
this fluid redistribution, when gas was injected in subsequent WAG
smaller pores and is connected (through wetting layers)
cycles, it would not follow the same path as the previous gas did.
throughout the pore network.
At the end of the first-cycle water injection (when no more
changes in fluid distribution and saturations were observed), the Initially the oil-wet micromodel was saturated with dead oil
second WAG cycle began with gas injection. During this gas- (clear n-decane) with no water present. After pressurizing the
injection stage (and in fact during all WAG cycles after the first system to the experimental pressure of 500 psia, it was allowed to
one), in addition to double displacements, multiple displacements reach thermal equilibrium at the experimental temperature of
were also observed (e.g., chains involving gas/oil/water/oil/gas 100°F. The clear dead n-decane was subsequently displaced with
displacements). As chain displacements are performed with more red live decane that was previously equilibrated with gas at 500
difficulty than are double displacements, the incoming gas would psia and 100°F.
invade new pores rather than following the path it had followed To emulate an initial waterflood, live water was injected into
during the previous-cycle gas injection. The result is that during the fully oil-saturated micromodel from the bottom at the same
the second-cycle gas injection, new pores are invaded, which low rate (0.01 cm3/h, Nc = 2.52E–7) that was used for water-wet
effectively means improved recovery efficiency for gas injection. model experiments. Fig. 15 shows fluid distribution in the oil-wet
Fig. 13 shows the micromodel after the second-cycle gas micromodel at the end of this initial waterflood. As one
injection. Comparison of Figs. 12 and 13 reveals that during the would expect, there is no spontaneous flow of water into the
filled pores are completely bypassed by the incoming water. The
two-phase fluid distribution here is similar to that for primary
drainage of water in the water-wet case (Fig. 5), but with the
positions of the oil and water phases being reversed.
Like the water-wet model experiments, the alternating
injection of gas and water began after initial waterflood. Gas
injection commenced from the bottom of the vertical micromodel
again at the same low rate of 0.01 cm3/h. One of the main
differences here (as opposed to the water-wet case) is that oil is
the wetting phase, water is the nonwetting phase, and gas is the
intermediate phase. Note that the gas/oil IFT is less than the
water/oil IFT; therefore, gas, not water, is here the intermediate
phase, and the system is a nonspreading system (i.e., none of the
liquids spreads over the other). Lack of spreading layers not only
affects the distribution of the three phases and formation of three-
phase contact lines, but more importantly it has a significant
effect on the pore-scale displacement mechanism. Because of
lack of spreading water and/or gas layers, the only phase which is
hydraulically connected all the way between the inlet and the
outlet is the oil, and both water and gas have formed disconnected
clusters. This is in contrast with the water-wet case, in which the
Fig. 14—A magnified section of the oil-wet micromodel.
water was hydraulically connected through the wetting films and
the oil through the spreading films. This was confirmed by the
pattern of flow and distribution of fluids during the WAG cycles.
micromodel (unlike water-wet model experiments), nor is there During the first gas-injection period, the gas was observed to
any layer or corner flow, because the porous medium is strongly preferentially enter oil-filled pore throats because of gas/oil IFT
oil-wet and the incoming water is a nonwetting phase. Instead, being less than that of gas/water IFT. In some pore throats, which
the displacement of the resident oil by the injected water is all were occupied by water, the water would completely block the
piston-like. This is in contrast with the pattern of flow of water, progress of the gas front. In these cases, the gas pressure would
which was observed during water-wet model experiments. In a rise, and eventually the blocked pore would momentarily open,
water-wet model, during waterflooding, water crept into the pores letting some gas escape toward the next oil-filled pore, and the
(from the sides) by spontaneous imbibition. No oil-filled pores pore throat would close again by water. In these situations, there
were bypassed, and residual oil saturation was mainly uniform in appeared to be two half-cycles. In the first half-cycle, the pore
the form of oil filaments in the middle of the pores. However, as (occupied by water) is closed, and the flow of gas is stopped and
can be noticed from Fig. 15, in an oil-wet model, some of the oil- the gas pressure keeps rising. In the next half-cycle, the gas

Fig. 15—Oil-wet micromodel at the end of the initial waterflood. Fig. 16—First WAG-cycle gas injection, oil-wet.
pressure that was gradually building up exceeds that of the The experiments continued with successive injection of gas
gas/water capillary pressure, at which time the pore opens and and water until five cycles were completed. In the higher-order
part of the gas flows to the next pore on the downstream side. WAG cycles, gas invaded more oil-filled pores, again leaving the
After some gas has flowed out of this pore, the gas pressure water pores almost undisturbed. Fig. 18 shows the oil-wet model
drops, and the first half-cycle begins again. after the second-cycle gas injection. Comparison of Figs. 16 and
Water, being the nonwetting phase, is located in the middle of 18 shows that the water-filled pores remained uninvaded, while
the pores (as a result of the pore surface being wetted by oil). more oil has been displaced and recovered from the oil-filled
Also, generally the IFT of gas/water (58 mN/m in this case) is pores. Along with increase in oil recovery, the trapped gas
more than the IFT of gas/oil (16 mN/m in this case), which makes saturation has also increased with gas injection in successive
it much more difficult for gas to enter water phase than oil phase. WAG cycles. However, there are some oil patches surrounded by
Another difference between the oil-wet and water-wet cases is water-filled pores, which have been bypassed and remain
that very few double or multiple displacements are observed untouched by the invading gas. This is because of water shielding
during the first gas-injection period. Double displacement (i.e., effects, which blocked the incoming gas.
gas displacing water), which itself would displace oil, rarely
happens here because of the IFT value of gas/water being much Experiments With Mixed-Wet Model. The same glass
higher than that of gas/oil. However, in positions where gas can micromodel and the same fluid system that had been used for the
have easy access to oil, it enters the oil-filled pore, displacing it, previous water-wet and oil-wet model experiments were used for
which would in turn displace some water. Moreover oil, being the the mixed-wet model tests.
wetting phase, maintains its hydraulic continuity throughout the In mixed-wet micromodels, we have carefully examined the
micromodel, which makes its drainage through the oil-filled oil/water interfaces in the majority of the pores to check their
corners possible. These collective effects make circumstances in wettability. For each experiment, 700 to 1,200 water/oil interfaces
favor of gas invading oil-filled pores, thereby resulting in higher were examined and considered to be water-wet, oil-wet, or
oil recovery compared with that of water-wet model experiments. neutrally wet. For statistical purposes, when the contact angle of
Fig. 16 shows the oil-wet model at the end of the first WAG- the interface and the pore side within water was clearly less than
cycle gas injection. As there was little water displacement during 90°, that position was considered to be water-wet. When that
the gas injection, the water maintained its high saturation. angle was clearly larger than 90°, it was considered to be oil-wet.
After this gas injection, the first WAG cycle continued with The pore was considered to be neutrally wet when the contact
water injection. As the main structure of the water phase was not angle was approximately 90+5°. We observed that within some
much disturbed during the previous gas injection (because gas pores there were both water-wet and oil-wet sites. Table 2 shows
had invaded mainly oil-filled pores), water had to do little to re- the results of these qualitative measurements as percentages of
establish a continuous path from the inlet toward the outlet of the preferentially water-wet, preferentially oil-wet, or neutral-wet.
model. Some gas snapoff was observed during this water We achieved mixed-wet micromodels with different degrees
injection stage. The gas snapoff was caused by oil that was of oil and water wetness. Here, we report the results of a mixed-
displaced by the water. Fig. 17 shows the micromodel after the wet model WAG experiment with almost equal numbers of
first-cycle water injection. water-wet and oil-wet pores. In this system, approximately 38%

Fig. 17—First WAG-cycle water injection, oil-wet. Fig. 18—Second WAG-cycle gas injection, oil-wet.

Oil recovery, %Soi

Exp. No. % Water-Wet % Oil-Wet % Neutral-Wet 60

1 36.4 46.7 16.9 50

2 43.2 35.2 21.6 40
3 38.3 37.9 23.8
30 Oil-wet
of the interfaces showed water-wet tendency, while 38% showed
oil-wet tendency, with the remaining 24% of the pores showing 10
neutral wettability.
For mixed-wet model experiments, the same test procedure 0
that was used for water-wet model experiments was followed.

W 5


er l







Initially, the micromodel was saturated with clear distilled water,

W niti




which was subsequently displaced with blue live water. To

simulate the primary drainage (initial migration of oil into the
water bearing porous media), equilibrated oil (red n-decane) was
Fig. 19—Oil recovery shown as percentage of original oil in
injected from the top of the vertical micromodel and continued place for the five WAG cycles and different micromodel
until oil reached the base of the micromodel. The only difference wettabilities.
between water-wet and mixed-wet procedures was the rate of the
initial oil injection. In water-wet model experiments, the primary Thus, the fluid distribution in the micromodel for this second
drainage of water by oil (initial oil injection) was carried out at a cycle of gas injection is different from that of the first cycle.
slow rate of 0.01 cm3/h. In mixed-wet model experiments, However, further change in fluid distribution and additional
however, because of the presence of oil-wet pores, initial oil recovery of oil diminish as the WAG injection proceeds. After the
injection at such low rates (0.01 cm3/h) would result in oil third WAG cycle, no significant change of fluid distribution is
imbibition into oil-wet pores. This would cause the oil to flow observed within the micromodel.
mainly through the oil-wet pores without displacing much water, Fig. 19 compares recovery of additional oil after initial
which would in turn result in a rather low value of initial oil waterflooding, attributable to WAG injection in experiments at
saturation. To achieve a reasonable amount of initial oil different wettability conditions. These values have been obtained
saturation, the injection of oil into a water-filled micromodel was through image analysis of the pictures taken during the
performed at a higher rate of 2 cm3/h. The high-rate oil injection experiments and are liable to a point error of approximately 2%.
was more efficient than the low-rate oil injection (during the For the water-wet model experiment, the initial waterflood
water-wet model tests), and viscous forces dominated the recovered approximately 47% of the initial oil in place (IOIP).
displacement. After establishing the initial oil saturation (Soi), Five cycles of WAG injection recovered an additional 11% of
water was reinjected at our usual low rate (0.01 cm3/h) into the IOIP. The extra oil recovered after two cycles of WAG was only
micromodel, simulating an initial waterflood into a mixed-wet approximately 1% of initial oil in place. This shows that the
porous medium. Then, five cycles of gas followed by water majority of the benefit of WAG injection in the water-wet model
injection were conducted at the same low rate (0.01 cm3/h) as that has come after the first two cycles.
which we used in strongly water-wet and strongly oil-wet model In oil-wet model experiments, because water is a nonwetting
experiments. phase, it has to be driven into the porous medium. As a result of
change in wettability of the micromodel from water-wet to oil-
Discussion wet, the mechanisms of flow of water into oil pores change from
In water-wet model experiments, during the initial waterflood, as corner filament flow (water imbibition) to piston-like flow (oil
water is the wetting phase and the rate of water injection is well drainage). Surface forces between the fluids and the solid (oil-wet
within the capillary-dominated regime, water flows in the corners glass) locate the water (non-wetting fluid) in the middle of the
of the pores in the form of filaments surrounding the oil that is pores. Also, because the IFT of gas/water is higher than the IFT
present in the larger pore bodies. These water filaments were seen of gas/oil, the gas, which follows an initial waterflood, finds it
to thicken progressively, leaving oil filaments in the middle of difficult to displace water. When faced with both water and oil,
pores and finally causing oil snapoff at some pore throats. The the injected gas prefers to enter the oil-filled pores, bypassing
micromodel pores etched by hydrofluoric acid on a glass are not water-filled ones. The result is that the gas front has a higher
exactly a square shape, but they do have some sharp corners in tendency to displace oil than water. Therefore, some oil in
which the wetting phase can advance. The oil recovery by addition to that produced during the initial waterflood would be
waterflood occurred as the result of this corner filament flow of recovered during the gas injection. After the initial waterflood,
water, rather than by piston-like displacement. the subsequent water injections during the WAG injection cycles
As the IFT between gas and oil is much less than the IFT did not noticeably improve the recovery efficiency. However,
between gas and water, when gas is faced with pores of equal during the subsequent gas injections, some new pores were
radius, it prefers to enter those filled with oil. The displacement invaded by gas, resulting in some oil recovery. Still, water
of oil from the oil-filled pores by gas causes a small bank of oil to blocking prevented gas from invading some of the oil-filled pores
move ahead of the gas front. The oil flowing ahead of the gas is that were surrounded by water. Fig. 19 shows that oil recovery
added to the oil already present in those pores, resulting in an for the oil-wet model experiment is the highest. The initial
improvement in the oil mobility. The oil recovery by gas injection waterflood produced 52% of the IOIP, and the subsequent WAG
alone, however, is very small, on the order of 6% of the injection recovered an additional 23% of IOIP. Again, very little
waterflood residual oil. During the subsequent water injection, oil was recovered after the second WAG cycle. In mixed-wet
water invades the gas-filled pores. Consequently, the gas micromodels used for this study, some pores had water-wet
channels are observed becoming narrower as the water layers characteristics, and some had oil-wet or neutral characteristics.
grow, and finally the gas becomes fragmented because of snapoff, As a result, the flow mechanism observed during mixed-wet
which takes place at some pore throats. After switching from model experiments was a combination of the processes observed
water injection to gas injection, more pores are invaded by gas. in water-wet and oil-wet model tests. Fig. 19 also shows the
recovery curve for the mixed-wet model experiments. An odd Norsk Hydro a.s.a, PDVSA Intevep, Shell Expro U.K., Statoil
feature of the mixed-wet model experiments (compared to water- a.s., and Total Exploration and Production U.K. All are gratefully
wet and oil-wet model experiments) was that oil recovery was not acknowledged.
limited to the first two or three cycles. As can be seen, even the
fifth cycle had a significant contribution to the amount of oil References
recovery. In the mixed-wet model experiment, 28% of the IOIP
1. Christensen, J.R., Stenby, E.H., and Skauge, A.: “Review of WAG
was recovered during the WAG injection, in addition to the 50%
Field Experience,” paper SPE 39883 presented at the 1998 SPE
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International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition of Mexico,
It should, however, be remembered that these are the results Villahermosa, Mexico, 3–5 March.
of experiments carried out with a 2D micromodel with a pore-size 2. Hallam, R.J., Ma, T.D., and Reinbold, E.W.: “Performance Evaluation
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Therefore, the recovery figures are not directly applicable to real Alternating-Gas Flood,” paper presented at the 1993 EAPG IOR
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the same pore characteristics and wettability. Relative Gas Pilot Evaluation for the Snorre Field,” paper presented at the 1993
permeability functions applicable to real field conditions will be EAPG IOR Europe, Moscow, 27–29 October.
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mechanisms during two-phase and multiphase flow. As a result of 6. Nybraten, G., Svorstol, I., and Andfossen, P.O.: “Water-Alternating-
these experiments, we have learned that, first, during Gas Pilot Evaluation for the Snorre Field,” paper presented at the 1993
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will create a different path in each cycle rather than going through Mechanisms in Presence of Residual Oil,” paper SPE 28623 presented
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Houston, 16–19 September.
Acknowledgments 19. Lenormand, R., Zarcone, C., and Sarr, A.: “Mechanisms of
The WAG project at Heriot-Watt U. is equally sponsored by: the displacement of one fluid by another in a network of capillary ducts,”
U.K. Dept. of Trade and Industry, BHP Billiton Ltd., BP plc, J. Fluid Mech. (1983) 135, 337.
20. Blunt, M. and King, P.: “Relative permeabilities from two and three- presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
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(1991) 6, 407. 38. Piri, M. and Blunt, M.J.: “Pore-Scale Modeling of Three-Phase Flow
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22. Billiote, J.A., De Moegen, H., and Oren, P.E.: “Experimental September–2 October.
Micromodeling and Numerical Simulation of Gas/Water 39. Amyx, J.W., Bass, D.M., and Whiting, R.L.: Petroleum Reservoir
Injection/Withdrawal Cycles as Applied to Underground Gas Storage,” Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York City (1960)
paper SPE 20765 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Technical 457–59.
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 23–26 September. 40. Danesh, A.: PVT and Phase Behaviour of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids,
23. Bakke, S. and Øren, P.E.: “3D Pore-Scale Modeling of Sandstones and Elsevier Press, London (1998).
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24. Øren, P.E., Bakke, S., and Arntzen, O.J.: “Extending Predictive Methane-Decane System,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Capabilities to Network Models,” SPEJ (December 1998) 324. (December 1942) 34, No. 12, 1526.
25. Øren, P.E. and Bakke S.: “Process-based construction of sandstones 42. Lohrenz, J., Bray, B.G., and Clark, C.R.: “Calculating Viscosities of
and prediction of transport properties,” Trans. Porous Media (2002) Reservoir Fluids From Their Compositions,” JPT (October 1964)
46, 311. 1171; Trans., AIME, 231.
26. Øren, P.E. and Pinczewski, W.V.: “The effect of film flow on the
mobilisation of waterflood residual oil by gas flooding,” paper
presented at the 1991 European IOR Symposium, Stavanger,
May 21–23. SI Metric Conversion Factors
27. Øren, P.E., Billiotte, J., and Pinczewski, W.V.: “Mobilization of
Waterflood Residual Oil by Gas Injection for Water-Wet Conditions,” ft × 3.048* E–01 = m
SPEFE (March 1992) 70; Trans., AIME, 293. °F (°F - 32)/1.8 = °C
28. Kovscek, A.R., Wong, H., and Radke, C.J.: “A pore-level scenario for psi × 6.895 E + 0 = Pa
the development of mixed wettability in oil reservoirs,” AICHE J.
(1993) 39, No. 6, 1072. *Conversion factors are exact.
29. McDougall, S.R. and Sorbie, K.S.: “The Impact of Wettability on
Waterflooding: Pore-Scale Simulation,” SPERE (August 1995) 208.
30. Blunt, M.J.: “Pore-Level Modeling of the Effects of Wettability,” Mehran Sohrabi’s research interests include hydrocarbon
SPEJ (December 1997) 494. recovery mechanisms, high-pressure fluid flow in porous
31. Blunt, M.J.: “Physically-based network modeling of multiphase flow media, enhanced hydrocarbon recovery, gas injection, and
in intermediate-wet porous media,” J. Petroleum Sci. and Eng. (1998) application of acoustic waves to fluid flow through porous
20, No. 3/4, 117. media. e-mail: Sohrabi holds
a BS degree in reservoir engineering from the Abadan Inst. of
32. Hui, M.H. and Blunt, M.J.: “Effect of wettability on three-phase flow
Technology (AIT), an MS degree in petroleum engineering
in porous media,” J. Phys. Chem. B (2000) 104, 3833. from Tehran U., and a PhD degree in petroleum engineering
33. van Dijke, M.I.J. et al.: “Three-Phase Flow in WAG Processes in from Heriot-Watt U. Dabir Tehrani is an Honorary Professor and
Mixed-Wet Porous Media: Pore-Scale Network Simulations and Research Consultant at Heriot-Watt U. e-mail:
Comparison With Micromodel Expeiments,” paper SPE 75192 He has had 47 years of
presented at the 2002 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, experience in the oil industry, including the positions of
Tulsa, 13–17 April. Petroleum Engineering Manager (OSCO), Reservoir
34. van Dijke, M.I.J. and Sorbie, K.S.: “Pore-scale network model for Engineering Manager (Britoil), Reservoir Studies Manager (BP
three-phase flow in mixed-wet porous media,” Physical Review E 66 plc Exploration), and teaching reservoir simulation and
research in reservoir engineering subjects at Heriot-Watt U. His
(October 2002) 046302.
current research interests include gas condensate recovery
35. van Dijke, M.I.J. et al.: “Simulation of WAG floods in an oil-wet and water-alternating-gas injection. He holds degrees in
micromodel using a 2D pore-scale network model,” paper presented at mathematics from Tehran U. and petroleum engineering
the 2004 International Symposium on Reservoir Wettability, Houston, from Birmingham U. Ali Danesh is a professor of petroleum
16–18 May. engineering at Heriot-Watt U. e-mail:
36. Sohrabi, M. et al.: “Visualization of Oil Recovery by Water He was a professor at AIT before joining Heriot-Watt U. in
Alternating Gas (WAG) Injection Using High-Pressure 1985. His current research includes PVT, modeling of reservoir
Micromodels—Water-Wet System,” paper SPE 63000 presented at the fluid by equations of state, measurement and modeling of
fluid properties, gas condensate recovery, water-alternating-
2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4
gas injection, heavy oil reservoirs, and recovery mechanisms
October. in fractured reservoirs. Danesh holds a BSc degree in
37. Sohrabi, M. et al.: “Visualization of Oil Recovery by Water petroleum engineering and a PhD degree in chemical
Alternating Gas (WAG) Injection Using High Pressure engineering. Information on Graeme Henderson was
Micromodels—Oil-Wet and Mixed-Wet Systems,” paper SPE 71494 unavailable.

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