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My Relationship

with God
Quarter 1 . Lesson 1 Knowing God

Fast facts
A recent global survey of more
than 18,000 people showed that
51% of the people in the world
believe in God. Only 18% don’t, 17%
Having a true, full picture of God’s are undecided, and others hold
a mix of beliefs. According to the
character is at the heart of growing in a survey, “definitive belief in a God
relationship with Him. How can I pursue this or Supreme Being” is highest in
An Invisible God [to us] Indonesia (93 percent) and Turkey
with a God I can’t see? (91 percent), followed by Brazil (84
Whether you grew up hearing about God, or percent), South Africa (83 percent)
whether you were introduced to Him more and Mexico (78 percent). Those
recently in your life, we are all faced with one most likely to believe in “many Gods
reality: The most important relationship in the or Supreme Beings” live in India
world is one we are invited to have with the (24 percent), China (14 percent)
invisible God of the Bible. and Russia (10 percent).1 Barna’s
2020 research showed that more
Have you ever come face-to-face with this Americans believe in Satan than
God? Have you ever felt His presence and believe in God.2
leading in your life in an undeniable way?
Have you ever felt like you’ve almost heard So many factors impact our
Him audibly speak to you when you’ve read worldview and how we see God:
His Word? Have you ever stood in nature, our family of origin, school, culture,
speechless at the beauty and splendor of His popular culture and society, where
creative hand? we live, and whom we choose as
friends. But in the end, we end up
Perhaps you can say a resounding “Yes” to making up our own minds about
one or more of these questions, or perhaps what we think about God.
your “No” response leaves you wondering
what it might be like to know God and see
Him in these ways. Consider too, what your 1 2 3 4 5
relationship with Him is like right now, today. If
Life Verse you were to rate it out of 5 (1 being not strong
at all, and 5 being very strong), how would you
“ ‘Let not the wise man glory in his
rate it at the moment, remembering that we all
wisdom, let not the mighty man glory have mountaintop and valley moments?
in his might, nor let the rich man glory
in his riches; but let him who glories Pause for a moment to consider if or
glory in this, that he understands when you last encountered God.
and knows Me, that I am the LORD, Where was it? How has this impacted
exercising lovingkindness, judgment, your relationship with Him?
and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,’ says the LORD.” 1 (Accessed 29/10/2020)
2 (Accessed 29/10/2020)
Jeremiah 9:23, 24.
Knowing God Knowing God

God’s Visible Qualities The reality is that regardless of who we God’s invisible qualities are all around you
are—whether Adam and Eve, Enoch, today. Will you look for them? Will you
Noah, or Moses, or us today—although look for His leading in your life—through
Maybe you’ve longed to see or hear God God is invisible, His attributes are clearly certain circumstances, other godly people,
in a tangible way. It would seem so much seen because of the things around us and His creative power in nature? Come
easier if He could be less invisible at times (His awesome creation and the ways He back to these questions at the end of today
in our lives! Perhaps you’ve read some of the leads our lives). His eternal power and the and note below just how you’ve seen
stories in the Bible and wondered what it Godhead itself are made manifest around this invisible God become visible in your
was really like for the people who could see us when we look for them—so much so, life. (Whenever you notice it, try instant
God and hear His voice. that we are actually without excuse for not messaging God your thanks to Him.)
knowing Him.
When we look at some of our heroes from
the Bible, we can see that God interacted
differently with them, at different times. Take
some time to slowly read these verses. What
do you notice about these interactions?
Knowing God church, and the significant people in our
lives (teachers, pastor, friends). All of these
Gen. 2:7; 3:8-10 can contribute to what we believe about
Do you know who you are? There are many
Gen. 5:24 A Few Thoughts... factors that feed into our identity: our
upbringing, our nationality, our culture, our
God. But one of the most important things
we could ever do in life is to seek a true
picture of God.
Gen. 6:13
Consider some of the messages in this week’s Life Verse - Jeremiah 9:23, 24
Gen. 12:1-3

Ex. 34:29 Glory-repeated 4X

Being really smart t something..
To be proud abou

“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,

Whether God physically walked with His A person These are things
children or whether He just talked with who has people often
great power Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
them, the truth is that He has always strive for... then
or strength boast about!
desired to be near to the people He
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
created. Us! le
A lot of peop
to be ric h Here’s some
want But let him who glories glory in this,
know about & have a relationship with.... advice... wait for it!
Take your Bible, go outside and read
That he understands and knows Me, (the heart of the matter)
Romans 1:20. Take a few moments
love + gentleness + thoughtfulness
to look for some examples of what That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness,
the Bible talks about here. What does (does what is right & fair) God describes
judgment, and righteousness in the earth. himself here.
creation tell you about God? How beautiful! How
What does it tell you about yourself? insightful into His
For in these I delight ,” says the LORD. character.
Write or draw your thoughts here.
Now, speak what you’ve created above as a God takes great pleasure in the person who:
prayer of response to what God’s Word has
1. understands His character ll the goal
revealed about Him. 2. Knows Him
3 4
Knowing God Knowing God

Knowing God—really knowing Him for ourselves,

God in Creation
and growing in our relationship with Him—is
what He invites us to do. This brings God delight!
You probably know from memory the first
In your Bible study journal, words in the Bible: “In the beginning, God...”
Some people think God is like a strict policeman,
ready to catch you when you do something finish these sentence starters. What In Hebrew, the word for God here is Elohim,
wrong; Someone who sets strict rules for you to I’m thinking… wondering… wanting which describes an almighty, all-powerful,
follow—or else! Others see God like Santa Claus, to know about so far is… Ask a transcendent God who is beyond our
ready to give whatever we ask, when we want it, friend or another adult to share their understanding but in control of everything.
He is so powerful that He speaks just one
on our terms. But if you read the Bible, you’ll see
that the biblical picture of God is different from
thoughts to your questions. Then, in
prayer, share these questions with
word, and something is created—just from Reflect
both of these views. As you study the Bible, God’s His voice.
God and ask Him to lead you to His How often do you think about these
wonderful character is gradually unwrapped. answers. Don’t rush out of this prayer But in the next chapter, Genesis 2, Moses two parts of God’s character (the
time. chooses a different word for God: Yahweh.
Imagine what it would have been like for Moses, personal, and the almighty powerful
the man who wrote the first books of the Bible This name connects to Elohim, the same
all-powerful, almighty God, but Yahweh God)? Do you think of Him one way
(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and
represents the covenant God, in loving more often? (If so, which one?)
Deuteronomy: called the Pentateuch). He had
no Scripture to reference, but rather he spoke relation with His created people. Read Why might it be important to think
Genesis 2:7. Then illustrate or draw the
directly with God and knew God from years of about God’s character more broadly
interactions with Him. message of this verse using shades of color,
stick figures, or a word picture. than we do?

Have you ever wanted to describe something,

but just couldn’t find words that fit? Think about
how Moses must have felt, trying to describe
accurately the God of the universe with limited
human words. How can you present Someone
who is all-powerful, almighty, transcendent,
the Creator of everything? Words can’t do Here in Genesis 2:7, we see God kneel
Him justice, because every word we use has to form the first human being out of the
limitations—and we can’t limit God. ground with His own hands. This is a God
who gets close—so close that He breathes
If you look carefully in your Bible, you’ll see into his nostrils the breath of life. This name,
that Moses chose an interesting way to Yahweh, presents a very different picture of
represent God’s character to the world. He used God, but Moses uses both names in the first
different names of God and wrote about God’s two chapters of the Bible to describe these
interactions with people in history to try to show two aspects of God to us.
us what God is like. We don’t notice this in our
usual Bible translations which just say, “God” in In the New Testament, when Jesus teaches
most cases. In the same way that your name His disciples how to pray (see Matt 6:9),
identifies you, God’s different names tell us so He swaps Moses’ order, saying, “Our Father
much about Him. [corresponding to the covenant God
Yahweh] in heaven [the dwelling place
of Elohim].” Again, we see these two
characteristics of God in Jesus’ description
of Him: the personal God, and the almighty,
powerful God.
5 6
Knowing God Knowing God

Quarterly Memory Challenge

Listen, then create “ ‘Do you think this is right?
Do you say, Memorize Job 37. Post a video
Listen to some of your favorite hymns or “My righteousness is more than God’s”?... on social media of you reciting
other Christian music, and notice what
I will fetch my knowledge from afar; this chapter, followed by a punchy
the lyrics tell you about God’s character.
I will ascribe righteousness to my Maker. description of what this tells you
How deep or meaningful are the words?
For truly my words are not false; about God.
What Bible verses are they based on? If
you’re musical, write a song about God, One who is perfect in knowledge
then post it on the Alive in Jesus website, is with you.
and hear what others from around the Behold, God is mighty,
world have created. but despises no one;
He is mighty in strength
God has bound our hearts to Him by unnumbered tokens in heaven and in earth. of understanding...
Through the things of nature, and the deepest and tenderest earthly ties that He does not withdraw
human hearts can know, He has sought to reveal Himself to us.” His eyes from the righteous;
Steps to Christ, p. 10. But they are on the throne with kings,
For He has seated them forever...
He also opens their ear to instruction,
With a friend or family member, read Steps God’s Majesty And commands that they turn
to Christ, Chapter 1, or listen to it here:
QR code and discuss together: What new The Bible shares so many pictures of God, from iniquity.
insights about God’s character, and Jesus, has many of which we’ll explore over the next If they obey and serve Him,
this chapter challenged you with? So many few weeks. They shall spend their days in prosperity...
people have distorted views of God, so who
Behold, God is great,
might you share your insights with? Take a look at this powerful passage,
below, from the book of Job. Before and we do not know Him;
reading these verses, pray that God would Nor can the number of His years
broaden and deepen your understanding be Discovered...
of Him. Then read, highlight, draw around, Hear attentively the thunder of His voice,
and journal your thoughts and responses
And the rumbling that
to these select verses from Job 35-37,
using this structure to help you: comes from His mouth.
PRAY Underline important ideas
He sends it forth under the whole heaven,
Take some time to offer more than a quick His lighting to the ends of the earth.
Circle words that really stand out to you
prayer to God. Reread your reflections on After it a voice roars;
Draw a star beside the words that tell
Job 35-37 and God’s message in these you about God He thunders with His majestic voice,
verses. Claim some of the words you’ve And He does not restrain them
Write a prayer response to the things
written down as part of your prayer, then when His voice is heard...
you’ve noticed. (You might like to try
share with God your: Praises, confessions, William Miller’s
using one of the names for God that He does great things which picture of God was
requests, thanksgiving . . . Your words will you’ve learned this week.) we cannot Comprehend... distorted. Watch Episode
never weary Him, and God always draws 1 of Tell the World,
(You may also want to read these three Stand still and consider the which captures William
near when you seek Him.
complete chapters in your Bible for a wondrous works of God. Miller’s wrestling over
deeper study.) his understanding of the
8 9 character of God.

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