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Dacpano, Lorenn Joyce V.

I agree with the legalization of marijuana use for medical purposes in our
country. When we hear the word "marijuana," the words "illegal," "addiction," and
"life-destroying" immediately come to our mind. However, if we were to learn more
about it, we might realize that marijuana has something to do with our health than
just giving negative effects on our life. This can be used for medical purposes.
Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers of Cannabis sativa. It
contains hundreds of chemicals. One of these is tetrahydrocannabinol, which is known
to produce high levels of THC. The other is cannabidiol, which does not produce
cognitive impairment. Both of these chemicals can help reduce pain and insomnia. Dr.
Grinspoon, an American physician, often believed that marijuana help reduce the
symptoms of several other disorders.
Marijuana contains cannabinoids. These help to reduce nausea and almost
prevent vomiting after chemotherapy. Additionally, it tends to bind to receptors that
signal a feeling of hunger, stimulating the appetite of patients with conditions
including HIV/AIDS and some cancers. Dronabinol and nabilone are also cannabinoids.
These two are approved to treat two forms of epileptic seizures. Marijuana can also
relieve muscle spasticity, a tendency of multiple sclerosis cases, and is more powerful
and better than conventional pain killers because it is safer when it comes to pain
control instead of opioids (Jacobs, 2018). So, it is great for chronic pain, even
neuropathic pain because it reduces pain and reduces tremor, weakness, and pain in
Parkinson’s disease patients.
After learning about marijuana, I think this has a big help on those individuals
who are suffering from illnesses. As what I know and for what I’ve searched, many
Filipinos died as a result of diseases like cancer, sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Diseases and other disorders. So, legalizing marijuana is also a good idea, provided
that it is solely used for medical reasons; otherwise, it may become addictive.

Astran, J. (2021b, February 23). Pros and Cons Of Medical Marijuana.
Retrieved September 29, 2022, from
Jacobs, P. (2018, May 14). Marijuana Vs. Opioids for Pain: Which is Safer? Cloud
Media News. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from

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