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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Name: Ma.Elisa C. Depison

Course Code: GEC 08 31513
Course Title: ETHICS


Activity 1.2
Talk to your family and friends and discuss the following questions:
1.The gender inequalities of China were men do not consider as their
intellectual equals.
Name: Liquid raines
Their opinion:
Ladies were subordinate to men, particularly young women at the bottom of the
pecking order.Women's identities were often oppressed in Confucian Chinese
society, the deeply embedded Confucian doctrines that formed Chinese culture and
values supported a patriarchal family structure that devalued women.

Cultural Relativist point of view:

Gender equality necessitates changes for both men and women.More equal
relationships will require a rethinking of women's and men's rights and obligations in
all areas of life, including the family, the workplace, and society at large. As a result,
it is essential not to disregard gender as a factor of men's social identities. This truth
is sometimes neglected since the tendency is to see male qualities and attributes as
the norm, and female characteristics and attributes as a variation of the norm.

T h i s L e a r n i n g M o d u l e i s E x c l u s i v e l y f o r G o r d o n C o l l e g e
I t i s no t f o r s a l e .
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

2.One of the most polluted rivers in the world is Ganges River. In

India, they worship this river and even take a bath and drink water
from it. (
Name: kimberly Sorongon
Their opinion: Worshipping God is great. Ganges River as their holy place is
okay. We respect them. But taking a bath or drinking water from it when you know
there's a dead body, urban sewage, industrial waste that goes directly to the river are
clear indicators that it contains bacteria which will harm your body. It could also lead
to death. All place here on Earth is holy. So as worshippers of God, Indians must
contribute in beautifying and making it sacred for the benefits of their fellowmen.

Cultural Relativist point of view:

The Ganges River is a major resource for India, yet it is under threat.
Pollutants from humans and industry flood the river in certain places, making it
dangerous even for swimming.As the population in the river's catchment area grows,
so do agricultural water demands, putting strain on water levels.

1.The legalization of same sex marriage in Canada.


Name:_Owen Brian Guamos

Their opinion:
As a member of LGBTQ+ community, asking this question is quite sensitive. I saw
different couples who built their lives together and then when they separated, all the
things they've built together, we're also destroyed. Some people were also affected,
but some are glad. For me, marriage is sacred. It should be for straight men and
women. Apologies for upsetting my fellowmen out there, but instead of getting
married, why not have a union? Where there's still a ceremony as if you're getting
married, that you have an agreement with your assets. As I saw marriages from
families, friends and just somebody I know, I think marriage doesn't work for some
anymore and that is for another topic. I think as a fellow LGBTQ+ community, we
should respect ourselves and believe in ourselves that we don't need a contract just
to be with someone or share a love to someone. By that, I believe that love doesn't
measured by any contracts and any agreements. We should love freely. Thank you.

T h i s L e a r n i n g M o d u l e i s E x c l u s i v e l y f o r G o r d o n C o l l e g e
I t i s no t f o r s a l e .
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Cultural Relativist point of view:

Because love knows no bounds, marriages are no longer limited to
heterosexual sted in couples.Same-sex weddings have been allowed in
various nations, prompting the LGBTQ+ community to launch a
campaign demanding equal rights.With the fight of these actions, it is
now possible for same-sex couples to be free and have equal rights in
several nations.

T h i s L e a r n i n g M o d u l e i s E x c l u s i v e l y f o r G o r d o n C o l l e g e
I t i s no t f o r s a l e .
Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, East Tapinac, Olongapo City
Tel. No. (047) 224-2089 loc. 314

Name: Ma.Elisa C. Depison

Course Code: GEC 08 31513
Course Title: ETHICS
Learning task

What is Culture? 5 points each.

T h i s L e a r n i n g M o d u l e i s E x c l u s i v e l y f o r G o r d o n C o l l e g e
I t i s no t f o r s a l e .

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