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Derrick Campus


Semester 2, 2020

Instructions to Students:

01. Student taking the Final Examination for CEB 811 – Coastal Engineering are allowed 10
minutes EXTRA reading time to familiarize, evaluate and study the requirements being
asked in all the questions before starting to write the solutions.

02. Begin each answer on a fresh page, avoid too many erasures and use both sides of the
answer sheet.

03. Write your candidate (Student ID) number at the top of each FNU provided answer sheet.

04. Candidates are advised to surrender to the Examination Invigilators any lecture notes on
CEB 811 in his/her possession during the Final Examination, to avoid suspicion that the
student is cheating or attempting to cheat in the examination.

05. Use black or blue ball pen in answering the questions in the Final Examination. Pencils are
not allowed except for drawing figures.

06. There are 12 questions with several parts to each of them. All questions are compulsory

Total number of pages = 6

CEB 811 – Coastal Engineering - Semester 2 - 2020 Page 1

Question 1 10 marks

i. Define the terms “Wave Breaking” and “Wave Shoaling”. 2 marks

ii. List the different types of wave breaking. 2 marks
iii. Draw the different types of wave breaking. 4 marks
iv. Define the term “Wave Diffraction” and draw a sketch of the same. 2 marks

Question 2 10 marks
i. List the two main types of breakwaters and give an example for each of them. 3 marks
ii. Draw a typical cross section of rubble mound breakwater and label all its components. 7 marks

Question 3 6 marks
A wave train is observed approaching a coast that has straight parallel near-shore contours in the north-
south direction. Where the depth is 11m, the wave length is 85m and the wave crest forms an angle of 15o
with the shore (waves from south-west). What is the incident wave direction in deep water?

Question 4 8 marks
𝝅 𝝅
A wave is expressed as 𝒚(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝟕𝑪𝒐𝒔 ( 𝒙 + 𝒕)
𝟏𝟔 𝟏𝟒
i. Classify the above wave. 1 mark
ii. Find the following components:
a. wavelength 1 mark
b. wave period 1 mark
c. wave amplitude 1 mark
d. wave height 1 mark
iii. Sketch the wave clearly showing the respective figures as computed in part (ii). 3 marks

Question 5 10 marks
i. Define Littoral Drift and list two types of littoral drift. 2 marks
ii. Determine the phi median diameter, phi mean diameter, phi deviation measure, phi skewness measure
and sample permeability using the following data; ∅16 = 0.90, ∅50 = 1.50, ∅84 = 2.20
5 marks
iii. Determine the fall velocity of irregular sand particles with density of 2650 kg/m³ when it is transported
in saltwater of density 1025 kg/m³. Assume the kinematic viscosity of water as 10-6 m²/s and ∅50 = 1.50
3 marks

Question 6 6 marks
Consider the shallow water wave (depth=12m, wave period = 6 s and wave height = 0.75m) propagating
toward the shore with a refracting coefficient of 2. The wave breaks and runs up on a 1:20 tetrapod slope
having a toe depth of 4 m. Determine:
i. breaking wave height. 4 marks
ii. wave run up elevation on the tetrapod’s slope. 2 marks

Question 7 6 marks
A wave train with an average period of 10 s and breaker height of 2.5m is approaching the shore and
breaking at an angle of 15o with the shoreline. What average longshore current velocity is generated? If this
wave train represents the average conditions for the day, what volume of longshore sand transport is
produced in 24hr?

CEB 811 – Coastal Engineering - Semester 2 - 2020 Page 2

Question 8 8 marks
i. Differentiate between Spring Tide and Neap Tide. 2 marks
ii. If a channel has a depth below MSL of 3.7 m and a width of 180 m, what is the:
a. maximum flow velocity, 2 marks
b. maximum discharge bay tidal range, 2 marks
c. volume of water flowing into out of the bay on a tidal cycle (tidal prism) for a tide having the spring
range, 2 marks
A bay with a surface area of 1.9 × 107 m2 and an average depth of 6.0 m is located on the Atlantic coast.
The tide is semidiurnal (T = 12.42 hr), with a spring range of 1.30 m. An inlet channel, that will be the
only entrance to the bay, is to be constructed across the barrier beach that separates the bay from the
ocean. The inlet is to provide a navigation passage for small vessels, dilution water to control both salinity
and pollution levels, and a channel for fish migration. The channel is to have a design length of 1,100m
with a pair of vertical sheet-pile jetties that will extend the full length of the channel. Assume ken = 0.1,
kex = 1.0, f = 0.03, ab/as = 0.78, V’m = 0.66, ɛ = 53°
Question 9 8 marks
Find the total force and moment per unit lateral length on a vertical seawall located inside the surf zone
on an ocean beach.
Water depth at breaking, hb = 2.44m
Breaking wave height, Hb = 2.13m
Still-water depth at vertical wall toe, hs = 1.52m
Density of salt water, Pw = 1025 kg/m3
Question 10 10 marks
i. List any two types of berthing structures. 2 marks
ii. Draw a typical beach profile and label the following components: backshore, foreshore, beach,
nearshore, offshore, swash zone, surf zone, bar breaker zone, mean high water and mean low water.
8 marks
Question 11 8 marks
Find the total force per unit lateral length on a vertical baffle breakwater having penetration depths of 1/3
and 2/3 of the water depth. Assume Lp of 29.35m
Water depth, h = 4.57m.
Wall penetration relative to SWL, w = 1.52m, 3.05m.
Density of fresh water, Pw = 1000 kg/m3
Zeroth-moment wave height at breakwater, Hmo = 0.91m.
Wave period associated with the spectral peak, Tp = 5.0 s.
Question 12 10 marks
Determine the bed load due to waves and current for the following data. Consider a deep-water wave of
height (Ho) 1.7m with wave period (T) of 9s, wave length of 38.57m and wave angle (o) of 75o.
Other data are given below:
ρw= 1025kg/m3; kinematic viscosity, ν=10-6m2/s;
Current velocity, U=0.8m/s; ρs= 2650kg/m3; s=2.59
Still water depth, h (or d)=2.5m; d50=0.2mm;
Ripple height, Hr = bed roughness, Ks=100d50=0.02m;
Fall velocity, ws=0.025m/s,
Von-karman constant, k=0.4

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Cotα =1/tanα

CEB 811 – Coastal Engineering - Semester 2 - 2020 Page 4

where, k 

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