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Physical and Psychological Factors Influencing Language Learning

Analysis by Rosa María Quijada Maldonado

The influence of different factors on Language Learning is an important topic

of discussion and several kinds of research.

Age and personality are relevant factors that affect the Language approach
in different ways.

Age and Personality

Starting whit age is worthy to be noticed that is not the same when younger
learners face a new language as older learners face for the first time to a new
language. Age is relevant to observing how students deal with failure and how they
manage their mistakes. The role of the teacher is very important because age is a
central fact to design a lesson plan.
I can conclude that even though age and personality actually affect second
language learning, are not the only factors that interfere in. Students have
distinctive internal, physiological, and cognitive processes that interfere with their
learning but is important don’t forget that there are several factors that are
involved. The attitude that refers to the student’s will to learn could affect even if
the student has an excellent aptitude. On the other hand, aptitude is the ability to
learn, in this case, but even though this characteristic if the student is not motivated
the result could be a no desirable one.

The role of the teacher is very important the lesson design must include
attention to these other factors and enhance the student’s skills by using the
learner’s own features. And in my opinion, a very important factor is the student’s
context which could vary or even cancel another feature and the results depend on
all of them.
The Good Language Learner

Is that one who becomes actively involved in the language learning process.
The GLL also develops the new language into a system and learns to think in it.
And from these, we can see that a GLL is that one that gets a good approach and
develops an acceptable output in terms of the use of the language in real situations

The different variables threatened in this analysis can show, from my point
of view that all these variables can form different kinds of students, and is a
responsibility of them to become involved in the learning process but also is the
teacher an important element in this process to motivate the students and design
lessons to interact with the different personalities in the range of age the students


Universidad IEXPRO. (2022). Individual factors in the learner’s development.

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