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Human Rights principles

It is based on 2 key values: Dignity & Equality

1. Human dignity:

▪ To be free from fear and need.

▪ Respect for human needs which derives from his

human nature.

Ex: Need for food, health.

2. Equality: All humans are equal

Does it mean we should all study the same major, or

have the same color of the eyes or the same number
of children?

Equality is built on the basis of fundamental rights

associated with the nature of human beings,
everyone should have access to these rights without

Ex: Right to live, to health, to study, to work.

Some other values are related to those key values of
Human Dignity & Equality:

▪ Freedom: not to be forced to do something (freedom of

expression, freedom of movement, freedom of thoughts...);

▪ Tolerance and Respect of the other: accept the differences

and respect of the individuality;

▪ Non-discrimination: no judgment based on non-substantial


▪ Justice: fair treatment for all humans;

▪ Responsibility: respecting rights requires responsibility for

Characteristics of Human rights

1. Universal

2. Indivisible, interdependent & interrelated

3. Inalienable
1. Universal:

Applied equally to all humans in all times regardless

where they live and what they do.

Everyone has the right to enjoy human rights without

discrimination because of race, color, sex, language,
religion, political or other affiliation, national or social or
other status.

Ex: I have the right to food or the life or health if

I’m in France, Africa or in Lebanon.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity

2. Indivisible, interdependent & interrelated:

All rights are interlinked with each other, we can not

consider any right more important than the other.

Ex: Freedom of expression is related to freedom of

belief and related to political rights.

The right to study is associated with the right to work

and related to the right of having a family, etc.
3. Inalienable:

Can not be lost or purchased or borrowed because they are

linked to the very existence of humans.

But some rights can be suspended or prohibited for certain

reasons (Ex: A sentenced criminal in jail lose his political
and civil rights. Curfew imposed by the government
during strikes).
Human Rights principles
It is based on 2 key values: Dignity & Equality

1. Human dignity:

▪ To be free from fear and need.

▪ Respect for human needs which derives from his

human nature.

Ex: Need for food, health.

2. Equality: All humans are equal

Does it mean we should all study the same major, or

have the same color of the eyes or the same number
of children?

Equality is built on the basis of fundamental rights

associated with the nature of human beings,
everyone should have access to these rights without

Ex: Right to live, to health, to study, to work.

Some other values are related to those key values of
Human Dignity & Equality:

▪ Freedom: not to be forced to do something (freedom of

expression, freedom of movement, freedom of
▪ Tolerance and Respect of the other: accept the
differences and respect of the individuality;
▪ Non-discrimination: no judgment based on non-
substantial characteristics;
▪ Justice: fair treatment for all humans;
▪ Responsibility: respecting rights requires responsibility
for action.

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